Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Do you mind if I write this? :D

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Found this on Tumblr and I thought "YES, THIS COULD HAPPEN WITH RHYS AND FIONA." “You’re drunk and walked into the wrong apartment and fell asleep on my couch oh god you’re going to be so confused in the morning” Source

  • Kristi is Satan confirmed.

    I didn't forget about that story you made me write. I got all the blame for it... you sneaky...

    kristi78968 posted: »

    How about Fiona embracing Rhys cause he's crying? (Maybe cause Vaughn got really injuried and he's afraid he's going to die?)

  • No, go ahead! :D

    Do you mind if I write this?


    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Kristi is Satan confirmed. I didn't forget about that story you made me write. I got all the blame for it... you sneaky...


    it was actually kinda fun to write though butyoudidnthearmesaythat

    kristi78968 posted: »


  • Thank you! I feel bad after being a huge instigator in the "quality posts." ;)

    Though they were fun I can definetly see how it's pissed people off.

    So I thought I'd make it up to everyone with what I can do. And that's writing! :)

    kristi78968 posted: »

    No, go ahead!

  • ;--; alright ;--;

    kristi78968 posted: »

    How about Fiona embracing Rhys cause he's crying? (Maybe cause Vaughn got really injuried and he's afraid he's going to die?)

  • Woo! :D


    Kimmy-klu posted: »

    ;--; alright ;--;

  • Too horrifying. There's already so much Rhyiona that I think it's spam. ;>>

    AlphaLeague posted: »

    Yo, Let's just all band together to bombard the thread with Rhyiona. It'll shock the thread

  • On se jännä... ;>>

    Pöysti is a cool guy with "some" problems, haha. :3

    Pretty scary picture, and no don't worry I didn't thank that you are "gök".

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    joo on se eheh, jännä juttu suorastaan. Okei nyt mä lopetan.. Yes! I actually explained my name here before you joined us. :> But ah yes! Pöysti is my hero! (I didn't draw this, I found it from google)

  • If you eat a Reese's that means Rhys is inside you

    Does that mean you're Fiona?

  • What a nice idea. ;)

    enter image description here

    Kawaiii posted: »

    If you eat a Reese's that means Rhys is inside you Does that mean you're Fiona?

  • Present setting, with the Stranger

    -the Stranger suddenly approaches the two, clearly irked-

    Stranger: You two like each other, don't you.

    Rhys and Fiona: -blank stares-

    Stranger: I know you're faking your hate. You two are just trying to lower my defenses, then get the drop on me. It won't work.

    Rhys: O-oh you meant that we like-like each other, n-not like um, romant-

    Fiona: S-shut up!

    Rhys and Fiona: -embarrased blush-

    Stranger: -sighs-

    Stranger: Looks like I had nothing to worry about anyway.


    Present setting, with the Stranger -the Stranger suddenly approaches the two, clearly irked- Stranger: You two like each other, don'

  • Hey, if there's someone who would be willing to help me with writing the main message about the contest (I'm tired but would like to get things started already) and/or knows how to make a good banner, please PM me. Much appreciated. :)

    This will probably help finding out if anyone gives a shit too. ;>

  • edited September 2015

    He's eyeing her in a way she really doesn't like.

    She's not even sure what it is about it but she feels mildly harrassed at this point.

    Fiona was never a patient person but she'd like to think she's shown more restraint this past hour than ninety percent of the people in Pandora would -- and that was her being generous.

    Perhaps it stems from the fact that she hadn't been sure if she was being paranoid or Rhys was really having a one sided staring contest with her but after a few subtle tests she could safely say this wasn't simply an unfortunate accident; there's no way he can follow her waltzing around aimlessly four times without actually meaning to. It's strange, she knows, because she hadn't actually had a motive for moving but he hadn't questioned her random trips left and right.

    It's when, after she stops the pointless tests, he starts scanning her that she decides enough is enough.

    "What the hell is your problem?"

    He doesn't flinch and that in itself is unusual for him -- especially when she's using her most intimidating tone -- but when he ignores her she knows something is definitely up.

    "Hello?" She's not even sure when she stepped right in front of his face. "Pandora to Rhys? Or... would it be Helios? I don't even know."

    There's still no reply but at least he's not attempting to scan her anymore. It does little to comfort her, though, because his dazed gaze is still there; his eyes are unfocused and she's starting to get slightly alarmed.

    When he starts drooling, though, it's the last straw.

    "What is wrong with you, you pervert?!"

    Maybe she slapped him harder than she should, she considers for a moment, but when he starts screaming before finally coming to his senses she decides she probably did them both a favour.

    "What... what the hell was that for?!"

    His yelping is so in character that she strangely feels thankful for having it back.

    He's pressing his robot hand against his face to cool the area she'd hit and wincing at the same time and it makes her pity him just a little but she's not done with him yet.


    "So what?" He scoffs and she wants to strangle him for acting like he'd done nothing wrong. "You're the one... abusing me out of nowhere!"

    He's ridiculous.

    "If you call that abuse," she snorts in spite of herself, "then you clearly don't know what a beating up is."

    "I'd rather not find out, thanks."

    Before he can go on, she seizes the small silence to get back on track.

    "So care to explain why the heck you've been staring at me for the past hour? Because right now you're just looking like a pervert."

    He blinks a few times, brows furrowed and she has to admit she'd give him an award for acting if she could. It's not something she'd expect him to be capable of.

