Gwyn has little to do with Ludd pushing for peace, she's merely a pawn in his game for complete dominion over the Ironwood forest.
Ludd isn't ever sincere in his pledges of peace, he just wants our superior ironwood crafting skills. Frankly put we're more valuable to him alive then dead, as long as he can keep us under his thumb. Marriage to Gwyn does that for him.
It's the same as Morgryn and Mira. Ludd has merely taken his war to the marriage bed.
Time and again Gwyn has proved her incapability of controlling Ludd or really even knowing what he is doing. She failed to keep him from beating on Ryon, she failed to get him to uphold his bargain of trading Gryff for Ryon, she failed to even inform us when he plotted an ambush for Asher. Ludd tells Gwyn what he wanted her to know so she could prey on our hopes for peace, and then he uses it to gain an advantage. I don't doubt Gwyn motivations, but there was never going to be peace between our houses, Ludd never wanted peace, he wanted us as slaves, or dead.
No, she isn't.
Just because she's a Whitehill doesn't make her an enemy. She constantly pushed for Peace, protected Ryon and convinced he… morer Father from just killing everyone off at the start and sueing for Peace one last time. The ONLY reason Ludd even pushes for Peace is BECAUSE of Gwyn. He even tells you that he has no issue just killing you all right away which is something he would have done if Gwyn didn't stop him.
Thus you killing Ludd betrays Gwyn as she is the only reason the Feast happens.
I lied to her and then poisoned her fat fuck of a father. Really her naive notion that we could have peace was ridiculous. I would've marrie… mored her, planted a baby in her belly and then I'd lose my head. Then Ludd would have a little baby Lord Forrester to control the House in name.
I'm not mad she tried to stab me though. I was admittedly a dick for lying to her for the express purpose of killing her family, but I swore to avenge Rodrik, and nothing was going to stop me.
And will we have peace? Or will Ironrath burn like always?
Gwyn might want peace, but she can't deliver it. She can't deliver on anything. She wants to believe her father will leave the Forresters alone once they are his supplicants, or once she marries Asher, but those are the hopes of a fool.
Ludd would keep pushing and pushing and taking and taking. And in the end we'd end up with nothing, struggling to survive on the pittance he left us with, or more likely Asher would snap because of Ludd's incessant antagonism and there would be open war again.
Gwyn wants us to give up everything before she'll help us. Well I refuse, I'd rather fight for the House and watch it burn then see it slowly decay under the "Lordship" of Ludd Whitehill as he takes everything from us and Gwyn keeps asking us to submit again and again in the name of peace.
Well, you DID lie to her.
Gwyn never lied about her intentions and did want Peace.
Ally with Gwyn, thus proving Asher wants Peace, and she'll betray her family for Asher.
That's the very ending I got. Gwen killed that random Whitehill solder after Asher kills Gryff and says something along the lines of "that's not the brother I knew.". I really liked that ending, because Gwen seams to be realizing that her father is a jerk.
I liked what Gwyn did, the peace idea with Asher was the best way to go imo, she even saves Asher from a random Whitehill dude,and was there… more at the end to help him. I love that the game has created such different opinions of the characters from the choices
I don't think we give Gwyn enough credit she is obviously quite strong willed and she probably would betray her family to protect Asher! Ludd himself might not even have plans to kill Asher and even if he did, where would he get "his" ironwood from?
How would she stop him?
She's never been able to before.
Gwyn has proved unable to even know what her father is planning, much less be able to stop it.
And will we have peace? Or will Ironrath burn like always?
Gwyn might want peace, but she can't deliver it. She can't deliver on anything… more. She wants to believe her father will leave the Forresters alone once they are his supplicants, or once she marries Asher, but those are the hopes of a fool.
Ludd would keep pushing and pushing and taking and taking. And in the end we'd end up with nothing, struggling to survive on the pittance he left us with, or more likely Asher would snap because of Ludd's incessant antagonism and there would be open war again.
