Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Don't be afraid of trying new things, who knows how it will turn out. ;> I always judge everyone hehe but I never judge games or movies (if they're not something too obvious like Hannah Montana: The Movie lmao) before playing/watching.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Nah, I don't think he should spend his money for MC:SM. I think me and him are just going to wait until TWD: Michonne Mini Series and TWD:S3 come out

  • ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

    lottii-lu posted: »

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • I'm trying so hard to focus on that light to forget about those pictures. ;-;

    ZapThroat posted: »

    I saw them on the meme thread too,here I got this for you

  • Oh, god, is that why Pipas said it was in his feed?

    I wasn't sure of his gender, but yeah.. How could he post them in so may threads? I swear I saw his username on the last comment of the Rhys

  • but I dont wanna

    Kawaiii posted: »

    im your mother and i want you to go to sleep

  • first you don't know what sleep means and now this? You should go back to school my friend :P

    Sarcasm? What's that? ;>>

  • We all can agree on dem sales doe amirite?

    ZapThroat posted: »

    It will probably be more than 9 years tho 2 words:Fuck steam.

  • Yeaaaah maybe but I'd definitely pass on that one. :P

    I would play anything Telltale makes or at least even try, I'm sure they could even make an epic tale of love and betrayal by using Dora the Explorer as the source material, lmao. ;>

  • Thanks, man. It's still horrible, though. :(

    ZapThroat posted: »

    I saw them on the meme thread too,here I got this for you

  • Yeah, you're right.

    I'm just going to watch the first episode of MC:SM once it comes out and see how it will turn out. If I like it, I'll tell my father to buy the game ;D

    Don't be afraid of trying new things, who knows how it will turn out. ;> I always judge everyone hehe but I never judge games or movies (if they're not something too obvious like Hannah Montana: The Movie lmao) before playing/watching.

  • Or do what I always do and watch the first episode on Youtube and then decide to buy or not to buy it. :)

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    So I'm not sure actually if I'm going to play Minecraft: Story Mode. My father said that he will buy it if I actually want to. But maybe I'll just watch some videos about it on Youtube

  • Yeah. Oh god, I feel sorry for him ;-;

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Oh, god, is that why Pipas said it was in his feed?

  • I guess so, I feel so bad for them all, it's unreal. :(

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Oh, god, is that why Pipas said it was in his feed?

  • which pictures?

    I left the community for a while after I saw those pictures. I feel very sick, who would even think of posting them? I saw them on the meme

  • Don’t worry,the post on our thread got deleted before it was even seen by anyone,I feel bad for you :(

    I wasn't sure of his gender, but yeah.. How could he post them in so may threads? I swear I saw his username on the last comment of the Rhys

  • Yeah, that can be a good way. And if people here like it we can hype it for you. :D

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Yeah, you're right. I'm just going to watch the first episode of MC:SM once it comes out and see how it will turn out. If I like it, I'll tell my father to buy the game ;D

  • Disturbing ones, you don't want to know, trust me. :(

    Dracu98 posted: »

    which pictures?

  • No matter how great sales are,Steam is just keeping Valve from making anything good anymore,I wish it didn’t exist.

    We all can agree on dem sales doe amirite?

  • Yeah, this is what I'm going to do. Well, I almost every time do that except for Game of Thrones. I just really like fantasy so I just told my father to buy it directly. Good thing that Game of Thrones is great but a lot of people say that it is the weakest Telltale Game mostly cause of one weak episode. But episode 5 was amazing to me at least. But a lot of people will disagree with me.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Or do what I always do and watch the first episode on Youtube and then decide to buy or not to buy it.

  • Good, that's good. I can't imagine how people would have reacted on your thread. I feel terrible for you, I'm sorry we had to see them. :(

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Don’t worry,the post on our thread got deleted before it was even seen by anyone,I feel bad for you

  • Me 2,Hug it out?

    Thanks, man. It's still horrible, though.

  • edited September 2015

    Oh thank god you are here! I once saw a terrible gif on Tumblr about suffering dogs and I really want to erase it from my memory.

