The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Shithead.

    enter link description here

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited November 2015

    Just in case you guys missed it, Job made some rather interestingly cryptic tweets. It seems he might be hinting that we get a Season 2 announcement of Game of Thrones "very soon", as I can't see what else he would announce given Season 1 is over and I can't see them doing an extra DLC episode alone.

  • This isn't the first time this piece of shit has said something like this. I remember back about a year ago he said that we could cure aids if we just kill all homosexuals.

    BigBlindMax posted: »



    Well, there goes the only reason to watch the Godforsaken E! Network. Fuck you guys, enjoy your Kardashian and Bruce Jenner crap.

  • I had someone briefly tell me about that part since I didn't get up to it, but I can't believe it without seeing it for myself.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Ahh parts that explains a lot. I read whole from start to beginning I wrote it in a comment above, plus few of hadith. So tell me while you were reading your parts you haven't encountered any thing about violence against infidels?

  • Then go to a book store or some library and read it for yourself. After that tell me if Islam is still a religion of peace in your opinion.

    I had someone briefly tell me about that part since I didn't get up to it, but I can't believe it without seeing it for myself.

  • Lmao where did I ever state Islam was the religion of peace?

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Then go to a book store or some library and read it for yourself. After that tell me if Islam is still a religion of peace in your opinion.

  • What an awful human being.

    No_username posted: »

    This isn't the first time this piece of shit has said something like this. I remember back about a year ago he said that we could cure aids if we just kill all homosexuals.

  • In case you missed it, Telltale confirmed Game of Thrones is getting a second Season.

  • edited November 2015

    Yeah. I mean I'm glad that it is because despite not being huge on the first season I still think it is a decent game with great potential and will be getting season 2 most likely, but I just wish it was a second season of Wolf among us or Tales From The Borderlands that they announced.

    In case you missed it, Telltale confirmed Game of Thrones is getting a second Season.

  • but I just wish it was a second season of Wolf among us or Tales From The Borderlands that they announced.

    I'd like second Seasons of those games too, but people underestimate the importance of Telltale being experimental and trying new things. If all we ever got was sequels to games people were comfortable with, we'd have never gotten experiences like Wolf or Borderlands in the first place. Imagine if we never got Wolf Among Us because Telltale wanted to make a new Walking Dead/Game of Thrones game come out super early, or if we never got Borderlands because Telltale wanted to make a Season 2 of Wolf Among Us.

    I have nothing against sequels and I think Season 2 of Game of Thrones will be good, but I'm also pretty interested in Telltale broadening people's horizons and introducing modern Telltale fans to new things besides Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, etc. Part of why I love Telltale is that I like how they can stretch themselves across different genres - not just drama. For instance, most people think of Borderlands when they think of Telltale making a comedy game, but most of their older work prior to Walking Dead was comedy, and we only got choice based drama games like Walking Dead because Telltale was willing to be experimental and break the mold.

    Yeah. I mean I'm glad that it is because despite not being huge on the first season I still think it is a decent game with great potential


    enter image description here

  • enter image description here

    Telltale confirmed Game of Thrones is getting a second Season.

    BUT...but TWAU and Borderlands was a lot better received by critics and fans yet GOT gets an instant season 2 is the brand of a game more important then the quality of the game :P

    In case you missed it, Telltale confirmed Game of Thrones is getting a second Season.

  • You also have to remember GOT was signed to a multi year deal, while both TWAU and TFTBL were only one year deals. If Telltale wanted to do a second season of GOT, which they are, then they can go ahead and do it. However, with Tales and Wolf, the contracts for both will have to be renegotiated before Telltale can move forward. Who knows, Telltale might be in the process of trying to negotiate with Gearbox for TFTBL right now, or with DC and Vertigo for TWAU. But until all sides can come to an agreement, they can't announce anything. It's not as simple as confirming a second season, there's a whole business side to it that we often forget, and considering how both games turned out to be more successful than was most likely initially expected, all sides are going to want different terms than they previously agreed on, which makes negotiations harder.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Telltale confirmed Game of Thrones is getting a second Season. BUT...but TWAU and Borderlands was a lot better received by critics and fans yet GOT gets an instant season 2 is the brand of a game more important then the quality of the game :P

  • He should do some research.

