i would have preferred luke and kenny fight rather than kenny and jane
anyone else agree?i would have preferred kenny and luke duke it out in the end,and jane drown in the lake.
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anyone else agree?i would have preferred kenny and luke duke it out in the end,and jane drown in the lake.
While I would prefer the fight be between Luke and Kenny I don't want Jane to drown in the lake.
I agree, but not with Jane drowning in the lake. That lake scene is such an idiotic scene. It was obvious that Luke and Kenny had it coming for having a showdown between each other. I didn't like the idea of saving someone who's life depends on a little girl (there was supposed to be a choice of saving one of them in a blizzard). If someone should be against Jane, it should be either Nick, Sarah or Rebecca! I bet Nick and Jane would be perfect rivals since he would disagree with 100 % of her choices, Sarah because of Jane's treatment, and Rebecca because that would be like Molly vs Christa all over again. Except Rebecca would kill Jane for hiding AJ and there would be a catfight.
why not lol
I would have preferred the same, honestly. I think most people would. But the lake scene as a whole was just a new form of stupid, unrealistic events. It would have been better if Jane never left and died in the shoot out, with someone else returning to save the day. Someone that would lead onto the plot for Season 3.
Because I like her.
I would've preferred if Jane just didn't come back. Let her stay unknown. And someone else should've came back.
why lol
true.maybe someone like christa
i agree.especially with sarah
Because she's an awesome and interesting character and I loved her relationship with Clementine.
Luke was a nice guy and probably the most sane, morally correct person in season 2... but as a character he was kinda boring in my opinion. I think that Jane came along and dethroned him as Clementine's best friend/second best friend in the game (the other being Kenny). The writers likely felt that way too.
You mean...
she was a good survivalist but a terrible influence.she wanted to leave rebecca,leave sarah to die,kick out a dying family,left a baby alone in a car for walkers to eat,and a whole lot more
I'd still pick Kenny because Luke didn't seem very protective towards his own friends like Nick, Sarah and Rebecca.
Let me guess. Lilly?
Ok you probably don't know this because you are new. But it was ORIGINALLY supposed to be Luke vs Kenny. They swicheds it to Jane because of a really disturbing ship they made.
I think Telltale were planning to kill Luke, it started right at the beginning of S2.
It would be under different circumstances. Honestly, I think Luke faking AJ's death just to prove Kenny's mental instability would seem really out of character for him. In terms of Jane's character though, it's right on the money. It didn't surprise me that she went that far.
Nope he was made for this choice specifically. You can even see hints of forshadowing in episode 4
I would preferred [and it would've been satisfying too] if there'd been some form of choice between Kenny and Luke, instead of the twist Telltale threw in there that ruined the whole season to me. And no killing Jane or any three of them in fact; that's what made it feel like it was all for nothing aside from your choices mattering very little if at all, because those three are either determinant or dead, while Clementine's left portraying an unrealistic child mother looking after A.J as easy as taking care of a plastic doll. Season 3 will probably have her showing up flying a chopper.
I can't even make a joke about it anymore. The game played it and all for a lackluster of a prank. I really do hope Season 3 knocks the ball out of the park, because thinking about it right now makes my mind shut off, and seeing threads like these just bring it all back.
I seriously could not agree with you more. It would've been a lot more predictable, but it would have made up for it for the sheer emotion it would've had compared to the Kenny vs. Jane fight. I also think there shouldn't have been an alone ending with just Clem and AJ because no matter how self sufficient she actually is, there is no way she can take care of a new born baby and herself at the same time. Just my opinion though, I know some people like that ending.
I think they could've had AJ die while on Luke's watch so both sides would seem valid when they ended up fighting.
Though Kenny's side would be rather shaky if he tried to kill someone who really didn't mean any harm so that might not be the best story to go with if they wanted a 50/50 split with the decisions.
I don't think that's true, other than Sarah she never went through those other things because she cares. She knew in her head that she should abandon the group in the name of survival but her heart prevented her from doing so. As for the whole baby in the car thing that was to prove to Clementine that Kenny waa dangerous and to protect her, Aj was never in any danger, she was wrong but I understand why she did it.
Or Christa, or maybe a 400 days character. Idc anyone but Jane.
