Sera? Interesting, but she has nothing to do with the Forresters.
I'm predicting Rodrik/Asher, Talia, the Bastards from the North, and Gared. Or maybe Beskha instead of Gared but eh, probably not. Or perhaps Malcolm instead of Gared. Or Malcolm instead of the female bastard (They're probably eager to have us play as a warg).
Threw Sera under the bus
Married Morgyn
Didn't promise Gwyn and killed Gryff in the hall
Choose to save the small folk
Used Cotter's heart for blood magic
Choose to march south
I doubt we will play as two people in the same vicinity.
I really doubt the two bastards, they dont seem to be splitting up from gared any time soon, we will continue with him.
Talia is possible but I dont think so. I think we will stick with the survving brother, really the characters can essentially do the same thing, same with royland and duncan
I also think we'll play as Beskha with Ryon and malcolm in essoss (who will likely be the court plot of next season).
Finally I'm thinking a whitehill, the son who was with roose bolton seems likely as he will have to either lead the house or take his brothers place. Maybe gwyn but it seems weird to just play as the one whitehill we've has any real dialogue with. At least when we meet her we know her etc.
As a final though mira could have a few scenes, I mean its possible. She wont ever really effect the main story but to be honest sjhe never really did anyway. Her story was pretty self contained
Sera? Interesting, but she has nothing to do with the Forresters.
I'm predicting Rodrik/Asher, Talia, the Bastards from the North, and Ga… morered. Or maybe Beskha instead of Gared but eh, probably not. Or perhaps Malcolm instead of Gared. Or Malcolm instead of the female bastard (They're probably eager to have us play as a warg).
* Told Margaery some lies.
* Refused to marry Morgryn.
* Sacrificed Cotter for blood magic.
* Kill Ludd at the camp.
* I defende… mored the gate.
* I leaved North Grove.
* In the end, Duncan the traitor and Talia saved me.
* I fought with cunning strategy.
I don't think telltale will continue with the determinant brother thing for another 6 episodes, which makes me think at some point he'll die and talia may take over?
I doubt we will play as two people in the same vicinity.
I really doubt the two bastards, they dont seem to be splitting up from gared an… morey time soon, we will continue with him.
Talia is possible but I dont think so. I think we will stick with the survving brother, really the characters can essentially do the same thing, same with royland and duncan
I also think we'll play as Beskha with Ryon and malcolm in essoss (who will likely be the court plot of next season).
Finally I'm thinking a whitehill, the son who was with roose bolton seems likely as he will have to either lead the house or take his brothers place. Maybe gwyn but it seems weird to just play as the one whitehill we've has any real dialogue with. At least when we meet her we know her etc.
As a final though mira could have a few scenes, I mean its possible. She wont ever really effect the main story but to be honest sjhe never really did anyway. Her story was pretty self contained
I feel it's possible.every player has to have one or the other and really for most scenes they could do the same thing. Heck half the characters just call them "Lord" anyway
I don't think telltale will continue with the determinant brother thing for another 6 episodes, which makes me think at some point he'll die and talia may take over?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but was the while North Grove subplot completely pointless? It never connected back to the other storylines or played any importance.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but was the while North Grove subplot completely pointless? It never connected back to the other storylines or played any importance.
Married Morgryn (he'll still want our ironwood and be dangerous, only way to stop him is if Mira is alive and ready to gauge his eyes out and bite his neck off in their wedding bed if need be),
butchered Cotter,
cut Lard's head off in the camp (didn't even know i could poison the c*nt),
I feel it's possible.every player has to have one or the other and really for most scenes they could do the same thing. Heck half the characters just call them "Lord" anyway
I threw Sera under the bus because I figured Mira's real loyalty would be to her house.
I told Morgryn to do one for the same reason.
I did the blood magic just out of pragmatism.... dude was dying either way, he suffered a little more and could benefit the living.
I let Rodrick die and save Asher as I felt that was the decision a borderline-crippled Rodrick would make.
Ambushed the Whitehills as I I thought Asher would be smart enough to avoid riding out but didn't think poison would sit well with him.
Lied to Gwynn because all Whitehills are dead to me.
I defended the gate not that it made any difference; needs of the many vs the few etc.
I stayed to defend the North Grove because I felt Garred wouldn't break his promise to Lord Forrester.
The traitor Duncan and Talia saved my life at the end.
I played with cunning strategy.
I really want to replay the whole story and explore other options but this is definitely the main storyline I want to explore in Season 2
My very first choice was..
(Actually I was not satisfied with my first play. I changed a lot in my second play)
1. Honest to Margery: I said Sera to blame me in previous episode.
2. Refused Marriage: Better die honestly, rather than marry that bastard.
1. Used black magic to Cotter: I felt bad about what I had done (mostly from my curiosity). So I changed choice in my second play
2. Stayed in North Grove: At least we have power to preserve North Grove because of Cotter's black magic..
1. Killed Griff: I thought I was going to SAVE Ryon and didn't expect Beska folloing me. Actually I wanted to kill Ludd.
2. Sentinel Duncan with no traitor.
3. Elaena to stay Ironrath (One of my horrible choice.... I thought it was related to WD1 Lee with Clem choice in ep4, but it was not...)
So, I played the finale a few days ago when it was released on Steam. I already said my opinion and what choices I would do but I changed some of my choices. By the way, Rodrik is alive in my original playthrough:
I told Margaery the truth with the cost of being dismissed.
Episode 1:
Choice #1) Saved Bowen. (Not sure how that impacts the plot in anyway)
Choice #2) I swore my loyalty to Margery, just to spite Cersei.
Choice #3) I showed Eric Mercy,
Choice #4) I made Ser Royland my Sentinel.