Gwyn wants us to give up everything before she'll help us. Well I refuse, I'd rather fight for the House and watch it burn then see it slowly decay under the "Lordship" of Ludd Whitehill as he takes everything from us and Gwyn keeps asking us to submit again and again in the name of peace.
It doesn't matter if he does or not since that has no standing in the point I'm making. I'm talking about the difficulty in setting this up as a creator, as a writer. It's very difficult to get people invested in a lost love story, as people's feelings in this thread have shown. We don't have the history of Asher and Gwyn, we don't feel it, we are just told about it. And as many people have shown here, there is a large portion of the fan base that just doesn't care about Gwyn, because honestly we have no reason to care about her. For that story to have had a real affect into this choice the way Telltale wanted, we would of had to been there when the romance was happening. By bypassing that what we are left with is being told that Asher and Gwyn loved each other.... but who cares, we've actually experienced that prosecution of our family, well also not having a connection at all with this "love story".
Which is why this is so difficult for people to care about. I give Telltale credit for taking the chance, but understand why a lot of people don't care about her.
Considering that her father gladly places the head of Asher, her long lost love, on a pike and forces his living little brother to carry it in front of his grieving family, it makes Gwyn's peace proposal even more foolish and one-sided.
She's that much of an apologist to her father and brother's crimes that she never considers that the Forresters are rightly justified in refusing a peace offer after everything her family has done, especially since the Whitehills have also done nothing to justify the idea of peace between two houses. Her 'blaming the victim' card is also absurd, considering that the Whitehills have done far worse to the Forresters our of pure cruelty and torment, when the Forresters have barely done anything to the Whitehills to deserve such malice.
I must ask you guys are you insane? Whoever chose to not poison\ambush is idiot. gryff and his fucking futher deserve to die in agony did you forget what he did to asher corpse if you chosh rodrik?. Bloody hell the image of asher head on a spike dont gonna get of my fucking head wear was gwyn then?.
I'd like to see you disobey your father the Lord of your house in times like that. When women had little to no power at all. Women in the old time were more likely to get killed or thrown in the dungeon by there father for speaking there opinion. So don't call us idiots.
I must ask you guys are you insane? Whoever chose to not poison\ambush is idiot. gryff and his fucking futher deserve to die in agony did yo… moreu forget what he did to asher corpse if you chosh rodrik?. Bloody hell the image of asher head on a spike dont gonna get of my fucking head wear was gwyn then?.
I'm glad I stuck to my guns on lumping Gwyn together with the rest of her family. Her constant "apologist" behavior over the actions of her family really began to piss me off in Ep. 4. She sees quite clearly what scum her father is threatening a child's life, as well as just demanding we bend over and take it from him with a smile. And even if that's not enough, her family getting Rodrik (in my game) killed should've definitely clued her in. But no, she still has the audacity to come into my House and ask me nicely to be her father's bitch.
Screwher. She may act nice, but she's really not so different from her father. She's just more subtle about it using her "innocent" purdy face and pretending to be the voice of reason. Yeah, peace would be nice, Ms. Gwyn, if your family wasn't such ****ing garbage hellbent on humiliating and damaging us peace or no!
I don't care if she happens to come along if you agree to call off the plan. Something tells me that just means you get to hear more of her whining about "making peace with mah fatha/brutha" and I'll have none of it.
I understand way you feel that way and I'm not going to say your wrong. But she is caught in between a rock and a hard place. On one hand she want to help the Forresters and in the other, she cant tell her father the Lord of her house what to do. Especially when Ramsey is a Lord over your house, you have know idea what he will do. Just look at what Ramsey did to house Forrester. He killed Ethen, killed Arthur and throw a lot of fear into house Forrester.
I'm glad I stuck to my guns on lumping Gwyn together with the rest of her family. Her constant "apologist" behavior over the actions of her … morefamily really began to piss me off in Ep. 4. She sees quite clearly what scum her father is threatening a child's life, as well as just demanding we bend over and take it from him with a smile. And even if that's not enough, her family getting Rodrik (in my game) killed should've definitely clued her in. But no, she still has the audacity to come into my House and ask me nicely to be her father's bitch.
