The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I was joking can I do anything without it being blow out of proportion XD

    Relax man, sometimes conversations ends with yourself being the last to respond. It happened between you and me a few times. Sometimes a per

  • edited October 2015

    Ah, sorry. Sometimes it's hard to tell since in the internet jokes get a little blanded down and you can't see the person's face when they're joking in this way. Although, maybe it's best to apolgize just in case for the misunderstandings. My brother does that too but I don't see the face so it's hard to tell, know what I mean? Sometimes when one approach doesn't work, it's best to try another. Just a suggestion to help.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I was joking can I do anything without it being blow out of proportion XD

  • People here like when i get disrespected.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Bourgeois prick.

  • It's the Internet, what did you expect.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I was joking can I do anything without it being blow out of proportion XD

  • By that logic I'm personally misunderstanding you now and need an apology

    Ah, sorry. Sometimes it's hard to tell since in the internet jokes get a little blanded down and you can't see the person's face when they'r

  • Ok, ok. I'm sorry, I'll just stop. I don't want to fight, I'm sorry. :(

    Markd4547 posted: »

    By that logic I'm personally misunderstanding you now and need an apology

  • I like In A Nutshell.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    This is a must watch video about the refugee crisis in Europe. Check it out.

  • I don't know how to feel about this game. I believe they could make a good story, but I just can't take it seriously.. It's minecraft, that family friendly game that almost everyone has played. It's never really had a story, and when I imagine it having a serious one, I can't help but laugh.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    enter link description here Looks like people are judging the game before even playing it. People these days...

  • edited October 2015

    My guess is, they kind of want to make something similar to a Pixar movie instead of something closer to The Lego Movie.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    I don't know how to feel about this game. I believe they could make a good story, but I just can't take it seriously.. It's minecraft, that

  • So it would seem...turd.

    papai46 posted: »

    People here like when i get disrespected.

  • Trying to get some free likes there mane?

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    So it would seem...turd.

  • Gotta get that karma swag.

    papai46 posted: »

    Trying to get some free likes there mane?

  • My heart goes out to the families of the students murdered in the Umpqua Community College shooting today. The world sickens me sometimes.

  • This shit just keep happening...

    My heart goes out to the families of the students murdered in the Umpqua Community College shooting today. The world sickens me sometimes.

  • Apparently the gunman was targeting Christians. :/

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    This shit just keep happening...

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited October 2015

    Wow. The political fallout from this one isn't going to be pretty. Especially now, with the supposed "persecution" of American Christians.

    It's especially tragic that this aspect will dominate the discussion, rather than the woeful inadequacy of our gun control laws and mental health practices.

    Apparently the gunman was targeting Christians.

  • Is that confirmed? Although I'm sure people will jump on this even if it's a rumor.

    Apparently the gunman was targeting Christians.

  • This article states that the murders were targeted towards Christians:

    Is that confirmed? Although I'm sure people will jump on this even if it's a rumor.

  • Yeah, I agree. As terrible as it is that he singled out Christians, the bigger problem is that guns are STILL available to virtually anybody, and that needs to stop.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Wow. The political fallout from this one isn't going to be pretty. Especially now, with the supposed "persecution" of American Christians.

  • I heard it on the news :(

    My heart goes out to the families of the students murdered in the Umpqua Community College shooting today. The world sickens me sometimes.

  • Yeah for sure. I'm currently going to Community College in Oregon and hearing about this kind of stuff is terrifying.

    My heart goes out to the families of the students murdered in the Umpqua Community College shooting today. The world sickens me sometimes.

  • This is disgraceful and sicking how did that person get a gun they need stricter laws with guns because this is gone beyond a joke

    My heart goes out to the families of the students murdered in the Umpqua Community College shooting today. The world sickens me sometimes.


    enter image description here

    Ok, ok. I'm sorry, I'll just stop. I don't want to fight, I'm sorry.