Choice #5) I had Ramsay wait at the gates, once again just to aggravate the antagonists.
Choice #6) I grabbed Talia from Ramsay.
Episode 2:
Choice #1) I forged the letter to Elaena Glenmore.
Choice #2) I did not kiss Ludd's ring.
Choice #3) I was able to convince Elaena to accept my proposal.
Choice #4) I vouched for Cotter during the knife fiasco.
Choice #5) I killed Damien.
Choice #6) I dropped the knife.
Episode 3:
Choice #1) I helped Malcolm during the dragon attack.
Choice #2) I went with Tyrion. (I just couldn't resist Peter Dinklage)
Choice #3) I left Britt.
Choice #4) I stayed down when confronted by Gryff.
Choice #5) I kept the letter.
Episode 4:
Choice #1) I brought Finn with me.
Choice #2) I beat Gryff to a pulp.
Choice #3) I advocated for Sera.
Choice #4) I brought the Glenmores with me.
Choice #5) At first I enacted the 'Red Wedding' game over, I was rather disappointed when I received the game over screen, but oh well. Afterwards I chose to call Ludd's bluff, which, surprisingly worked.
Choice #6) I allowed Beshka to enact her vengeance.
Episode 5:
Choice #1) I didn't stab Ramsay, considering the fact that he's canon I knew he'd live.
Choice #2) I told Tyrion the truth.
Choice #3) I spared the traitor's (Duncan's) life.
Choice #4) I had Rodrick stay behind.
Episode 6:
Choice #1) I lied about Sera, thereby having her dismissed from Margery's service.
Choice #2) I ran from the Lannister guards.
Choice #3) I refused Morgryn's offer and had Mira sentenced to death. (Not sure if the frame of Mira looking up before being beheaded was paying homage to 'Baelor' during Ned's death, or a rip-off)
Choice #4) I fed Cotter the Nightshade.
Choice #5) I ambushed Ludd, killing Gryff in the process.
Choice #6) I sacrificed my Small Folk to secure the gates.
Overall I received the Instinct and Nobility ending. (You'd think I'd get cunning since I betrayed the Whitehill's trust, but whatever.)
Bowen returned in episode 6, he takes Elissa's place to save Asher (Only him, doesn't work for Rodrik) from Harys if you let Elissa drink the poisoned wine.
I played the game on several different fronts over the course of the episodes but my main course is as follows .
I quickly discovered the North Grove by climbing up a tree as Garrett by looking tother stars. And while it must never be lost it sure was easily found.
Then over and Kings Landing as Mira, I had no qualms throwing Sera to the lions den so I could remained useful and necessary to Lady Margaery, even accusing her of possiabily of stealing Marge's seal. Not that this treachery did me any good since Queen to be Marge, my sister from another mr, had to distance herself from me after let me know about all of the vicious rumors circulating about mean she pretty much told me to get out so I did.
I have chosen to play on is a sure leaving Rodrick behind n episode 5 and as a result I got to kill some white Hill soldiers and reminisce about Roderick being a hero in the Lord yada yada yada and then on to Ironwrath we went.
Got chased by a polar bear and discovered the North grow with Cotter the potato fucker, and his sister Sylvi. Saw the hot sexy beast war and told him I was a Forrester squire.
Back in Kings Landing had a little run in with Tom the coal boy told him I really needed to meet with Queen Cersi, and then he sacrificed himself so that I could get away.... crappy because I really like Tom.
Mega to iron rap with Asher in the cell swords and I have to share the disappointing news everybody that Roderick is dead. There's a few boo hoo but I pretty much rally the troops at that point with some grand words.
I have a really interesting fight scene at the Grove where I actually have to at one point kill the reanimated Finn who happens to arrive.
And I had Westside left them back at Castle Black at that point.
Back at King's Landing, I run into that smug Ironwood merchant Morgryn. He helps me of a Lannister guards only to tell me in his carriage that he is the one who tried to have me killed in the first place he smacks me I smack anything kicks me out and I'm taken into custody....... boo hiss booo......
Back at iron wrath the White Hills actually, and propose some interesting times they give us Rodricks body and an honorable display which I found them to be against their character but you know hey we got his body back. ( what time here if you're actually Roderick what you get back of answer is just ahead on the stick ). At that point of the side that we should lower the din and ambush him.
Back in Kings Landing down in the Cell X-handmaiden Mira can't seem to break out of the jail cell even though she still happens to have a key that she plucked from lady Marjorie's desk way back and episode 1 once is the purpose of that key you I don't know but it sure doesn't open up the cell door. Morgryn Morgan comes to me and proposes that I be his wife so that he can pretty much control all the iron wood and iron wrath for himself. I'd grudgingly agreed to be his wife because I aspire to somehow knife them in his sleep or circumnavigate him but I can't do that in the cells or even beheaded. Thus Tom the coal boy dies. My one and only true ally in Kings Landing gone.
Bank of North Grove I use the blood magic on Cotter, imply his beating heart from his chest is gruesome but hey it was cool.
Back in ironwratb, all hail pretty much breaks loose when the White Hills, calling the ambush does not go so well I defended the free folk over the gate, never got an opportunity to kill Ludd, pretty much got as your beat down like a dog stabbed got a shot with arrows nearly burned and then sent away on a horse by Royland.
I decide up in the iron Grove that remaining is fruitless, plus it's what the warg Hottie wanted to do was go south, so I'm definitely down with that plus I think of a good chick away from all that blood magic that the Grove apparently give her so we're on the March.
And of course Asher wakes to and finds the traitor and his sister Talia standing over him... I guess he feels that now this is his means to somehow redeem himself although I wonder what would have happened if I would have killed him instead of sparing his life?
