Will the choices I made in S1 affect S2?

So I just finished S1 and the whole game was absolutely brilliant (won't lie, I cried at the ending. That was emotional af). Luckily, since it's my BDAY next week, I'm gonna buy the TTG collection for around £50-60 and get straight onto S2 :3

  • But anyway, title. Will the way I played during S1 affect S2 at all? Will the actions that I made during my playthrough slightly influence the decisions when you play as Clementine in S2? (E.g. how when I killed the Dairy Brothers I said it was OK because they were "bad men", so will Clementine be more influenced to kill people like bandits etc etc).

  • Since I let people like Ben die, will they not show up in S2 (if they ever would)?

  • During my ending, I had Christa, Omid and Kenny alive and told Clem to find them before I died, so will they show up during S2? Will the survivors I had left influence my S2 playthrough?

Or is S2 not influenced by S1 AT ALL?! I would be bummed if that was the case as that would mean a lot of hard work was wasted up to a certain point.
Also, I am still PISSED that Kenny died at the very end! Next to Lee and Clementine (she made the game x10 better btw) he was my favorite character and I had his back all through the game. If there was one guy that I was trying to keep alive the whole game, it was him, but I think his death was scripted :( I didn't SEE him die, but it's likely...


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