Which of these choices would you choose, and why?

-AsherGrin--AsherGrin- Banned
edited October 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Just hypothetical's, in preparation for Episode 6 :D

Choice 1: Attack Highpoint, or defend Ironrath? (Say, Asher / Rodrik are presented with the choice as they ride from the Harbour)

Choice 2: Escape with Morgryn or Tom? (Say, Mira is forced to flee King's Landing, and can choose one person to go with)

Choice 3: Save Ryon, or extract Revenge? (Say, Highpoint is burning, and you can either pursue a fleeing Gryff and Ludd, or let them escape, and try to rescue Ryon)

Choice 4: Use the North Grove to Resurrect which deceased Forrester? (Say, that's the power the North Grove holds, and Gared is presented with that choice)



  • 1 - Defend ironrath. Defending is easier than attacking.

    2 - Tom, he seems trustworthy enough.

    3 - Extract revenge.

    4 - Well, isn't that one obvious? Rodrik's father.

  • Hmm. I'd feel it go something like this:

    You and 38% of players attacked Highpoint.
    I'd go with that, since it's the thing they'd least expect, and Gryff plus many Whitehill soldiers are currently at that harbour still, so they'd be vulnerable.

    You and 49.4% of players escaped with Morgryn.
    I feel like Morgyn would make a more useful ally going forward, plus I never warmed to Tom as a character.

    You and 64% of players saved Ryon.
    It's no-brainer. As satisfying and desirable as revenge is, it's not worth losing another Forrester for. Well, at least it's not for me. Plus, I don't feel like Asher or Rodrik would do that, anyway.

    You and 71% of players resurrected Asher / Rodrik.
    It just makes sense to bring back, whichever brother died at the harbour. (Which was Asher for me). Ethan and Gregor just don't have as much to contribute to the House, as they do, moving forward. Plus, aren't they, ash? I suppose it doesn't matter... magic and all.

  • Choice 1: Attack: As long as I can have the attack be something along the lines of guerrilla tactics (at least at first to get us inside safely so we have the element of surprise) it's long over due that we bring the balance back.

    Choice 2: Tom, while both people make me feel uneasy with whom they're truly aligned with, Morgyn just has this bad feeling surrounding him.

    Choice 3: Ryon: Too much Forrester blood has been spilled and besides, if we expunged them from their own domain, what power do they really have left? I think Ramsay would believe us to be the victor in the feud so if they try striking back, they'll have house Bolton's fury come down on them.

    Choice 4: Ethan, I know, might sound like a weird choice but hear me out. He was just a kid when he died and never really got to experience life, assuming the Forrester's are in a good place I'd like to bring him back in somewhat more peaceful times. Plus, his presence would help stop Talia's hardening and bring Ryon comfort too.

  • edited October 2015
    1. Attack Highpoint. Mom, Talia, and Elaena need somewhere to be and I don't want them in danger by staying at Ironrath waiting for the Whitehills. Better we take the fight to them, and we can multitask by looking for Ryon too.

    2. ALONE. But if I had to choose, Tom. I like Morgryn but I don't trust him. He used to work for Ludd, remember... he obviously isn't too attached to Mira and would drop her in an instant if it served him. Plus we haven't been told who Tom works for yet but at least we know s/he doesn't want us dead.

    3. Revenge. Sorry, baby brother, but if we don't take out Ludd and Gryff (and Torrhen eventually) it will never stop. I'd do what I could to get him back but I'd have to protect the house itself first and we can't coexist with the Whitehills so they've got to go. Plus I like to think even with everything going on, Gwyn and her little bleeding heart wouldn't want to see him hurt and would try to protect him.

    4. The Asher grin. I need to see more of him and his dynamics with how he gets along with everybody, especially Rodrik since something tells me that's complicated and WHERE WAS THEIR BRO HUG WHEN HE GOT OFF THE BOAT, I FEEL ROBBED. Ahem. Anyway, that said, it'd be some sort of cool beans to bring back one of the ancient ancestors...

    1. Attack Highpoint
    2. Morgryn
    3. Ryon
    4. Dead brother
  • Yes!


    lilithnight posted: »

    * Attack Highpoint. Mom, Talia, and Elaena need somewhere to be and I don't want them in danger by staying at Ironrath waiting for the White

    1. Attack highpoint
    2. Go with Morgryn
    3. Save Ryon
    4. Ressurect Ethan
  • I was so sorry to leave Asher there in the first place but Elaena needs her baby daddy, yo. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    -AsherGrin- posted: »

    Yes! BringBackTheGrin

    1. Attack Highpoint

    2. Morgryn

    3. Revenge

    4. Rodrik

  • Attack Highpoint because remaining on the defensive at this point would be disastrous.