Overall I was generally pleased with all six episodes of this game it's truly had a very Game of Thrones immersive quality which I found to be most enjoyable. I very much enjoyed interacting with the major characters when I had time with them. I enjoyed playing Asher and Lady Mira the most. I'm not a hundred percent sure how I feel. Gareth because one I had to break my oath to the Nights Watch in order to go look for the North Grove just so that I can give it up and head back south again I'll probably end up getting my head cut off for being a traitor. But it seems I was going to get it cut off anyway back at Castle Black Wayne and I know 6 - 12 or half a dozen of the other.
The choices I think I'm finally gonna settle on. I had Asher in this ep.
I told Margaery the truth. Was never a fan of Sera but it's pointless to ruin her life when Mira gets screwed over anyway.
Agreed to marry Morgryn. Didn't want Mira to die. Also gives Morgryn more threat as an antagonist.
Used Cotter for Bloodmagic. This was probably the most evil choice I made in the game, but we need those soldiers Elsera has.
Partnered with Gwyn. Going to trust her for now. At the very least she's able to control Ludd in our favor.
Stayed in the Grove. What are we gonna do, sneak past the Wall? If he's in S2, Gared will go South regardless of our choice anyway, so staying for now.
I fought with instinct and nobility. Seems to be the most common outcome.
So in summary I did a loooooot of betraying to get ahead in this episode. I'm hoping it'll turn out for the best, but, y'know, this is Game of Thrones we're talking about here...
She CAN die? I know that in the Asher gameplay she is save cause we see her only once and after that she is totally of-screen and with Rodrik we see whitehill pulling her through the main gate but I did'n know that she can die.
I had Rodrik too. I didn't defend Sera (Get rekt, bitch), my Mira is alive and will marry Morgryn, unfortunately, poor Tom died. I sacrifice… mored Cotter for this 'bloodmagic' or something, whatever. (Rip my beloved potato fucker). North Grove stays protected. (Have I mentioned how flipping cool that bear is?) I killed Gryff as Rodrik, Harys killed Elissa, Rodrik killed Harys, Lard and that whore Gwyn are alive. Elaena Glenmore died. (cough fuck you telltale cough I will never forgive you for this) Rodrik got saved by his senteniel Royland. Ryon is with Beskha. In defense of house Forrester I and 5.0% fought with cunning strategy. At first I didn't like this episode very much, but after I replayed it, I thought it was amazing. It had meaningful choices, hard decisions and was VERY emotional. I rate it 9/10, would have been 10/10, but Elaena's death was so fuc*ing stupid, I can't even.
She CAN die? I know that in the Asher gameplay she is save cause we see her only once and after that she is totally of-screen and with Rodrik we see whitehill pulling her through the main gate but I did'n know that she can die.
I chose Asher for my play through character and I have zero regrets. I have a soft spot for Rodrick and also Elaena, but I see Asher as the leader Ironwrath needs.
Told the truth and was dismissed
• I battled my conscience for that one. I begged Sera to let me into the reception, but I didn't drink the wine she stole. I kept her secret about being a bastard, but she still threw me under the bus.
Chose to marry Morgryn
• This was the hardest decision I had to make on the game so far (close second was choosing Asher over Rodrick). I couldn't watch Mira die. I think her story has so much potential but was never given a fair shot. I didn't want Tom to die, but I convinced myself that Mira saved him once by stabbing the Lannister guard that she wasn't all bad. I also found Tom kind of annoying towards the end.
Used Cotter for blood magic
• Honestly, per of my decision was based on my distaste for Sylvi. I find her insufferable and my love for Cotter was not outweighed by my disliking of his annoying brat of a sister. I also figured he was going to die anyway, so I wasn't really murdering him or anything.
Called off the ambush on Ludd
• I trust Gwyn, and I think her love for Asher makes her a valuable ally. I want there to be peace between the two houses, so I hoped Lady Forrester would shut her mouth for a second to accomplish the truce. Unfortunately, she went bananas and cut Ludd's face open before all hell broke loose.
Defended the gate
• I was trying to prevent more men entering the gates and killing more innocent people. Didn't work out in my favor.
Stayed to protect the North Grove
• If protecting the North Grove was important enough to be the last words spoken by Lord Gregor then I felt determined to protect his dying wish.
Talia and Gwyn found Asher
• This was a pleasant surprise. I hope Duncan (sentinel) survives as well.
Hi all.
Have been reading all the comments.
So far the options that one can encounter at the end of the game are:
* Unwavering Co… morenviction
* Fierce Passion
* Instinct and Nobility
* Cunning and Strategy
Unwavering Conviction seems to be the rarest of all. So kudos to all the folks who got it. I myself got fierce passion.
Gwyn loved her effing father - with him dead she'll always hate you. She doesn't care that much about her brother.
As to playable characters next season I doubt that anyone will play Mira unless she wasn't really executed (in that case good luck to all of you who will be married to the asswipe by then lol) But I think we might get to play one or both of the North Grove siblings.
Told Margaery the truth (Sera deserves her more then Mira does)
Married Morgryn (Couldn't see another Forrester die)
Gave Cotter a merciful death (I know we needed the soldiers, but Sylvi's friendship was more important)
Killed Ludd (I thought if we hurried, we could get to ryon, plus I don't want to see Ludd anymore)
Left the North Grove (If there was a chance to take back Ironrath, I had to take it)
In the end, Duncan (Sentinel) and Talia found Rodrik, Ryon's still alive with Beshka, Mira's still alive, and Ludd is finally dead. I call that a win in my book.
I had Asher alive. I loved Rodrik but it made no sense for Asher to come all that way to die. He was supposed to lead the house in a way that Rodrik no longer could.