Screw her. She may act nice, but she's really not so different from her father. She's just more subtle about it using her "innocent" purdy face and pretending to be the voice of reason. Yeah, peace would be nice, Ms. Gwyn, if your family wasn't such ****ing garbage hellbent on humiliating and damaging us peace or no!
I don't care if she happens to come along if you agree to call off the plan. Somethi… [view original content]
She says that but she never really risked anything. It was already established by Gwyn that Ludd cares about his family above all else. She can't have it both ways. He wouldn't have done a thing to her.
I didn't lie to Gywen. I chose to say "let the gods decide what happens now" or along them lines. I didn't promise her that I would keep the peace but I didn't necessarily say I was going to kill her family. She did get on my nerves when she kept saying I know you more than anybody etc but I thought yes you DID know Asher but he's been gone for awhile and changed so much and lived a completly different life to what he use to have.
It didnt seem so when she stub asher i mean come on she is goddam cleaver when asher was alive she speak to her futher for peace but when rodrik she didnt even show up they had asher head on a spike goddem how could you defend her she stub asher, and if i chosh peace she stub her brother think just think somthing is wrong with her (one of the reason asher fall for her).
I'd like to see you disobey your father the Lord of your house in times like that. When women had little to no power at all. Women in the ol… mored time were more likely to get killed or thrown in the dungeon by there father for speaking there opinion. So don't call us idiots.
I'm glad I stuck to my guns on lumping Gwyn together with the rest of her family. Her constant "apologist" behavior over the actions of her … morefamily really began to piss me off in Ep. 4. She sees quite clearly what scum her father is threatening a child's life, as well as just demanding we bend over and take it from him with a smile. And even if that's not enough, her family getting Rodrik (in my game) killed should've definitely clued her in. But no, she still has the audacity to come into my House and ask me nicely to be her father's bitch.
Screw her. She may act nice, but she's really not so different from her father. She's just more subtle about it using her "innocent" purdy face and pretending to be the voice of reason. Yeah, peace would be nice, Ms. Gwyn, if your family wasn't such ****ing garbage hellbent on humiliating and damaging us peace or no!
I don't care if she happens to come along if you agree to call off the plan. Somethi… [view original content]
I'm not blaming her for what happened. I would do the same thing, but maybe if she had not attacked Asher, if we could kill Ludd and Gryff before escaping the house, we could have won the war. I mean, I do not know what the soldiers would do without authority to command them. The Forresters probably had a plan to prevent the destruction of the house if things went right, right? Just think what would happen if all went as planned.
Sorry for anything, im using google translate and I'm too lazy to fix things XD
You're that guy who support this bitch because she's not aware of what's really going on. Killing Gwen would be the right thing to do. BY THE WAY....why at this point in the game would she just back-stab him...why not in earlier episodes?
No, she isn't.
Just because she's a Whitehill doesn't make her an enemy. She constantly pushed for Peace, protected Ryon and convinced he… morer Father from just killing everyone off at the start and sueing for Peace one last time. The ONLY reason Ludd even pushes for Peace is BECAUSE of Gwyn. He even tells you that he has no issue just killing you all right away which is something he would have done if Gwyn didn't stop him.
Thus you killing Ludd betrays Gwyn as she is the only reason the Feast happens.
How is it all the Forresters' fault ?
Their Lords got killed, Ryon was taken as a hostage, they were in a bad position enough, and what d… moreoes Ludd choose to do ? He rubs Gregor's and Ethan's death to their family's faces. Not even including the trauma Ryon had to go through, holding his brother's head on a stick, you know.
I wonder how well she protected Ryon. She said it herself, the Whitehills are making fun of his family's demise 24/7, he's being told he was abandoned by his own. He doesn't need to be physically hurt to suffer, he's still a kid.
Okay, let's forget all of this. There comes the last straw, the killing of Asher/Rodrik (you either get the death of the Forrester lord or the desecration of Asher's body). How do you want peace after that ?
You can't even say that the Forresters deserved it because even though you lay low the whole game they'll still be dicks to you.
