Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • If the need arises I could always buy Borderlands 2 GOTY. I can take the hit financially to pick it up.

    Rhyiona Raid Boss Run Race Raid Again promoting this idea of getting people to group up to do Boss runs, Raid bosses, and Raid Boss Races

  • I would definetly encourage waiting till it goes on sale, also the season pass I think should carry most of the DLCs needed, it might miss the Headhunter ones and a few others. But I don't want to pressure anyone into buying more if they don't want to, I just want to know where we can get the most people involved.

    If the need arises I could always buy Borderlands 2 GOTY. I can take the hit financially to pick it up.

  • Thanks for the recommendation. My friend has a spare gift copy he's willing to give me if I need it.

    I would definetly encourage waiting till it goes on sale, also the season pass I think should carry most of the DLCs needed, it might miss t

  • That song....my feels...

    enter image description here

    enter link description here @HandsomeChef (I know you're sleeping but I wanted this to be in you're feed when you woke up! )

  • Great fanfic!

    Litheran posted: »

    I couldn't stop thinking about these two crazy kids and I kind of ended up writing a little snippet of what could possibly take place after

  • I always fall for the couples where one is a scoundrel, in this case though they're both kind of scoundrely.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Welcome to the team, buddy.

  • I hereby score this comment a Ten. =)

  • Thanks, if only I could get my original stuff as well as some of my other fan-fics done so quickly.

    Mawula posted: »

    Great fanfic!

  • Beards, hipsters might be trying to steal it, but us big manly outdoor types love our beards. I dream of the day when my beard gets long enough that I can put it into a ponytail. On that day I shall grab my guitar and set out across this great country, having adventures and playing rock and roll/country for any young lady lucky enough to cross my path. Or I might just trim it back a bit.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Guys, have a ponytail, it's the only way to every girls heart. :']

  • Yeah, that's what I did this first playthrough; but that's just not gonna stand for the future. My end screen needs to say I like someone else. I would take one longing look and a good run across the desert with the love of my life before I'd take a declaration of puppy love...damnit, I'm gonna go start my replay.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Well, you have an option at the end of making it clear that you're just friends with her if you wanna take that route. You can't choose Fion

  • Can't wait!

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Wow. I'm so excited about drawing fan art of episode 5 that my excitement actually prevents me from drawing. Ironic. Anyway, I hope I'll

  • These words aren't subtitles...

    enter image description here

    These words are my thoughts.... (ノ´ヮ´)ノ♡

  • the moment I saw this ingame, I knew someone would say this :D and damn you're right

    enter image description here

    buntingsir posted: »

    These words aren't subtitles... These words are my thoughts.... (ノ´ヮ´)ノ♡

  • enter image description here

    ayyy, welcome back by the way, man! Haven't seen you in a while and yesterday I wasn't exactly in condition to greet you .^. but better late than never, right?

    Dracu98 posted: »

    the moment I saw this ingame, I knew someone would say this and damn you're right

  • edited October 2015

    Wait what?

    Nevermind I looked it up

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    okay but The option being hard to get makes us all true Rhyiona warriors, so dedicated to the cause that we instantly sniffed the Rhyiona

  • I am proud of you too. :)

    kristi78968 posted: »

    That feel when you make the family proud.

  • Yes, indeed. ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o)

    Alrighty, just got back, time for some Rhyiona.

  • So cute ;__;

    Awkward Rhys and Badass FIona ;___;

    I love this ;__:

    kristi78968 posted: »

    I wasn't sure on posting this before, so I kept it on Tumblr and shared it with those who were interested. After thinking about it. I think

  • So I just joined this thread (fanclub? group?) today because I watched a playthrough on Youtube, and the player had Rhys declare his love for Fiona's sister during the ending. I cringed so hard I searched all over the internet for ways of avoiding that, and found this thread. At first I was really happy that there was a way to not only avoid Rhys/Sasha, but to actually get Rhys to hint towards liking Fiona. But after reading about some more, I was disappointed.