Told the truth to Margaery. I was a bit contradictory because I hadn't had a problem with screwing Sera over in the past, but I figured that Mira's story wouldn't have a happy ending so there was no point in ruining Sera's life, even though she should've been more supportive of Mira.
Agreed to marry Morgryn. Was torn on this for ages, but Mira is still more use alive than dead, and still poses a threat to the Whitehill's claim of Ironrath.
Used Cotter for black magic. I don't trust the woman and can't see the voodoo soldiers thing ending well but Sylvi had never given me a reason to like her.
I killed Ludd. Just needed him gone, and he was the brains in that family anyway. Had no trouble "betraying" Gwyn either. Can't believe she expected the Forresters to bend the knee after everything that happened, and I don't think she helped as much as she said she did anyway.
Stayed at the North Grove. I don't like being that side of the wall but how would he even get back over it?
Hi all.
Have been reading all the comments.
So far the options that one can encounter at the end of the game are:
* Unwavering Co… morenviction
* Fierce Passion
* Instinct and Nobility
* Cunning and Strategy
Unwavering Conviction seems to be the rarest of all. So kudos to all the folks who got it. I myself got fierce passion.
Told the truth.
Refused marriage proposal. (kind of regret but dont know how much it'll affect s2 and how far Mira will go and if she could kill Morgryn)
Poisoned Cotter
Stopped the poisoning (regret not knowing mum would die either way)
Defended the gate (although it gets knocked down either way)
Left the North Grove (i saw protecting the north as lord gregor's children rather than the area which wasnt protected enough, since wightwalkers got in anyway, although getting past the wall will be a bother)
Traitor and Talia found Asher
* I threw Sera under the bus because she was an asshole to me last episode.
* I told Morgryn where he could stick his marriage proposal. Be… moretter dead than smeg!
* I gave Cotter the poison. A promise is a promise.
* I poisoned Ludd at Ironrath.
* I defended the small folk.
* I stayed to defend the North Grove. Again, a promise is a promise.
* My Sentinel, Duncan and Talia saved my life at the end.
* I played with cunning strategy.
Depressing episode. Pretty much everybody died. I thought I'd messed up to get such a crappy ending, but I guess this was pretty much how it was supposed to end.
Had Rodrick alive. Will be giving Asher a playthrough as well.
Was honest with Maggy. Figured the game was up and that it was better to be honest.
Mira agreed to marriage, but only after a rewind when I realized I didn't want her to die. Tom's death was a waste of potential. As would Mira's have been.
Killed Ludd. He's a bigger threat than idiot Gryff. Not satisfying enough. It seems Beskha rescued Ryon, because I sure didn't.
Stayed in the North Grove. Figured Gregor knew what he was talking about when he said it must not be lost. Not sure why, though. It didn't seem all that special.
Gave Cotter Nightshade. I had promised Sylvie, I don't want to be cutting out any beating hearts, and I don't think blood magic is a good idea.
Rodrick suffered several cases of sword through stomach. I'm surprised he's still alive, but apparently he is.
Mom got killed by the guy with the helmet.
Defended the smallfolk. I actually wanted to reinforce the gates, but I'd heard that wouldn't work out very well.
Elaena got taken away. Duck that. Duck that very much.
Royland might be dead. I wasn't paying enough attention because I was screaming at the TV and burying my face in agony in a pillow.
Fought with Fierce Passion, which I believe is the same as fighting planlessly and on a whim but with a high degree of emotional involvement.
Can someone tell me what final profile goes along with these choices? For some reason, mine weren't shown at the end of each episode
-Elected Duncan (Blue)
-Aligned with Gwyn (Red)
-Butchered Cotter for bloodmagic (Blue)
-Lied to stay in Margaery's service (Blue)
-Stood up to Gryff, regardless of consequences (Blue)
I must admit the fact that they chose to have a woman, who looked quite similar to Mira in the cell opposite did make me wonder if a swap was possible. Like you say the Red Priests possess the ability to glamour people and more importantly control them too. For those of you who don't know, in the books and the show too (I think), Melisandre glamours Rattle Shirt to look like Manse Ryder and burn him alive. This is later revealed to Jon along with the knowledge that Melisandre can control him. This is demonstrated in the Night's Watch training yard, when Jon fights who he thinks is Rattle Shirt. He tells Jon that if he had a dagger he would kill him. The other Nights Watchmen who were training with Jon seemed fearful. Jon however had already noticed that Rattle Shirt did in fact have a dagger on him, it seems that he was not able to use it; because he was not in control.
The only other possibility I see for Mira to show up in the next season is through some kind of impossible twist.
Like the woman in the c… moreell in front of her, who had conveniently similar facial features, had been washed and put on the chopping block instead of her by whoever Tom's boss is. Or having a secret Red Priest doing some magics.
Saved Asher (I agree to a previous poster that Asher comes all this way to die anyway) He has the slave army with him he bought with dragon queen's gold) The leader of the slaves died anyway but at least she helped me through the end
Told Margery the truth, i wasn't on good terms with her anyway
married Morgryn, sorry Tom, my family comes first. Plus i didn't want another Forrester to die
Poisoned Cotter, I didn't really like that bastard woman, At least the bastard brother warmed up to me
Walked away from the North grove, Ironrath needed all the help it can get. Mira failed and Asher's army failed
Stopped my Mom from drinking the wine, which i didnt mind cause i had a final battle with the whitehill, Ryon was safe so i went all out. but my mom died anyway so i was disappointed with that, and the bitch Gwynn stabbed me. After all the whitehill done to my family i just couldn't let them get away with it.