I'm not blaming her for what happened. I would do the same thing, but maybe if she had not attacked Asher, if we could kill Ludd and Gryff b… moreefore escaping the house, we could have won the war. I mean, I do not know what the soldiers would do without authority to command them. The Forresters probably had a plan to prevent the destruction of the house if things went right, right? Just think what would happen if all went as planned.
Sorry for anything, im using google translate and I'm too lazy to fix things XD
It doesn't matter if he does or not since that has no standing in the point I'm making. I'm talking about the difficulty in setting this up … moreas a creator, as a writer. It's very difficult to get people invested in a lost love story, as people's feelings in this thread have shown. We don't have the history of Asher and Gwyn, we don't feel it, we are just told about it. And as many people have shown here, there is a large portion of the fan base that just doesn't care about Gwyn, because honestly we have no reason to care about her. For that story to have had a real affect into this choice the way Telltale wanted, we would of had to been there when the romance was happening. By bypassing that what we are left with is being told that Asher and Gwyn loved each other.... but who cares, we've actually experienced that prosecution of our family, well also not having a connection at all with this "love story".
Which is why this is so difficult for … [view original content]
No, Ludd didnt killed Gregor and Ethan but he was responsible for both things. In the first case it were Whitehill soldiers that attacked Gregor and his men and in second case Ludd was the one that brought Ramsay to Ironrath. It was his fault all along, so Gwyn is totall hypocrit and I will kill her in Season 2 if I ll get a chance.
She wanted Peace from the start.
Also, Ludd didn't kill Gregor or Ethan and he only had Ryon because Ramsay ordered him to take the kid - the same kid that Gwyn protected.
It "is" all your fault if you don't push for Peace. That's a "Fact".
Well, you DID lie to her.
Gwyn never lied about her intentions and did want Peace.
Ally with Gwyn, thus proving Asher wants Peace, and she'll betray her family for Asher.
There's also how Asher's character and decisions are decided by the player themselves, especially when he's made the main POV in Episode 6 (if he is alive).
Gwyn and Asher's relationship is barely explored, and by the time they finally reunite, Asher is under the player's control, who is likely less than impressed with Gwyn at this point due to her unreasonable compromises with the peace option. Why would the player then have Asher continue playing the lost love interest, when they're likely more concerned abouit the fact that the Whitehill are moments before destroying Asher's home than reconciling with a women they barely even know, who is also trying to get the Forresters to submit to her father?
It doesn't matter if he does or not since that has no standing in the point I'm making. I'm talking about the difficulty in setting this up … moreas a creator, as a writer. It's very difficult to get people invested in a lost love story, as people's feelings in this thread have shown. We don't have the history of Asher and Gwyn, we don't feel it, we are just told about it. And as many people have shown here, there is a large portion of the fan base that just doesn't care about Gwyn, because honestly we have no reason to care about her. For that story to have had a real affect into this choice the way Telltale wanted, we would of had to been there when the romance was happening. By bypassing that what we are left with is being told that Asher and Gwyn loved each other.... but who cares, we've actually experienced that prosecution of our family, well also not having a connection at all with this "love story".
Which is why this is so difficult for … [view original content]
Gwynn's propositions were just plain insulting and it should have been plain as day to her that peace between the houses was never a possibility.
I laughed my butt off when i could make a toast to her. "To Gwynn, without whom none of this would have been possible" and then proceed to murder most her family. It was such a douchebag thing to say at that point that i couldn't begrudge her stabbing Asher afterwards
"protected Ryon", where the hell was she, then, when Ludd forced poor little Ryon to show us the pike that had Asher's freakin' head on it? All she does in Roderik's story is send a scout ahead letting us know what we already know, that the Whitehills are coming
She does nothing for Roderik, House Forrester, or anything for peace. She just wants her family to be on top, I don't trust her for a minute.
No, she isn't.
