In a close quarters fight: Morgan 100%. Philosophy: I'm 50/50. But in regards to the Wolf I'm with Morgan. He's hog tied and sick. He's not going anywhere. Give Morgan a chance to do his thing, see if it works.
And thus ends this episode of "Fans only defend this series because it's popular and give no shits about how much of a story it actually has, as long as their favorite character's alive it's all good."
I am seriously surprised that Deanna is the only one who died this ep, especially since it's a mid-season finale. As good as they made the ending, the eye or the other thing (trying to avoid Spoilers) would have been a much better cliffhanger. Oh well, time to wait for Febuarary.
And thus ends this episode of "Fans only defend this series because it's popular and give no shits about how much of a story it actually has, as long as their favorite character's alive it's all good."
And thus ends this episode of "Fans only defend this series because it's popular and give no shits about how much of a story it actually has, as long as their favorite character's alive it's all good."
I love the story. All of it even the weakest worst parts. With all my heart.
And to be blunt....i don't give two s**ts if its popular or not. Never have never will. Sorry to dissapoint.
60% of TWD episodes are taken up by advertisements***
In a close quarters fight: Morgan 100%. Philosophy: I'm 50/50. But in regards to the Wolf I'm with Morgan. He's hog tied and sick. He's not going anywhere. Give Morgan a chance to do his thing, see if it works.
Comic Book ppl know what's next.
This is where everyone dies. Sam, I get the feeling. Shit hits the fan any second now.
Fuck I missed the episode ;-;
This is like not even half of No Way Out. That sucks.
Rick has the hatchet......
Damn I'm pissed, this makes me like Morgan a little less.
Ending with the eye. Calling it now.
Or it ends right before.
Deanna: Going out like a mother fucking G
Here it comes.... hold on ppl.
Nevermind.... seriously wtf AMC!
...THAT is where they're ending it? Seriously?
Don't worry, you didn't miss much.
Are you fucking serious? Fuck you AMC.
“Mom... mom.... mom!"
(bangs head against table)
Mother fuck.... Where's the rest?!?
At least I got into the Badlands now. That show is awesome.
Damn right.
Carl eye is probably next ep
And thus ends this episode of "Fans only defend this series because it's popular and give no shits about how much of a story it actually has, as long as their favorite character's alive it's all good."
Yeah... In 3 fucking months!
You expect an entre arc to take one ep? This will take at least 4
I waited 2 years for that scene. I can wait 3 months
I am seriously surprised that Deanna is the only one who died this ep, especially since it's a mid-season finale. As good as they made the ending, the eye or the other thing (trying to avoid Spoilers) would have been a much better cliffhanger. Oh well, time to wait for Febuarary.
This ^
I love the story. All of it even the weakest worst parts. With all my heart.
And to be blunt....i don't give two s**ts if its popular or not. Never have never will. Sorry to dissapoint.
OMG the prologue. We know these guys.
Say belong to Negan....
I'm really not disappointed...?
NEGAN! He's coming!
Watching it now. First time seeing it and quite impressed. Although I was confused on what the heck was happening in the beginning(no shit lol)
That almost makes up for what I watched.
Omg NEGAN!!!!
Oh ok
Sorry if i sounded agressive i just get defensive..........hopefully you understand
It makes it up for me. That ending was disappointing, but goddamn that prologue was fucking epic.