POVs for season 2



  • Gwyn can't die.

    Gared Malcolm Gwyn (can you kill her) Talia Beshka I also feel mira may have a few scenes here or there.... its possible

  • Another:

    Talia could be playable until Rodrik/Asher heal(Outskirts of Ironrath)

    Gared(In the North Grove or moving South)

    Mira might be playable later in the Season(In King's Landing)

    Behska(Outside Ironrath?) I have a feeling she'll end up finding Rodrik/Asher.

    Malcolm(In Mereen)

    We might possibly even get a new POV for the Season that hasn't appeared yet.

  • Mira can die in episode 6 if you don't marry Morgryn...! So do you mean Mira or Tom dependent on who you chose to 'save'?

    prink34320 posted: »

    Another: Talia could be playable until Rodrik/Asher heal(Outskirts of Ironrath) Gared(In the North Grove or moving South) Mira migh

  • edited November 2015
    • Rodrik/Asher or Talia.
    • Gared.
    • Tom/Mira, Morgryn or Sera.
    • Malcolm.
    • Beskha or Ryon.
  • Indeed!

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    * Rodrik/Asher or Talia. * Gared. * Tom/Mira, Morgryn or Sera. * Malcolm. * Beskha or Ryon.

  • edited November 2015

    Doesn't make sense that they'd add another PoV between the three we see together at the end (Sentinel / Asher/Rodrik / Talia)

    Obviously Beskha or Ryon.

    Could in theory see Morgyn coming into play and trying to arrange a marriage with Talia, if you let Mira die. Although I suppose at this point, you've lost Ironwrath, so it wouldn't make much sense... I just feel like there ought to be someone either in King's Landing or dealing with the Whitehills. There could also be some unnamed, more distant relative there already.

  • edited November 2015

    I actually think it would be more effective if we don't get a King's Landing POV if Mira dies.

  • Unless Asher or Rodrik die from their wounds? I'm not sure I can see telltale continuing with the determinancy for another 6 episodes.

  • Asher/Rodrick, Talia, Gared, Beskha.

  • The MC for Minecraft is male and female. Rodrik/Asher can be the same way in S2, being essentially a skin swap of the same character.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Unless Asher or Rodrik die from their wounds? I'm not sure I can see telltale continuing with the determinancy for another 6 episodes.

  • Ebbert is the brother at the Citadel. Torrhen is in Harrenhal

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    My bad I meant Ebbert or the brother at the Citadel

  • I really don't want to have to play as Morgryn... I want to be able to respect myself.

  • I've started calling him Rosher.

    Kaddahn posted: »

    Two are quiet obvious for they survive at all costs. * Asher/Rodrik * Gared Not directly in our family but i think they will be PO

  • Yes about Mira!!! Even if she died in your game! (Like mine.) you could play as Tom!

    Gared Malcolm Gwyn (can you kill her) Talia Beshka I also feel mira may have a few scenes here or there.... its possible

  • I dunno, I mean I couldn't see my Asher/Rodrik being killed he's just to important, especially now. But Asher and Rodrik completely different personalities, it would mean more recording and animating and lot more work. It could be done though.

    The MC for Minecraft is male and female. Rodrik/Asher can be the same way in S2, being essentially a skin swap of the same character.

  • It could be determined by who you killed, if you killed Mira, Tom. And vice versa.

    You forget we need someone in King's Landing

  • I really hope that Torrhen (the eldest Whitehill son) becomes playable, although I think it's a stretch. Add some depth to the Whitehill's.

    Other than him, I'm going to go with

    • Talia-I don't see Rodrik/Asher being playable if they're being kept around for a longer period of time. So I'm going to say we'll play as Talia and they'll be NPC's.

    • Beskha (or maybe Ryon. I highly doubt that, but still possible.)

    • Gared

    • Malcolm

    • A character in King's Landing since Telltale will no doubt want to incorporate it, perhaps Mira/Tom or Sera, but I find that unlikely. Morgryn would be difficult but could be great fun if done properly. Honestly I see them introducing another character instead, it's the most likely of these options imo.
  • edited November 2015

    Ironath - Talia (She would suffer the same fate as Ethan) and Ryon (He will be playable when Talia dies)

    Mereen - Malcolm

    North of the Wall - Gared

    Kings Landings - Sera

  • I predict it will be Gared, Talia, and Beshka. We may even get to play as one of Lord Forrester's bastard children! Malcolm and Morgryn are also interesting possibilities...

  • Hopefully, Hodor will be a pov. Just imagine it!!

  • That would be very interesting :)

    Suzy222 posted: »

    I predict it will be Gared, Talia, and Beshka. We may even get to play as one of Lord Forrester's bastard children! Malcolm and Morgryn are also interesting possibilities...