I killed Gryff and i tried to kill Ludd but he escaped and came back later when i was gone
I defended the small folk, didn't think it would matter if i defended the gate or not
Duncan (Sentinel) helped Asher escape, don't know what happened after that but he was surrounded by troops so i figured he wouldn't survive.
At the end Asher was found by Talia and my surprise Royland was there with Talia, after Rodrick had him locked up from betrayal. I replayed a bit of ep 5 and changed my choice when i told Talia that blood will be spilled from the traitor but broke her promise when i didn't kill Royland. I wanted her last words to Rodrick that he was a coward, just so she feels much worst when she finds out Rodrick sacrificed himself to save Asher. Sadly her dialogue didn't change.
Ashers friend Beskha riding away from the scene with Ryon with her, He was scared for a few seconds then all of a sudden he had a fierce look in his face.. I think he is ready to step up next season
My first time I.. Let Sera keep her Job, didn't kill ludd or gryff- simply lost the war. Respected Sylvi's wishes & took the north grove gang back south. Got my head chopped off... Asher survived.
My 2nd time (I restarted the entire season and chose the other guy as my sentinel instead of Duncan, and this time I didn't kill the traitor, so I actually saw Duncan at the very end of the episode- wtf?) Also- I let Rodric survive instead of Asher this time. So yea I let Sera take the fall- still respected Sylvi's wishes- chopped Ludds head off. Let Tom get his head chopped off (which I regret so I'm going to redo the episode, I really do love the kid) and yea.. when I redo the episode the only thing that will change is Mira's ending.
This episode was so worth the wait.
My first time I.. Let Sera keep her Job, didn't kill ludd or gryff- simply lost the war. Respected Sylvi's wishes & took the north grove… more gang back south. Got my head chopped off... Asher survived.
My 2nd time (I restarted the entire season and chose the other guy as my sentinel instead of Duncan, and this time I didn't kill the traitor, so I actually saw Duncan at the very end of the episode- wtf?) Also- I let Rodric survive instead of Asher this time. So yea I let Sera take the fall- still respected Sylvi's wishes- chopped Ludds head off. Let Tom get his head chopped off (which I regret so I'm going to redo the episode, I really do love the kid) and yea.. when I redo the episode the only thing that will change is Mira's ending.
This episode was so worth the wait.
Sera? Interesting, but she has nothing to do with the Forresters.
I'm predicting Rodrik/Asher, Talia, the Bastards from the North, and Gared. Or maybe Beskha instead of Gared but eh, probably not. Or perhaps Malcolm instead of Gared. Or Malcolm instead of the female bastard (They're probably eager to have us play as a warg).
Threw Sera under the bus
Married Morgyn
Didn't promise Gwyn and killed Gryff in the hall
Choose to save the small folk
Used Cotter's heart for blood magic
Choose to march south
I doubt we will play as two people in the same vicinity.
I really doubt the two bastards, they dont seem to be splitting up from gared any time soon, we will continue with him.
Talia is possible but I dont think so. I think we will stick with the survving brother, really the characters can essentially do the same thing, same with royland and duncan
I also think we'll play as Beskha with Ryon and malcolm in essoss (who will likely be the court plot of next season).
Finally I'm thinking a whitehill, the son who was with roose bolton seems likely as he will have to either lead the house or take his brothers place. Maybe gwyn but it seems weird to just play as the one whitehill we've has any real dialogue with. At least when we meet her we know her etc.
As a final though mira could have a few scenes, I mean its possible. She wont ever really effect the main story but to be honest sjhe never really did anyway. Her story was pretty self contained
It feels a bit strange just how many seemed to pick almost the same choices...
Asher was the lord in my playthrough.
I told Margaery the truth (defended Sera)
Told Morgryn to fuck off (didn't marry him)
I put Cotter out of his misery with Sylvi's poison
I decided to ambush the Whitehills and managed to kill Gryff
I defended the smallfolk
Gared left the North Grove with the siblings
Talia and the traitor, Royland saved me (much to my joy because I really like that guy!)
I fought with instinct and nobility
Basically... I would not live long in the GoT universe.
I don't think telltale will continue with the determinant brother thing for another 6 episodes, which makes me think at some point he'll die and talia may take over?
I feel it's possible.every player has to have one or the other and really for most scenes they could do the same thing. Heck half the characters just call them "Lord" anyway
Correct me if I'm wrong, but was the while North Grove subplot completely pointless? It never connected back to the other storylines or played any importance.
It probably will for next season.
Asher lived in my playthrough
Lied to Margery,
Married Morgryn (he'll still want our ironwood and be dangerous, only way to stop him is if Mira is alive and ready to gauge his eyes out and bite his neck off in their wedding bed if need be),
butchered Cotter,
cut Lard's head off in the camp (didn't even know i could poison the c*nt),
sacrificed the smallfolk,
defended the Grove,
Talia and Royland the Sentinel found Rodrick.
Got the Cunning strategy.
Yes. It's very possible. It would be very lazy on Telltale's part if they just kill off the surviving brother.
I threw Sera under the bus because I figured Mira's real loyalty would be to her house.
I told Morgryn to do one for the same reason.
I did the blood magic just out of pragmatism.... dude was dying either way, he suffered a little more and could benefit the living.
I let Rodrick die and save Asher as I felt that was the decision a borderline-crippled Rodrick would make.
Ambushed the Whitehills as I I thought Asher would be smart enough to avoid riding out but didn't think poison would sit well with him.
Lied to Gwynn because all Whitehills are dead to me.
I defended the gate not that it made any difference; needs of the many vs the few etc.
I stayed to defend the North Grove because I felt Garred wouldn't break his promise to Lord Forrester.
The traitor Duncan and Talia saved my life at the end.
I played with cunning strategy.
I really want to replay the whole story and explore other options but this is definitely the main storyline I want to explore in Season 2

Loved that final episode.
