The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • ...

    Well there is another anime that I watch that's pretty good and creepy. Sorry, couldn't resist the pun.

  • I died a little inside when i saw the name Justin Bieber...

    enter link description here Justin released alot of new songs yesterday, check them out because they're really good. enter link description here

  • edited November 2015

    So this time, I think I'm gonna try to review a video game. Something a little different. I was still not off the Spectre hype so I played an old espionage game that I have that is rather looked down upon by critics (not surprised).

    I introduce to you: Alpha Protocol

    enter image description here

    This is an action-based adventure shooter game with espionage and rpg elements added to it. Yes, you heard me. RPG! Made back 2010 by Obsidian games and published by Sega, this game actually is pretty good with its story and rpg elements. You play as Michael Thorton (based on popular secret agents such as Bourne, Bond, etc.), recently transferred to the Graybox, base of Alpha Protocol operations, and you are first sent in to investigate a terrorist organization called Al-Samad based in Saudi Arabia after an America is destroyed by missiles. Soon enough you learn of a conspiracy and must then travel to Moscow, Taiwan and Rome (Rome is the longest act in the game).

    In the game all your actions and conversations counts towards something. Like Telltale, what you say and do will affect the characters around you, your reputation, and ultimately the world. For example, should you kill local officials such as civilians, police or militant law enforcers, you will be viewed negatively from government factions. Choices in conversations are timed, how you approach a character will affect how the character will react to you, sometimes what you do earlier will affect a relationship. You even have choices to spare or kill at times, and you need to use your instinct to feel which is the best call. Information you can gather is determinant, what you know will affect something (eg. having a dossier on a certain character even though you never met him, will impress the man you're talking to). You can be either a hero, villain, or anti-hero; and you must also at times choose between your personal feelings and the mission at hand (an accurate simulation of what real life agents goes through). Many of your choices matter for the road, not all of it matters in the end, but plenty will (speaking realistically).

    The story is very good and has a nice range of characters, and yes you can romance with some of the characters (the girls only, sorry, it's that Bond inspiration going on). There's plenty to do and a good amount of replay. Although some of the bosses can be a bit ridiculous and over-powered. Also keep note, you can travel to Russia, Taiwan, and Rome in any order. What you do in each will be referenced in the other country as your reputation increases.

    The gameplay focuses heavily on espionage (from my personal experience I like to sneak more often than go gung-ho) but you can choose to be Rambo if you want to (just beware of the consequences for certain situations). A few things to take note is that 1. Sneaking looks awfully silly, and if you push the stick while pressing the button to get out of cover, you will stand and run by the prompt. Just stay still and press only the button to continue sneaking. 2. Aiming can be difficult as the accuracy particular sucks, but zooming with the prompt can help a bit and it you stand still for long while aiming, it increases damage as the crosshairs close in on the focus. Ironically, melee can do more damage than your guns at times. 3. Sometimes the game can get buggy, such as getting glitched into the cover you're at after getting hit sometimes, or items can't be grabbed, prompt command on screen sometimes disappears, in early levels reloading a checkpoint after killing a few enemies will reload the checkpoint but the enemies you killed are no longer around, and at times the game has to render the graphics after a pause menu or loading time. Those are the only problems, looking past those issues, the game is pretty fun. You can hack terminals, pick locks, steal money/ammo/equipment in the areas, upgrade and customize your character, do deals with criminals/agencies (they may even help you in missions if you have a good standing with the affiliations'' contacts) you use a black market shop to buy and sell stuff, and use email to communicate/sell information for a profit.

    It's a pretty good game that has its own flaws (nothing's perfect). I rate it a 7.5 out of 10. If you like to see some of it, well it's all over YouTube. Just beware of spoilers obviously. (sorry for errors, fixed mistakes I saw)

  • OMG! I watched the first 7 episodes of Future Diary and I liked it so far.

    Yuno is my favorite.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    I don't know if they are on the Netflix but Guilty Crown and Future Diary are amazing imo.

  • okay

    papai46 posted: »

    I died a little inside when i saw the name Justin Bieber...

  • Eh, I'm not that into pop, it's pretty dissapointing, so I never listen to Justin or anyone popular for that matter. Though I gotta make an exception for Fall Out Boy, I mean how can you not?

    enter link description here Justin released alot of new songs yesterday, check them out because they're really good. enter link description here

  • edited November 2015

    That's what I meant. I'm Muslim myself. By 'Islamist', I mean people like ISIS. I just realised 'Islamist' means a different thing.

