Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • here's the link

    Official Rhyiona Fanfiction Archive

    also, i don't think i've seen you before...

    ready to join our ship then? :D

    RAFAELAM96 posted: »

    Where is it?

  • Will need it!

    I appreciate it. :v

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    You too, man? Good luck

  • Good night Wolfenus, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite!


    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    So I'm pretty damn tired tonight... I slept for 6 hours... Again -__- I should sleep more from now on. At least I'm lucky that tomorrow, I don't go to school LMFAO Anyways, good night, cupcakes! GoT rated Rhyiona dreams ^-^

  • See you SmolGui! Sleep tight and catch a ride!


    SmolGui posted: »

    Yee, I'm gonna be off too. See y'all tomorrow.

  • Nah, you got this, just clear your mind and think about

    a report o-of... technical a-and mechanical... uh...

    and it'll be fine, you'll see!

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Will need it! I appreciate it. :v

  • I CAN'T HELP BUT THINK OF RHYS AND FIONA WHILE I LISTEN TO THIS SONG. If we're being honest, both would be so awkward when confessing to each other. :'D

    enter link description here

  • Night Wolf.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    So I'm pretty damn tired tonight... I slept for 6 hours... Again -__- I should sleep more from now on. At least I'm lucky that tomorrow, I don't go to school LMFAO Anyways, good night, cupcakes! GoT rated Rhyiona dreams ^-^

  • Well, talk about subtle...

    shocking, i know :P

  • subtle is my middle name >:D

    Well, talk about subtle...

  • One doesn't realise just how much content there actually is in this thread until you try to look for stories in the middle of it. Holy crap. So much dedication, I love it.

  • My god...

    I don't know how but... y-you've just reminded me...

    This thing?... this thing will be done in no time!

    enter image description here

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Nah, you got this, just clear your mind and think about a report o-of... technical a-and mechanical... uh... and it'll be fine, you'll see!


    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • This thread in itself is a big vault :o

    I've been surfing through some of the early pages and there is so much history; from people analysing early screenshots of Rhyiona, to stories, to art. It's incredible.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    One doesn't realise just how much content there actually is in this thread until you try to look for stories in the middle of it. Holy crap. So much dedication, I love it.

  • That's real modern art yo

  • I helped? Go me, I'm doing stuff right today!

    Now go show them the report-writing skills of BigBadPaul :D

    bro fist back at ya

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    My god... I don't know how but... y-you've just reminded me... This thing?... this thing will be done in no time!

  • Sweet Rhyiona dreams!

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    So I'm pretty damn tired tonight... I slept for 6 hours... Again -__- I should sleep more from now on. At least I'm lucky that tomorrow, I don't go to school LMFAO Anyways, good night, cupcakes! GoT rated Rhyiona dreams ^-^

  • It's totally worth gathering all these stories again just to see all this content, I love it.

    xValkyx posted: »

    This thread in itself is a big vault I've been surfing through some of the early pages and there is so much history; from people analysing early screenshots of Rhyiona, to stories, to art. It's incredible.

  • I had a silly prompt of Rhys and Fiona take LB and Gortys trick or treating but all of a sudden, they get attacked by undead Claptraps.

    kristi78968 posted: »

    I really want to make a Halloween fanfic for Rhyiona but I have nothing. :'D

  • You dare mock the son of a shepherd?

    ROLF, huh? x)

  • It's wonderful.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    It's totally worth gathering all these stories again just to see all this content, I love it.

  • I think I'll have an early night today, lest I want to feel like a zombie tomorrow in class :P I'll be back here sometime tomorrow in the afternoon :)

    Goodnight my lovely fellow Rhyiona's <3

    enter image description here

  • edited October 2015

    You're laughing now, but seriously, since the episode 5 I've been checking this thread everyday without posting anything. I feel like a stalker now.
    Don't kill me for my grammar :(

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Once you're here you can never leave again.

  • The answer to that is to stop lurking! Join us and abandon the stalker feeling! Oh, and your grammar is on point.

    Narraya posted: »

    You're laughing now, but seriously, since the episode 5 I've been checking this thread everyday without posting anything. I feel like a stalker now. Don't kill me for my grammar

  • Good Night, xValkyx! ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

    xValkyx posted: »

    I think I'll have an early night today, lest I want to feel like a zombie tomorrow in class :P I'll be back here sometime tomorrow in the afternoon Goodnight my lovely fellow Rhyiona's

  • Night', Later! ^‿^

    xValkyx posted: »

    I think I'll have an early night today, lest I want to feel like a zombie tomorrow in class :P I'll be back here sometime tomorrow in the afternoon Goodnight my lovely fellow Rhyiona's

  • Yeah,I've come w long way since then :)

    HellFish posted: »

    Damn, man, I'm proud of you, letting the Rhyiona into your heart. :') To be honest, the way things started, I would have never guessed they'll end up like this. Welcome to the family!

  • <3 <3 <3

    enter image description here

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Hello Rhyionas,you probably think now "what does a Rhysha want from here now". Don't worry,I just wanna get something off my chest and leave

  • Only a kiss? I'll prefer something else ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o)

  • I tried to do that but now my computer won't turn on....

  • But that's a good thing. :)

    Narraya posted: »

    You're laughing now, but seriously, since the episode 5 I've been checking this thread everyday without posting anything. I feel like a stalker now. Don't kill me for my grammar

  • It's been awhile since we had something to do with the kid AU outside of Hazza's crossover fanfic with tiny Fiona. So, here's something I just sorta did.

    The world is cruel. That’s what the tiny Pandoran thought as she sat outside in an alley, the streetlight ahead being the only light source she could see. She glances over at her sister Sasha, who’s fast asleep but not without shivering. Despite what fabrics, such as thrown out blankets, they gathered, it never seemed enough to face the cold and the rain. Fiona couldn’t sleep, instead, she could only stare ahead at the street, which to her surprise, was decently populated at night even when it was raining.