My very first choice was..
(Actually I was not satisfied with my first play. I changed a lot in my second play)
1. Honest to Margery: I said Sera to blame me in previous episode.
2. Refused Marriage: Better die honestly, rather than marry that bastard.
1. Used black magic to Cotter: I felt bad about what I had done (mostly from my curiosity). So I changed choice in my second play
2. Stayed in North Grove: At least we have power to preserve North Grove because of Cotter's black magic..
1. Killed Griff: I thought I was going to SAVE Ryon and didn't expect Beska folloing me. Actually I wanted to kill Ludd.
2. Sentinel Duncan with no traitor.
3. Elaena to stay Ironrath (One of my horrible choice.... I thought it was related to WD1 Lee with Clem choice in ep4, but it was not...)
Result : Instinct and Nobility
it feels indeed but it's not strange maybe we have the same mind
) or just the same opinions
So, I played the finale a few days ago when it was released on Steam. I already said my opinion and what choices I would do but I changed some of my choices. By the way, Rodrik is alive in my original playthrough:
Episode 1:
Choice #1) Saved Bowen. (Not sure how that impacts the plot in anyway)
Choice #2) I swore my loyalty to Margery, just to spite Cersei.
Choice #3) I showed Eric Mercy,
Choice #4) I made Ser Royland my Sentinel.
Choice #5) I had Ramsay wait at the gates, once again just to aggravate the antagonists.
Choice #6) I grabbed Talia from Ramsay.
Episode 2:
Choice #1) I forged the letter to Elaena Glenmore.
Choice #2) I did not kiss Ludd's ring.
Choice #3) I was able to convince Elaena to accept my proposal.
Choice #4) I vouched for Cotter during the knife fiasco.
Choice #5) I killed Damien.
Choice #6) I dropped the knife.
Episode 3:
Choice #1) I helped Malcolm during the dragon attack.
Choice #2) I went with Tyrion. (I just couldn't resist Peter Dinklage)
Choice #3) I left Britt.
Choice #4) I stayed down when confronted by Gryff.
Choice #5) I kept the letter.
Episode 4:
Choice #1) I brought Finn with me.
Choice #2) I beat Gryff to a pulp.
Choice #3) I advocated for Sera.
Choice #4) I brought the Glenmores with me.
Choice #5) At first I enacted the 'Red Wedding' game over, I was rather disappointed when I received the game over screen, but oh well. Afterwards I chose to call Ludd's bluff, which, surprisingly worked.
Choice #6) I allowed Beshka to enact her vengeance.
Episode 5:
Choice #1) I didn't stab Ramsay, considering the fact that he's canon I knew he'd live.
Choice #2) I told Tyrion the truth.
Choice #3) I spared the traitor's (Duncan's) life.
Choice #4) I had Rodrick stay behind.
Episode 6:
Choice #1) I lied about Sera, thereby having her dismissed from Margery's service.
Choice #2) I ran from the Lannister guards.
Choice #3) I refused Morgryn's offer and had Mira sentenced to death. (Not sure if the frame of Mira looking up before being beheaded was paying homage to 'Baelor' during Ned's death, or a rip-off)
Choice #4) I fed Cotter the Nightshade.
Choice #5) I ambushed Ludd, killing Gryff in the process.
Choice #6) I sacrificed my Small Folk to secure the gates.
Overall I received the Instinct and Nobility ending. (You'd think I'd get cunning since I betrayed the Whitehill's trust, but whatever.)
Bowen returned in episode 6, he takes Elissa's place to save Asher (Only him, doesn't work for Rodrik) from Harys if you let Elissa drink the poisoned wine.
I played the game on several different fronts over the course of the episodes but my main course is as follows .
I quickly discovered the North Grove by climbing up a tree as Garrett by looking tother stars. And while it must never be lost it sure was easily found.
Then over and Kings Landing as Mira, I had no qualms throwing Sera to the lions den so I could remained useful and necessary to Lady Margaery, even accusing her of possiabily of stealing Marge's seal. Not that this treachery did me any good since Queen to be Marge, my sister from another mr, had to distance herself from me after let me know about all of the vicious rumors circulating about mean she pretty much told me to get out so I did.
I have chosen to play on is a sure leaving Rodrick behind n episode 5 and as a result I got to kill some white Hill soldiers and reminisce about Roderick being a hero in the Lord yada yada yada and then on to Ironwrath we went.
Got chased by a polar bear and discovered the North grow with Cotter the potato fucker, and his sister Sylvi. Saw the hot sexy beast war and told him I was a Forrester squire.
Back in Kings Landing had a little run in with Tom the coal boy told him I really needed to meet with Queen Cersi, and then he sacrificed himself so that I could get away.... crappy because I really like Tom.
Mega to iron rap with Asher in the cell swords and I have to share the disappointing news everybody that Roderick is dead. There's a few boo hoo but I pretty much rally the troops at that point with some grand words.
I have a really interesting fight scene at the Grove where I actually have to at one point kill the reanimated Finn who happens to arrive.
And I had Westside left them back at Castle Black at that point.
Back at King's Landing, I run into that smug Ironwood merchant Morgryn. He helps me of a Lannister guards only to tell me in his carriage that he is the one who tried to have me killed in the first place he smacks me I smack anything kicks me out and I'm taken into custody....... boo hiss booo......
Back at iron wrath the White Hills actually, and propose some interesting times they give us Rodricks body and an honorable display which I found them to be against their character but you know hey we got his body back. ( what time here if you're actually Roderick what you get back of answer is just ahead on the stick ). At that point of the side that we should lower the din and ambush him.