    Flog61 posted: »

    There are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world - if they were psychopathic by nature, we'd all be dead by now. Worth noting that the entire m

  • I hope by 'Muslim', you don't mean the innocent people who just want to follow their beliefs without harming anyone.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    it's holy book (I personally don't know since I've never read it nor plan to) Then how can you even discuss anything about Muslims a

  • Ah, I see.

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    I'm assuming he doesn't have the american netflix (or whichever version you're watching in).

  • enter image description here

    First of all, if you can't even, then you better odd. Second of all, Thaaat's racist! ding!

  • I don't know if anyone has played it, but I SERIOUSLY recommend Dead Rising 2. Fucking amazing game, I've been obsessed with it for the past 3 days. Again, Idk who has played it and who hasn't, but Dead Rising 2 is the shit, and if you haven't checked it out, I recommend doing so.

    Since today is November 16th (in Australia anyway), ten years since Australia made the FIFA World Cup for the first time since 1974, I figured I'd post this picture here.

  • I LOVE Monstercat.

    Anyone here like Monstercat?

  • yay I'm not the only one on this forum, what's your song?

    this is one of my favorites

    CosmicSouls posted: »

    I LOVE Monstercat.

  • That'll help with the war against ISIS for sure.

    Have you guys heard of this?

  • Following Quran and not hurting people is contradictory

    CosmicSouls posted: »

    I hope by 'Muslim', you don't mean the innocent people who just want to follow their beliefs without harming anyone.

  • Am I the only person who does not pick any genre of music?

    I like the songs I linked to, because it has a deeper meaning.

    Eh, I'm not that into pop, it's pretty dissapointing, so I never listen to Justin or anyone popular for that matter. Though I gotta make an exception for Fall Out Boy, I mean how can you not?

  • They've said that alot of times already.

    Have you guys heard of this?

  • To me, all popular music is all the same, it's all just stuff that plays all the time on radios until it gets annoying. To me they don't have any deeper meaning, (some do of course) though I could care less for those deeper meanings, some people do care though.

    I listen to whatever makes me happy, so I don't care about genre either. But I've still noticed that most pop songs don't click with me. That's why I listen to other genres.

    Maybe you'd like to share some of your favorite songs?

    Am I the only person who does not pick any genre of music? I like the songs I linked to, because it has a deeper meaning.

  • yay I'm not the only one on this forum, what's your song? this is one of my favorites

  • Incorrect. The Quran never directly says 'Harm other people who don't follow your faith'. The opposite is actually encouraged.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Following Quran and not hurting people is contradictory

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited November 2015

    “Let not the unbelievers think they will ever get away. They have not the power so to do. Muster against them all the men and cavalry at your command, so that you may strike terror into the enemy of Allah and your enemy…” Quran 8:59-60

    Quran (47:3-4) - "Those who disbelieve follow falsehood, while those who believe follow the truth from their Lord... So, when you meet (in fight Jihad in Allah's Cause), those who disbelieve smite at their necks till when you have killed and wounded many of them, then bind a bond firmly (on them, i.e. take them as captives)... If it had been Allah's Will, He Himself could certainly have punished them (without you). But (He lets you fight), in order to test you, some with others. But those who are killed in the Way of Allah, He will never let their deeds be lost."

    and about 109 more verses from quran and Hadith's about violence against non believers

    totaly support your statement

    CosmicSouls posted: »

    Incorrect. The Quran never directly says 'Harm other people who don't follow your faith'. The opposite is actually encouraged.

  • The Muslims are not, and never will be, the villains in all of this, so it is irrational to compare them to ISIS.

    Because poor, misunderstood little Muslims are the biggest victims here and Muslim terroris group like ISIS or dozen other have absolutely nothing to do with Islam, since they follow Not-quran, Not-mahomet and not allach and when they scream allachu akbar it's just a coincidence that it happens to sound like the sentence that every muslim says five times a day

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    There are Muslims out there who condemn the act of terrorism towards Paris, like every sane being in the world. There's no ulterior motive o

  • I never claimed that the Muslims are the victims of any form, you are putting words in my mouth to suit your anti-Muslim agenda, which is childish in itself. I stated that they should not be confused with the ISIS, who are extremists and make a mockery of Muslims and the Qur'an by claiming to be of their kind while they kill in the name of their God, who ordered no such terrorist acts.

