Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • edited September 2015

    but it's not my b-day (Y-Y)


    ZapThroat posted: »

    Happy early birthday ^_^

  • yikes

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    A lot of guts going everywhere, and a very horrifying crunching sound as well...

  • well, yeah im september, but my b-day isn't tomorrow. xd

    Kawaiii posted: »

    no YOU are september omg do you get it now??

  • edited September 2015

    Aww, I-... damn it! Should have known I have worded it wrong...

    I apologize...

    If it makes you feel better, I'm not that bright either! ;p

    Kawaiii posted: »

    Not quite?...

  • edited September 2015

    I'm only guessing that btw. Maybe YouTube as something...

    EDIT: Nothing on the Internet about what a killed Goliath Birdeater looks like.


  • Wait wut?Whose is it then?

    ur welcom,bab

    Kawaiii posted: »

    but it's not my b-day (Y-Y) thx

  • will this occasion involve a visit to a rhystaurant?

    Kawaiii posted: »

    guess who's b-day is tomorrow

  • oh right it's next week

    im sorry


    BigBadPaul posted: »

    well, yeah im september, but my b-day isn't tomorrow. xd

  • I wish you the sweetest of Rhyiona dreams. <3

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Okay, I'm tired right now. Wow, I'm tired like too soon .__. Okay, good night everyone! GoT rated Rhyiona dreams ~-^ In the meantime,

  • edited September 2015

    Haha, don't be! ;)

    I'm pretty sure my memory ain't that much better than yours anyway. ;p

    Also, I found it kinda... cute, that you remembered about it... <3

    Kawaiii posted: »

    oh right it's next week im sorry fuck

  • heeeey until dawn

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Okay, I'm tired right now. Wow, I'm tired like too soon .__. Okay, good night everyone! GoT rated Rhyiona dreams ~-^ In the meantime,

  • I see..a pun-bug is visiting our thread again :B

    buntingsir posted: »

    Such a vaughnderland this place is :] So many good and rhysponsive people ;~~~;

  • Yeah I trust what you are saying. "Like a sneaky snake" :D

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Don't worry I'm not gonna spam Finnish all the time. I'm just gonna be sneaky. Like a sneaky snake. :>

  • edited September 2015


    excuse me it must be my sleeping schedule reducing my immunity ;-; i need some rhystyling...

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    I see..a pun-bug is visiting our thread again :B

  • stupid brain

    I'll always remember your birthday

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Haha, don't be! I'm pretty sure my memory ain't that much better than yours anyway. ;p Also, I found it kinda... cute, that you remembered about it...

  • I ship this so much. When will it be canon?

    enter link description here @HandsomeChef

  • no shit einstein

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    heeeey until dawn

  • already?! oh well... ;_;

    gtg, nighty night everyone <3

  • edited September 2015

    stupid brain

    but its what makes u, u though ;-;

    i would not give that up for the world

    I'll always remember your birthday

    Aww, stop it you... <3

    If you ever tell me your birthday, I will do my utmost to NOT forget it.

    Kawaiii posted: »

    stupid brain I'll always remember your birthday

  • edited September 2015

    pls come back


    already?! oh well... ;_; gtg, nighty night everyone

  • I actually feel bad now because I hatched a shiny female Fennekin on my first try.

    But I do get what you mean. I had to hatch SEVEN shiny arons before I got my perfect 6IV female. They were either male, missing an IV or ended up with Rock Head when i wanted them to have Sturdy.

    I DID trade the spares away though and that got me some nice Pokemon in return, competitive too. So maybe ty trading the ones that go wrong?

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Definitely frustrating but not always rewarding. :P My problem is that I only want perfect shinies. For example I really like shiny De

  • G'night m8 ;)

    already?! oh well... ;_; gtg, nighty night everyone

  • have a rhystful sleep brother

    Good night!

    already?! oh well... ;_; gtg, nighty night everyone

  • It's fine, it's just fun to see you being so exited about Rhys puns xD

    buntingsir posted: »

    darn excuse me it must be my sleeping schedule reducing my immunity ;-; i need some rhystyling...

  • Rhys' name is too amazing to pass by some opportunities.

    And It's funny how I can't think of any Sasha puns at all.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    It's fine, it's just fun to see you being so exited about Rhys puns xD

  • let me be excited for a game I love ffs

    Kawaiii posted: »

    no shit einstein

  • Once he stops being tsundere.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I ship this so much. When will it be canon?

  • My heart belongs to the Albanian mafia.

    My heart belongs to @HandsomeChef

  • nooooo ;.;

    r rated rhyiona dreams :(

    already?! oh well... ;_; gtg, nighty night everyone

  • So basically the Japanese version of Judge Judy?

    It's an old Nintendo game about a man named Phoenix Wright,or Nick, being a defense lawyer. That's basically it.

  • I'm sure you will forget. :p

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    stupid brain but its what makes u, u though ;-; i would not give that up for the world I'll always remember your birthday Aww, stop it you... If you ever tell me your birthday, I will do my utmost to NOT forget it.

  • edited September 2015

    I would be pretty disappointed if I did forget about it, especially since you "kinda" remembered mine! xD

    Though I understand if you don't feel comfortable sharing it... I wasn't very comfortable sharing my info either. :s

    Don't worry about it either way! I appreciate it. ;)

    Kawaiii posted: »

    I'm sure you will forget.

  • Oh wow you are damn lucky :'D

    But I see that you are ready to breed a lot to get some shinies :'D

    Well I'm not a superhacker, I only hacked my 6 favourite shinies. Most of my competive pokemon are breeded by myself :D

    btw do you nickname your pokemon? I always do!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I actually feel bad now because I hatched a shiny female Fennekin on my first try. But I do get what you mean. I had to hatch SEVEN shiny

  • I have no idea why I said that. :D

    Yeah I trust what you are saying. "Like a sneaky snake"

  • My friend always calls Sasha Sashahasha xD It's not really a pun but it's still pretty funny.


    buntingsir posted: »

    Rhys' name is too amazing to pass by some opportunities. And It's funny how I can't think of any Sasha puns at all.

  • Yeah, I'm not ready to quit. :D

    I nickname my non shinies. All of them. :D They all have set name. My Charizards are always Igneel, my Mamoswines are always Pumba, etc. Do you have patterns? :D

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Oh wow you are damn lucky :'D But I see that you are ready to breed a lot to get some shinies :'D Well I'm not a superhacker, I only

  • #Noticed @RhyionsIsLife

    Once he stops being tsundere.

  • June 6th ^-^

    I wasn't very comfortable

    Why? I mean it's your birthday. .-.

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    I would be pretty disappointed if I did forget about it, especially since you "kinda" remembered mine! xD Though I understand if you don'

  • quack?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »


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