    Basically, to get the "Rhys/Fiona (kinda-sorta-not-really)" ending, you'd not only have to ignore the game basically pushing you to give the flower in Episode 3, but you'd also have to choose the asshole option as Fiona near the end - "Stay away from my sister". I'd never have naturally gotten this without a guide, simply because, even though I'd prefer Fiona over Sasha, I wouldn't be so aggressive about keeping them apart. It's stupidly unintuitive to get this choice, and it puzzles me why the option is there in the first place if it's going to be so hidden. I'm inclined to believe that it was just shoe-horned in to keep the Rhyiona fans from rioting.

  • ayyy man, thanks :P better late than never? that's probably what rhys thought when he completely spoiler alert destroyed jacky

    buntingsir posted: »

    ayyy, welcome back by the way, man! Haven't seen you in a while and yesterday I wasn't exactly in condition to greet you .^. but better late than never, right?

  • fiona doesn't has to go all asshole-like. if she asks "what are your intentions with my sister?", rhys can answer with "I'm in love with someone else" (if I remember right. I choose another option, to be honest)

    So I just joined this thread (fanclub? group?) today because I watched a playthrough on Youtube, and the player had Rhys declare his love fo

  • Just a quick little fic! Tell me what you think!


    Someone Else

    "Because I'm interested in someone else."

    Fiona felt her heart speed up in her chest. Had he really just said that?

    She had always thought he liked Sasha, she was always the prettier one, and it always seemed that way between them. Now, apparently not.

    "Someone else? That's a little vague." Fiona said, trying to keep a poker face. It's not like she cared anyway, she was just curious.

    "What's it to you?" Rhys asked with a smirk, crossing his arms.

    Bastard. Thought Fiona.

    "I was just a little curious. Is there some mystery girl I don't know about?" Fiona said, crossing her arms.

    "Why? Would that make you jealous?" Rhys asked while barely concealing his grin.

    "You wish Hyperion boy. Like there's anything to be jealous of." She said, with a roll of her eyes. He could be such a jackass.

    "Woah-woah-woah! I've got plenty of good things about me!" Rhys said, scrunching up his face.

    "How humble of you." Fiona replied snarkily.

    "What? It's bad to think you have a few redeeming qualities?"

    "Oh, please do tell me of these, 'redeeming qualities' if you would be so kind." Fiona said, using air quotes as she spoke.

    "Well, lets see... I-uh... I'm good with computers?" Rhys said uncertainly.

    "Were talking about things that make you boyfriend-material. Computers do not go under that list." Fiona said, shaking her head.

    "Well what does?" Rhys asked, frustrated.

    "I guess... The way you run your fingers through you're hair all the time. Girls like that. N-not me, of course! I hate that!" Fiona began rushing through her sentences, jumbling the words.

    "Y-yeah! Of course not! You obviously hate it!" After a pause Rhys asked, "What else?"

    "Well..." Fiona began, stepping closer to him, "Your eyes for starters. Girls like that."

    Rhys gulped. Starters?

    "There's also all your tattoos, girls like that kind of stuff."

    Rhys suddenly felt the need to strip off his jacket, show these 'girls' just how many tattoos he had.

    "The way your echo eye flashes sometimes, like your eye will literally sparkle. I like that."

    Rhys blushed deeply, had she just realized what she said?

    "Last but not least," Fiona said leaning closer towards him unconsciously, "The way you purse your lips, like your begging to be kissed. I like that too."



    "You realize you've been saying I for the past two 'qualities' right?"

    Fiona stared at him blankly, before she began to blush almost as bad as him.

    "Who's the someone else Rhys?"

    Rhys watched her eyes slowly close as he leaned in, his lips nearing hers. As he began to close his own eyes Fiona let out a single, "Oh." Before meeting him halfway.

    Their lips touched softly, feather light. Rhys grabbed Fiona, pulling her against him, as she snaked her arms around his neck.