    Homosexuals are not the only kind of people to contract STI

    No_username posted: »

    This isn't the first time this piece of shit has said something like this. I remember back about a year ago he said that we could cure aids if we just kill all homosexuals.

  • winter is coming

    Green613 posted: »


  • Here, the problem is the exact opposite. 40 degrees celsius in certain places and it is not even summer yet.

    Green613 posted: »


  • edited November 2015

    Can someone shine some light on me on what the point of worship is? (Should non-believers go to one, is what im trying to ask. Not saying that people shouldn't do worships.)

    Don't you go to one because you believe in God the creator? Mom is forcefully taking me to one tomorrow and she's saying that my reasons in not going to worship for being an Atheist does not matter.

    Yeah mom, I don't believe in God so bring me to a place where people sing and talk about God/Jesus. Great strategic thinking.

  • omg he did it

    enter image description here

    goals #realherosjustdoit

  • No, not really. But if you go consistently, it's a good way to get meet folks who can help you out down the line.

    I went to church for over a decade, and I'm still occasionally cashing in on the connections I made there.

    Can someone shine some light on me on what the point of worship is? (Should non-believers go to one, is what im trying to ask. Not saying th

  • Well, he didn't make peoples dream come true. But they were awoken from their dreams.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    omg he did it goals #realherosjustdoit

  • edited November 2015

    It's taking me forever to beat Rise of the tomb raider. The game is alot longer than I expected especially with all the side stuff, not that I'm complaining. I love the game, but dang it I got other games to get to lol like back to Fallout 4 and replaying Mass Effect and playing some 3ds

  • You must decide!

    It's taking me forever to beat Rise of the tomb raider. The game is alot longer than I expected especially with all the side stuff, not tha

  • what a problematic guy...

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    omg he did it goals #realherosjustdoit

  • Someone should make a Fallout version of 'Shrek is Love, Shrek is Life' but replace Shrek with Vault Boy.

  • Hello, guys!

    Let's congratulate our forum-friend @ Striker707 with his Happy birthday! :)

    It will be very nice, if you do this =)

    Thanks everyone!

  • edited November 2015

    im slowly being consumed by the FoB fandom...

    gUYS HELp

  • Happy birthday, @Striker707!

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    Hello, guys! Let's congratulate our forum-friend @ Striker707 with his Happy birthday! It will be very nice, if you do this Thanks everyone!

  • I saw snow flakes yesterday and it left a big grin on my face. I love snow! :3

    Green613 posted: »


  • @Striker707

    Happy Birthday!

    enter image description here

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    Hello, guys! Let's congratulate our forum-friend @ Striker707 with his Happy birthday! It will be very nice, if you do this Thanks everyone!

  • My original plan was to finish Tomb Raider then go back to Fallout and then mix in some Mass effect or 3ds for when I get tired of the same game. Might stick with it. Either way I need to get to my 3ds. I picked it up like 3 weeks ago and only played it for like 5 minutes and it's not that I don't want to play it, it's just there are to many things to do right now lol

    You must decide!

  • i am really pissed off that someone who i work with has tried to complain by saying im lazy i am a janitor for a shoppg centre as a christmas temp but it may become a permanent job but someone has tried to say im lazy and shes already on probation for not working my supervisors say not to worry as they see me working hard as i am not lazy and she may be fired (i think shes trying to score points for the other chrismas temp who i work with) because she wants more female janitors on the team and i am male

  • enter image description here

    im slowly being consumed by the FoB fandom... gUYS HELp

  • I found Dave Fennoy in Fallout 4.

  • lol yes

    Someone should make a Fallout version of 'Shrek is Love, Shrek is Life' but replace Shrek with Vault Boy.

  • edited November 2015

    I thought I was the only one who noticed. He also voiced Jed in Honest Hearts (New Vegas DLC)

    I found Dave Fennoy in Fallout 4.

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