The graphics from TWAU and TWD are MUCH better than the ones from GoT

I don't want to upset people but I was just thinking, wouldn't anyone else prefer it if GoT had less crappier graphics and had the same style as TWD, TWAU and takes does. I mean, don't get me wrong, the game is great, but I just feel like the graphics are much poorer than Twau.


  • edited October 2015

    I think GoT has an extraordinary art style. It's like an oil painting, and seriously fits the genre style. It's never bothered me before, and many scenes, outdoor ones in particular, look great. I know art style isn't exactly the same as graphics, but they compliment each other largely in this game.

  • The graphics between all games are the same for the most part. What you're talking about is the art style, which whether one is better than the other, is totally subjective. I like GoT's a lot more than TWD and Tales' art styles. TWAU is the best one though, in my opinion at least.

  • I know, but I just feel it would've looked great with a newer style, even if it is set in the past

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    I think GoT has an extraordinary art style. It's like an oil painting, and seriously fits the genre style. It's never bothered me before, an

  • Me too

    Green613 posted: »

    The graphics between all games are the same for the most part. What you're talking about is the art style, which whether one is better than

  • You kind of have a point. Art is one of the weaker aspects of this game. I feel like I'm in a matte painting when I play GoT. I haven't felt that way with any other TTG (except maybe TWD1)

  • edited October 2015

    GoT actually has advanced/improved graphics compared to TWAU and TWD, running on a newer version of the Telltale Engine. I guess it's all a matter of opinion, but GoT is my favorite game, in terms of how it looks, yet. TWAU probably second.

    Edit: This, in particular, is one of my favorite uses of TTGoT's art style and graphics paired together.

    enter image description here

    Can you tell I have a thing for the outdoor scenes in the game?

    enter image description here

    Icewolf2002 posted: »

    I know, but I just feel it would've looked great with a newer style, even if it is set in the past

  • I just prefer the cartoony style

    Demarcoa posted: »

    You kind of have a point. Art is one of the weaker aspects of this game. I feel like I'm in a matte painting when I play GoT. I haven't felt that way with any other TTG (except maybe TWD1)

  • Telltale's art style changes with almost every game, personally I find Wolf's to be the best, but I like GoT's oil painting feel to it.

  • With the comic art style, Telltale can have more leeway in giving caricatured designs for their characters, and they have the added benefit of using and refining that art style in multiple games. Not only is Telltale using the Oil Painting style for the first time, but they also can't give the characters as much of a caricatured appearance that also manages to stay true to the source material.

    Conceptually speaking, I think the oil painting art style is great, but I think it could be improved by more detailed character models and crisper, higher quality textures to show the deliberate nature of the effect. As it is, the textures (although good) are muddy or kind of basic and plain in some areas so I can see why people would think the art style choices aren't deliberate.

  • yeah, it helps with the uncanny valley, that's for sure

    Icewolf2002 posted: »

    I just prefer the cartoony style

  • Ikr

    With the comic art style, Telltale can have more leeway in giving caricatured designs for their characters, and they have the added benefit

  • The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us are based on comics, that's why they look "cartoony". Tales recalls the main Borderlands games style and so does Minecraft, I guess Telltale wanted to try something new with Game of Thrones and personally I like it.

  • As much as Game of Thrones art style could have been better. When it is done right, it is gorgeous looking! And I have grown so used to this style, I wouldn't have it any other way.

  • I think the oilpainting style fits the setting for Game of Thrones perfectly, I like it.

    (and in terms of favorites I absolutely love the comic book/noir art style in The Wolf Among Us)

  • Also cuz we're all speaking about graphics anyone notice this?

    enter image description here

    Brock - Wolf Among Us graphics

    Claptrap - Borderlands

    Ash - Game of Thrones

  • Even though I prefer TWAU's art style, I think this one suits GOT very well. The only thing that bothers me is how blurry the graphics can be sometimes. I know it's an Oil painting style, but it hurts my eyes. <_<

  • The only time I noticed blur was in Episode 1. I don't remember seeing it (as much) in later episodes.

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    Even though I prefer TWAU's art style, I think this one suits GOT very well. The only thing that bothers me is how blurry the graphics can be sometimes. I know it's an Oil painting style, but it hurts my eyes. <_<

  • Maybe if the resolution went from 480p to 1080p, I'd warm up to the graphics a lot faster. You could argue the blurriness kind of works in the games oil-painting visuals, but I often find myself just wishing there was a way to make the game look sharper and more refined.

  • I actually prefer GOT graphics more than any Telltale game. Apart from the constantly re used character models

  • the cartoony style

    The style of art Telltale uses is called Celshading. Boarderlands uses the same art type for its game.

    Icewolf2002 posted: »

    I just prefer the cartoony style

  • Apart from the constantly re used character models

    Yeah, they definitely could've done a better job there.

    Clemenem posted: »

    I actually prefer GOT graphics more than any Telltale game. Apart from the constantly re used character models

  • Sam- Sam and Max lol

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Also cuz we're all speaking about graphics anyone notice this? Brock - Wolf Among Us graphics Claptrap - Borderlands Ash - Game of Thrones

  • Re used?

