Your choice-Episode 6-Kings Landing

edited October 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Sera: " Mira? Oh, im glad to see you!

Mira " What are you doing here?I thought you want nothing to do with me"

Sera: " Well... Queen Maragery is furious with me! and I cant find Tarwick! Can you help?

Mira" Stares at sera...

Sera: Listen.. I know i wasnt much of a good friend last time we met, but im hoping you can help me, remember you said we have to stick together?"

                             YOUR CHOICE
                            *** Help Sera (B)                                                          (X)    Decline to Help Sera***


  • Decline to help Sera.

    Now, I usually wouldn't do this. I would usually help. The thing is, Mira is already on a bad position with Margaery, so if Margaery is furious with Sera, helping Sera is risking making Margaery even angrier with Mira. Unfortunately, the friendship of a lowborn like her is not worth the risk.

  • [Help Sera] No question, she's Mira's best friend!

    Oh and BTW... it's Tarwick :p

  • From where did you find this. Is there is more??

  • oh thanks for the correction! Despite what happend, do you still believe shes miras best friend?

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    [Help Sera] No question, she's Mira's best friend! Oh and BTW... it's Tarwick

  • Some really strong points there!

    Abeille posted: »

    Decline to help Sera. Now, I usually wouldn't do this. I would usually help. The thing is, Mira is already on a bad position with Margaer

  • Yes I do. They can't be around each other anymore but they still care for each other a great deal.

    LordSIF posted: »

    oh thanks for the correction! Despite what happend, do you still believe shes miras best friend?

  • edited October 2015

    Oh, i found this from nowhere, this was a made up dialogue. This is not confirmed in anyway shape or form. I just created it

    Killah posted: »

    From where did you find this. Is there is more??

  • A very good point.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Yes I do. They can't be around each other anymore but they still care for each other a great deal.

  • Fuck...well, if this choice has came up then I would help her.

    LordSIF posted: »

    Oh, i found this from nowhere, this was a made up dialogue. This is not confirmed in anyway shape or form. I just created it

  • Mira has a bitch now.


  • I lied for her, and for what? Sera went bros before hoes. Misters before sisters. Duderuses before uteruses. Brovaries before ovaries. Guy-necology before gynecology. Testes before breasties.

    enter image description here
    enter image description here
    enter image description here

  • I would totally help her if it was a different problem. Say, Mira has to run away from King's Landing and the Lannister guards are after Sera too because she was close to Mira, so Sera begs Mira to take her away from King's Landing with her so she isn't imprisoned/tortured/killed. I wouldn't think twice before taking Sera with me.

    LordSIF posted: »

    Some really strong points there!

  • [Stab Sera]

  • Man, i mean i felt annoyed of her as she just thought of tarwick before mira, i wish there is an option to tell her what i did to keep tarwick around her

    Abeille posted: »

    I would totally help her if it was a different problem. Say, Mira has to run away from King's Landing and the Lannister guards are after Ser

  • [Decline her help and kick her into the ocean]

  • haha whyd you say that?

    kristi78968 posted: »

    [Decline her help and kick her into the ocean]

  • edited October 2015

    I think it was strange that we didn't have the option to remind her that Mira lied to protect her when she asks what Mira have been doing for her lately. One of the many missed opportunities in Episode 5.

    I understand why she put her marriage first. Life is tough for a bastard, especially a woman. Falling out of Margaery's graces and not getting someone else to take her under their protection (a husband, on this case) means Sera might as well end up living on the streets and/or working in a brothel. I think there is a very high possibility that she will end up coming to Mira for help in the end, though, because it is hard to believe someone would be stupid enough to marry some random handmaiden without even meeting her family, just with the word of another random handmaiden (one you just met, too). And if Tarwick is that unbelievably stupid, there is always the risk of him finding out later and having the marriage nullified (or, if he is not so nice as he seems to be, getting Sera killed so he can marry someone who isn't a lying lowborn).

