Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Thanks. :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Happy Birthday dude!!!! XD

  • Thanks. :)

    You weren't wrong.

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Happy birthday Elliot! I didn't forget but since I never knew what time zone you were in, you caught me off guard with "IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!" I was freaking out thinking I got it wrong. XD

  • edited October 2015

    enter image description here

    2 New Members in 1 Day?!!?!?!?!?

    edit:also Hi, and welcome

    Rheezus posted: »

    Hello everyone! I've been a huge lurker here since Episode One.. :P This thread is kind of a guilty pleasure for me even now, during this sp

  • edited October 2015

    enter image description here

    Its great to know you're here! (゚ヮ゚)

    Rheezus posted: »

    Hello everyone! I've been a huge lurker here since Episode One.. :P This thread is kind of a guilty pleasure for me even now, during this sp

  • TFW Rhyiona family keeps growing

    enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    This is a wonderful thing to hear after what just happened! This is exactly what we've always loved about the thread --- the cosy atmosphere

  • Still growing strong even after 7 months.

    enter image description here

    TFW Rhyiona family keeps growing

  • enter image description here

    That face your bae makes after you tell her all your dark fantasies....

  • ayy we're always open as long as there's no spam :D

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Yeah, I really hope Green shuts the thread down after episode 5, everything here is honestly just trash 95% of the time

  • edited October 2015

    And I was thanking YOU guys minutes ago.. It's good to be home, especially since I get to see Juvia on the first day!! Thank you, thank all of you for such a warm welcome :D

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Still growing strong even after 7 months.

  • You deserve it!

    Also, another juvia fan? This makes me extremely happy, I love her! :D

    Rheezus posted: »

    And I was thanking YOU guys minutes ago.. It's good to be home, especially since I get to see Juvia on the first day!! Thank you, thank all of you for such a warm welcome

  • You bet. She's so adorable, especially in the animé. Count me as even happier to officially meet FT fans around here. I feel settled already. :)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    You deserve it! Also, another juvia fan? This makes me extremely happy, I love her!

  • cloppers are the people who fap ("clop") to so called pony-porn, like sexual drawings of the ponies, and...well...let's not start talking about their clothing-style. anyways, bronies and cloppers are not the same thing. bronies like mlp, watch the show, get merchandise, the usual what-fans-do-stuff. and cloppers are what I just described. I usually don't care about what other people do with their lifes or what kind of porn they watch (whatever rows your boat), but since many people mistake bronies for cloppers and hate the whole fandom because of that, this subject is very important to me. this is why I was going kiiiinda crazy about eryka.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    she thought I am a clopper That doesn't mean what I think it means, does it? Anyways, chatzy sucks on phone (imo) so maybe tomorrow :P

  • enter link description here I'm Dead.... I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!

  • NOOOOOO RHYS!!!! :{

    CamMaster posted: »

    enter link description here I'm Dead.... I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!

  • That makes two of us. I need to know what happens ;__;

    CamMaster posted: »

    enter link description here I'm Dead.... I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!

  • I know ;{

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    That makes two of us. I need to know what happens ;__;

  • edited October 2015

    Happy 7 months guys! Can't believe we made it this far. Here's my little gift to you all. There's slight Rhyiona, let's see if you can spot that little subtle moment! ;)

    Inspired by Voices of a Distant Star and 5 Centimeters per Second to create this. Who would've of thought they would give me a pretty neat-o idea for a fanfic? :D

    Why do we have to be so far away from each other?

    Rhys looks down at his log, how many messages has he sent? How many replies has he received from Fiona? The signal was wonky from Pandora to Helios, after all, they were 238,855 miles apart. At least, that's what Rhys calculated in his free-time, if that’s what you can even call the small window of time that.

    A lot of the messages he's sent was about his daily life on Helios, not the most exciting. What could be send that hasn't been said already over the past 7 months they've been apart?

