Will the choices I made in S1 affect S2?
So I just finished S1 and the whole game was absolutely brilliant (won't lie, I cried at the ending. That was emotional af). Luckily, since it's my BDAY next week, I'm gonna buy the TTG collection for around £50-60 and get straight onto S2
But anyway, title. Will the way I played during S1 affect S2 at all? Will the actions that I made during my playthrough slightly influence the decisions when you play as Clementine in S2? (E.g. how when I killed the Dairy Brothers I said it was OK because they were "bad men", so will Clementine be more influenced to kill people like bandits etc etc).
Since I let people like Ben die, will they not show up in S2 (if they ever would)?
During my ending, I had Christa, Omid and Kenny alive and told Clem to find them before I died, so will they show up during S2? Will the survivors I had left influence my S2 playthrough?
Or is S2 not influenced by S1 AT ALL?! I would be bummed if that was the case as that would mean a lot of hard work was wasted up to a certain point.
Also, I am still PISSED that Kenny died at the very end! Next to Lee and Clementine (she made the game x10 better btw) he was my favorite character and I had his back all through the game. If there was one guy that I was trying to keep alive the whole game, it was him, but I think his death was scripted I didn't SEE him die, but it's likely...
The choices from Season 1 won't alter the story in Season 2 to that extent, but there will be references in character dialogue referencing choices you made in Season 1. If you played the 400 Days DLC, that will effect whether or not certain characters appear in an episode, but that doesn't significantly change the story.
Its sad, but choices don't really matter. You gonna get few references of your past actions and that's it.
If you get Lee to survive Season One then he will get raped in the forest in the beginning of Season 2
U wot m8
Truly fate worse than death.
That would be kinda awesome if they really did that
I meant in a disturbing way:)