At the end for me, Bonnie was the one who wasn't leaving and Mike was urging her to leave. I still kinda like Bonnie, i'm not sure why. I think it's because i played it right after it came out with raw emotions, and now it's been a year they're not so raw any more and it's just kinda... Yeah. I do hope we meet up with Bonnie and mike again, though. Kenny said they escaped by foot after Arvo shot Clem and I want to trust Bonnie again kind of, and shoot the fuck out of Mike.
Dayum! No mercy for Bonnie in this post! I couldn't agree with you more, she was a major asshole, but Clem, you need to seriously calm down with the language.
Dayum! No mercy for Bonnie in this post! I couldn't agree with you more, she was a major asshole, but Clem, you need to seriously calm down with the language.
Mike and Bonnie does not make any sense, they are willing to steal all the supplies and abandon a baby and a little girl to die just because they had to get away from Kenny.
Dee was right about her. She's a junkie. She's a whore. And she fucking killed Luke.
At the end for me, Bonnie was the one who wasn't leaving and Mike was urging her to leave. I still kinda like Bonnie, i'm not sure why. I think it's because i played it right after it came out with raw emotions, and now it's been a year they're not so raw any more and it's just kinda... Yeah. I do hope we meet up with Bonnie and mike again, though. Kenny said they escaped by foot after Arvo shot Clem and I want to trust Bonnie again kind of, and shoot the fuck out of Mike.
Rise thread,..RIIISE,
Pigeon Porn.
Bonnie is the new Ben
I know :'-(
i'm super agree with you! bonnie is bad girl
But Ben is kind of spineless.
Just a bit.
Tssh , necro threads remind me of The Shining. The party goes on foreeevvvvveeer.
What is it with all these necro bumps recently?
The threads are turning into Walkers.
That adds to his character more than it detracts.
Laughing so hard at these Necro bumps and their responses XD
I let Bonnie die
I like you.
Oh my sweet summer child.
I don't know why but the fact you're posting it with Lady Forrester's avatar made me laugh.
Dayum! No mercy for Bonnie in this post! I couldn't agree with you more, she was a major asshole, but Clem, you need to seriously calm down with the language.
Winter is coming
Don't trust gingers kids.
To Hell with Bonnie and her fans!!!!
so agree with this, Bonnie is a fucking bitch and I smiled when she died, I just wished I could have seen her drown.
Ya'll do realize that this thread is necrobumped... right?
She was a major bitch ever since episode 2
Your username plus your comment is the perfect combination AreUFuckingKiddingMe
I been knew but I just wanna post!
What is necrobumping?
Mike and Bonnie does not make any sense, they are willing to steal all the supplies and abandon a baby and a little girl to die just because they had to get away from Kenny.
Its when you post on a really old thread and it gets bumped up so people can see it
Ffs as much I loved the analysis of Bonnie by OP, this necroing is really getting ridicolous now.