Can we talk about how horrible Gwyn Whitehill is?
So twice Gwyn shows up and tells us how great she is and how much she is doing to help our house. Meanwhile her father and brother are killing us and flaunting it in our faces. At the end when I played Asher she asked me to bend the knee. My Asher lied to her and said he would then ambushed anyway. Then after Asher kills Gryff she stabs him in the side and blames Asher for all the chaos. She just made me so mad. Wish Asher could have cut her head off. But she will prob play a role in Season 2 since she can be the one to find the survivor with Talia...
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Sorry but I disagree, in the last episode it's shown how she really wants to make peace and cares about Asher. Of course depending on how you play as Asher she acts differently: if you poison her father or organize the ambush she feels betrayed and angry, and stabs Asher (yes I didn't like that too but she had her reasons); but if you call off the plan she even kills the Whitehill soldier that attacks Asher and helps him at the end of the episode. Plus, if you play as Rodrik, Gwyn will warn him about her father wanting to attack Ironrath.
God I fucking hate her
She's still completely blind to how evil her father and brother are. That makes her a threat no matter how "good" her intentions are
I think that still, depending on your choices she can blame you (Asher) or realize how assholes her relatives were. Why would she let me kill Gryff, then? And why would she kill her own soldier?
I like Gwyn but I really think being stuck at Highpoint with Ludd and Gryff has made her just a bit loopy. She doesn't seem to understand that we are way beyond any hope of reconciliation, even if her father and brother could behave, which they can't. Her inability to accept that Whitehills and Forresters getting along will never happen and to know when to give up on that delusion makes me legitimately question her sanity.
If you intentionally disturbed the peace in hall, Gwyn will go mad on you and won't let you kill her brother. She could not save Ludd from poison, but she had a possibility to save her brother and she used it.
If your mother ruin the peace, attacking Ludd, Gwyn will see that Forresters are shocked as well. She believes Asher did not participate in this action and her feelings to him would remain positive. She protects Asher instead, so he would live and together they would have a possibility to make things right and marry later.
She killed a soldier to help Asher and showed up with Talia to help him at the end for me so she's pretty great in my book.
She has refused to accept any responsibility for her family. Infact, she's seen them continue to murder Forrester's and psychologically abuse Ryon, what does she choose to do? Tell us to just lie down and take it, while acting like she's doing us some huge favor. Gwyn's been a pretentious little shit all through the season.
I really like her, Im debating over replaying in order to get her at the end of the game.
I think she knows as when Gwyn and Asher meet she even goes as far as to say she would exile Gyrff, knowing he was dangerous! But as family she would defend them a little!! I mean I think your forgetting that this is her family and as much as she wants to marry Asher and have peace she will want them to "survive" aswell! She can even let Asher kill Gyrff and then murder one of her fathers men! If she stabs Asher can you really blame her?? He tried to murder her family and even her! She must of been feeling extremely betrayed and anrgy knowing her hard work had just been thrown back in her face! She would obviously take Asher pleasure of killing her brother!
But at the final of Episode 6 she seems pretty determined for revenge, she's done with diplomacy just like Duncan is/was.
The only thing I said to Gwyn was that I trusted her intentions. I chose silence as an option for everything else so that I wouldn't have to lie to her face. After I poisoned Ludd, I wasn't upset that she stabbed me. Don't get me wrong, I didn't like it, but I understood it. She felt the same fury I felt when Ethan and Rodrik breathed their last. She and Asher were two of a kind.
Whoa. Gwynn can appear to help Asher at the very end? How?
Yes. Call off the ambush/poison plan and she will save you from a soldier and rescue you with Talia.
The only problem I have with her is that she doesn't think Rodrik/Asher have a right to be angry. I get that she wants peace but it means nothing when you're just a slave to your enemy. She thinks we just care all about our pride and nothing else. It's much more than that.
I'm not sure what to think of Gwyn because her idea of peace still allows her privilege. If it was her family that had to submit would she feel the same? She stabs you if you attack, is that simply because she fears you having the upper hand?
Gwyn was Whitehill scum! All Whitehills are scum! There should be no mercy for scum like Whitehills. Every last one should've been eradicated.
I love Gwyn she's a great character! She risked everything for peace.
PEACE? With the Whitehills?!?!?!?
The only thing Whitehills deserve is a sword through the heart. Every last one of them.