    She sighs, bringing her knees closer to her face. She and her sister looked like a complete mess; their clothes start starting to get dirty and have holes in them. All of this for good reason too, they had nowhere to go. No one would really help them either. After all, its Pandora, a cruel place where you needed to survive on your own, only a select few would help you and some of those ‘good’ few came with a price tag attached to it. Stealing became their last resort, a couple bucks here and there if they didn’t get caught. This sucks so much…

    The rain continued to fall, the sound of it hitting the rooftop and ground covered Fiona’s soft crying. She appeared strong to her young sister but when she wasn’t around or was sleeping, she had to let it out at some point.

    “Hey you!” A voice calls out to someone. Fiona ignores it, who would call them anyway? Two kids who gained what they got through stealing? “Why are you ignoring me?!” The voice calls out again. Next thing Fiona heard was loud steps quickly coming towards her direction, causing her to look up. A small boy, slightly taller than her wearing a light blue hoodie and brown hair that made him look like he just came out of bed was running towards her. He had a black umbrella in hand and a concerned look on his face. When reaching her, he bends down slightly, moving the umbrella to cover the both of them. “Are you okay,” the boy asks, reaching his hand out to the long haired brunette.

    “Does it look like I’m okay?!” Fiona barks at the boy, causing him to jump back a little bit. She wipes away her tears and glares daggers at the boy.

    “I-I’m just trying to help,” he pouts pursing his lips, “stupid Pandorans…” he mumbles to himself.

    “What did you say?”

    “N-Nothing! Anyway, why are you out here? Don’t you have some place to go to?” He asks. What, is this kid stupid or something? If I did, I wouldn’t be out here! Fiona doesn’t say anything. “...I guess not. Um…” The boy stands in silence, pondering on what to do next. Then, he glances over at Sasha sleeping. “Is that your sister?”

    “Yeah, don’t go near her.”

    He looks back at Fiona and frowns. “...You two don’t have anything, do you?”

    “It...doesn’t matter if we do or not...This is good practice for survival…” Fiona bites her bottom lip, her vision becoming unclear. No, don’t cry now...You have to be strong Fiona, number 1 rule in Pandora. Don’t show weakness! She closes her eyes, trying to fight back her tears.

    “...I hate Pandora. Its so unfair..” The boys says, but his voice sounds closer than it was before. Fiona opens her eyes to see the boy only inches away from her. Her cheeks turning slightly red, but she notices the boy’s face is the same shade. “I’m going to change it for the better when I grow up.” the boy announces confidently, showing off a warm smile. He holds his pinkie out, “if you don’t believe me, I’ll pinkie promise you! I don’t break pinkie promises!” Fiona didn’t quite believe in promises, after all, they were made to be broken. She looks at his small pinkie, unsure of what to do.

    “Oh come on! I don’t break pinkie promises! You can trust me here!” He puffs his cheeks.

    “How can I trust you? You’re just going to break it sooner or later…”

    “Because, a hero always sticks to their promises. That’s what happens in the books my friend and I read! I’m going to be your and your sister’s hero.” A hero? In this cruel world, someone like that can exist?

    "Are you going to charge me for this or something? Nothing's that simple..."

    "Money? I don't need money or anything. I just want to see you smile! Now, make the pinkie promise with me already!" He shoves his pinkie in her face. Fiona chuckles, for the first time in what seemed like forever in this hell hole.

    "Fine." She wraps her tan pinkie around his and tightens the grip, signifying the promise has been set in stone. The boy gets up and offers his umbrella to the girl, "think of this as one of my goals to making this planet better!" Fiona smiles softly and takes the umbrella. She scoots over to his sister, protecting them both from the rain.

    "What's your name? Mine's Fiona." She asks, making her hero stop in place. He turns around and puts his hands to his side, as if he's posing.

    "Rhys! Be sure to remember it so you know I didn't break our promise, Fiona!" He calls out to her. He restarts his pace back to the sidewalk, waving goodbye to the girl.

    Rhys, huh? I'll be sure to remember that...But what can he do? Isn't he a Pandoran? She shrugs her shoulders, forgetting the thought. At least she has something to look to now, something that could change her and his sister's lives for the better.

  • Anyways, good night, cupcakes!

    And you tell me not to be handsome lottii?

    Good night, Wolfenus!

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    So I'm pretty damn tired tonight... I slept for 6 hours... Again -__- I should sleep more from now on. At least I'm lucky that tomorrow, I don't go to school LMFAO Anyways, good night, cupcakes! GoT rated Rhyiona dreams ^-^

  • enter image description here

    Eryka posted: »

    Only a kiss? I'll prefer something else ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o)

  • I like the ship,it is my favorite, but I am trying not to obsessed because I need to study

    here's the link Official Rhyiona Fanfiction Archive also, i don't think i've seen you before... ready to join our ship then?

  • don't worry, we won't go anywhere

    we'll eagerly await your return. :D

    RAFAELAM96 posted: »

    I like the ship,it is my favorite, but I am trying not to obsessed because I need to study

  • One of these days, I'd really like to try giving myself a chance to write one of those fanfics...

    Great work! <3

    kristi78968 posted: »

    It's been awhile since we had something to do with the kid AU outside of Hazza's crossover fanfic with tiny Fiona. So, here's something I ju

  • Late good night, Valky!

    xValkyx posted: »

    I think I'll have an early night today, lest I want to feel like a zombie tomorrow in class :P I'll be back here sometime tomorrow in the afternoon Goodnight my lovely fellow Rhyiona's

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