The Wolf (no longer) Among Us
To hear how quickly they announced a new season of Game of Thrones while neglecting The Wolf Among Us, its like...Seriously?! I won't be buying season 2, The first season was just an average experience for me, with those cliffhangers that make you wanna throw your controller across the room, the final episode should be gratifying and worthwhile not frustrating, it's because they have more on the way and just want more money. Tales From the Borderlands was a step in the right direction, but I say this, we want an Original IP, or TWD or TWAU, even the Marvel licenced game. "We've been planning the second season all along." Telltale CEO Kevin Bruner said about GoT, instead of focusing on a satisfying, conclusive first season, they give us an average one that goes across multiple seasons, it's just disappointing because I love Telltale and they know what they're doing, but GoT has been my least favorite title, they have so many opportunities to tell amazing stories across multiple licences and all they need to do is branch out, and I'm hoping season 2 of GoT is better than what got offered for season 1
Article confirming season 2
We miss you, Bigby
The WHY is obvious..$MONEY$
It's smart for them to confirm GoT because of its horrendous ending (or actually, lack of ending in a sense). If they didn't confirm that there will be a season 2 to explain what actually is going on... It'd be even more meaningless then it already is.
But that's not saying I don't agree with you. I'm pretty sure My Bigby is still on that sidewalk smokin his huff and puffs.
You know, the second season of The Walking Dead was confirmed while season 1 was still being made.
That has a mini series coming this year and a third season next year to boot.
It makes me angry knowing they could be focusing on The Wolf Among Us, and they won't
Your tears are delicious. Sorry, but my Rodrik the Ruined must finish killing every Whitehill.
Do we really want more of TWD? I mean, yeah it's there most lucrative licence, and one of my favorites, The wolf among us S2 would be a dream come true
You must live in these fourms you fanboy, get a life
My playthrough was Asher and everyone pretty much dies. Yay.
Ahem, fangirl.
And I promise you I have a life. I was simply making a recurring joke, you know how I did this with you last time? I just thought it was a joke, no need to get all vile about it.
I haven't killed Gwyn yet...
They aren't neglecting The Walking Dead, S3 is currently being worked on, it's been being worked on since they confirmed it back in July, 2014. Also, you have the whole Michonne mini series being made. As for The Wolf Among Us, they only signed that game to a single year deal, while they signed Game of Thrones to a multi year deal. However, they haven't taken Wolf completely off the table, there is still hope that they will do more TWAU in the future, but them doing Thrones really doesn't have any affect on if they will make a S2 of TWAU or not. There's a lot of negotiating that has to take place between the three sides (Telltale, DC, and Vertigo) before they can even start making a S2. It's not as simple as saying "Hey, we want to continue TWAU." They have to get permission from all sides before they can go ahead, and that is a long process, especially when there are so many sides to please. They want to do more TWAU, but it's not always up to them.
That's just uncalled for.
Great, then don't. No one is forcing you to play the game. If you don't want to play it, simply don't buy it. There are plenty of other people that will play it and will enjoy it, just because you don't doesn't mean others won't as well. Believe or not, your opinion isn't better than others.
Again, your opinion. I thought S1 was great, not the best Telltale game, but still a great game nonetheless and I can't wait for S2.
No, that's what YOU want. Frankly, I'd gladly take S2 of GOT over TWAU S2, I found S1 better than TWAU. If Telltale wants to continue with Game of Thrones, then fine, let them do it, it's their game, they call the shots.
Again, because of the multi year deal, they had planned on doing multiple seasons of the game. They developed and planned the first season so that it ends in a way that leaves people who played it wanting more and will lead into Season 2.
GOT and The Walking Dead are my favorite Telltale titles.
So this is perfect for me. There's a mini-series and Season 3 for The Walking Dead to come next year. How's it neglected at all?
Oh yeah that's the worst thing. The game with the least hype and the most potential for telltale to do what they want.. Although they did remove things that woulda been bad ass. Like no boy blue sidekick for Bigby!!'
First Telltale confirmed earlier this year that Season 3 of TWD will come out next year after Michonne ends. Second GoT season 1 was excelent. Your argument is invalid, cupcake.
But I hope you fangirls and fanboys do realize how consitently lazy the telltale writing staffs are with these games and that it doesn't look like it will get better soon.
You have to analyze every single phrase, seriously? I just stated a few thoughts and you have a huge comment to contradict everything I say? wow
And that made me laugh. A lot x)
+1 upvote from me ^0^
Yes because everything you said is either wrong or purely opinionated and being stated as absolute fact.
Please don't say I'm blind or anything for saying this but I don't think they were lazy with GoT. It was a story I really got into and everything was near perfect for me.
I know that, but clearly you don't. You say they are ignoring TWAU, that's what you think, but that is clearly not true, but you state it to be so. They want to do more, but they can't because they don't have the rights to, and it's not as simple as saying "We want to make a second season." They have to get the rights to do so from Vertigo and DC, which takes a long time to do. And they have to negotiate in a way that pleases all 3 sides, and if they can't come to an agreement, then there isn't going to be another game. Telltale is at the beck and call of those guys, they can't do anything without their say, and THAT is the truth.
I should do this more often, it kinda helps me channel out the hate. :P
I mean.. You were actually satisfied by Gared and Mira's endings?
You like the fact that Tyrion was the focus most the season, then he disappeared? And the fact that we lied to Cersei and got away with it? That no matter who we pledge loyalty to as Mira, it didnt matter? That we still don't know what power the north grove holds? The fact that they gave us a choice to go back to Ironrath, knowin damn well that Mance is gonna attack the wall soon?