    Tom because he's had Mira's back, and Morgryn is affiliated with the Whitehills and is looking out for numero uno.

    Save Ryon.

    Revive Gregor.

  • 1) Defend.

    2) Tom.

    3) Revenge.

    4) Revive Ryon.

  • 1.) Pre-emotive strike on Highpoint

    2.) Morgryn

    3.) Save Ryon - family comes first.

    4.) Resurrect sacrificed brother.

  • edited October 2015


    1 - Defend. We don't have enough people to attack.

    2 - Tom. SURPRISE SURPRISE. Everybody knows I love Morgryn but I don't trust him the slightest. Like not even a little bit. Like, I would dive in the Black Water and swim away before going with him. The only way for me to go with him is if the person I do not chose dies. Then I go with Morgryn because he is more entertaining than Tom.

    3 - Save Ryon. I'm a big sister irl and I wouldn't let my little sibling die. I actually saw my little sister in a life-threatening situation many years ago, and I thought she was dead back then. She was nine. I know how it feels. I'm not letting this happen in the game if I can avoid it.

    4 - Revive the brother I left behind in the end of Episode 5. It would be a tough choice between Rodrik/Asher or Ethan, and if I felt that Ethan is my little brother then I would bring him back for sure, but all three of them are "me". It is funny, but in TellTale games, sometimes I feel like I am the character, and sometimes I feel like I'm just deciding what they will do but that they are not me. This is the first case.

    1. Defend Ironrath.

    2. Escape with Tom.

    3. Save Ryon.

    4. Revive Gregor.

    1. Attack Highpoint

    2. Morgryn, I like Tom but Morgryn seems more useful in the long run

    3. Extract revenge. Ryon died the moment he was taken from Ironrath. The coward shouldn't have let himself be captured and he needs to pay for his failure with his life

    4. Ethan. He had the potential to be the greatest Telltale Games protagonist ever and he made a good impression on me. Ramsay should have just killed Ryon or Elissa.

  • clappity clap Well said! I'm a youngest child myself and I'd hope my brother and sisters would protect me when I needed them. <3

    Abeille posted: »

    Shit. 1 - Defend. We don't have enough people to attack. 2 - Tom. SURPRISE SURPRISE. Everybody knows I love Morgryn but I don't trust

    1. Attack Highpoint
    2. Morgryn
    3. Rescue Ryon
    4. Asher or Rodrik (the brother that got left behind)
    1. Defend Ironrath
    2. Morgryn
    3. Ryon
    4. Ethan
    1. Defend Ironrath
    2. Escape with Tom
    3. Save Ryon (If Highpoint is burning and the Whitehill soldiers are numbered)
    4. Ethan (But I liked Norren if that was a choice)
  • I'm sure Ryon could of slaughtered Ramsey Snow and burnt Highpoint to the ground with Ludd and Gryff inside, Jeezuss.

    * Attack Highpoint * Morgryn, I like Tom but Morgryn seems more useful in the long run * Extract revenge. Ryon died the moment he was

    1. Attack Highpoint. How about quietly just like what Asher and Beskha did.
    2. Escape with Tom. He saved Mira's life
    3. Save Ryon
    4. The fallen brother (for me it's Rodrik, but i keep two save files though for both of them :) )
  • edited October 2015

    I've done that, one file called Asher other called Rodrik.

    AngeloMC21 posted: »

    * Attack Highpoint. How about quietly just like what Asher and Beskha did. * Escape with Tom. He saved Mira's life * Save Ryon * The fallen brother (for me it's Rodrik, but i keep two save files though for both of them )

    1. Attack Highpoint. I feel like staying at Ironrath would screw me over.
    2. Escape with Tom. I like him more than Morgryn.
    3. Save Ryon. We already lost three Forresters.
    4. Tough choice, cause I liked Ethan, Asher (He died in my playthrough), and Gregor. I would go with Ethan. The boy was young, and didn't deserve to die at that age.
  • Yes. His incompetence and weakness is no fault of mine.

    NicWarden posted: »

    I'm sure Ryon could of slaughtered Ramsey Snow and burnt Highpoint to the ground with Ludd and Gryff inside, Jeezuss.

  • Ryon's like 9-10 years old.

    Yes. His incompetence and weakness is no fault of mine.

  • What I don't understand is wouldn't you have to attack Highpoint to save Ryon.

  • edited October 2015

    I think you mean question three, and the answer to that is sort of. The way I understand it is that you are at Highpoint; and it's burning. You have the choice to either pursue Ludd/Gryff or to find and rescue Ryon. Which do you do?