    "Whoever kills an innocent human being, it shall be as if he has killed all mankind, and whosoever saves the life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind" - Qur'an 5:32

    ISIS do not follow the Qur'an, and yet they claim to be Muslims. Therefor ISIS has no place being associated with Muslims whatsoever, they're just another terrorist group who twists the Qur'an's teachings just to satisfy their lust for killing.

    Again, the Muslims are not, and never will be, the villains in all of this.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    The Muslims are not, and never will be, the villains in all of this, so it is irrational to compare them to ISIS. Because poor, misu

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited November 2015

    You implied it.

    "Whoever kills an innocent human being, aka muslims non belivers are guilty by default

    “Let not the unbelievers think they will ever get away. They have not the power so to do. Muster against them all the men and cavalry at your command, so that you may strike terror into the enemy of Allah and your enemy…” Quran 8:59-60

    Quran (47:3-4) - "Those who disbelieve follow falsehood, while those who believe follow the truth from their Lord... So, when you meet (in fight Jihad in Allah's Cause), those who
    ** disbelieve smite at their necks till when you have killed and wounded many of them**
    , then bind a bond firmly (on them, i.e. take them as captives)... If it had been Allah's Will, He Himself could certainly have punished them (without you). But (He lets you fight), in order to test you, some with others. But those who are killed in the Way of Allah, He will never let their deeds be lost."

    "And the Jews say: Ezra is the son of Allah; and the Christians say: The Messiah is the son of Allah; these are the words of their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved before; may Allah destroy them; how they are turned away!"

    ISIS follows Quran exactly to the very letter, here's link to all quotes about violence against non muslim and now tell me how that differ from what ISIS is doing? enter link description here

    twists the Qur'an's teachings just to satisfy their lust for killing.

    Not much twisting really needed here eh? They basically got an excuse handed on a silver plate.

    Yes Islam is a religion of peace but between Muslims. For the rest it's a religion of conquest, terror and rape.

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    I never claimed that the Muslims are the victims of any form, you are putting words in my mouth to suit your anti-Muslim agenda, which is ch

  • Yeah, I love it as well although I'm like you on the episode 7. Hardcore yandere stuff. :D

    OMG! I watched the first 7 episodes of Future Diary and I liked it so far. Yuno is my favorite.

  • How have my comment implied that Muslims are the 'biggest victims' in this case? They cannot just be ordinary people without being referred to as villains or victims?

    Muslims do not follow the darkest parts of the Qur'an by default, and they have made the choice to not follow quote 47:3-4 just because it exists. True Muslims follow the 5:32 quote, and they still do to this day. While you are right that ISIS follows the Qur'an to the very letter, Muslims choose not to do so and benefits from disregarding 47:3-4 and the like, because they know that they are wrong.

    Let's face it, no religion all over the world is perfect, not even Christianity, the biggest and most organized religion in the world. Judges 1:1-8 NLT promoted killing 1000 people in the name of God, Judges 1:21-35 NLT promoted murder and slavery, and Amos 5:6 NAB requested that non-believers should die.

    In essence, the Bible has just as much dark secrets and advocating senseless killings as the Qur'an does. They were also Christian extremists who helped form the KKK and had contributed to killing many innocent people under the name of the Lord. Yet Christians choose to follow Christianity regardless, because they don't dwell on what the extremists have done in the past, and do not condone what the Bible advocates from the more darker pages of the book, they instead choose to do good.

    Muslims choose to follow the Qur'an regardless of the dark contents because they're still willing to do good all the same, and they do no condone to what Qur'an advocates from 47:3-4, and they most definitely do no condone to what has happened to Paris.

    You can follow a religion and still make the choice to not follow every single quotes there is in the book.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    You implied it. "Whoever kills an innocent human being, aka muslims non belivers are guilty by default “Let not the unbelievers think

  • How have my comment implied that Muslims are the 'biggest victims' in this case? They cannot just be ordinary people without being referred to as villains or victims?

    Again, the Muslims are not, and never will be, the villains in all of this.

    If you're so sure that they will never be a villains then what's left for them to be?

    True Muslims follow the 5:32 quote, and they still do to this day. While you are right that ISIS follows the Qur'an to the very letter, Muslims choose not to do so and benefits from disregarding 47:3-4 and the like, because they know that they are wrong.

    Then why not to remove it from the book all together if they know it's wrong?

