
What decisions do YOU regret?



  • I regret going after Ludd... Sorry Ryon :(

  • Trying to be cunning and strategic. It counted for nothing in episode 6, I just said fuck it.

  • No Regrets

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    Okay, maybe I regret one thing.

    I regret selling Sera out to Margaery. It was really a decision that I took out of spite for her, because Margaery said she has been badmouthing me, but I imagine her life as a bastard must be incredibly tough. At lest she still has Tarwick, I think. I didn't tell him her secret.

  • I regret not beating up Gryff in episode 4, because I didn't even get to hurt him in this episode :/

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    Mira was dismissed and married Morgryn and Gared cut Cotter's heart out and marched south. Asher ambushed Ludd and only managed to kill Gryff.

  • Bringing Finn along with us

  • I regret nothing!

    Iron from ice!

    (Also, your spoiler warning is for the wrong episode, so you might want to fix that.)

  • Eh. I don't really regret any decisions, but I'm disgruntled with some of the results.

    I saved Asher in ep 5 assuming he would just die anyway in in ep 6- and that worked out okay, but I ended up with a dead mother and I'm not sure if Beskha or Ryon made it out alive. I didn't like that no matter what you chose to do with Ludd you basically ended up with the same result. It gives me no incentive to play through again with different choices. On the other hand, I was happy to kill Gryff.

  • edited November 2015

    I regret freezing while trying to decide whether to marry that traitorous slime. I took to long, and that turned into a flat refusal, which turned into a death sentence.

    On gawd, Poor Mira! :'(

  • Damn that Mira decision... I honestly regret saving my own life for the coal boy. I felt like such a piece of shit when I heard his last words were "HELP ME!"

  • That sucks. I played defiantly throughout and didn't give an inch. Yeah I lost folks but fuck it at least I took a bunch of those cunts with me and hopefully established that House Forrester is not to be underestimated. No regrets!

    Brodester08 posted: »

    Trying to be cunning and strategic. It counted for nothing in episode 6, I just said fuck it.

  • Lol thats gonna come back to bite you in the ass. I figured be telling Tarwick the truth you sabotoge her power base and make her threats against you worthless. However now she'll marry into money and could get her revenge.

    Abeille posted: »

    Okay, maybe I regret one thing. I regret selling Sera out to Margaery. It was really a decision that I took out of spite for her, because

  • I was envisioning slitting his throat in the bed chambers when the time ran out! I wasn't even thinking about that the boy would die....

    Damn that Mira decision... I honestly regret saving my own life for the coal boy. I felt like such a piece of shit when I heard his last words were "HELP ME!"

  • Mira was dismissed and married Morgryn and Gared cut Cotter's heart out and marched south. Asher ambushed Ludd and only managed to kill Gryff.

  • Yeah well he did and it put a gigantic damper on my day. Although, at least I saved myself of an even shittier one if Mira had been the one to go. I'm not happier being alive, I just feel like an ass.

    I was envisioning slitting his throat in the bed chambers when the time ran out! I wasn't even thinking about that the boy would die....

  • I regret not getting Eleana out of Ironrath before the battle. She came at me all "this is my home now, my place is by your side" and my Rodrick can refuse her nothing because I'm a sucker for their romance. I thought I could protect her. And the last thing my severely wounded Rodrick saw before being slung over the ass of a horse was her being dragged off, probably to be raped and killed, and being too weak to even stand, let alone come to her aid. I should have gotten her out of there.

    Otherwise, no regrets. At least not about the outcomes I could have changed. And at least not until season 2 when I might come to regret some of my choices in this final episode. (Gared stayed at the North Grove. Why? I'm not sure. It must never be lost so let's hang out there with a bunch of blood magic warriors that this bastard daughter is slowly losing control of because I wasn't about to rip my friends beating heart out of his chest, so I'm not sure how useful I'll be to anyone or anything next season, so we will see, but I feel like maybe I should have gone home.)

    I fought with "fierce passion" and aside from Eleana I'm happy with that.