TellTale made a horrible decision when it comes to the entire ice scene. It was horrible writing, massively illogical, and very very clearly patched together after they changed their mind about what they should do with Luke. His death was meaningless and all around the entire scene made no sense whatsoever.
Then you hear in their spoiler podcast that they purposefully killed Luke just for shock value.
In other words: They are complete morons.
First, there was no shock value with Luke's death. Who was shocked by this? It was so obvious. As if it's not immediately obvious once someone gets wounded no matter your choice or you have to make a choice with them. (We all know our choices don't have any real value. All characters marked for death will die no matter what except the ending of the main storyline as we saw in S2E05's finale.)
Second, this idiotic belief that killing off characters for shock value is "edgy" needs to stop. There comes to a point where killing off too many characters for too little reasons too often begins to degrade the story. It gets to a point where the consumer no longer cares or can easily predict the death of characters. Being able to easily predict the death because you figured out the obvious (they want to try to shock you constantly) is the OPPOSITE of shock value.
Finally, it was just bad writing.
They thought they were being edgy by killing Luke for shock value. Bad writing.
They wrote in a story for a Luke v. Kenny decision but didn't remove the tension or have a climax with the two and then just patched in Luke's random death in an illogical scene? Bad writing.
I can ignore some of the other plot holes. I can ignore the irrational reasoning Mike/Jane had for obsessing over that scumbag russian kid. I can ignore the overall stupidity of the group's constant bad decisions when there's a much more obvious, better decision. I can ignore the major plot holes like how little everyone seems to care for their safety or how incompetent they are at dealing with zombies. I can't ignore their decision to kill off a major character with tons of tension with Kenny, all for...shock value? We don't play TWD for shock value. We play for good story which is often shocking. TellTale seemed to confuse the two and decided to play the moron, "Shock Value Trolololol!". You're not being edgy, you're being stupid. You don't write stories and then kill of characters for shock value. You write stories. The End. Stories like this should be realistic, harsh, depressing, never-ending shitstorms. Sure, all that's fine. They don't have to be bad & illogical or purposefully shocking just for shock value. Good story is shocking by its own merits, and they should have known better given their talent.
I don't care that Luke died, even though I believe you should be able to save him (and everyone else too- I think all your decisions should matter and change a lot more.) But at least they could have killed him off in some logical way. The ice? Ridiculous. As ridiculous as their lying statement, "Your decisions are important!" The entire scene was immediately "WTF? This is retarded. Just walk around morons." as well as "Clearly someone is going to die." Although we all should have been hoping it was Bonnie.
The twist ending with Jane/Kenny was great, and the finale with Kenny & Clementine making it to the end is great. They even did a great job showing how Jane, not Kenny, is just like Carver. And that if you side with Jane and then make Jane's decision to turn away the family- Clem also becomes Carver. Great writing when Clem is tricked to murdering Kenny by that psychopath Jane and then abandons her to go alone. That's great writing, all the endings are great.
However that ice scene...that alone almost ruined everything. Total bullshit, and whoever made that "quick fix patch-in death" of Luke is a complete moron. Very lazy work, most likely decreasing quality to achieve some idiotic corporate deadline as we usually see in game development. Ugh!
TBFH. Kenny actually cared about Rebecca, and you could tell her blamed himself for her death. I'm not to sure about Sarah and Nick since Kenny has no interaction with Sarah at all, and he yells at Nick in A House Divided and In Harm's Way.
I meant Luke, you know?
Most of us do.
Yeah, I agree with you though. I'd still pick Kenny.
Am I the only one that still feels like Luke vs Kenny wasn't actually intended to be the main conflict?
I am personally convinced that it was the opposite of what most people think: Kenny and Jane was intended, but the writing for episodes 4 (and to an extent, 3) gave off the false impression that Luke vs Kenny was going to be a thing.
Nothing in episode 2 suggested that Luke vs Kenny was going to be a thing to me. Not even the choice to who to sit with. That felt like it stood for which group you'd rather affiliate with or stick by, not some clever foreshadowing of "You're going to have to chose between these two characters for real later on! This isn't just a scene that was meant to be taken at face value, where Luke and Kenny are simply the mascots/front-runners for their respective groups!"
The only thing that episode 2 had, besides that scene, is Kenny and Luke not really trusting each other. And lets be honest, they just met each other and have been together for all of like, what, 3-4 hours? It makes sense that they don't fully trust each other yet.