    ISIS do not follow the Qur'an,

    While you are right that ISIS follows the Qur'an to the very letter

    You just contradicted yourself so does ISIS follow quran or not in your opinion?

    Judges 1:1-8 NLT promoted killing 1000 people in the name of God, Judges 1:21-35 NLT promoted murder and slavery, and Amos 5:6 NAB requested that non-believers should die.

    Numbers are still against you. Islam is way more bloody than Christianity

    You can follow a religion and still make the choice to not follow every single quotes there is in the book.

    That's why those quotes should be removed. But Islam is incapable of change. Even the most liberal muslim do not dare to change it. Because an anathema to their religion is punished by death. They're people who lives in 21st century stuck with 7th century mindset.

    And the link you gave show the very thing that irks me the most. "ISIS has nothing to do with Islam.", Not in my name or other shit. THat's all they ever do, hid their heads in sand. few post above I wrote what they could do to harm ISIS but they still didn't do it. And as you noticed yourself ISIS has everything to do with Islam. What ISIS is doing is the Same their beloved mahomet was doing in his times.

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    How have my comment implied that Muslims are the 'biggest victims' in this case? They cannot just be ordinary people without being referred

  • What am I being applauded for? The fuck is going on? Did I just stoke out, did YOU stroke out, SOMEBODY, somewhere, Has stroken out.

  • Holy fucking shit did I type this as a reply?

    I don't know if anyone has played it, but I SERIOUSLY recommend Dead Rising 2. Fucking amazing game, I've been obsessed with it for the past

  • I did. Oh my fucking god in heaven. XD @xboxplayer_12 So sorry dude. XD

    I don't know if anyone has played it, but I SERIOUSLY recommend Dead Rising 2. Fucking amazing game, I've been obsessed with it for the past

  • If you're so sure that they will never be a villains then what's left for them to be?

    if by 'them' you mean Muslims, then they're people. People, just like you and me.

    Then why not to remove it from the book all together if they know it's wrong?

    You could ask the same question to every other books in all groups of religion, why not remove all bad stories altogether that drives people to murder? But then the mass would argue that by deleting them, we'd be pretending that they never existed, we're pretending that the book is all wonderful inside and out, we're secretly condoning the extremists and their killings, or we're refusing to admit that their religion is flawed. The list goes on.

    You just contradicted yourself so does ISIS follow quran or not in your opinion?

    No, I was indirectly admitting that I was wrong that ISIS does not follow the Qur'an. However, I did agree that the ISIS follow them to the letter, especially the 47:3-5, and I also stated that Muslims do not, and hence, will not agree to 47:3-5.

    Numbers are still against you. Islam is way more bloody than Christianity

    Big or little numbers, it's all the same crime committed by extremists from both groups at the end of the day, it doesn't matter the amount of blood spilled it doesn't hide the fact that both have dark histories. Also, are you implying that Christianity is inherently good by default and every member who follows that religion will always be 'good'?

    THat's all they ever do, hid their heads in sand. few post above I wrote what they could do to harm ISIS but they still didn't do it.

    It's easy to make those answers when there's no way of knowing of the unforeseeable consequences in the future if Islam takes your idea of changing the Qur'an. What if they do change the Qur'an? Will it stop ISIS dead on its feet, or will they choose to ignore it, or even attack the people who changed it for 'defiling' it?

    Leluch123 posted: »

    How have my comment implied that Muslims are the 'biggest victims' in this case? They cannot just be ordinary people without being referred

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited November 2015

    You could ask the same question to every other books in all groups of religion, why not remove all bad stories altogether that drives people to murder? But then the mass would argue that by deleting them, we'd be pretending that they never existed, we're pretending that the book is all wonderful inside and out, we're secretly condoning the extremists and their killings, or we're refusing to admit that their religion is flawed. The list goes on.

    No that way we're admitting that the thing written few centries ago has no place in modern world. In their time things were solved by violence but don't you think it's time for them to have their own reformation insted of blindly clinging to the past?

    No, I was indirectly admitting that I was wrong that ISIS does not follow the Qur'an. However, I did agree that the ISIS follow them to the letter, especially the 47:3-5, and I also stated that Muslims do not, and hence, will not agree to 47:3-5.

    You're still speaking as if ISIS weren't muslim. Those who follow Quran no matter in what way are muslim period.