Just because she's a Whitehill doesn't make her an enemy. She constantly pushed for Peace, protected Ryon and convinced he… morer Father from just killing everyone off at the start and sueing for Peace one last time. The ONLY reason Ludd even pushes for Peace is BECAUSE of Gwyn. He even tells you that he has no issue just killing you all right away which is something he would have done if Gwyn didn't stop him.
Thus you killing Ludd betrays Gwyn as she is the only reason the Feast happens.
Ultimately, Gwyn is an idealist. This makes her counter-productive to fairness and well-laid plans and negotiations, but it doesn't make her a bad person.
Yeah you murdered her father/brother willingly and you expect her to give you an high-five? Wtf? You caused that chaos the moment you decided to poisen/ambush Ludd don't pin it on Gwyn that was only trying to make peace since the begining.
Yeah you murdered her father/brother willingly and you expect her to give you an high-five? Wtf? You caused that chaos the moment you decided to poisen/ambush Ludd don't pin it on Gwyn that was only trying to make peace since the begining.
No instead she gives them the chance to keep their heads while she could've just ignored and let Ludd destroy Ironrath and kill all the Forresters. So the only thing she expected from Asher was not to screw everything up which was exactly what people who poisened/ambush the Whitehills did.
Gwyn's only as unpleasant as you are to her. If you refuse to work with her, insult her and ultimately betray her as Asher, it makes total sense that she turns on you. Work with her and she's a pretty good ally. I personally like her character a lot.
That said, her inability to see what a douchebag her father is can get irritating at times.
No instead she gives them the chance to keep their heads while she could've just ignored and let Ludd destroy Ironrath and kill all the Forr… moreesters. So the only thing she expected from Asher was not to screw everything up which was exactly what people who poisened/ambush the Whitehills did.
I love Gwyn , she's one of my fav. But after she stabbed Asher .... FxxK her no one can hurt my Asher lol
U wot m8
Gwyn has little to do with Ludd pushing for peace, she's merely a pawn in his game for complete dominion over the Ironwood forest.
Ludd isn't ever sincere in his pledges of peace, he just wants our superior ironwood crafting skills. Frankly put we're more valuable to him alive then dead, as long as he can keep us under his thumb. Marriage to Gwyn does that for him.
It's the same as Morgryn and Mira. Ludd has merely taken his war to the marriage bed.
Time and again Gwyn has proved her incapability of controlling Ludd or really even knowing what he is doing. She failed to keep him from beating on Ryon, she failed to get him to uphold his bargain of trading Gryff for Ryon, she failed to even inform us when he plotted an ambush for Asher. Ludd tells Gwyn what he wanted her to know so she could prey on our hopes for peace, and then he uses it to gain an advantage. I don't doubt Gwyn motivations, but there was never going to be peace between our houses, Ludd never wanted peace, he wanted us as slaves, or dead.
But I doubt Gwyn would Allow anyone to kill Asher after her child as she said: I won't let anybody jeperdize our future
And will we have peace? Or will Ironrath burn like always?
Gwyn might want peace, but she can't deliver it. She can't deliver on anything. She wants to believe her father will leave the Forresters alone once they are his supplicants, or once she marries Asher, but those are the hopes of a fool.
Ludd would keep pushing and pushing and taking and taking. And in the end we'd end up with nothing, struggling to survive on the pittance he left us with, or more likely Asher would snap because of Ludd's incessant antagonism and there would be open war again.
Gwyn wants us to give up everything before she'll help us. Well I refuse, I'd rather fight for the House and watch it burn then see it slowly decay under the "Lordship" of Ludd Whitehill as he takes everything from us and Gwyn keeps asking us to submit again and again in the name of peace.
How would she stop him?
She's never been able to before.
Gwyn has proved unable to even know what her father is planning, much less be able to stop it.
That's the very ending I got. Gwen killed that random Whitehill solder after Asher kills Gryff and says something along the lines of "that's not the brother I knew.". I really liked that ending, because Gwen seams to be realizing that her father is a jerk.
I don't think we give Gwyn enough credit she is obviously quite strong willed and she probably would betray her family to protect Asher! Ludd himself might not even have plans to kill Asher and even if he did, where would he get "his" ironwood from?
