Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • That's what I was thinking x)

    buntingsir posted: »

    Yeah, let's just pretend that it became another brobrobrobrobrobrooo moment, but with good instead c:

  • Did I miss some Rhyiona stuff or nah?

  • Oh, it's a bit different here. We have grades from 1-5, 1 being the lowest and 5 the highest. But you need 30% and more of correct answers to pass the exam.

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Yeah, there's none of this "52%" mumbo-jumbo. You either pass or you don't. If you pass you either get an A, B, C, D or E. Simple.

  • edited September 2015

    Hello everyone :)

    Sorry I didn't come back on last night, I had a morning shift today and needed the sleep :P

    So what's this about TFTB Ep.5 on Twitter? Has a release date been announced somewhere yet???

    I finished catching up and honestly guys, Green is speaking my mind. It's not fun to come back to 100+ comments about a user shipping another user... The Rhyiona on the last page was very nice though so great work to @ABigBadWolf :D

    Now the big question:

    The Rhyiona/TWAUCrossover fic I'm writing will be posted on here. I know the forum rules on posting fanfiction as well: With a spoiler tag I can write a lot of swearing and violence, but absolutely no smut! I can be suggestive, just not explicit or graphic with my details :)

    This fic will not have smut, only implications of it. Violence and swearing will be in abundance however :) It will be a long fic too, I plan on giving you all a big story from start to finish. I would appreciate feedback on it as well.

    But will any of you read it I wonder? Cuz if the first chapter gets buried then I'm gonna scrap the whole thing. If the first chapter is clearly not being noticed then I'm sorry but, I won't do the fic at all. I write for my own enjoyment yes, but I write for an audience too, and I need an audience to know that my writing is appreciated.

    @Green613 How do you feel about me posting the fic here?

  • It's okay, we can still chat :D ^-^

    You can provide Rhyiona when you have the mood?? :3

    ^-^ Well I can see why you're excited, I mean that's an awesome avatar.

    buntingsir posted: »

    Can't wait to see it c; I'm good, a bit worried about my chatty mood and not providing enough Rhyiona at the same time :c But other than that, I'm pretty awesome, thanks for asking! (still excited about new avatar, haha)

  • Wolf posted a fanfic last night! :)

    Kruzii posted: »

    Did I miss some Rhyiona stuff or nah?

  • Oh wow really? I remember myself back then thinking that I had breathing issues like asthma or something but later I found out it was all in my head though I do still feel like I'm not taking in enough air when I'm in bed sometimes but that feeling goes away relatively quickly.

    Yeah I don't trust that fuzzy, blue, googly eyed bastard ಠ╭╮ಠ

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    I sometimes even have a feeling like I am dying so I get scared. But..cokie monster? Whoa, yup, pretty weird xd

  • And I'm really happy about that!

    Yeah and when I have the time too xd Hopefully, I'll do something tomorrow.

    Kimmy-klu posted: »

    It's okay, we can still chat ^-^ You can provide Rhyiona when you have the mood?? ^-^ Well I can see why you're excited, I mean that's an awesome avatar.

  • You really feel that lowly for the game that got you to make this humongous thread?! :O

    Green613 posted: »

    why do all of you not want tales to end like I'm dying for it to end so i can get this over with and move on with my life LMAO

  • The percentage is taking over...

    Anyway, I gotta go. See ya, Marija :)

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Oh, it's a bit different here. We have grades from 1-5, 1 being the lowest and 5 the highest. But you need 30% and more of correct answers to pass the exam.

  • edited September 2015

    Ayyy Athena is the best, I love her!

    I know the struggle, man. ;c I can't even think of any Vaughn puns now other than variations of vaughnder :[

    Edit: waaait for it... I think something athected me (I know it's terrible :C)

  • I think the only time stuff gets buried here is when we have spamming attacks by some of us... Like when it's constant creating of many separate posts. If it won't happen, your fic won't be lost. I for one can assure you that I look through all the new comments and even though i can't read them all everytime, I make sure to not miss new important stuff like fanfics, art, edits and other Rhyiona related posts.

    I can't promise that I'll be able to read everything, but I'll definitely try to pick a time and read at least something to give you a feedback. Don't expect big posts though, since I'm going to get more busy from now on probably ;c

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Hello everyone Sorry I didn't come back on last night, I had a morning shift today and needed the sleep :P So what's this about TFTB

  • Sorry for disappearing, my turtles were shedding and I had to give them a little help.

    Did I miss any Rhyiona?

  • Thank you so much Hazza!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Hello everyone Sorry I didn't come back on last night, I had a morning shift today and needed the sleep :P So what's this about TFTB

  • Thank you so much! I'm glad I could help get it back on track!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    This is brilliant!! THIS is what I wanna see on the thread!!! XD

  • Decent, thanks for asking!

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Thankfully pretty good, finally getting a bit of rest. What about you?