I liked what Gwyn did, the peace idea with Asher was the best way to go imo, she even saves Asher from a random Whitehill dude,and was there at the end to help him. I love that the game has created such different opinions of the characters from the choices
I lied to her and then poisoned her fat fuck of a father. Really her naive notion that we could have peace was ridiculous. I would've married her, planted a baby in her belly and then I'd lose my head. Then Ludd would have a little baby Lord Forrester to control the House in name.
I'm not mad she tried to stab me though. I was admittedly a dick for lying to her for the express purpose of killing her family, but I swore to avenge Rodrik, and nothing was going to stop me.
Are you insane? NOT MAD AT HER? She would end up as a roll of sushi. That "back-stabbing" whore (pun intended) need her head chopped off instead of mira.
Yeah screw that bitch. As this episode was going I saw that coming a mile away. Once she stabbed me I laughed at Asher being shocked because here I'm like "oh no I totally can't believe that happened". I really do wish I could of killed her too. There was zero part of me that was like "well if we ambush them does that mean Gwyn dies too?" because I really didn't care. I never fully trusted her from the start but figured I'd use her the best I could.
I loved that moment
"To Gwyn"
I'm enjoying seeing how divided her character is to people. It's an interesting problem in this story. It's difficult to show someone who has no connection what Asher is suppose to be feeling. Does he really love her? Has he always? And even if he does truly love her would he really bend the knee to have her? Most of us as Asher don't have that sting of a lost lover feeling towards Gwyn to really affect us.
It's difficult to do a "lost love" story, even for those of us who have lost. Those feelings are hard to express, and for those of us who never have it's difficult to understand. Still I give Telltale credit for taking the chance.
I hate Gwyn's behavior about the whole deal.
The Forresters are being butchered one by one, and what does she say ? "Let's make peace lol". Not only she's closing her eyes on her family's terrible, TERRIBLE behavior towards an already destroyed family, but if you try to get vengeance on them, she's the first to stab you in the back being like "it's all your fault"
Her attitude towards the situation makes her look like a pretentious fuck, it just comes off as "be grateful it's not your head on that stick
Well, you DID lie to her.
Gwyn never lied about her intentions and did want Peace.
Ally with Gwyn, thus proving Asher wants Peace, and she'll betray her family for Asher.
She wanted Peace from the start.
Also, Ludd didn't kill Gregor or Ethan and he only had Ryon because Ramsay ordered him to take the kid - the same kid that Gwyn protected.
It "is" all your fault if you don't push for Peace. That's a "Fact".
Asher does love her, he got exiled for loving her and can even mention Gwyn in his first appearance.
You must be one of those Kenny fans who ignore fact and logic.
And you ruined your house and deserve to be stabbed by the one person who actually wanted Peace because you betrayed her trust.
And how did not pushing for Peace work out? Right, nearly everyone's dead and you lost everything.
She never says that.
Furthermore, Bloodshed has solved nothing. Peace would and Ludd cannot live forever. Heck, Ludd's eldest is off at war.
I betrayed her trust?????? She's the enemy, I don't really give two shits what she wants.
Her last great peace meeting went to shit she's an idiot
Also lets say gryff, ludd and everyone else agrees and lives happily ever after, which there is no evidence for. Ramsey made the rules clear, one lives.
Still her peace plan wouldn't work anyway, too much has happened.
No, she isn't.
Just because she's a Whitehill doesn't make her an enemy. She constantly pushed for Peace, protected Ryon and convinced her Father from just killing everyone off at the start and sueing for Peace one last time. The ONLY reason Ludd even pushes for Peace is BECAUSE of Gwyn. He even tells you that he has no issue just killing you all right away which is something he would have done if Gwyn didn't stop him.
Thus you killing Ludd betrays Gwyn as she is the only reason the Feast happens.
How is it all the Forresters' fault ?
Their Lords got killed, Ryon was taken as a hostage, they were in a bad position enough, and what does Ludd choose to do ? He rubs Gregor's and Ethan's death to their family's faces. Not even including the trauma Ryon had to go through, holding his brother's head on a stick, you know.
I wonder how well she protected Ryon. She said it herself, the Whitehills are making fun of his family's demise 24/7, he's being told he was abandoned by his own. He doesn't need to be physically hurt to suffer, he's still a kid.
Okay, let's forget all of this. There comes the last straw, the killing of Asher/Rodrik (you either get the death of the Forrester lord or the desecration of Asher's body). How do you want peace after that ?
You can't even say that the Forresters deserved it because even though you lay low the whole game they'll still be dicks to you.
Well then she was stupid to trust me.
Also ryon was beat to shit and nearly murderd by ludd at her last little meeting
That's exactly what happens if you do push for peace.
Bad argument is bad.
The abuse really has Been one sided