    Big or little numbers, it's all the same crime committed by extremists from both groups at the end of the day, it doesn't matter the amount of blood spilled it doesn't hide the fact that both have dark histories. Also, are you implying that Christianity is inherently good by default and every member who follows that religion will always be 'good'?

    nope just saying that Chiristianity is way less violent than Islam. It has blood on it's hand like most religions but not nearly as much as islam.

    No, I was indirectly admitting that I was wrong that ISIS does not follow the Qur'an. However, I did agree that the ISIS follow them to the letter, especially the 47:3-5, and I also stated that Muslims do not, and hence, will not agree to 47:3-5.

    Then it bring us to the question which of them are real muslims?

    It's easy to make those answers when there's no way of knowing of the unforeseeable consequences in the future if Islam takes your idea of changing the Qur'an. What if they do change the Qur'an? Will it stop ISIS dead on its feet, or will they choose to ignore it, or even attack the people who changed it for 'defiling' it?

    So you're saying that removing the verses that promotoes violonce may have worse consequences than leaving them as they are? If what you said that muslims are people like you and me would they riot against that and demend that the permission to kill infidels remians there? Or they would be relieved that they would not have to be selective about their religion?

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    If you're so sure that they will never be a villains then what's left for them to be? if by 'them' you mean Muslims, then they're pe

  • Then it bring us to the question which of them are real muslims?

    Those who follow 5:32 are the real Muslims, of course.

    So you're saying that removing the verses that promotoes violonce may have worse consequences than leaving them as they are? If what you said that muslims are people like you and me would they riot against that and demend that the permission to kill infidels remians there? Or they would be relieved that they would not have to be selective about their religion?

    I'm saying that we have no way of knowing whether rewriting the Qur'an will be a step in the right direction, given how you state that 'an anathema to their religion is punished by death', which will inevitably be enforced by the extremists. Whether the Qur'an is changed or not, it won't stop people being killed over it by the extremists.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    You could ask the same question to every other books in all groups of religion, why not remove all bad stories altogether that drives people

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited November 2015

    Those who follow 5:32 are the real Muslims, of course.

    What makes you so sure? Also you are aware that killing is not the only thing that wrong there. The humiliating treatment of women is there too.
    You propably noticed that Muslims are very selcetive in their belief. They preach about peace and love yet they still keep the violence going.

    you state that 'an anathema to their religion is punished by death',

    It's a fact not opinion. Almost Every full muslim (Turkey still being an admirable exception) country has a life prison or death sentece for those who abandon their faith, You cannot look at Islam selecetivly but as whole.

    Next time you meet a Muslim ask him if his religion is a one of peace. After he or she end the triade pull out those quotes I gave you and have him or her explain how smiting the necks of the infidels happened to be in the religion of peace.

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    Then it bring us to the question which of them are real muslims? Those who follow 5:32 are the real Muslims, of course. So you

  • Next time you meet a Muslim ask him if his religion is a one of peace. After he or she end the triade pull out those quotes I gave you and have him or her explain how smiting the necks of the infidels happened to be in the religion of peace.

    Thanks, but no thanks. I wouldn't want to encourage any anti-Muslim tirade to any Muslim I meet just because some of their Qur'an quotes preaches violence, yet they choose to live peacefully and not wanting to contribute their lifestyle toward ISIS in any form.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Those who follow 5:32 are the real Muslims, of course. What makes you so sure? Also you are aware that killing is not the only thing

  • Thanks, but no thanks. I wouldn't want to encourage any anti-Muslim tirade to any Muslim I meet just because some of their Qur'an quotes preaches violence, yet they choose to live peacefully and not wanting to contribute their lifestyle toward ISIS in any form.

    never said anything about anti-muslim tirade. Have them expalain how the so called the religion of peace accept and even encourages violence. After all you said they're people like you and me surely they are able to explain the hypocrisy of their own faith.

    And you hadn't replied to my question how are you so certain that those 5:32 are real Muslims? Because religion is about following it and trusting in it. and ISIS is way better at following quran to the very letter.

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    Next time you meet a Muslim ask him if his religion is a one of peace. After he or she end the triade pull out those quotes I gave you and h

  • I picked up Fallout 3 a few days ago for the sake of playing something I had not before, and to gauge my interest in Fallout 4.
    The game is brilliant! But there is one, tiny, little, gargantuan problem I have with it: The game has more bugs than a squatter's matress.

  • I shall give him credit; his music has increased in quality.

    enter link description here Justin released alot of new songs yesterday, check them out because they're really good. enter link description here

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