Rating for the entire Season?

I managed to collect my thoughts on the series as a whole and despite some "eh" moments I very much enjoyed the entirety of Game of Thrones. Tales from the Borderlands, and The Wolf Among Us are superior imo, but Game of Thrones is still a fantastic series that I feel was necessary for Telltale to make.

Episode 1 - 8/10

Episode 2 - 9.5/10

Episode 3 - 8.2/10

Episode 4 - 10/10

Episode 5 - 7.5/10

Episode 6 - 8.5/10

Overall - 9/10

What about you guys? Did you enjoy your time with Thrones?

Labeled as spoilers for episode 6 just in case


  • edited November 2015

    Episode 1: 8/10

    Episode 2: 9/10

    Episode 3: 7/10

    Episode 4: 9/10

    Episode 5: 7/10

    Episode 6: 9/10

    Overall: 8.5/10

    My memory is a little fuzzy since I haven't replayed the other episodes in forever but in general this is how I felt about the episodes and the entire series overall. It was good, not the BEST Telltale game in my opinion, but hey, you don't always have to be the best to be great.

  • edited November 2015

    I have a really poor memory but I'll try.

    • Episode 1- 9/10

    • Episode 2- 8/10

    • Episode 3- 7/10

    • Episode 4- 10/10

    • Episode 5- 10/10

    • Episode 6- 9/10

    I loved it personally, but I think I may be biased since I don't really watch TV or movies so this was kind of refreshing along with the other Telltale games.

  • Episode 1: 8/10

    Episode 2: 7/10 (I found it so uninteresting I forgot about the game and only remembered it existed again when I saw Episode 3 downloading)

    Episode 3: 8/10

    Episode 4: 9/10

    Episode 5: 3/10 (I'm not even kidding. The traitor thing REALLY pissed me off)

    Episode 6: 7/10 (Didn't like that they left pretty much everything open, kinda expecting us to get the second season, and that they made Mira determinant just when things were about to get awesome in King's Landing)

    So, a 7/10 overall. Not too shabby, but still the second worst TTG I played (TWD S2 being the worse). I only played 5 TellTale games though.

    1. 6/10
    2. 8.5/10
    3. 9/10
    4. 8/10
    5. 9.5/10
    6. 8.5/10

    Overall 8.5/10

  • I'd rate the season overall an 8. I enjoyed it despite some flaws

  • edited November 2015

    1: 8.5/10

    2: 9/10

    3: 8/10

    4: 9.5/10

    5: 6.5/10

    6: 8/10

    Overall: 8.5/10

    Loved the game. Not perfect, but I still very much enjoyed it. One of my favorite Telltale games. Sad that it's over.

  • Agreed :)

    tyc1994 posted: »

    I'd rate the season overall an 8. I enjoyed it despite some flaws

  • edited November 2015
    1. 7.5/10 Rocky start imo, but really gave us a feel to the setting, characters, and plot that was unrolling. Man that ending was awesome, too!
    2. 9.5/10 Damn, really kept the ball rolling and built up tension!
    3. 8/10 Kind of faltered a little, but I still liked it.
    4. 10/10 Best episode of the entire season to me.
    5. 3/10 Honestly, what the hell was this episode?
    6. 8/10 A solid ending, though I was still shaking my head from episode five, which really kind of ruined all of my hype that had been building beforehand.

    Overall: 8/10, since I find myself crying like a b**** when Elissa died, and left me wanting more! Sure it has its flaws, but I love to hate this game just as much as I love to love it.

  • Episode 1: 8/10

    Some decent choices and nice PoV. Not much else to say.

    Episode 2: 7/10

    The plotlines are starting to drag a bit, but the introduction of Asher and Rodrick save this episode.

    Episode 3: 6/10

    The situation with Britt was really frustrating and the "beat up the Forresters" is getting old. Asher was fun, though.

    Episode 4: 9/10

    Easily the best episode. For once, Mira's section wasn't awful!

    Episode 5: 7/10

    The traitor thing was meh, but at least it finally changed depending on a choice you made. The choice at the end felt way too forced, though.

    Episode 6: 4/10

    I guess some of the action was redeeming, and killing Gryff was satisfying, but it just felt so...underwhelming. Dark and depressing for its own sake without adding to the narrative. Most choices didn't matter at all, Mira is effectively written out of the story, and the North Grove plotline added...well, nothing.

    The worst part is the unavoidable ending.

    Overall: 6/10

    Some redeeming moments and factors, but the ending crashes it all down and the lack of true choice is more obvious than ever. Done with telltale.

  • edited November 2015

    Episode 1: 8/10

    Episode 2: 9/10

    Episode 3: 8/10

    Episode 4: 9/10

    Episode 5: 8/10

    Episode 6: 9/10

    Overall Score: 9/10 Favorite Telltale game to date.

