'Always Accountable' Episode Discussion



  • I'm pretty sure that's not glenn...and damn it, Why Negan didn't show up yet?! I know dwight showed up which confirms the saviors is gonna show up as well Negan will. I just can't wait for him to show up....what if glenn was on the radio begging for help because negan captured him?

  • edited November 2015

    I forgot about Dwight, then thats why he had his face ironed (I forgot the reason) as for the "Help call" I think it's Glenn, I don't know about walkie talkies but Glenn should be closer to Daryl and co. so it's more likely to be him right? I hope he gets lucky, real lucky. When will Jesus be introduced to the show? Anyone has an idea when?

  • I can't wait to see more of Dwight! And I'm so glad Abe got some more development.

  • Wanna tissue for your issue?

    Black-Op1 posted: »

    On another note, there goes the show proving Rick right again. (Telling Daryl not to try and recruit anymore people). Getting kind of sick of Rick and Carol being proven right all the damn time.

  • I'm really annoyed by that ending.

  • edited November 2015

    It was better than last week for sure. It had a wonderful mixture of action and character development, while still advancing the story.

    And the dumbest death of the show goes to Tina! I actually sat up and shouted, "Oh for fuck's sake!" when I saw that. And I can't believe they robbed Daryl. Seriously, after he came back like that..

    The diabetic girl was passing out from hypoglycemia, so her friend gives her insulin.

    To avoid hurting or even killing your diabetic friends, DO NOT DO THIS. If you find your diabetic friend passed out, put some hard candy or a glucose tab in their cheek. 9 times out of 10, they have too little blood sugar and need MORE. Insulin will only DECREASE the remaining sugars, making the problem WORSE. This kills people!
    Better yet, if your diabetic friend is acting funny or complaining of feeling dizzy or sick, have them drink some juice or soda before they actually pass out. It's better to have too much blood sugar than too little (for the most part).

    And call 911! (Unless it's the zombie apocalypse.)

    I'm really glad for what this episode did for Abraham. He was really neglected since the Eugene reveal. Great to see him getting lots of character development. And nice to see him coming out of that tough mental situation into a better place.

    Any screen time with Abe is positive. Liked how the PTSD kicked in when he was trying to take the rocket launcher and the soldier trying to eat him up close and personal. Loved that he realized it was his mirror image and decided to flip the script on his attitude to live out his life drinking beer and smoking cigars behind the protected walls of Alexandria. Loved that they showed Daryl's mirror image as well. The above screen shot of him lying in the burnt out forest next to the burnt motorcyclist was so cool and equally scary as it felt a wee bit like foreshadowing.

    Sasha and Abe's scenes were beautifully acted and written. Their potential romance took me by surprise, and I love that! I can't wait to see how that develops. They have real chemistry. And like Abe, I enjoy how Sasha calls bs. I liked the way Sasha understood that staying put and waiting for Daryl was the smart thing to do.

    It was good to see Daryl being the loner again. I also liked how he was cautious with the three survivors, yet hoping they could be trusted and join Alexandria. R.I.P. Daryl's crossbow.
    When Darryl said 'You will be' in response to the girl saying she was sorry I had a little bit of a smile on my face. Always enjoy hearing something badass and ominous from one of the most popular characters. The cold open for this episode was also pretty well done. Most of the cold opens this season have been solid actually.
    Daryl’s big fight with a walker midway through the episode (after he’s escaped from the others) is one of the dumber suspense sequences the show’s done in a while. Maybe he’s just too tired to think clearly, but the fact that he stands there trying to yank his crossbow free when he could’ve easily just jogged a few yards away and bought himself some breathing room makes the whole situation more absurd than suspenseful.

    More of a nitpick but people are calling this the worst episode of the show already. Really? Wait till after the mid-season finale and see how everything ties together, you knuckleheads!

    I was upset Dwight's name wasn't mentioned. I know you gotta keep us in suspense especially the comic readers, but you couldn't have at least had Linda uttere it before they rode off on the stolen bike or have Daryl seen it on the little statue he made? Come on!

    So was that Glenn saying "Help!" at the end? That "Help" did not sound like Glenn. I could be wrong.

    My guess? I believe in 4 options:

    1) Glenn through bad feedback. I think AMC distorted the voice for the preview but I think there's no real doubt it will be Glenn.

    2) Glenn's rescuer.

    3) Dwight after being captured.

    4) Eugene. They must be playing with the timeline and Alexandria is being overrun with walkers or something while Abe,Daryl, and Sasha are on their way back.

    enter image description here

  • My guess? I believe in 4 options:

    1) Glenn through bad feedback. I think AMC distorted the voice for the preview but I think there's no real doubt it will be Glenn.

    2) Glenn's rescuer.

    3) Dwight after being captured.

    4) Eugene. They must be playing with the timeline and Alexandria is being overrun with walkers or something while Abe,Daryl, and Sasha are on their way back.

    Good thoughts! About that ending though... to me it sounded a lot like Rick but I have a source who told me how the episode would end before it aired and he said that it's Glenn so idk what to think.

    It was better than last week for sure. It had a wonderful mixture of action and character development, while still advancing the story. A

  • He's playing a savior from what i heard

  • Nah hes the leader of a seach party. His name is Wade.