    While Rhys did piles of paperwork his strong best friend would carry over, the hope of receiving a message was always there in the back of his mind. However, dream only happened every now and again. There’s no way in telling how old any of the messages were either. They could be from months ago...How did the Pandorians feel about that? Perhaps eagerly waiting for a reply from him from something they could of sent months ago...and the despair of never getting one back?

    He misses their smiles, their jokes aimed towards him, hell sometimes he even misses the constant punches to his head...just a tiny bit. His life had some excitement and while Helios is nice with the comfortable beds and pay, his sometimes wishes he could exchange that to see his friends. Even just for one day.

    "You got a new message." A voice notifies him. Rhys sighs. I swear to god, if this is about that damn Halloween party...

    Rhys starts up a hologram on his arm, his eyes widening. Thankfully, it’s not about the party. Instead, the sender's name was “Fiona.” An audio message with a picture attached.

    "Open attachment!" Rhys says with haste.

    A picture blows up. It's a picture of a polaroid with everyone who stayed on Pandora. Loaderbot, Sasha, and Fiona posing with a smile, well, minus LB while standing in the Pandora desert he wishes he could step on one more time.

    On the bottom of the polaroid, the words "Greetings from Pandora" are written.

    "Play audio message," with commanded with little to no patience left in his being. The audio begins to play as Rhys stares at the picture.

    "Hey Rhys. I finally got...about 3 messages from you? I'm sure you sent more...that's kinda worrying. Let's hope I don't receive any of the good messages 10 years from now," Rhys chuckles. Well, the thought hasn't crossed his mind quite yet.

    "Anyway, I'm glad you're just ENJOYING your time on Helios. What, with all the little shoots outs you've reported. You even 'died' in one of them. Geez, you're really slacking. You need to come to Pandora so you can learn a thing or two from a Vault Hunter."

    Oh yeah, she’s a Vault Hunter. I don’t think I ever got to see her in action even while on our adventure...

    Fiona sighs, "...you really do need to come here. We all miss you down here, even good ol' Loaderbot is wondering where his righteous father and Uncle Vaughn are."

    Rhys chuckles. God, when’s the last time have I heard that nickname?

    Footsteps can be heard. Then, after a couple of seconds they stop. Fiona’s voice pops back up in with the sound of something cooking on a pan goes on in the background.

    "...I'll see you around, okay?"

    "Y-yeah, you will..." Rhys replies.

    Just when the Hyperion thought the message would end there, a voice that’s familiar calls out his name.

    "Hey Rhys!” Sasha voice can be heard in the background. Is she the one causing all the background noise? “If you come over, I’ll be sure to serve you one my infamous omelettes you loved so much during our adventure! You gotta promise me you’ll visit though!”

    I've never told Sasha how her food really is...and I don't think I ever should. Rhys thinks to himself. Though, to be honest, he did miss that distinct taste that can only be accomplished with her cooking.

    “Oh wait! The time limit on the audio message is almost up right?! We have to do the goodbye really quick! Come on Fi, get over here so we can do it together!”

    “Alright, alright. Don’t blow my ears off.” Fiona says in a playful tone.

    Rhys can hear Fiona’s boots hit the wooden floor as the sound of sizzling only gets loud.

    “Ready?” Fiona asks.


    The two clear their throats.

    “See you soon Rhys!”

    The audio unfortunately ends there. Rhys sits in silence, taking in what he had just listened to.

    "A promise, huh?" Rhys smiles weakly, tears building up in his eyes. He tries to wipe them away,but more keep replacing them.

    He goes on his computer, which has a webcam inside. He goes to the webcam recording device and hits record. He looks at his computer screen, a big red circle is played with a timer going up. I look like a mess...Geez, what a way to impress…

    Despite that, he doesn’t scrap the recording, he continues. Rhys moves his now soggy human arm in place so it’s in the view of the camera.

    "I-I...p-pinkie swear. I’ll…visit you guys soon. I will...okay?” He chokes out, holding out his pinkie. A weak smile is displayed on his face.