I like her! And I tried to work with her when I could.
...For all the good it did me.
It's still worth trying to achieve peace, but I knew it was going to go downhill fast, Ludd is a jerk, I wanted Gwen to see what kind of man he was.
It doesn't matter if he does or not since that has no standing in the point I'm making. I'm talking about the difficulty in setting this up as a creator, as a writer. It's very difficult to get people invested in a lost love story, as people's feelings in this thread have shown. We don't have the history of Asher and Gwyn, we don't feel it, we are just told about it. And as many people have shown here, there is a large portion of the fan base that just doesn't care about Gwyn, because honestly we have no reason to care about her. For that story to have had a real affect into this choice the way Telltale wanted, we would of had to been there when the romance was happening. By bypassing that what we are left with is being told that Asher and Gwyn loved each other.... but who cares, we've actually experienced that prosecution of our family, well also not having a connection at all with this "love story".
Which is why this is so difficult for people to care about. I give Telltale credit for taking the chance, but understand why a lot of people don't care about her.
Considering that her father gladly places the head of Asher, her long lost love, on a pike and forces his living little brother to carry it in front of his grieving family, it makes Gwyn's peace proposal even more foolish and one-sided.
She's that much of an apologist to her father and brother's crimes that she never considers that the Forresters are rightly justified in refusing a peace offer after everything her family has done, especially since the Whitehills have also done nothing to justify the idea of peace between two houses. Her 'blaming the victim' card is also absurd, considering that the Whitehills have done far worse to the Forresters our of pure cruelty and torment, when the Forresters have barely done anything to the Whitehills to deserve such malice.
I must ask you guys are you insane? Whoever chose to not poison\ambush is idiot. gryff and his fucking futher deserve to die in agony did you forget what he did to asher corpse if you chosh rodrik?. Bloody hell the image of asher head on a spike dont gonna get of my fucking head wear was gwyn then?.
I'd like to see you disobey your father the Lord of your house in times like that. When women had little to no power at all. Women in the old time were more likely to get killed or thrown in the dungeon by there father for speaking there opinion. So don't call us idiots.
I'm glad I stuck to my guns on lumping Gwyn together with the rest of her family. Her constant "apologist" behavior over the actions of her family really began to piss me off in Ep. 4. She sees quite clearly what scum her father is threatening a child's life, as well as just demanding we bend over and take it from him with a smile. And even if that's not enough, her family getting Rodrik (in my game) killed should've definitely clued her in. But no, she still has the audacity to come into my House and ask me nicely to be her father's bitch.
Screw her. She may act nice, but she's really not so different from her father. She's just more subtle about it using her "innocent" purdy face and pretending to be the voice of reason. Yeah, peace would be nice, Ms. Gwyn, if your family wasn't such ****ing garbage hellbent on humiliating and damaging us peace or no!
I don't care if she happens to come along if you agree to call off the plan. Something tells me that just means you get to hear more of her whining about "making peace with mah fatha/brutha" and I'll have none of it.
That's my two cents on Gwyn.
I understand way you feel that way and I'm not going to say your wrong. But she is caught in between a rock and a hard place. On one hand she want to help the Forresters and in the other, she cant tell her father the Lord of her house what to do. Especially when Ramsey is a Lord over your house, you have know idea what he will do. Just look at what Ramsey did to house Forrester. He killed Ethen, killed Arthur and throw a lot of fear into house Forrester.
She says that but she never really risked anything. It was already established by Gwyn that Ludd cares about his family above all else. She can't have it both ways. He wouldn't have done a thing to her.
I didn't lie to Gywen. I chose to say "let the gods decide what happens now" or along them lines. I didn't promise her that I would keep the peace but I didn't necessarily say I was going to kill her family. She did get on my nerves when she kept saying I know you more than anybody etc but I thought yes you DID know Asher but he's been gone for awhile and changed so much and lived a completly different life to what he use to have.