  • Wow, then it's official? :)

    I'm definitely posting it! I didn't yesterday because I was slightly busy, sorry. :(

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I actually don't know. I'm kinda glad that I'm being shipped with FionaRules69 but I'm also kinda 'confused' let's say ;p So, are you planning to post today a part of Rhys' diaries or you're not feeling like doing it? x3

  • I won't be posting the chapters frequently as I am busy too :P

    I would appreciate your feedback very much Jane :)

    Oh why the sudden rush of busyness???

    Also, nice to see you read my fanfic on FF.net!

    buntingsir posted: »

    I think the only time stuff gets buried here is when we have spamming attacks by some of us... Like when it's constant creating of many sepa

  • Will you read my fic? Bro? :')

    Also... The uh.... Review? >:/

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Thank you so much Hazza!

  • Well, maybe. It's up to FionaRules69 :3

    Oh, it's okay, Wolfy :3 Have a cookie x3

    ^ I don't why but I really wanted to say that xD

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Wow, then it's official? I'm definitely posting it! I didn't yesterday because I was slightly busy, sorry.

  • You have turtles? Cool :D

    What're they like to own? Just curious.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Sorry for disappearing, my turtles were shedding and I had to give them a little help. Did I miss any Rhyiona?

  • Sure, but as long as the conversations have meaning then it's not actually a bad thing. It used to happen all the time. :) I'm good, thanks!

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Hi Wolfie I'm feeling peachy keen! How are you? But conversations develop and start long chains and stuff... you know :P

  • No problem, I love talking to everyone here too of course. :)

    buntingsir posted: »

    Thanks for clarifying, Wolfie! I love talking to you guys, I wouldn't survive without it. Doing pretty well, how are you yourself? ~_^

  • Depends on the turtle, all of them are different. Mine are yellow bellied sliders which are naturally really sweet so they're not hard at all to handle. You can give them good petting and they appreciate it. :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    You have turtles? Cool What're they like to own? Just curious.

  • edited September 2015

    Oooh, awesome, that one was really smart! :D

    At least we could figure out something with her magnificient name that could represent our athection towards her, we should be proud c:

  • I'll definitely read it!

    I'm free this weekend so either Saturday or Sunday I'll give you a nice review. :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Will you read my fic? Bro? :') Also... The uh.... Review? >:/

  • Let's find out. :) @FionaRules69.

    I appeciate it. :D

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Well, maybe. It's up to FionaRules69 Oh, it's okay, Wolfy Have a cookie x3 ^ I don't why but I really wanted to say that xD

  • Oh, good, I was wondering if you saw my post on FF, I wrote it a while ago actually. Hopefully I'll have some spare time to continue reading soon.

    Well I'm studying, so farther I go, more busy with even more tasks I get :[

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I won't be posting the chapters frequently as I am busy too :P I would appreciate your feedback very much Jane Oh why the sudden rush of busyness??? Also, nice to see you read my fanfic on FF.net!

  • Sounds great pal. I usually really don't bother reading fanfics because I'm currently such a lazy reader anyway, but I promise I'll give your story a chance. :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Hello everyone Sorry I didn't come back on last night, I had a morning shift today and needed the sleep :P So what's this about TFTB

  • Damn, pal, you're a master of puns, i tell you c;

    enter image description here

  • I thought that it turned out to be pretty disturbing too, glad to find similar thoughts. :D

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Fucking hell that's creepy!

  • No....i-it's fine.....

    enter image description here

    I was joking ;-;

  • Omg same :O

    I sometime feel a big need to breathe and each time I feel like I have to breathe even more, it's pretty annoying :(

    he looks funny to me x)

    Oh wow really? I remember myself back then thinking that I had breathing issues like asthma or something but later I found out it was all in

  • edited September 2015

    Perhaps I could, if you construct a fire effigy of our Goddess, the Firehawk. Only then can your sins be burnt away, young torch

    enter image description here

    (I can picture Incinerator Clayton being all high and mighty and someone just makes a passing comment on him, and just gets so distraught and it takes like an hour for him to regain composure)


  • Hey guys, I'm back

    Did anything interesting ha-

    Scrap that I've read everything.

    I have the urge to post those MS paint creations, but I think that would fall under spam.

  • enter image description here

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    So you must be a very fit person now then

  • ayy nice new avatar Jane, brings out your swag

    It was real nice of Hanna to draw it.

    shit I'm sp@mming

    buntingsir posted: »

    I think the only time stuff gets buried here is when we have spamming attacks by some of us... Like when it's constant creating of many sepa

  • Athena: What are you doing?

    Janey: I'm saving you, love

    Athena: You just shot up my tea party with Tina....

    Janey: Who?

    (rocket with a bunny on it zips by, narrowly missing their heads)

  • Sorry, but I'm not a fan of fanfiction ;c

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Hello everyone Sorry I didn't come back on last night, I had a morning shift today and needed the sleep :P So what's this about TFTB

  • So smooth it's irrhysistable even for McSmooth

    enter image description here

    Giant gif for the MOST EPIC HIGH-FIVE HECK YES!

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