Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • They don't need protection!

    They only need skills B)

    They like to live dangerously ^^

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    don't forget to wear protection!

  • ok

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    don't forget to wear protection!

  • But Poultry is in their team ;-;

    Green613 posted: »

    https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bcatXdKS7IRgFfMzuwZO2T_wiv8V2RqE7UANeB81gaM/edit?pli=1#gid=0 Check it out, their team isn't much more stacked than ours is. We'll be fine

  • edited October 2015

    stop guilt tripping me damn it

    Who do I have to pocket now? You are trying my patience!

  • This could happen to you


    enter image description here

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    stop guilt tripping me damn it

  • When a fellow Rhyiona fanfic writer you love COMPLIMENTS YOUR FANFICS.

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    Your comments also mean a lot to me as well. Again, thanks to Rhyiona, I was finally able to have the courage to write and post it publicly. <3

  • enter image description here

    But Poultry is in their team ;-;

  • edited October 2015

    Need moar Rhyionas. Any last minute join?


    Btw, Poultry would like the first match be SMG snipers only. And since it's his birthday weekend, I'd love to grant his wish. Hope that everyone's okay with it. :P

  • That's what they say now.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    They don't need protection! They only need skills They like to live dangerously ^^

  • edited October 2015

    I will probably join mid-way if I can.

    For a round or two.

    Pipas posted: »

    Need moar Rhyionas. Any last minute join? https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bcatXdKS7IRgFfMzuwZO2T_wiv8V2RqE7UANeB81gaM/edit#gid=0

  • yeah sure. I don't mind.

    Pipas posted: »

    Need moar Rhyionas. Any last minute join? https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bcatXdKS7IRgFfMzuwZO2T_wiv8V2RqE7UANeB81gaM/edit#gid=0

  • so I was looking for some rhyiona-stuff again, and I found this, which I can't remember seeing here

    enter image description here

    I like that rhys is peter. it somehow fits.

  • Hey,I just finished my homework and just regularly checking on you,how're you going with the new rules?

    Also,good luck on the event ;)

  • Great speech Kristi! :D

    I will follow and obey.

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Hello there! I am not Green, but your President, Kristi! Green will not be posting a speech today and I will get into that later. Anyway, I

  • Sorry man, I don't have the game...

    And I would suck :P

    Pipas posted: »

    Need moar Rhyionas. Any last minute join? https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bcatXdKS7IRgFfMzuwZO2T_wiv8V2RqE7UANeB81gaM/edit#gid=0

  • "Boo!"

    She wasn't sure if he'd been drinking or if he'd hit his head.

    "What... are you doing?"

    The blanket over his head had two crudely cut holes for eyes and it didn't cover his whole figure, stopping right at his ankles. Shoeless and slouching, he looked ridiculous.

    "I'm... a ghost." He gestured to himself slowly, freeing his arms from the blanket with each movement. "See?"

    His face was covered but she didn't need to see his expression to know he was disappointed.


    Grumpily, he tore the blanket from himself completely, throwing it instead on the ground before crossing his arms and giving her a judgemental look she really didn't appreciate.

    "Will you live a little?" Seeing her expression, he was quick to continue. "It's Halloween, Fiona."

    "It's only the seventeenth today." She deadpanned.


    "So," she rolled her eyes, "it's not even close to Halloween yet."

    Rhys grumbled something under his breath and shook his head disapprovingly; when it earned him a glare he quickly stopped himself but she could tell he wasn't going to drop it.

    "You don't understand, we're in October!" At her blank stare, he rubbed his temples. "It's the spooky month. All of October is Halloween."

    "Spit it out," she raised an eyebrow, "what have you been smoking?"

    Knowing he wasn't getting a point across, something clicked in his head.

    "Come on, Fiona." He gave her the most miserable look he could muster -- he wasn't that great of an actor in the end, "Do you really want to disappoint Gortys and Loader Bot? This is their first year trick-or-treating. They have to start learning --."

    "One, we never talked about this." Fiona interrupted. "Two, who needs practice for that? And three... why would they go trick-or-treating? They can't even eat."

    "You can't... you can't tell them that, you'll hurt their feelings!"

    He seemed so genuinely concerned that she figured she'd better drop it.

    "Fair enough." She lifted her hand in defeat. "But the other two points stand."

    "I just want them to feel like normal kids, you know?"

    It was so sweet she thought she'd grow a cavity right then and there if she was the mushy type -- but she wasn't heartless either.

    "Alright... fine. Get back in that... blanket. I hope that's not the one I bought the other week or I swear when it turns November you're gonna be a ghost for real."


    He paused in the middle of struggling to put on the blanket again, sweating nervously and she pinched the bridge of her nose irritatedly.

    "...You're dead to me."

    "What the hell."

    His grin as he handed her a pile of clothes was ridiculous and she was sorely tempted to accept them without question because of it.

