The Whitehills need to die!

If you are bloodthirsty like me this is the right thread for you. Lets talk about nice ways to end their miserable lifes. Every day that passes my anger grows. I cant wait to murder the Whitehills.

enter image description here



  • edited October 2015

    Oh hey, looks like I'm in the right place!

    Personally I want Asher to beat Gryff's face in until there's nothing left.
    Harys I want to tear his guts out. From behind.
    Ludd will be on his knees begging for mercy when I take off his head.
    Gwyn will go fast.

    I'm right with you buddy, the Whitehills are a cowardly house of thieves and they need to die for the Forresters to have a chance at surviving and controlling their own Ironwood.

  • That sounds very beautiful m8. I hope our revenge will be satisfying.

    Oh hey, looks like I'm in the right place! Personally I want Asher to beat Gryff's face in until there's nothing left. Harys I want to t

  • I would rape Gwyn and flay Ludd,Gryff, and make my Forrester men torture out Harys.


  • Kill them with kindness. Then flay their corpse.

  • Even though we don't have it, id always wanted to see the effects of wildfire on assholes like the Whitehills.

  • Me to the Whitehills

    enter image description here

  • Nuke them from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

  • Flay them and let them be wights. Ahahahahaha

  • enter image description here

    Why rape her when you can get her wet and willing with this grin? (;

    Killah posted: »

    I would rape Gwyn and flay Ludd,Gryff, and make my Forrester men torture out Harys.

  • Am I really the only one who doesn't want to kill them?

  • You want to imprison them and let starvation take care of it?

    enter image description here

    Am I really the only one who doesn't want to kill them?

  • enter image description here kill them alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

  • I have to flay alive the Whitehills T_T

    Please, Telltale... ;-; They need to suffer ;__;

  • edited October 2015

    I'm partial to putting them in suspended cages and leaving them there to die of dehydration and feed the crows.

    Problem is, I'm not sure if we can find a cage big enough for Ludd.

    Also flaying is kinda illegal :/

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I have to flay alive the Whitehills T_T Please, Telltale... ;-; They need to suffer ;__;

  • Problem is, I'm not sure if we can find a cage big enough for Ludd.

    True. He ate too much bread and salt x3

    Also flaying is kinda illegal :/

    Goddamn it .-. But we can make them suffer with a different way, right...? Right?!

    Abeille posted: »

    I'm partial to putting them in suspended cages and leaving them there to die of dehydration and feed the crows. Problem is, I'm not sure if we can find a cage big enough for Ludd. Also flaying is kinda illegal

  • edited October 2015

    Sure! We can get creative. I say lock them in a room with Beskha, give her some knifes and tell her to knock herself out.

    Or Elissa! Tie them down, give Elissa some torture equipment and tell her to have fun.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Problem is, I'm not sure if we can find a cage big enough for Ludd. True. He ate too much bread and salt x3 Also flaying is kinda illegal Goddamn it .-. But we can make them suffer with a different way, right...? Right?!

  • Or Elissa can use her special ability (Insist) to 'torture' them, huh? ;3

    Abeille posted: »

    Sure! We can get creative. I say lock them in a room with Beskha, give her some knifes and tell her to knock herself out. Or Elissa! Tie them down, give Elissa some torture equipment and tell her to have fun.

  • "Lord Whitehill, I insist that you flay your son"

    Technically she isn't the one doing the flaying, sooo...

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Or Elissa can use her special ability (Insist) to 'torture' them, huh? ;3

  • edited October 2015

    I would force Ludd down on his knee and tell him that he brought this upon himself. Then I would kill him by cutting off his limps and then let him bleed to death. As for Gryff would cut his arms and legs, stop the bleeding with fire, beat his face till he is blind and then bury him alive, because that's how much I hate him. I would give Gywn a quick and painless death. I have nothing against her and in fact, I would be sad, but I have to take full measure when exterminating the Whitehills and break their power.

    God, what have the Whitehills done to me?

  • edited October 2015

    Damn... You really hate the Whitehills... More than I do.

    I would force Ludd down on his knee and tell him that he brought this upon himself. Then I would kill him by cutting off his limps and then

  • No no that will not do we'll flay them alive so they can truly regret messing with the Forresters

    DoubleJump posted: »

    Kill them with kindness. Then flay their corpse.

  • I think it is because the Whitehill press three berserk button for me. One, they harm my family by constantly threatened them. Two, they are unfair and cruel (Except Gwyn). Three, they unjustly kill either Asher or Rodrik.

    That really pisses me off.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Damn... You really hate the Whitehills... More than I do.

  • Burn Harris alive,Impale Gryff and place him at the gates and flay Ludd.

  • edited October 2015

    Well, the Forresters will get their revenge, that's for sure.

    The Whitehills will get what they deserve...

    I think it is because the Whitehill press three berserk button for me. One, they harm my family by constantly threatened them. Two, they are

  • You're not ^_^

    Am I really the only one who doesn't want to kill them?

  • I wish I have your pure-heartness, Agent. But alas, the cycle of revenge has consumed me.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    You're not ^_^

  • I can't show them mercy after what they did.

    Am I really the only one who doesn't want to kill them?

  • It's cool, you don't have too, we just have different playstyle's and way's of thinking, it's not a bad thing :).

    I wish I have your pure-heartness, Agent. But alas, the cycle of revenge has consumed me.

  • Let Beskha chop off Gryff's testicles and force him to eat them, while his father watches.

  • edited October 2015

    Ok lets make a rule in this thread no rape allowed apart from that I'd hang Gryff and Hayrs from a tall Ironwood tree so all the blood goes to his head's and they choke, apart from that I'd let Ludd and Gwyn live they're cowards, and if they know their defeated they won't fight back that's the impression I get from them like Ludd acts like he's untouchable when he's in power but as soon a he looses it he'll submit to survive.

  • damn....

    Let Beskha chop off Gryff's testicles and force him to eat them, while his father watches.

  • edited October 2015

    ... >_>

    Let Beskha chop off Gryff's testicles and force him to eat them, while his father watches.

  • With the Boltons in charge i think it's not illegal.

    Abeille posted: »

    "Lord Whitehill, I insist that you flay your son" Technically she isn't the one doing the flaying, sooo...

  • We don't know if they changed the law regarding it. The Boltons kept practicing it illegally anyway, but I don't know if they let others do it. It is kind of their thing. Roose also used the "right to the first night", which is also illegal, to rape Ramsay's mother.

    darko22 posted: »

    With the Boltons in charge i think it's not illegal.

  • burn them all

  • Yeah, seriously! I think that we've been patient enough to have that happen since waiting for an episode almost feels like waiting for another season for the show.

  • After the final choice I was forced to make in Episode 5 the only Whitehill I'm remotely willing to spare is Gwyn. Apart from her I wish to destroy everything Ludd holds dear (Highpoint, his son Gryff, etc) and then kill him last when he's suffered enough psychologically.

  • Red Rahloo means nothing here.

    jackson22 posted: »

    burn them all

  • There has to be a slaughter of the Whitehills in episode 6. They have caused far too much pain for me to even consider peace. I wanna splatter Highpoint's walls with their blood and then burn it to the ground!

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