    Stares at the gif

    Who am I?

    ZapThroat posted: »

    I saw them on the meme thread too,here I got this for you

  • Well those things do matter often, but even the most simple looking pixel games can impress you and make you feel things, at least I believe so. If the game is actually good, graphics can never be a real problem. ;)

    And I had many ideas by just looking at that picture, but I can't draw anything so they will just be there to entertain me haha. :D

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Well yeah that's true. As I said, maybe I'll fell in love with this game (if it's really well done of course.) But the thing is that the art

  • Need to make it happen!

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    epic tale of love and betrayal by using Dora the Explorer as the source material 10/10 would play. Edit: My bad :P

  • Go to sleep, Wolf >:)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    but I dont wanna

  • What if it turns out to be 10/5 and is praised by everyone, you would play it then right? ;3

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Yeaaaah maybe but I'd definitely pass on that one. :P

  • We’re all in this together,hope that troll got IP banned so he can’t come back ;_;

    Good, that's good. I can't imagine how people would have reacted on your thread. I feel terrible for you, I'm sorry we had to see them.

  • Hug it out.

    enter image description here

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Me 2,Hug it out?

  • Yeah, damn, I don't know meaning of the words. ;_; I would go to school right now but it's Saturday...

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    first you don't know what sleep means and now this? You should go back to school my friend :P

  • Just don't take it too far with the hype, okay? :)

    Yeah, that can be a good way. And if people here like it we can hype it for you.

  • respect my authoritea

    im your mother

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    but I dont wanna

  • You’re nohuhhuh,you ship Rhysha and you’re very loyal to it ;)

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Oh thank god you are here! I once saw a terrible gif on Tumblr about suffering dogs and I really want to erase it from my memory. Stares at the gif Who am I?

  • I really really wanna disagree with you but I can't xD I think you are right and I should give this game a change. Goddammit why you have so many good arguments? :P

    Well those things do matter often, but even the most simple looking pixel games can impress you and make you feel things, at least I believe

  • edited September 2015

    One question, are you PC master race or console pleb or both?

    I don't think Gaben can count to three.....nvm

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    Oh wait this is getting off topic

    ZapThroat posted: »

    No matter how great sales are,Steam is just keeping Valve from making anything good anymore,I wish it didn’t exist.

  • respect my authoritea

    Rhyspect my authoritea* ;)

    Kawaiii posted: »

    respect my authoritea im your mother

  • ty! =)

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    respect my authoritea Rhyspect my authoritea*

  • Not at all. :P

    What if it turns out to be 10/5 and is praised by everyone, you would play it then right? ;3

  • Chapter 1 The Forsaken Garden
    Dim : Okay, we just have to pass through this mountain.
    Rayo : I-I'm not sure if it's a good idea anymore. How did we just leave our house and... And just for this job. We could have find another way to live, like we always do.
    Dim : This time is different! I knew we had just enough food for this journey. I've done this for you!
    Rayo : That's it! I-I can't. It's over.
    Dim : What are you gonna do? Go back home?
    [Rayo walk away]
    Dim : Bye! Good luck to survive! AND THIS WAS SARCASTIC! YOU'LL REGRET THIS.
    [Dim couldn't see Rayo because he was far enough]
    Rayo (Talking to himself): I should go home now. Maybe should I take another path, it could be more interesting.
    Thank god, I still have this map.
    § Insert map image §
    Principal Road or The Forsaken Garden?
    This Garden must be good.
    Seems like it's a big vailey?
    [Dayo is at the intersection of Prin ipal Road and The Forsaken Garden.
    He choose the vailey.
    There's a signboard we're it's written
    "Animals and Plants, this was the a paradise"]
    Rayo : It looks beautiful, all those Deers who are gamping,those flowers, even the grass is so wonderful, I wished I could have seen this before. ₩ Sorry I couldn't put a spoiler warning and put the map image with my shitty Wi-Fi... Do you guys like that?₩

  • No problemo, senorita ~-^

    Kawaiii posted: »


  • Yeah, get on it, Telltale!

    Need to make it happen!

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