    "Uh..." he even sounds genuinely confused, "what are you talking about?"

    "Don't even try to deny it." She rolls her eyes before setting them in a glare. "I saw you."

    A blush forms on his cheeks and she's not sure what's going on anymore but what he says is probably the last thing she'd expect.

    "...I was asleep."

    "Asleep." She repeats, incredulous. "With your eyes open. And moving."

    Maybe he doesn't deserve the acting award afterall because his posture is giving away how serious he is about it and Fiona's not sure if she wants to laugh or cry.

    "Sometimes that happens," he confesses, "something to do with faulty wiring, I need to get that fixed soon. But I kinda can't right now because my uh... medic was up in Helios."

    She notices how he says medic reluctantly and figures that's probably not the correct term but maybe he wants to feel more human than machine and it makes her feel for him.

    "You were following me around, though. And scanning me."

    She's still complaining but her tone is lighter now and it seems to put him more at ease.

    "Yeah, my echo eye reacts to movement sometimes when that happens. I can't really control it, I'm sorry."

    "Seriously," she shakes her head before planting a hand at the top of his head, "you should have just told us. You looked like you were ogling me or something."

    "I wouldn't do that so blatantly anyway..."

    "Wait," she raises an eyebrow, "are you saying you have experience?"

    Rhys looks like he's almost swallowed his own tongue when he coughs so much she fears he's going to die on the caravan floor. He's completely red now and she's not even sure why until he turns his head to the side and she realises he doesn't mean it in general.

    "I didn't mean for you to find out but... crap, this is awkward."

    She's dumbfounded but she has no time to reply because she door slams open and Sasha comes inside with what she thinks is a good meal (skags were never her favourite).

    Rhys seems to appreciate the excuse to move away and she thinks she might need to give him time to sort things out but the revelation pleases her a bit more than she'd expect it to.

    She suspects they have a lot to talk about.

    I am so sorry if there's any typos or something but typing on a tablet at 3AM is not fun and it's hard to correct mistakes especially when pages don't load properly.

    and forgive me if you prefer to see Rhys' POV of things but I relate to Fiona a lot more so it's easier for me to write her

  • Present setting, with the Stranger -the Stranger suddenly approaches the two, clearly irked- Stranger: You two like each other, don'

  • i want this so bad

    Present setting, with the Stranger -the Stranger suddenly approaches the two, clearly irked- Stranger: You two like each other, don'

  • "What is wrong with you, you pervert?!"

    That line would be hilarious if it showed up in episode 5 when you scan Fiona

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    He's eyeing her in a way she really doesn't like. She's not even sure what it is about it but she feels mildly harrassed at this point.

  • Tsundre Fiona is tsundre. <3

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    He's eyeing her in a way she really doesn't like. She's not even sure what it is about it but she feels mildly harrassed at this point.

  • Haha, it's great! You deserve this. ;>

    enter link description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    He's eyeing her in a way she really doesn't like. She's not even sure what it is about it but she feels mildly harrassed at this point.

  • Dany approved this? I can die happy.

    Haha, it's great! You deserve this. ;> enter link description here

  • In case people haven't noticed, I love tsunderes. :P I had to.

    Tsundre Fiona is tsundre.

  • I want this so bad now.

    "What is wrong with you, you pervert?!" That line would be hilarious if it showed up in episode 5 when you scan Fiona

  • ( ͡° ʖ ̯ ͡°)

    Is this off-topic?

  • Okay goodnight thread! Sweet dreams everyone! :3

    Also, goodnight @HandsomeChef! Rest well, and dream of Rhyiona! <3

  • Sweet Rhyiona dreams. :)

    Okay goodnight thread! Sweet dreams everyone! Also, goodnight @HandsomeChef! Rest well, and dream of Rhyiona!

  • Yeah, that's the highest kind of approval you can get from me heh. Congratulations! :D

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Dany approved this? I can die happy.

  • I feel proud. Thank you so much. <3

    Yeah, that's the highest kind of approval you can get from me heh. Congratulations!

  • Goodnight! Also thanks for your help with my ship, your awesome! (づ。◕‿◕。)づ

    Okay goodnight thread! Sweet dreams everyone! Also, goodnight @HandsomeChef! Rest well, and dream of Rhyiona!

  • edited September 2015

    For some reason this Rhyiona gif I posted doesn't work anymore???

    Well have this instead..

    enter image description here

  • Good night friends! Have some dirty dreams or some dirty thought if you're awake!

  • Awww, this was really good Wolf! Nice job! :D

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    He's eyeing her in a way she really doesn't like. She's not even sure what it is about it but she feels mildly harrassed at this point.

  • AA this is so great! :D I'm just blushing here because this is so cute!

    When he starts drooling, though, it's the last straw.

    I don't know exactly why but I like this xD

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    He's eyeing her in a way she really doesn't like. She's not even sure what it is about it but she feels mildly harrassed at this point.

  • Thank you so much, hope it was worth waiting for. :)

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Awww, this was really good Wolf! Nice job!

  • (why do I keep using Scrubs for this kind of stuff?)

    cuz ur a scrub

    If canon If not (why do I keep using Scrubs for this kind of stuff?)

  • Everyone who DIDN'T contact me will feel my wrath soon. ;)

    Hey, if there's someone who would be willing to help me with writing the main message about the contest (I'm tired but would like to get thi

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