Back in Kings Landing down in the Cell X-handmaiden Mira can't seem to break out of the jail cell even though she still happens to have a key that she plucked from lady Marjorie's desk way back and episode 1 once is the purpose of that key you I don't know but it sure doesn't open up the cell door. Morgryn Morgan comes to me and proposes that I be his wife so that he can pretty much control all the iron wood and iron wrath for himself. I'd grudgingly agreed to be his wife because I aspire to somehow knife them in his sleep or circumnavigate him but I can't do that in the cells or even beheaded. Thus Tom the coal boy dies. My one and only true ally in Kings Landing gone.
Bank of North Grove I use the blood magic on Cotter, imply his beating heart from his chest is gruesome but hey it was cool.
Back in ironwratb, all hail pretty much breaks loose when the White Hills, calling the ambush does not go so well I defended the free folk over the gate, never got an opportunity to kill Ludd, pretty much got as your beat down like a dog stabbed got a shot with arrows nearly burned and then sent away on a horse by Royland.
I decide up in the iron Grove that remaining is fruitless, plus it's what the warg Hottie wanted to do was go south, so I'm definitely down with that plus I think of a good chick away from all that blood magic that the Grove apparently give her so we're on the March.
And of course Asher wakes to and finds the traitor and his sister Talia standing over him... I guess he feels that now this is his means to somehow redeem himself although I wonder what would have happened if I would have killed him instead of sparing his life?
Overall I was generally pleased with all six episodes of this game it's truly had a very Game of Thrones immersive quality which I found to be most enjoyable. I very much enjoyed interacting with the major characters when I had time with them. I enjoyed playing Asher and Lady Mira the most. I'm not a hundred percent sure how I feel. Gareth because one I had to break my oath to the Nights Watch in order to go look for the North Grove just so that I can give it up and head back south again I'll probably end up getting my head cut off for being a traitor. But it seems I was going to get it cut off anyway back at Castle Black Wayne and I know 6 - 12 or half a dozen of the other.
Hi all.
Have been reading all the comments.
So far the options that one can encounter at the end of the game are:
Unwavering Conviction seems to be the rarest of all. So kudos to all the folks who got it. I myself got fierce passion.
The choices I think I'm finally gonna settle on. I had Asher in this ep.
I told Margaery the truth. Was never a fan of Sera but it's pointless to ruin her life when Mira gets screwed over anyway.
Agreed to marry Morgryn. Didn't want Mira to die. Also gives Morgryn more threat as an antagonist.
Used Cotter for Bloodmagic. This was probably the most evil choice I made in the game, but we need those soldiers Elsera has.
Partnered with Gwyn. Going to trust her for now. At the very least she's able to control Ludd in our favor.
Stayed in the Grove. What are we gonna do, sneak past the Wall? If he's in S2, Gared will go South regardless of our choice anyway, so staying for now.
I fought with instinct and nobility. Seems to be the most common outcome.
So in summary I did a loooooot of betraying to get ahead in this episode. I'm hoping it'll turn out for the best, but, y'know, this is Game of Thrones we're talking about here...
She CAN die? I know that in the Asher gameplay she is save cause we see her only once and after that she is totally of-screen and with Rodrik we see whitehill pulling her through the main gate but I did'n know that she can die.
Maybe I assumed that she is dead too fast because I was angry. So I don't know if she is dead.
I think that she was just imprisoned to be Torrhen Whitehill wife
I chose Asher for my play through character and I have zero regrets. I have a soft spot for Rodrick and also Elaena, but I see Asher as the leader Ironwrath needs.
Told the truth and was dismissed
• I battled my conscience for that one. I begged Sera to let me into the reception, but I didn't drink the wine she stole. I kept her secret about being a bastard, but she still threw me under the bus.
Chose to marry Morgryn
• This was the hardest decision I had to make on the game so far (close second was choosing Asher over Rodrick). I couldn't watch Mira die. I think her story has so much potential but was never given a fair shot. I didn't want Tom to die, but I convinced myself that Mira saved him once by stabbing the Lannister guard that she wasn't all bad. I also found Tom kind of annoying towards the end.
Used Cotter for blood magic
• Honestly, per of my decision was based on my distaste for Sylvi. I find her insufferable and my love for Cotter was not outweighed by my disliking of his annoying brat of a sister. I also figured he was going to die anyway, so I wasn't really murdering him or anything.
Called off the ambush on Ludd
• I trust Gwyn, and I think her love for Asher makes her a valuable ally. I want there to be peace between the two houses, so I hoped Lady Forrester would shut her mouth for a second to accomplish the truce. Unfortunately, she went bananas and cut Ludd's face open before all hell broke loose.
Defended the gate
• I was trying to prevent more men entering the gates and killing more innocent people. Didn't work out in my favor.
Stayed to protect the North Grove
• If protecting the North Grove was important enough to be the last words spoken by Lord Gregor then I felt determined to protect his dying wish.
Talia and Gwyn found Asher
• This was a pleasant surprise. I hope Duncan (sentinel) survives as well.
i got unwavering conviction
Gwyn loved her effing father - with him dead she'll always hate you. She doesn't care that much about her brother.
As to playable characters next season I doubt that anyone will play Mira unless she wasn't really executed (in that case good luck to all of you who will be married to the asswipe by then lol) But I think we might get to play one or both of the North Grove siblings.
I had Rodrik Alive
In the end, Duncan (Sentinel) and Talia found Rodrik, Ryon's still alive with Beshka, Mira's still alive, and Ludd is finally dead. I call that a win in my book.