It didnt seem so when she stub asher i mean come on she is goddam cleaver when asher was alive she speak to her futher for peace but when rodrik she didnt even show up they had asher head on a spike goddem how could you defend her she stub asher, and if i chosh peace she stub her brother think just think somthing is wrong with her (one of the reason asher fall for her).
Omg man i love you your answer was so funny yea scrow her.
I'm not blaming her for what happened. I would do the same thing, but maybe if she had not attacked Asher, if we could kill Ludd and Gryff before escaping the house, we could have won the war. I mean, I do not know what the soldiers would do without authority to command them. The Forresters probably had a plan to prevent the destruction of the house if things went right, right? Just think what would happen if all went as planned.
Sorry for anything, im using google translate and I'm too lazy to fix things XD
Neh, never liked Kenny.. You must be that guy who trolls everyone.
You're that guy who support this bitch because she's not aware of what's really going on. Killing Gwen would be the right thing to do. BY THE WAY....why at this point in the game would she just back-stab him...why not in earlier episodes?
He;s being a troll.
Eh, I doubt we would of won, I mean the whole "the army will just go away" was a long shot.
I couldnt say it better myself. 100% agree
No, Ludd didnt killed Gregor and Ethan but he was responsible for both things. In the first case it were Whitehill soldiers that attacked Gregor and his men and in second case Ludd was the one that brought Ramsay to Ironrath. It was his fault all along, so Gwyn is totall hypocrit and I will kill her in Season 2 if I ll get a chance.
Peace? It was ultimatum. Either submit rule of your house to Gryff or prepare for war.
There's also how Asher's character and decisions are decided by the player themselves, especially when he's made the main POV in Episode 6 (if he is alive).
Gwyn and Asher's relationship is barely explored, and by the time they finally reunite, Asher is under the player's control, who is likely less than impressed with Gwyn at this point due to her unreasonable compromises with the peace option. Why would the player then have Asher continue playing the lost love interest, when they're likely more concerned abouit the fact that the Whitehill are moments before destroying Asher's home than reconciling with a women they barely even know, who is also trying to get the Forresters to submit to her father?
Gwynn's propositions were just plain insulting and it should have been plain as day to her that peace between the houses was never a possibility.
I laughed my butt off when i could make a toast to her. "To Gwynn, without whom none of this would have been possible" and then proceed to murder most her family. It was such a douchebag thing to say at that point that i couldn't begrudge her stabbing Asher afterwards
I just wish Asher would have cut her down when she stabs him. She was right there, he could have easily ended her.
"protected Ryon", where the hell was she, then, when Ludd forced poor little Ryon to show us the pike that had Asher's freakin' head on it? All she does in Roderik's story is send a scout ahead letting us know what we already know, that the Whitehills are coming
She does nothing for Roderik, House Forrester, or anything for peace. She just wants her family to be on top, I don't trust her for a minute.
Ultimately, Gwyn is an idealist. This makes her counter-productive to fairness and well-laid plans and negotiations, but it doesn't make her a bad person.
Yeah you murdered her father/brother willingly and you expect her to give you an high-five? Wtf? You caused that chaos the moment you decided to poisen/ambush Ludd don't pin it on Gwyn that was only trying to make peace since the begining.
Remember a Whitehill is still a Whitehill. I don't fully trust Gwyn yet.
And the Forresters lost Ethan and Rodrik/Asher to the Whitehills and Boltons, and Gwyn expects a hive five from them?
No instead she gives them the chance to keep their heads while she could've just ignored and let Ludd destroy Ironrath and kill all the Forresters. So the only thing she expected from Asher was not to screw everything up which was exactly what people who poisened/ambush the Whitehills did.
Gwyn is the next person I want dead. She is either fake or clueless.
Gwyn's only as unpleasant as you are to her. If you refuse to work with her, insult her and ultimately betray her as Asher, it makes total sense that she turns on you. Work with her and she's a pretty good ally. I personally like her character a lot.
That said, her inability to see what a douchebag her father is can get irritating at times.
Aww poor Gwyn seeing your family die in front of her.
. Not like we ever went through that
Anyway no problem right we could just have peace after her father and brother were dead that's what she expects us to do right?