  • I'd say it's somewhere from a 6.5 - 7/10 for me, it's not great and it's not bad, it's somewhere between for me.

  • edited November 2015

    Episode 1: 8/10
    Pretty good setup for the story.

    Episode 2 :9/10
    Asher, Rodrik introduction, Gared at the wall, I liked it quite a bit.

    Episode 3 : 8/10
    I liked Gared's part, Rodriks part built up hate for the Whitehills, Asher's was good in story. and Mira was meh

    Episode 4 : 9.5/10
    Despite a few flaws, mostly with what Malcolm did, It was my favorite at its time, mostly due to Finns role if he went along with you.

    Episode 5: 6/10
    Not a good episode in my eyes, and IMO the only bad episode of the whole season. Ramsey plot armor, Finns dumb death, 'saved' by the ending choice, and Asher's pit fight.

    Episode 6: 10/10
    I guess this is my favorite episode, due to the sole fact that it was the first Telltale game ep where it took me about 5 mins to decide each major decision. All plot lines ended decently well, I didn't like Gareds ending much.. mostly because he can only help in reclaiming House Forrester.. and couldn't help against the 'final' fight. Also, Asher got some mad HP going on with what happened to him. Strangely, I wasn't bothered much by the cliffhangers, and I also really liked the characters from the show talking about the guys from the game at the end, a fitting end in my eyes.

  • I'm not good with ratings but I'll share my general opinion. I love this game. I don't know what it is but I've never been this into a story and this invested in the characters before, this was easily my favourite Telltale series so far. I know a lot of people hate cliffhangers but I ended this series smiling.

    My favourite episodes are 4 and 6, I admit EP5 had some problems and could've been better, but I still loved it and think people exaggerated a bit about it.

  • It had it's huge ups and huge downs.

    Overall I'd say 7.75

  • Overall I would say 9/10

  • edited November 2015

    Episode 1: 7/10

    I liked playing as Ethan, and seeing Gared act as a squire. It did a pretty good job of introducing us into the world. Mira was eh for me.

    Episode 2: 6/10

    Seeing Asher in Yunkai was epic, and Rodrik returning from the dead was cool.

    Episode 3: 8/10

    This was my personal favorite episode, a Dragon scene, Standing up to Gryff was really symbolic, and the entire Britt scene was mostly perfect. I felt satisfied trying to keep Gared's vows or securing an epic revenge. Mira still "eh" on me.

    Episode 4: 5/10

    Started feeling like I had a nice control of the large situation with Rodrik, but that ending totally dashed any hopes of that. Mira had a nice sequence, and it was the most satisfying thing I've done with the character. Gared could have more time, and Asher's part was cool in that I felt like I was on a stealth mission, but it could've had diverse options.

    Episode 5: 4/10

    As epic as the ending choice was, nothing in the story really made sense in leading up to it. It was simply way too forced a plot device. The traitor thing was a cool scene, but ultimately felt like I was being trolled for making the "decisions" I made. Oh and Ramsay rubbing his plot armor in your face....

    Episode 6: 5/10

    Good ending but too predictable, hard to care for characters to die when you barely have any interaction with them. This was my favorite part for Mira, seeing her break in the cellar and give in to Morgryn's deal.... Heart wrenching.

    Overall score 6.5

    So much potential, but the season focused too much on leading to a 2nd season and leaving its own story with too forced a dire situation. The characters had so little room for development and interaction; characters started dying just when you thought their story could start being good. Episodes 1-3 were good at showing you the world of Game of Thrones, but episodes 4-6 just started feeling repetitive and forced. The most aggravating thing is how annoyingly important the plot devices are in contributing to the story without even giving any good reason as to why they're there. (North Grove, Ethan's death, Traitor, Sacrificing of POV)

    Note that this is my own opinion, I can perfectly understand why other people would enjoy this season more.

  • edited November 2015

    Episode 1: 8.5/10

    Episode 2: 9/10 (mostly cause of Talias song)

    Episode 3: 9/10 (Jon Snow!)

    Episode 4: 7/10

    Episode 5: 5/10

    Episode 6: 5/10 (mostly for diversity of endings)

    Overall: 6/10

    For me they marketed a game where you're decisions would decide if you win or you die. It seemed what they actually meant was you die or you die. And I don't like the fact that they are putting all the money into a season two without a proper ending for Mira and Gared in season 1. If Mira decides to go with Morgryn... Is that it for her? Is killing her canon? What is the actual power of the North Grove? Is it just the two magic bastards?

    Too many unanswered questions and compared to what telltale is capable of, I'm pretty disappointed that this was the final product.