  • Wow. You were so wrong.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Classic. Every side character dies. Watch, those other 2 people in that group will also die this episode. Come on man, this is just predictable at this point. And how did she recover from her friend/family member's death so quickly?

  • edited November 2015

    Good episode. Really made me appreciate Daryl more. After Beth, he kinda started to annoy me. But Aaron quickly rectified the situation, back in season 5, by bringing him back a little. Daryl is awesome! Bringing back the meds, giving dude the gun back so he can protect himself, grabbing a shovel, and holy shit, that "you're gonna be" line gave me goosebumps. I totally believe him. No one who has stollen Daryl Dixon's crossbow has ever gotten away with it.

    Love Sasha and Abraham's relationship. Doesn't even have to be a sexual one(although, I think she'll probably take Holly's place), they seem like kindred spirits.

  • Yep and the girl was his wife Sharon pre-sex slave

    zeke10 posted: »

    Guessing the guy was dwight

  • I hope so. Hopefully at least some fans will deal with it.

    Legendary12 posted: »

    When Glenn comes back I can't wait to see all of the people rage about how him coming back is stupid and unrealistic.. but come on.. its obvious.. he is coming back.

  • edited November 2015

    Well Negan will show up in the finale as confirmed by spoiling dead and amc

    Killah posted: »

    I'm pretty sure that's not glenn...and damn it, Why Negan didn't show up yet?! I know dwight showed up which confirms the saviors is gonna s

  • eh, it was alright. 6/10. again with the lame ass minor character zombie deaths. you know what that shit pissed me off again fucking 5/10. seriously find a better way to kill these worthless characters. the acting was cool, it wasnt the last 2 weeks type of acting but it was cool. new enemies ok cool. some are saying that those are the saviors and that dude was dwight, so to first show them with daryl was kinda cool, since he isnt in the comics. that abe and sasha thing did surprised me, i mean could it be what we know from the comics?? wont spoiled for non readers. that rocket laucher was awesome! and i hope its like Br Ba where they didnt just show it just to show it and they actually use it. that ending i just hope its something else and not Glenn.

  • In the comics it was because he and his wife (who rode off with him) tried to get back togther after she swore to be Negans slave.

    darky07 posted: »

    I forgot about Dwight, then thats why he had his face ironed (I forgot the reason) as for the "Help call" I think it's Glenn, I don't know a

  • Don't worry about fan feedback. They call EVERY episode the worst. As for the rest i agree with you for the most part. This was a great episode.

    It was better than last week for sure. It had a wonderful mixture of action and character development, while still advancing the story. A

  • They messed with one of the untouchables. They're gonna die.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Wow. You were so wrong.

  • ..........nah i won't spoil it for you. Lets just say expect the unexpected.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    They messed with one of the untouchables. They're gonna die.

  • Once again, an even-numbered episode is better than the odd numbered episode that precedes it, although I wouldn't call this one great like "JSS" and "Here's Not Here". Daryl is still a boring walking wooden plank of a character. A lot of the scenes in the forest could have been done a lot better too, like Daryl trying to get his crossbow out for a single walker getting closer. On a more positive note, early hints of Negan were cool and I'm actually interested in the Abraham cheating storyline because Sasha will be a part of it. It makes good on the subtle hints between the two in season 5, and I'm glad they're not using Francine for that storyline. Also, everything that Abraham says is pure gold.

    The fact that they didn't show a montage of next episode (unless someone can correct me) makes me think Glenn is returning next week and will probably be the A plot. I've heard rumors he'd return in episode 7 (and how fitting that an odd-numbered episode could potentially feature the end of the show's credibility -_-) but we'll have to wait and see.

    Still, though... this is a very, very uneven season half so far. The weakest first half since season 2, despite some fantastic episodes. Yes, even the hospital arc of season 5 was better, because it had more focus and every episode developed characters and progressed the story. It was only the awful and clumsy ending that tainted that arc as a whole.

  • edited November 2015

    Most idiotic Walker death award goes to Tina.

    I mean what is it, at least a year into the apocalypse? And she went and set flowers down next to two unencountered walkers! Everything else in the Episode was okay with, but come on!

    Oh and what the heck with that betrayal! Cool moves, blonde guy. Cool moves.

  • To be fair, those were the ever-sneaky "lurkers". Most zombies walk around and make lots of snarling. The group had nearly survived for a year when they first got to the prison, and Hershel was still surprised by the lurker that bit him. Unless you're well-versed in all behaviors of the zombies, you can't be prepared when they play dead like that.

    That said, it was still a really dumb death because of the setup and how she reacted afterward.

    Most idiotic Walker death award goes to Tina. I mean what is it, at least a year into the apocalypse? And she went and set flowers down n

  • I think sehe a assumed they were dead. And according to several counts its been nearly two years sice the apocalypse.

    Most idiotic Walker death award goes to Tina. I mean what is it, at least a year into the apocalypse? And she went and set flowers down n

  • Tina had one of the dumbest deaths on the show... I hated that, I liked her character (also she was cute AF XD She kinda reminded me of Sherry Birkin in Resident Evil 6).

  • Apparently a big scene got leaked:(

  • totally sherry Birkin look

    Vaxij posted: »

    Tina had one of the dumbest deaths on the show... I hated that, I liked her character (also she was cute AF XD She kinda reminded me of Sherry Birkin in Resident Evil 6).

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