I just don't see how any of this will work out in the forrester favor unless we're switching povs.
I read this with morgan 's freeman voice , yey Game of thrones!! Game of throne !!
I got Mira killed, it felt fitting for her story to end like that so yes I was satisfied with Mira's story.
I quite like how we still don't know what the North Grove truly is, it allows me to speculate some more, at least we know what it looks like and what's there. And for that last choice I have a feeling they'll stay at the North Grove anyway.
No one's forcing you to buy the second season. And that is your opinion. A lot of people have enjoyed the first season despite the flaws. At least from my perspective.
Okay, Tales was better but that is what you actually want. I seriously rather get a season 2 of Game of Thrones over a season 2 of TWAU or a season 3 of TWD. A lot of people also want a second season of GoT.
Again, it is your opinion. And as I said before, the first season of GoT was great and many people liked it.
Ugh... seeing threads like these in the GoT section always break my heart ;-;
Touché then, I was satisfied with Mira's death. Yelling Iron from Ice as my last words like a true forrester.
And ok, I can respect that. Gared will be our Jon Snow type pov then, unless we switch povs.
But I think I was more pissed that I spent my time focusing on Tyrion and Cersei (I thought Tom worked for them secretly and would turn on us depending on our asshole level) to find out they mattered very little to the plot. And i also gave Morgryn to much credit. I knew he would propose to us, but didn't think he would be the main antagonist (it makes sense, but i thought kings landing would be a lil more complex).
I don't really like GOT S1 as much as TWAU but this game is not "a complete garbage" (Less good than I expected though)
I understand what you say and i want a sequel to TWAU too but we also need a real ending.
Don't you want to seek revenge for the foresters ?
Iron from Ice
I don't understand why we get upset when telltale makes there games.. we complain get upset and throw fits like little babies.. because we don't like what they do.. but yet we are on this thread.. we buy there games or watch people play there games on YouTube.. either way.. STOP COMPLAING!! and saying telltale is dumb and a bad company. they are not. they are just different with how they do things.. if they suck then all the other gaming companies suck! of course it's a money grab.. that is what gaming companies do... MAKE GAMES FOR US SO WE CAN BUY THEM!!! and sooner or later we will get a wolf among us i promise.. but like some peeps said on here.. it really is not the popular.. sadly.. it's a under the radar game.. that some people don't even know about.. but yeah dude.. this thread you made.. not sure what you where hoping to accomplish.. with this.. but.. it probable didn't work.. people like got and telltale.. i'm not trying to be mean or anything.. your opinion is your opinion. but don't throw it at people.. if you don't like it then don't buy it. or don't play it.. but dont' sit there and degrade.. a company on a community that are fans.. bad form good sir. bad form.
Considering the feedback that TWD S2 got, I have a feeling that TWAU s2 might not go so well.
Cause you can't, unfortunately.
All in due time.
It would have been an extremely dumb move to not have cliffhangers at the end of a game that you already know will get a second Season. It's called business, almost every TV Show does that, including the GoT TV Show. If your ending is complete in itself, then less people will buy the second Season. Telltale is still a company, and companies can't just go around and threaten their sales. Also, will no one mention how the ending of TWD Season 1 is a cliffhanger aswell? Yet everyone praises that game to heaven and back. That's quite honestly just flat out hypocrisy and apologist behaviour towards the 'untouchable' TWD.
Also, TWD Season 2 was announced after Episode 2 of Season 1, and Season 3 was announced in July last year, both of them before the current Season even ended. So much for the argument that it was awful of Telltale to work on the next Season concurrently when they did the same for TWD. Another case of hypocrisy right there.
And I would take GoT over TWAU Season 2 and TWD Season 3 any day, you can't just state your opinion as fact. Besides, for the original IP, Telltale already announced their Super Show, which is basically just that. I also doubt that one less sale will bring Telltale to ruins, so...your loss, really.
EXACTLY!! someone who can understand.. almost all telltale games had a cliffhanger ending.. telltale is like they said " tv shows" borderlands had a cliffhanger.. what happpend to them? where did they go? Wolf among us.. who was she was really faith? was she bloody merry? walking dead s1 lee dies nothing you can do to save him.. who where those people? where is climente going? what is she going to do next? walking dead season 2. if she is alone.. where is she going? if she is with the girl.. forgot her name.. haha! anyways who are those 2 people.. are they good are they bad? so you see.. LOTS OF CLIFFHANGERS.. i think the real reason lots of people are upset.. is because.. they lost. for now at least.. but that will make the final ending so much more worth it.. just because you lose does not make it a bad game.. it makes it more realistic.. i mean honestly.. whithills outnumbered.. them 100 to 1. so of course you where going to lose.. but like royland and ducan said.. "they may of won the battle.. but they will not win this war"
Shut the fuck up.
He addressed your thoughts, and told you that you were acting like a damned child. And you're taking fault with that? You publicized the thoughts, you're up to the scrutiny or support of anyone who sees it.
Don't think you can just riot and get some echo-chamber screaming YES YOU'RE SO SMART.
Wow, why no how can someone get so angry over a game. You have no proof this is taking away from anything. I'd much prefer game if thrones to borderlands or the wolf among us
Your grammar leaves loads to be desired but after translating your argument I'm left with one inquiry.
The hell are you going on about?
I'm talking to the OP here, not the person pointing out all the obvious flaws in the idiotic venting rant, complaining that people are pointing OUT that it's an idiotic venting rant.
Yes, you can be displeased with GoT. I'm sure many, many are with this ending. But use some logical facts, and don't tote an opinion-piece like truth, and maybe people won't be prone to picking out the fallacies of your argument.