    After a horrible journey of pain and loss, this was the light at the end of the tunnel.

    As they broke apart, holding on to each other as if for life, Rhys closed his eyes and kissed her forehead before whispering something to her.

    "Must you even ask?"

  • CUTE

    I hope it's a two part/more that two parted story ;____;

    Also the Hyperion Jackass thing was awesome ;__;

    (Just one grammar error: "Vaughn and Me" should change to "Vaughn and I")

    Mawula posted: »

    Well, guys, I've written a little Rhyiona too. http://archiveofourown.org/works/5059963 It is supposed to happen inside the game. It is as canon as I could make it, so it's just the beginning of their friendship.

  • enter image description here

    Just a quick little fic! Tell me what you think! ~x~ Someone Else "Because I'm interested in someone else." Fiona felt her heart

  • aw, too sweet... so sweet.....

    enter image description here

    Just a quick little fic! Tell me what you think! ~x~ Someone Else "Because I'm interested in someone else." Fiona felt her heart

  • Oh god ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o)

    Ship Rhoaderbot and you'll be fine.

  • Ok, now THAT was almost as adorable as Gortys. I think the only thing that could make it better is Gortys and LoaderBot off to the side giving commentary. lol

    Just a quick little fic! Tell me what you think! ~x~ Someone Else "Because I'm interested in someone else." Fiona felt her heart

  • So guys, I have this hobby of getting the birth-date of the people I meet, and mark them on my calendar to say happy birthday to them, if anyone's comfortable with sharing it, can you tell me yours? Thanks >w<

  • I just finished the game (I know hush) and I am so glad I found this thread. I've shipped these two basically since the beginning. When it said in my choices that only 6.6% of players clarified Rhys and Sasha were just friends and 10% didn't ship them as Fiona, I was afraid I was the practically the only one who liked this pairing. XD Was not expecting a 1300+ pg thread. And gifs! You guys rock.

  • enter image description here


    You're my lord and savior

    Please keep writing

    Just a quick little fic! Tell me what you think! ~x~ Someone Else "Because I'm interested in someone else." Fiona felt her heart

  • hello there :D

    enter image description here

    Alleluia posted: »

    I just finished the game (I know hush) and I am so glad I found this thread. I've shipped these two basically since the beginning. When it s

  • I don't want to make anyone teary, but the last scene Rhys and Fiona had with Gortys. It really feels like a daughter thanking her mother and father for loving and raising her.

  • Welcome to the dark creep house of wonders ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o)

    Yeah, You should technically be an ass to Sasha and let Fiona be an ass to Rhys in this section for Rhys to say I like someone else.

    I suppose it's mostly to keep the fans down from making a chaos- :D

    So I just joined this thread (fanclub? group?) today because I watched a playthrough on Youtube, and the player had Rhys declare his love fo

  • Does that mean you're one of us now? :D

    ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o) Welcome to our dark, creepy, charming house of wonders ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o)

    Alleluia posted: »

    I just finished the game (I know hush) and I am so glad I found this thread. I've shipped these two basically since the beginning. When it s

  • edited October 2015

    Thanks bro! Glad you enjoyed! :)

  • Welcome!

    enter image description here

    Alleluia posted: »

    I just finished the game (I know hush) and I am so glad I found this thread. I've shipped these two basically since the beginning. When it s

  • Adorable as Gortys? Dang you must have really liked it! Thank you for reading and reviewing! <3

    Alleluia posted: »

    Ok, now THAT was almost as adorable as Gortys. I think the only thing that could make it better is Gortys and LoaderBot off to the side giving commentary. lol

  • Thank you! I hope I gave you some cavities at least! :P

    buntingsir posted: »

    aw, too sweet... so sweet.....

  • This! And that's just one of many other reasons, why the whole game can feel like a grand Rhyiona journey ;-; so touching ;-;

    I don't want to make anyone teary, but the last scene Rhys and Fiona had with Gortys. It really feels like a daughter thanking her mother and father for loving and raising her.

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