    LordSIF posted: »

    Man, i mean i felt annoyed of her as she just thought of tarwick before mira, i wish there is an option to tell her what i did to keep tarwick around her

  • Cause she needs to be kicked into the ocean! She's completely forgotten about the clear bond we had when we shared that bottle of wine!

  • But she didn't forget the part when you drank the wine, since she went and told her middle-aged boyfriend about it ~.~

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Cause she needs to be kicked into the ocean! She's completely forgotten about the clear bond we had when we shared that bottle of wine!

  • edited October 2015

    Mira would give her this look.

    enter image description here

    Mira would say this when Sera's around Lord Tarwick: "My mother insisted that we should not be friends anymore, because you're a selfish bastard!"

    And Sera would need water to apply to that brutal burn.

    I would laugh for days. I want this to happen...

  • I agree, Tarwick will find out eventually, i also think that sera willl come back to mira, just cause episode 5 was all about how the forresters are all in bad shape

    Abeille posted: »

    I think it was strange that we didn't have the option to remind her that Mira lied to protect her when she asks what Mira have been doing fo

  • She Insisted!!

    Louixe posted: »

    Mira would give her this look. Mira would say this when Sera's around Lord Tarwick: "My mother insisted that we should not be friends

  • damn,

    Abeille posted: »

    But she didn't forget the part when you drank the wine, since she went and told her middle-aged boyfriend about it ~.~

  • Mira: My mother insisted that telltale must release episode 6 right now.

    LordSIF posted: »

    She Insisted!!

  • edited October 2015

    I would help her

  • Reason?

    I would help her

  • Aye

    Mira: My mother insisted that telltale must release episode 6 right now.

  • I revealed Sera's bastard history to Tarwick as it looked like Mira was using everybody to get what she wanted and it's mentioned again when you face of with Cersei and also it really fits Mira's character.

    LordSIF posted: »

    I agree, Tarwick will find out eventually, i also think that sera willl come back to mira, just cause episode 5 was all about how the forresters are all in bad shape

  • Decline Sera's help as you might be running from Lannister guard's when things go wrong with Cersei and you run into Sera in the corridor but don't want her to get involved.

  • i agree, i personally wouldnt help her, just because she dosnt seem to care about loyalty, a true friend would have stuck around. she just wants to miss the trouble and try to live a happy life. sorry sera, but your on your own

    NicWarden posted: »

    Decline Sera's help as you might be running from Lannister guard's when things go wrong with Cersei and you run into Sera in the corridor but don't want her to get involved.

  • Meh, i guess its up to the player on how he feels,cause it pretty much is a white lie. i didnt reveal her history just cause it didnt seem right to

    NicWarden posted: »

    I revealed Sera's bastard history to Tarwick as it looked like Mira was using everybody to get what she wanted and it's mentioned again when you face of with Cersei and also it really fits Mira's character.

  • Sera can go to annnnnnnny of the seven hells she likes.

  • Yeah, I didn't reveal her secret either. I felt really conflicted because I like Tarwick, he seems like a good man and he doesn't deserve to be tricked like that. But I imagined that he would find out sooner or later, so I just didn't want Mira to be the one to betray Sera's trust.

    LordSIF posted: »

    Meh, i guess its up to the player on how he feels,cause it pretty much is a white lie. i didnt reveal her history just cause it didnt seem right to

  • Because she is Mira's friend and helped her get into the coronation where you found Andros was hiring sellswords for Lard, and you were able to put a stop to it. I also can't blame her at all for wanting to stay away from Mira, it is becoming too dangerous and she doesn't want to be dragged into that position.

    LordSIF posted: »


  • true, he seems to smart to think like that, he surely would find out

    Abeille posted: »

    Yeah, I didn't reveal her secret either. I felt really conflicted because I like Tarwick, he seems like a good man and he doesn't deserve to

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