Had Asher alive:
Told the truth
Refused to marry Morgryn
Poisoned Cotter
Stayed at The North Grove
Betrayed my family into marrying Gwyn ( I regret that decision so on my other play through I poisoned my mum)
Killed Gryff (Poisonsd Ludd on 2nd play through)
Fierce Passion ( Instincy and Mobility)
I had Asher alive. I loved Rodrik but it made no sense for Asher to come all that way to die. He was supposed to lead the house in a way that Rodrik no longer could.
Told the truth to Margaery. I was a bit contradictory because I hadn't had a problem with screwing Sera over in the past, but I figured that Mira's story wouldn't have a happy ending so there was no point in ruining Sera's life, even though she should've been more supportive of Mira.
Agreed to marry Morgryn. Was torn on this for ages, but Mira is still more use alive than dead, and still poses a threat to the Whitehill's claim of Ironrath.
Used Cotter for black magic. I don't trust the woman and can't see the voodoo soldiers thing ending well but Sylvi had never given me a reason to like her.
I killed Ludd. Just needed him gone, and he was the brains in that family anyway. Had no trouble "betraying" Gwyn either. Can't believe she expected the Forresters to bend the knee after everything that happened, and I don't think she helped as much as she said she did anyway.
Stayed at the North Grove. I don't like being that side of the wall but how would he even get back over it?
I fought with cunning and strategy.
Told Margery the truth
Married Morrygyn
Did black magic
Stayed in north grove
Poisoned ludd and mom
Betrayed Gwen
Curnning and strategy
I just finished Episode 6 tonight and I did get Unwavering Conviction. That's kinda cool because I didn't know it was one of the less common ones :-)
Better anything than that toupee.
Told the truth.
Refused marriage proposal. (kind of regret but dont know how much it'll affect s2 and how far Mira will go and if she could kill Morgryn)
Poisoned Cotter
Stopped the poisoning (regret not knowing mum would die either way)
Defended the gate (although it gets knocked down either way)
Left the North Grove (i saw protecting the north as lord gregor's children rather than the area which wasnt protected enough, since wightwalkers got in anyway, although getting past the wall will be a bother)
Traitor and Talia found Asher
Depressing episode. Pretty much everybody died. I thought I'd messed up to get such a crappy ending, but I guess this was pretty much how it was supposed to end.
Had Rodrick alive. Will be giving Asher a playthrough as well.
Can someone tell me what final profile goes along with these choices? For some reason, mine weren't shown at the end of each episode
-Elected Duncan (Blue)
-Aligned with Gwyn (Red)
-Butchered Cotter for bloodmagic (Blue)
-Lied to stay in Margaery's service (Blue)
-Stood up to Gryff, regardless of consequences (Blue)
I must admit the fact that they chose to have a woman, who looked quite similar to Mira in the cell opposite did make me wonder if a swap was possible. Like you say the Red Priests possess the ability to glamour people and more importantly control them too. For those of you who don't know, in the books and the show too (I think), Melisandre glamours Rattle Shirt to look like Manse Ryder and burn him alive. This is later revealed to Jon along with the knowledge that Melisandre can control him. This is demonstrated in the Night's Watch training yard, when Jon fights who he thinks is Rattle Shirt. He tells Jon that if he had a dagger he would kill him. The other Nights Watchmen who were training with Jon seemed fearful. Jon however had already noticed that Rattle Shirt did in fact have a dagger on him, it seems that he was not able to use it; because he was not in control.
Saved Asher (I agree to a previous poster that Asher comes all this way to die anyway) He has the slave army with him he bought with dragon queen's gold) The leader of the slaves died anyway but at least she helped me through the end
Told Margery the truth, i wasn't on good terms with her anyway
married Morgryn, sorry Tom, my family comes first. Plus i didn't want another Forrester to die
Poisoned Cotter, I didn't really like that bastard woman, At least the bastard brother warmed up to me
Walked away from the North grove, Ironrath needed all the help it can get. Mira failed and Asher's army failed
Stopped my Mom from drinking the wine, which i didnt mind cause i had a final battle with the whitehill, Ryon was safe so i went all out. but my mom died anyway so i was disappointed with that, and the bitch Gwynn stabbed me. After all the whitehill done to my family i just couldn't let them get away with it.
I killed Gryff and i tried to kill Ludd but he escaped and came back later when i was gone
I defended the small folk, didn't think it would matter if i defended the gate or not
Duncan (Sentinel) helped Asher escape, don't know what happened after that but he was surrounded by troops so i figured he wouldn't survive.
At the end Asher was found by Talia and my surprise Royland was there with Talia, after Rodrick had him locked up from betrayal. I replayed a bit of ep 5 and changed my choice when i told Talia that blood will be spilled from the traitor but broke her promise when i didn't kill Royland. I wanted her last words to Rodrick that he was a coward, just so she feels much worst when she finds out Rodrick sacrificed himself to save Asher. Sadly her dialogue didn't change.
Ashers friend Beskha riding away from the scene with Ryon with her, He was scared for a few seconds then all of a sudden he had a fierce look in his face.. I think he is ready to step up next season
My first time I.. Let Sera keep her Job, didn't kill ludd or gryff- simply lost the war. Respected Sylvi's wishes & took the north grove gang back south. Got my head chopped off... Asher survived.
My 2nd time (I restarted the entire season and chose the other guy as my sentinel instead of Duncan, and this time I didn't kill the traitor, so I actually saw Duncan at the very end of the episode- wtf?) Also- I let Rodric survive instead of Asher this time. So yea I let Sera take the fall- still respected Sylvi's wishes- chopped Ludds head off. Let Tom get his head chopped off (which I regret so I'm going to redo the episode, I really do love the kid) and yea.. when I redo the episode the only thing that will change is Mira's ending.
This episode was so worth the wait.
No, A Whitehill should be dead in your game no matter what, either Ludd or Gryff, you did kill Gryff didn't you?