  • Episode 1: 8/10
    Episode 2: 9/10
    Episode 3: 8/10
    Episode 4: 8.5/10
    Episode 5: 7/10
    Episode 6: 9/10

    Overall I'd rate it an 8.5

  • I will rate this game with an 8. There have been a lot of flaws, missteps and missed opportunities. Maybe my depressed mood is another factor of rating it down, because I would rather play a game where I am laughing and enjoying the time, than play a game where you are constantly shaking with nervousness, fear, rage and adrenaline and ending an episode feeling depressed, sad and horrible. But this game gave us a full-experience of what it is like to live in the world of Game of Thrones. It stayed true to the spirit and feel of the Game of Thrones. It doesn't cop out and give us a heroic but unrealistic victory. It gave us a taste of reality. War is cruel, horrible and terrifying. No matter how brave, strong or great you are, you can't win a battle you have no hope in winning. No matter how good you are a playing the game of intrigue, you will still lose if people has more power than you. It is just real and the game captures that well.

    I wouldn't say I "enjoy" the experience, because it is just so dark and gritty. But now I know how it is to live in Westeros and I am glad that I have played this game.

  • Episode 1: 6/10

    Episode 2: 8/10

    Episode 3: 8/10

    Episode 4: 10/10

    Episode 5: -9001/10

    Episode 6: < Episode 5

  • Episode 1: 8/10

    Episode 2: 7/10

    Episode 3: 7/10

    Episode 4: 8/10

    Episode 5: 8.5/10

    Episode 6: 9/10

  • I really enjoyed this series very much and I don't know why people don't like episode 5 as I thought it was good, the only thing I'm not that satisfied on is the very ending of episode 6 because I don't know what the hells going on with everyone who is left who survived the big battle at Forrester House. The screen kept flicking from one scene to another in like 3 seconds.

    But yeah I think overall it was a great series, just the very ending I didn't like.

  • Did you like the Finale?

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I'd say it's somewhere from a 6.5 - 7/10 for me, it's not great and it's not bad, it's somewhere between for me.

  • 8/10 - far from perfect but thoughtful and interesting enough to leave me satisfied overall.

  • Episode 1 - 9/10

    Episode 2 - 9,5/10

    Episode 3 - 8,5/10

    Episode 4 - 10/10

    Episode 5 - 7/10

    Episode 6 - 10/10

    Overall rating - 9/10

  • overall this is a 4/10. could have been a 6, 7, or 8 but having the last episode by far their worst killing off mira too fast, no resolution at Ironrath and no explanation about why anyone should care about the north grove, it really just drives down the overall score of this whole season. they also lose points for being really slow with their last couple of episodes (having two thrids of a season complete before you release the first episode would help with that.) and they need to put more weight behind your choices because nothing you did other than save asher or rodrick really has any impact on the story. didn't matter who was traitor, if you kept the secret, betrayed mira's friends, or any number of other choices you still have the same situations play out with slightly altered outcomes to fit who is still in play for that particular game

  • edited November 2015

    Episode 1: 7.5/10

    Episode 2: 9.0/10

    Episode 3: 8.5/10

    Episode 4: 9.2/10

    Episode 5: 6.0/10

    Episode 6: ?

    I'm still unsure how I feel about the finale and I want to see other play throughs before coming to a final decision. I thought the choices were fantastic in the final episode, choices made in this episode were hard and impacts from previous choices were great as well, especially the Rodrik/Asher choice, it really does give you varying scenes which was great. Even with that, the episode felt disappointing, Gared's story was kind of pointless as he did nothing to help the Forresters (I know, maybe in Season 2, but still), Mira is either dead or marrying Morgryn, Ironrath is destroyed, the ending just felt meh to me.

    Overall, I'd say it was a great season, but definitely not my favorite, I still prefer TFTBL, TWD, and TWAU, but still find it better than Minecraft. I would recommend to people who like Telltale and especially to people who enjoy the show.

  • Hated the ending.

    Did you like the Finale?

  • Episode 1 – 7.6/10

    Episode 2 – 7.7/10

    Episode 3 – 7.6/10

    Episode 4 – 7.7/10

    Episode 5 – 5.7/10

    Episode 6 – 7.4/10

    Overall rating – 7.3/10


    • Amazing characters
    • Interesting storyline
    • Brilliant voice acting
    • George R.R. Martin universe and connection with the TV show
    • Great battle in the end

    • "To be continued..."
    • Big decisions during the game doesn't matter (except of Sentinel and Rodrik/Asher choice),
    • Only one (always bad) ending for Ironrath
    • Dozens of plot holes, out-of-character behavior
    • Lots of bugs and glitches (don't know if it counts, actually)
  • I wasn't talking to you...

    Waffleface posted: »

    Hated the ending.

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