  • Agreed :) Good list!

    I really hope that Torrhen (the eldest Whitehill son) becomes playable, although I think it's a stretch. Add some depth to the Whitehill's.

  • OMG... if Talia dies I'm going to hunt you.

    Ironath - Talia (She would suffer the same fate as Ethan) and Ryon (He will be playable when Talia dies) Mereen - Malcolm North of the Wall - Gared Kings Landings - Sera

  • I don't think people would really stand for that, they're such different people with different experiences of the world.

    The MC for Minecraft is male and female. Rodrik/Asher can be the same way in S2, being essentially a skin swap of the same character.

  • You and 100% choose Hodor from the three options given: Hodor, Hodor, Hodor.

    Enigma12 posted: »

    Hopefully, Hodor will be a pov. Just imagine it!!

  • Malcom is obvious.
    But I doubt they will carry on with the Forresters.

    So it will be

    Lord Newhouse
    Lord Newhouse's wife
    Lord Newhouse's eldest son

    Maybe the Forresters will get some cameo appearences.

    And for King's Landing: Cersai & Margaery will be gone. If we get a new KL Charakter it will prob. be someone affiliated with Kevan Lannister or even the fate. I would like to get the option to throw Tomatos on a certain person during a certain walk.

  • I hope not, the politics were my favourite part of the game.

    prink34320 posted: »

    I actually think it would be more effective if we don't get a King's Landing POV if Mira dies.

  • Asher/Rodrik, Gared, Mira/Tom, Ryon, and Malcolm.

  • - Asher/Rodrik - It's going to die, but it will be fun playing as them again.

    - Ryon - The POV I most want. Being Ryon with Beskha would be awesome.

    - Malcolm - In Westeros, please. Right at the start we have to leave Daenerys and Meereen with Croft

    - Gared - It's ony logical.

    I guess that would be it. But, I would like to play as the Whitehill who serves the Boltons.

  • All of these except Morgryn.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    * Rodrik/Asher or Talia. * Gared. * Tom/Mira, Morgryn or Sera. * Malcolm. * Beskha or Ryon.

  • Gared - (Something eventually forces them to leave if you stayed at the North Grove)

    Asher/Rodrik (for the first episode, then he either dies, or he and the traitor/sentinel go somewhere off-screen while he heals)

    Talia (takes over the POV after Asher/Rodrik)

    Malcolm (in Essos, then returning to the North via King's Landing to see Mira, and perhaps his secret bastard daughter)

    Beskha (with Ryon, trying to reunite him with his siblings)

    Maybe Gwyn (to interact with Gryff/Ludd/Torrhen and Elaena, perhaps at Ironrath)

  • Just think if Mira is playable for some reason in season 2 and she is confronted by the fate.

    Oh Morgryn you effed up man!! Cleganebowl hype!!!

    Malcom is obvious. But I doubt they will carry on with the Forresters. So it will be Lord Newhouse Lord Newhouse's wife Lord Newho

  • Talia, Ryon, Malcolm, Gared & either Sera, Mira or a new PC for King's Landing.

  • Gared beyond the Wall, Talia in Ironwrath, Malcolm in Mereen, and maybe Tom in KL.

  • They did male/female Jesse playable character in Minecraft. Rodrik/Asher can be the same.

    I really hope that Torrhen (the eldest Whitehill son) becomes playable, although I think it's a stretch. Add some depth to the Whitehill's.

    • Talia
    • Gared
    • Beskha
    • Malcolm
    • Torrhen Whitehill
  • I don't think they would go the exact same route with Talia, what would that gain?

    Ironath - Talia (She would suffer the same fate as Ethan) and Ryon (He will be playable when Talia dies) Mereen - Malcolm North of the Wall - Gared Kings Landings - Sera

  • Where's asher? He's not dead.

    Ironath - Talia (She would suffer the same fate as Ethan) and Ryon (He will be playable when Talia dies) Mereen - Malcolm North of the Wall - Gared Kings Landings - Sera

    • Asher/Rodrik
    • Gared
    • Ryon
    • Malcolm
    • Tom/Mira

    It would be great to play as either a Whitehill or Glenmore too.

  • Malcolm and Gared are obvious. Beskha is also almost certain (although she could reach Essos and in that case she and Ryon would acompany Malcolm). Sentinel, traitor, Rodrik/Asher and Mira are out of the question. It's possible that Talia will take the role of Asher or Rodrik, or maybe someone new entirely - Lord Glenmore perhaps or some loyal Forrester vassal or subject? I'm almost certain that some new POV will be introduced.

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