    He ends the video there, and immediately sending it to Fiona. He just hopes now, despite the incredibly huge distance, that it would be there soon.

  • enter image description here



  • Wow, I got goosebumps all over on that line "See you soon...". Great, amazing job, Kristi! This is really heartwarming and sweet... especially because it's subtle c;

    I almost teared up, getting so emotional with the upcoming finale ;~;

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Happy 7 months guys! Can't believe we made it this far. Here's my little gift to you all. There's slight Rhyiona, let's see if you can spot

  • bruh thx Wolfe and also read the newest page pls (Comment from Blind Sniper) or the first post on the thread (On top of the sock pic). Let's go into Chatzy instead?

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »


  • So, the team composition for tonight's event is looking like THIS so far. Let me know if I missed anyone or if someone else wants to join.

    Oh, and ignore the "Haven't signed up yet" tab. Those are of the people who were in the last event and if they decide to join again, I won't have to write their name. :D So yeah, that's just me being lazy.

  • edited October 2015

    Actually, you should've added my name to the 'Maybe' section cause I'm not sure if I'm going to join... I have to install TF2 again cause I'm not in my village as I usually do in weekends. And also, I may not even have some time to download TF2 again :P

    Pipas posted: »

    So, the team composition for tonight's event is looking like THIS so far. Let me know if I missed anyone or if someone else wants to join.

  • This is really excellent, I loved it. It got me emotional, which is a good sign.

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Happy 7 months guys! Can't believe we made it this far. Here's my little gift to you all. There's slight Rhyiona, let's see if you can spot

  • yeah I read everything, chatzy it is then

    bruh thx Wolfe and also read the newest page pls (Comment from Blind Sniper) or the first post on the thread (On top of the sock pic). Let's go into Chatzy instead?

  • "I never told Sasha how her food really is...and I don't think I ever should"

    That'd be a hilarious fic tbh lmao

    Great fic also ( ━☞´◔‿ゝ◔`)━☞

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Happy 7 months guys! Can't believe we made it this far. Here's my little gift to you all. There's slight Rhyiona, let's see if you can spot

  • Aww this is really great, Kristi.. ;W; With the final episode coming I feel so emotional.

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Happy 7 months guys! Can't believe we made it this far. Here's my little gift to you all. There's slight Rhyiona, let's see if you can spot

  • I'm in for my birthday and this thread's! :D

    Pipas posted: »

    So, the team composition for tonight's event is looking like THIS so far. Let me know if I missed anyone or if someone else wants to join.

  • edited October 2015

    enter image description here

    [Mod edit: Video removed for NSFW content]

    I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you didn't include that one scene in the video as a way of deliberately breaking the rules to spite people, but still, you should probably have thought that through better. :/

    Please be careful with NSFW content, guys. Thanks. - Blind Sniper

    Please note that I won't be uploading thumbnails due to my copyright strike for the third time.

    Made exclusively for me and this thread's birthday.

    @tessie0713 @1602637

  • enter link description here

    One last pump up for everyone doing the TF2 event today. See you all then.

  • edited October 2015


    [Mod edit: Video removed for NSFW content] I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you didn't include that one scene in the vid

  • Can you put this in spoiler tag?

  • Oh whoops, sure.

    Can you put this in spoiler tag?

  • Thanks. :)

    Oh whoops, sure.

  • Noice avatar aswell. Chef Papa Franku.

    Nice avatar

  • Thx b0ss

    Noice avatar aswell. Chef Papa Franku.

  • edited October 2015

    So for the people who didn't see the screenshots of the finale, well, here you go :) :p

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    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

  • edited October 2015


    I LOVE YOU FAM <333333333333

  • I love you, too, bruh ~-^

    HOLY SHIT I LOVE YOU FAM <333333333333

  • edited October 2015


    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I love you, too, bruh ~-^

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