  • Haha we made the same choices with the exception that I had Asher in my episode 6, so Eleana is alive (I believe) in my playthrough.

    cussbunny posted: »

    I regret not getting Eleana out of Ironrath before the battle. She came at me all "this is my home now, my place is by your side" and my Rod

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I regret letting Mira marry Morgryn, being his prisoner and sex slave seems worst then being executed as it's likely going to be a lifetime of misery rather than a quick and relatively painless death.

  • I dont really regret anything, ludd's a better character than gryff, and I executed the traitor so everyone I care about is alive that is possible to be alive

  • I regret killing Gryff in a moment of rage. I mean, he was defeated. He was back to being a sniveling, crying coward. I wanted to spare him. Then I remembered Asher's head on a pike and Gryff's stupid, smug, arrogant face, and I just...didn't realize what I was doing until the game waited for me to behead him.

    I mean, rage and revenge are NOT who I am! I'd kill in self-defense or mercy, but giving in to that kind of anger makes me feel a bit sick once it was over. I regretted shooting Felix in Tales as well. These games mess with my emotions so much.

  • I wouldn't call her a sex slave, unless you consider only keeping her around as a baby making machine a sex slave.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I regret letting Mira marry Morgryn, being his prisoner and sex slave seems worst then being executed as it's likely going to be a lifetime of misery rather than a quick and relatively painless death.

  • My only real regret was choosing Duncan as Sentinel as I prefer Royland, but I do love Duncan as well.

  • If I knew about Mira's fate, then I wouldn't have betrayed Sera. That and I broke Sylvi's promise of ending Cotter's suffering, but I was so focused on keeping the Forrester alive.

  • Yeah, to be honest mira's marrige isnt even that bad by westeroes standards, I only feel a bit bad that tom died. But to be honest in my game he was the one who killed the guard anyway

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I wouldn't call her a sex slave, unless you consider only keeping her around as a baby making machine a sex slave.

  • Beshka and Ryon are alive togheter

    Eh. I don't really regret any decisions, but I'm disgruntled with some of the results. I saved Asher in ep 5 assuming he would just die a

  • I regret killing Royland the traitor and getting Mira killed

  • edited November 2015

    I regret my decision in buying this game, every corner the Forresters get fucked in the ass over and over. And after 6 episodes they only manage to kill Gryf, the only Whitehill i can give two shits about. Asher's mother, father, two brother, and sister Mira is dead and the Whitehills only lost Gyrf. How pathetic! I would have been happy if Asher atleast cut down Gwyn when she stabbed him in the back, but that bitch has as much plot armor as that pudgy bastard Ludd; Asher just let's her skip away. I was yelling at my screen through the entire episode. I wouldn't have been surprised if I would have given my self an aneurysm.

  • I got to cut Ludd's head off. It was very satisfying.

    MosesARose posted: »

    I regret my decision in buying this game, every corner the Forresters get fucked in the ass over and over. And after 6 episodes they only ma

  • Letting Elenna stay.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Yeah, "sex slave" might be the wrong term but Morgryn will almost force her to have children with him so that he has a heir which is why i regret that decision.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I wouldn't call her a sex slave, unless you consider only keeping her around as a baby making machine a sex slave.

  • Getting poor Tom killed, and leaving poor poor Elaena.

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    Getting poor Tom killed, and leaving poor poor Elaena.

  • Elaena. I might actually go back and change it. I don't want to though. Hopefully Gryff does something about it.

  • I kinda feel bad for Sylvi. I didn't think they'd just show her how I butchered Cotter.

  • Elaena? What do you mean?

    Elaena. I might actually go back and change it. I don't want to though. Hopefully Gryff does something about it.

  • i only regret letting mira die. the rest was ok and pretty epic. I killed Ludd, because hes obvoiusly a better leader than gryff, saved Elaena, poisened Cotterbecause bros before hoes and went to Ironrath with the two bastards....i dont get why someone would actually stay there

  • All of them.

  • lel ur comment make me laugh but u are right. i was expecting that the forresters win ONE fucking time. But nope. the whole game is about loosing everything and getting fucked by everyone. I mean look at miras last choice. I mean getting fucked by mogryn or die. What the fuck telltale? I mean yea its game of thrones and so on but...really? Why cant we play the characters on the winner side

    MosesARose posted: »

    I regret my decision in buying this game, every corner the Forresters get fucked in the ass over and over. And after 6 episodes they only ma

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