    Clemenem posted: »

    I actually prefer GOT graphics more than any Telltale game. Apart from the constantly re used character models

  • Yeah, there is a bug that happens sometimes that blurry the edges of the wrong models (the ones that are close to the camera), which makes everything look very weird. It is also weird how it can happen in a scene, and then it doesn't happen again when I replay that same scene.

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    Even though I prefer TWAU's art style, I think this one suits GOT very well. The only thing that bothers me is how blurry the graphics can be sometimes. I know it's an Oil painting style, but it hurts my eyes. <_<

  • Its still probably better than making a Game of Thrones game with cell shaded comic style graphics, that just wouldn't fit in well as an extension of the live action HBO series where the game takes place.

  • Well, a comic art style wouldn't look good in GoT since it's not based on comic books. I think the Oil Painting art style looks amazing and I prefer it more than the comic art style.

  • Used again.

    JackBauer24 posted: »

    Re used?

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    The only thing that bothers me is how blurry the graphics can be sometimes.

    That effect reminds me of when you have low sanity in Amnesia

    I almost expect bugs to start crawling across my screen, or those weird crunching sounds to start happening

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    Even though I prefer TWAU's art style, I think this one suits GOT very well. The only thing that bothers me is how blurry the graphics can be sometimes. I know it's an Oil painting style, but it hurts my eyes. <_<

  • If you're playing Telltale games for l33t graphics I'm afraid you're in the wrong place. That's not what their games are about.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited October 2015

    GoT's style was quite weird to adjust to at first for me. Back when screenshots first released, it looked kind of jarring to me. However, after it came out and you got to see it in action, I started to adjust to it. I think Blind Sniper makes some good points about it: let's be honest, since Telltale does hand-made animations, having a more realistic art style can cause some uncanny valley kind of stuff to happen. Not to mention that Telltale's engine isn't exactly the best in the business to put it mildly. Higher quality texture maps would help invoke the oil painting style much better. The graphics in all of Telltale's games have a tendency to look pretty muddy, and I think that's why TWAU's and TWD's styles work in their favor; they can mask/cover up the muddy base textures with the outlines and sketch details, which also help compliment and invoke the comic-esque aesthetic both games have going for them.

    For the oil painting style, I feel a lot of the potential for the style is missed due to quality. Being able to more easily see the various brush strokes and painted detail of the models would work in it's favor. If I had to fall back on a game that I personally think did a fantastic job in invoking a hand-painted style, I'd fall back on Team Fortress 2. You can visibly see all the line-work, brush strokes and color patches within the textures themselves. It's a style that's very unique that even from a distance, it's easy to tell what game it is, and even from a picture of a broad overview of a map, all of the major design philosophies involved in the game's aesthetic are easily readable and visible. To me, it feels like GoT is missing that extra oomph needed to really sharpen and highlight the painted nature of the aesthetic, to make it stand out. That's not to say it doesn't have any personality or intrinsic value of it's own as it stands, but it feels like it falls short in some areas.

    I still think TWAU has the best art style in terms of presentation, composition, personality and overall aesthetic, at least in my opinion. Then again, that's probably my biased inner artist speaking. GoT isn't that far behind it, though. Maybe my second or third favorite style.

  • Congratulations, You're the first human being on these forums to complain about something from Game of Thrones that hasn't been complained about before, and is actually WORTH complaining about.

    enter image description here

    That wasn't an insult, that was a compliment. It's completely understandable and correct of you to think that, and it's pretty much true. It's just that everyone else has been like, "It's unoriginal" "The waits are too long" "Stop doing episodic stuff" "No one should like this game because I don't like it."

    But you, You my friend actually have a great topic to bring up.

  • Well, thx

    Congratulations, You're the first human being on these forums to complain about something from Game of Thrones that hasn't been complained a

  • I lovve Taxi Driver

    Congratulations, You're the first human being on these forums to complain about something from Game of Thrones that hasn't been complained a

  • It would be weird to see GoT with i.e. TWAU graphics. I like the oil painting style, but TWAU definitely has my favourite visuals from any of Telltale's games.

  • Same here.

    SerMarve posted: »

    It would be weird to see GoT with i.e. TWAU graphics. I like the oil painting style, but TWAU definitely has my favourite visuals from any of Telltale's games.

  • It's a great movie.

    Clemenem posted: »

    I lovve Taxi Driver

  • You're welcome. :)

    Icewolf2002 posted: »

    Well, thx

  • edited October 2015

    Sometimes the dead characters from some games are re-used in the same or other games.

    JackBauer24 posted: »

    Re used?

  • edited October 2015

    Yeah Game of Thrones graphics are really bad. It looks worse than any other modern Telltale game.

    It's a shame because there are (very brief) moments where the graphics and art come together and it looks... I won't say good, but makes me understand what they were going for and shows the potential of that oil painting style. It's just a shame their engine couldn't express that fully and consistently.

    I ended up pretty much deleting all the screenshots from my playthrough except for landscapes. The location establishing art in particular is absolutely gorgeous..

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

  • I disagree. I actually really love the art style of the GOT. However, I refuse to play MC:SM because I can't stand its art style. That blocky lego look? Pass!

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