    "It's your costume! You didn't think you'd get away without wearing something, right?"

    "Yeah!" Gortys excitedly moved to her side, fake tail slithering behind her. "We're a family, remember?"

    Her dragon costume looked strangely fitting on a robot and Fiona couldn't help but pat her head.

    "Yeah, but --"

    "Mother," Loader Bot interrupted with a thumbs up, "you must not argue. We need you."

    "...What is that costume?"

    "It's a special costume made to represent Handsome Jack made by me." Rhys proudly pointed at it with a thumb.

    She furrowed her eyebrows for a split second, scanning it up and down again before deciding she probably wasn't going to understand any reference.

    "It's... it's just a trash bag."

    "That's the point."


    He was still handing her the clothes and she reluctantly reached out to take them before unfolding them to take a look at what it was exactly but all she could identify was a black cape.

    "Stay here," she finally gave in, "I'll go change."

    She'd made sure to give him a kiss before heading out and she wasn't surprised to see he was still dazed by the time she was done. Her costume wasn't uncomfortable if you didn't count the fangs she had to keep readjusting but she was thoroughly confused.

    "Wow!" Gortys clapped as Loader Bot nodded in agreement. "You look so cool!"

    "I don't understand," she commented, looking down at her own attire, as Rhys took her hand in his from under his -- new but completely ruined -- blanket, "why a vampire, though?"

    "It fits you." Rhys shrugged and she could almost hear his grin, "you're both a pain in the neck."

    She couldn't wait until November hit.

    Forgive any typos. ;-;

    I wanted something simple and short but that fit the time of the year, I guess?

    I know it's the thread's birthday but it's also almost Halloween so I figured it's my best shot at a relevant theme.

  • Tfw when you see most of your Steam friends log in and start playing TF2 :P


    As for me, I'll see if I can make John's smut fic into a finished product, then play Life is Strange for the rest of the night :)

  • Guys, the TF2 event is going down NOW so if you want to be apart of it, get your ass in there.

  • I think you gave me cavities Wolf. :3

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    "Boo!" She wasn't sure if he'd been drinking or if he'd hit his head. "What... are you doing?" The blanket over his head had two cr

  • please see a dentist now :)

    I think you gave me cavities Wolf.

  • "It's a special costume made to represent Handsome Jack made by me." Rhys proudly pointed at it with a thumb.

    She furrowed her eyebrows for a split second, scanning it up and down again before deciding she probably wasn't going to understand any reference.

    "It's... it's just a trash bag."

    "That's the point."



    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    "Boo!" She wasn't sure if he'd been drinking or if he'd hit his head. "What... are you doing?" The blanket over his head had two cr


    I couldn't help myself

    kristi78968 posted: »

    "It's a special costume made to represent Handsome Jack made by me." Rhys proudly pointed at it with a thumb. She furrowed her eyebro

  • "It fits you." Rhys shrugged and she could almost hear his grin, "you're both a pain in the neck."

    AhahaHA! Brilliant, just brilliant :D

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    "Boo!" She wasn't sure if he'd been drinking or if he'd hit his head. "What... are you doing?" The blanket over his head had two cr

  • Thank you brother!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    "It fits you." Rhys shrugged and she could almost hear his grin, "you're both a pain in the neck." AhahaHA! Brilliant, just brilliant

  • http://gph.is/1hRhETH

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    "Boo!" She wasn't sure if he'd been drinking or if he'd hit his head. "What... are you doing?" The blanket over his head had two cr

  • edited October 2015

    enter image description here

    Good game, guys! You did well!

    Glad I was able to stick around! <3

  • I heard you guys won! :D

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Good game, guys! You did well! Glad I was able to stick around!

  • edited October 2015

    Like... 5 times in a row? Or was it 4? I lost count.

    (tho we did get scrambled at points)

    kristi78968 posted: »

    I heard you guys won!

  • Really? :D Nice job to you and everyone who played! :)

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Like... 5 times in a row? Or was it 4? I lost count. (tho we did get scrambled at points)

  • God is the greatest.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Hey,I just finished my homework and just regularly checking on you,how're you going with the new rules? Also,good luck on the event

  • Nice! Well done guys!!!

    Rhysha's, I'm sure you gave us your best. Good game.

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Good game, guys! You did well! Glad I was able to stick around!


    enter link description here

    We fucked them up soooooo bad lmaoooo

    enter image description here

  • edited October 2015

    They didn't even get a round off us and we played for like an hour, almost 2.

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Like... 5 times in a row? Or was it 4? I lost count. (tho we did get scrambled at points)

  • I was more trying to harass them than kill them but I still failed at that lol

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Good game, guys! You did well! Glad I was able to stick around!

  • we just too dayum gud

    Green613 posted: »

    They didn't even get a round off us and we played for like an hour, almost 2.

  • enter image description here

    You rock, guys :D

  • 2quick 2fast

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    we just too dayum gud

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