    NicWarden posted: »

    What I don't understand is wouldn't you have to attack Highpoint to save Ryon.

  • I would do the following:
    1. Defend
    2. Morgryn. I ship Mirgryn. Sorry for the loss of Tom.
    3. Save Ryon.
    4. I would save the determinant brother. Maybe, even though I don't like her, Asher could marry Gwynn and at the very least get some sort of truce between their houses. Gryff would be allowed to live, but not inherit Highpoint because that will be a condition of letting both Gryff and Ludd continue to live. Rodrik could marry Elaena, and they could raise their son or daughter.

  • edited October 2015

    1 - Defend. We don't have enough people to attack.

    That moment when you realize we also don't have enough people to defend Ironrath.

    enter image description here

    Abeille posted: »

    Shit. 1 - Defend. We don't have enough people to attack. 2 - Tom. SURPRISE SURPRISE. Everybody knows I love Morgryn but I don't trust

  • Oh really good choices
    1. I would probably say attack because they would never expect it they would be caught off guard
    2. Morgyrn as much as i appreciate what Tom has done i need strenghth not information at this point and morgs has that in spades
    3. probably the hardest decision but i would probably say save ryon but if this choice was presented to me in the midst of a fight i could see my self going after ludd and gryff in the heat of the moment
    4. rodrik for me as much as ethan was an innocent boy he wouldnt be any help plus his body was burned so how could you revive him and same for gregor
    but some really good ideas for choices

  • That's his problem. I can't help him if he won't help himself, by this point he should have killed Ludd and a few of his soldiers and then escaped Highpoint. But nope, he's cowering in fear making everyone else do all the work. His weakness is a liability.

    NicWarden posted: »

    Ryon's like 9-10 years old.

  • We need much less people to defend than to attack though. Especially considering Highpoint's surroundings, which means anyone would see us approaching it. We have a better chance defending than attacking, all things considered.

    1 - Defend. We don't have enough people to attack. That moment when you realize we also don't have enough people to defend Ironrath.

  • Yes because a 9 year old can take on a lord and his army single handedly and make it back home which is lord knows how many miles away

    That's his problem. I can't help him if he won't help himself, by this point he should have killed Ludd and a few of his soldiers and then e

  • Exactly. Ryon needs to stop being a little bitch.

    TheGeek11 posted: »

    Yes because a 9 year old can take on a lord and his army single handedly and make it back home which is lord knows how many miles away

    1. Attack Highpoint. I'm through negotiation, its time to wage war and one cannot win with defence alone.
    2. Heart says escape with Tom; Mind however see's the long term socio-economic advantage with Morgryn... this really depends on specific circumstances.
    3. Save Rickon - I mean Ryon, a Forrester is still a Forrester, I can't let Asher/Rodrik's sacrifice be in vain if it means losing another brother.
    4. Asher/Rodrik... though I imagine the actual physical body will be required for resurrection. However I don't think the North Grove can actually revive the dead, and if it could they would likely be brought back as soulless Wights. Only the Rhollor faith has been shown to actually resurrect the dead - though death does change a person dramatically (Lady Stoneheart), in which case its probably better not to resurrect any deceased Forrester as they wouldn't come back as we knew them.
    1. Defend ironrath (it's the smartest thing to do. We got the gears we want for the battle in Ironrath and we need every man and weapons to prepare for the battle)
    2. Tom (he is helpful and he will do anything to save Mira...if he failed then his mission has failed which might get him executed by his boss)
    3. Save Ryon (I don't want to see other Forrester dying..)
    4. Lord Gregor forrester (meh)
  • Hey, he did bite Ludd, so he probably is making plans to knife him and Gwyn and escape back to Ironrath. Baby steps!

    Exactly. Ryon needs to stop being a little bitch.

    1. I would defend Ironrath. I don't think that the Forresters are ready to attack Highpoint.
    2. I would escape with Morgryn, mostly because I ship Mirgryn x3
    3. I would save Ryon. I don't want to see an another Forrester dying.
    4. I would revive Ethan.
  • You don't have to attack highpoint, the game will make you go to highpoint later if you chose to defend. SO regardless, you will get that choice.


    NicWarden posted: »

    What I don't understand is wouldn't you have to attack Highpoint to save Ryon.

  • He's trolling us, he must know that thinking Ryon has a chance of killing Ludd, Gryff, Harys, Gwyn and lord knows how many armed soldiers is pure insanity.

    Exactly. Ryon needs to stop being a little bitch.

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