If anything, episode 4's attempt to make Luke vs Kenny a thing felt more awkward than Kenny and Jane being a thing. Luke and Kenny randomly start getting pissy with each other for what are seemingly petty reasons. Luke getting mad because Kenny wants to hold the baby? Kenny/Luke getting mad at Clementine for agreeing with the other one, almost exactly like Lilly vs Kenny in S1, except out of nowhere because they didn't get pissy with you at any other point that you agreed/disagreed with one or the other in past episodes? And then, coincidentally, when we get to episode 5, written by the same guy that wrote episodes 1 and 2, that 'conflict' that morphed into existence in episodes 3 and 4 is suddenly gone. I sure wonder why? Maybe because it wasn't intended to be the conflict, and someone didn't get that memo and ended up forcing the wrong idea on players.
Furthermore, all of that talk about Jane dying in the lake, and choosing between Luke and Kenny in the middle of a storm is, as far as I'm concerned, a completely unsubstantiated rumor. Has anyone noticed how despite people talking about that, no one ever posted anything from the game files that corroborates any of it? The closest example of 'evidence' I ever saw was that one audio file of Luke supposedly being pulled out of the water (which is actually used in game, ironically enough, when he's getting dragged down by that walker). That's it. There's nothing that suggests that Jane was going to die there, and nothing that suggests that choice even happening. Surely if it was, a few legacy files would be left behind in the game files. But there's nothing. Not to mention that Gavin Hammon himself said that Luke's death on the lake was part of the first draft of the script he got when he was recording for the episode, which already seems to suggest against Luke surviving.
Maybe I'm just an odd guy out, but I don't know. Truth be told, I don't know which I'd personally prefer. Luke and Kenny seems like it'd be a tough choice in theory, due to the two characters in question, but beyond being a tough choice to make, is there really any intrinsic value to the choice? Jane and Kenny have a kind of chemistry between each other (and no, not that kind) where the two seem to represent two different perspectives or sides to survival that are in opposition to each other, more so than Luke and Kenny do, at least from how I'm seeing things.
It was mentioned during Playing Dead after A House Divided came out that the finale episode had only begun being written at that point. Two episodes in and the finale episode wasn't written? If any changes were made, Gavin could've gotten the first draft from that point on. Nobody's actually asked him when he saw the draft, if we knew that it would actually tell us a lot more.
Also in another playing dead episode Jane's voice actor Christine Lakin mentioned Jane previously was a lot less friendlier and it was also stated an magazine interview that Jane was changed to be one of the most important characters in the game. Even if that decision rumor isn't true, I'm never going to be convinced Kenny vs Jane was always the original intent, like how a group suddenly forgets about a town, or a disappearing church from the trophy avatar for the end of Episode 4, or the title card clearly showing Eddie in it. Like The Wolf Among Us, Season 2 got subjected to a bunch of changes, and I can't understand why they did it.
While we're on that subject, here's a fun fact: there's actually an unused model of the church in the game files. It was intended to be seen from the snowy road from the end of episode 4. The one where we fight the russians and all that.
It doesn't seem to have any unique textures though, so it probably got cut before they got to that process. Or they just deleted the textures but forgot to delete the model.
I agree. I mean out of all characters this season, why Jane vs Kenny? It felt so rushed and random. Oh and as in for Eddie being on the slide, that doesn't mean anything.
Do you have a picture of it anywhere? Can you show me? You should post it on that details thread thingy. I always love when you find those things like the Lee bite pictures.
I'll get a picture of it later
Maybe I'll even try and see if I can figure out where it was supposed to fit in the actual map it was supposed to be part of
Kenny vs Jane? Its not even a competition, I bet 99% of all players chose Kenny over Jane.
Kenny vs Luke? More even ground this time, I'd say 40% would have picked Luke.
Kenny vs Lee? Do not mess with the awesomeness of Lee Everett!
Kenny vs Nick? Would anyone have seriously chosen Nick? I know I wouldn't ever.
Yh I would pick Kenny over everyone except Lee and Clem (they would fight jenny unless he wont kill his son). He is crazy for a reason to protect all that has earnt his trust, Jane made a plan to kill him the choice was clear