  • Not trying to be rude but, dude, the conversation ended and you're mad at her for not replying? You're just implying that you want her to write a meaningless comment that would unneedingly prolong the conversation. Conversations end,

    enter image description here

    Markd4547 posted: »

    "cool story bruh" that comment took 10 seconds of my LIFE rachelle and u leave me there responseless well I neva ma-dam triggered

  • Mad? That's it for now on my jokes are getting trigger warnings to warn people a joke is incoming

    Not trying to be rude but, dude, the conversation ended and you're mad at her for not replying? You're just implying that you want her to write a meaningless comment that would unneedingly prolong the conversation. Conversations end,

  • How is "U ignored my response fml" a joke?

    Last time I checked jokes were funny.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Mad? That's it for now on my jokes are getting trigger warnings to warn people a joke is incoming

  • Remember Not everyone is as funny as you bro I have to accept that :)

    How is "U ignored my response fml" a joke? Last time I checked jokes were funny.

  • enter image description here

    It's a joke isn't a get out of jail free card. You're making it look like you're the victim right now.

    enter image description here

    It's obvious that you weren't joking.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Remember Not everyone is as funny as you bro I have to accept that

  • edited October 2015
    Are you fucking kidding me McIntosh? You can't even wait at least a day or two before making everything about your fucking agenda?!
  • Sorry guys, here's the image I was meant to post.

    enter image description here

    Are you fucking kidding me McIntosh? You can't even wait at least a day or two before making everything about your fucking agenda?!

  • ._. No, no fight. Please. We just settled it yesterday, let's not bring this up again and drag it out.

    (Hm, my tabs to post links/images are gone, that's strange).


  • Who the hell is this guy and why does he sound like an asshole.

    Sorry guys, here's the image I was meant to post.

  • edited October 2015

    ^ This is the biggest reason I say there's a lack of gun control in the US (with all due respect, I'm just pointing out the flaw in the system, not bashing the US).

    Yeah, I agree. As terrible as it is that he singled out Christians, the bigger problem is that guns are STILL available to virtually anybody, and that needs to stop.

  • The guy's views are pretty one-sided imo.

    Anyone can be potentially dangerous with a gun, you don't know how they're gonna use it when it comes to a person you don't know. Gender isn't the problem, it's merely a coincidence that men are the ones shooting often. Women can also be equally dangerous, anyone can be. The fact lies on what goes through a person's head that determines the events of a shooting.

    Sorry guys, here's the image I was meant to post.

  • An Anita Sarkeesian supporter and a self-serving asshole.

    Who the hell is this guy and why does he sound like an asshole.

  • edited October 2015
    I remember when John Oliver battled with bullshit on gun control (for some reason I can't post links on this thread)

    And bullshit continues to win
  • edited October 2015
    The forum's system is messed up with the tabs, spoilers, images and videos. They keep disappearing on me. Sorry, for the lack of video and pics I wanted to show.

    Anyway, it's a couple of weeks before the premiere of 007 Spectre. I decided to go on a little marathon for it. Last night I finished On Her Majesty's Secret Service, it's a good film and very different too. In this one Bond actually gets married! But... then the ending happened.

    I remember when I first watched it, I was just so shocked and saddened by this scene. Just got married, and Bond's wife Tracy just died because of a few butthurt pricks (Blofeld and his henchwoman).This movie, despite its under appreciation and the lack of like to Lazenby as Bond (I happen to be one who feels he was the weakest of the Bond actors, I didn't get much of a interest from him), it was very special in its own way.

    Also what's interesting is that the Spectre film seems to have some inspiration from the movie above, the ski lodge and there's a bond girl in it that reminds me so much of Tracy. Not only do they look alike a bit, but the both give off that same atmosphere. Not only that but they even used OHMSS's theme song in one the Spectre trailers apparently. How interesting.
  • This forum's system is bugging out like crazy, ugh!

  • Seems like I'm not the only one with this problem.

    I remember when John Oliver battled with bullshit on gun control (for some reason I can't post links on this thread) And bullshit continues to win

  • Yeah, I can't even post some goddamn GIFs ;-;

    This forum's system is bugging out like crazy, ugh!

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