'Start to Finish' Mid-Season Finale Episode Discussion



  • I waited like 4 tho.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    I waited 2 years for that scene. I can wait 3 months .

  • Hell Yeah!!!!!

    Brodester08 posted: »

    Omg NEGAN!!!!

  • Even though this mid season finale was very disappointing towards the end, it was still better than last year's.

  • Well now thinking about it, it totally does. I can already picture the rest of that scene, so yeah.

    It makes it up for me. That ending was disappointing, but goddamn that prologue was fucking epic.

  • Eyy so off topic here but I'm actually gonna watch Into the Badlands, anyone else?

  • That girl in the blue dress on into the badlands looks like Margery Tyrell.

  • It will be worth it :)!!!!!!!!

    I feel kinda sad most people didn't enjoy the ep tho :(

    Brodester08 posted: »

    I waited like 4 tho.

  • I almost forgot about that mess. Season 4 and 3 had good mid-finales.

    Even though this mid season finale was very disappointing towards the end, it was still better than last year's.

  • edited November 2015

    Im sure the next half will make up for it :)

    Even though this mid season finale was very disappointing towards the end, it was still better than last year's.

  • Seeing that makes me so happy. C:

    Say belong to Negan....

  • Oh almost definitely, especially now with Negan coming.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Im sure the next half will make up for it

  • You shouldn't be defensive against other people's opinions.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Oh ok then........um........ Sorry if i sounded agressive i just get defensive..........hopefully you understand

  • I am!

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Eyy so off topic here but I'm actually gonna watch Into the Badlands, anyone else?

  • Oh absolutely. This show is the shit.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Eyy so off topic here but I'm actually gonna watch Into the Badlands, anyone else?

  • Some kickass kicking of the ass >:D

    Black-Op1 posted: »

    Oh absolutely. This show is the shit.

  • The prologue doesn't make up for the ending. That was bullshit.

  • Sorry ok. I just got caught in the moment. It just reminds me of......another comment i read. I just......Lets just say it was bad.

    But i didn't mean offece. Im very sorry it was taken like that :(.

    Brodester08 posted: »

    You shouldn't be defensive against other people's opinions.

  • And Lucille.........>:)

    Oh almost definitely, especially now with Negan coming.

  • Ending could've been better, but this is one of the better episodes of this season.

  • The show just really dropped in quality after the first episode of season 5 tbh.

    I almost forgot about that mess. Season 4 and 3 had good mid-finales.

  • The prologue should have BEEN the ending...

    The prologue doesn't make up for the ending. That was bullshit.

  • Yeah me and my brother were saying that. She's also reminds me of Margaery in that she's the 'younger, more beautiful queen' to Cersei, who would be Baroness.

    Brodester08 posted: »

    That girl in the blue dress on into the badlands looks like Margery Tyrell.

  • They've posted the prologue online.

    enter link description here

  • Awesome :)

    They've posted the prologue online. enter link description here

  • edited November 2015

    No....no....nothing happened. Nothing! (Well nothing fun or surpising.)

  • Yeah, except the Baroness isn't a complete bitch.

    Yeah me and my brother were saying that. She's also reminds me of Margaery in that she's the 'younger, more beautiful queen' to Cersei, who would be Baroness.

  • My goodness Deanna's actress is a red-head.

  • True. I keep seeing more parallels, damnit. Cersei is obsessed with her son, so is the Baroness...

    But I would agree with that. The Baroness isn't. She has better reasons to act the way she does.

    Brodester08 posted: »

    Yeah, except the Baroness isn't a complete bitch.

  • .....Deana died.....

    No....no....nothing happened. Nothing! (Well nothing fun or surpising.)

  • Thanks for posting this!

    They've posted the prologue online. enter link description here

  • Not surprised.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    .....Deana died.....

  • pretty much

    Ants symbolic of walkers?

  • Wolf lived. Also Carol vs Morgan.

    Not surprised.

  • i knew they wouldnt have the balls to do it. i liked the episode, it was ok. just kinda pissed at the ending. but hey we got "90" minutes if Morgan yay!!!

    btw this finale is like the red wedding finale compared to the piece of shit of last years midseason finale

  • sigh Son of a bitch. Season 6 is nothing if not endlessly disappointing. Most disappointing mid-season finale thus far. Not the worst, as that goes to Season 5, but not even Season 5's was this disappointing, because at least it completed a storyline and got rid of Beth, a complete waste of a character. There was a sense of progression, even if the events were stupid, and we could at least say we were done with that story. This one just meanders and then... stops. And a Walking Dead mid-season finale should never feel like it just stops, goddamn it. At this point, I won't be at all surprised if Carl's injury just doesn't happen with how much they botched up this friggin' season already. I know it most likely will and I'm just really annoyed right now, but I honestly wouldn't be surprised.

    And now for some specific comments...

    I liked Deanna fine and her final moments were emotional. I just can't believe she was the death of the MSF.

    At least the Carl and Ron fight was miles better and more tense than the shoving match in "Now". Had a purpose, too. Got me amped up for that moment, and then it didn't happen.

    Oh look, Morgan's peaceful thing backfired. Does anyone really care? You could see that one coming from space, for fuck's sake.

    Damn it Tara, the Wolf clearly left behind the other gun. You've proven you can shoot walker heads while hanging off the wall. So go get it, pop the fucker in the head while his back is turned, and ride off into the sunset with your girl.

    Rick and company are pretty insanely lucky Judith didn't start crying in the house. She has that AJ sense of timing. This also reminds me of how little purpose Judith serves to anything anymore, and how her apparent death at the prison would have been a perfect and indirectly gruesome way to get rid of her while refraining from actually showing the death from the comics that they apparently can't show (but can show Noah getting his face ripped apart). Nobody was offended after "Too Far Gone" because a baby had apparently died, goddamn it. Why is she still there?

    And where the hell is Heath in all this? The dude just stopped existing after "Thank You".

    That's about all I got. In the process of writing this, I've cooled down a bit, but that was still the most disappointing MSF so far. We can only hope the second half is better than the first like it was with Season 5. Can't be much worse, for sure. All they gotta do is... Never. Ever. Fake. A. Character. Death. Again. That was stupid and you should feel stupid, Gimple.

  • Oh no they fucking didn't... THEY LEFT OUT THE BEST PART WHAT THE HELL. I'm so pissed! I thought this mid-season would be like Season 4's in terms of quality, but they left out the best part! Oh god... Now we gotta wait until February to see Carl shot in the eye, Jessie, Ron and Sam dying and Rick going berserk on the walkers?! SO FREAKING PISSED, LIKE, REALLY.

  • Just like Season 5 premiere when Tyrese died, all chaos will run in Season 6 premiere. Since Douglass doesn't exist in the Tv show, than Ron will shoot Carl in the eye. What worries me is Judith. What if he lands on her after getting shot????

  • Mid season finale was awesome but im gonna be honest, the sneak peak was what got me excited the most, when he said "Negan" oh man I can't even describe the feeling!

  • edited November 2015

    I don't think Judith dies, Because if im not mistaken you can't kill a baby in TV, or kid, well you can but you gotta make it non visible for the viewers (I heard this a long time ago so don't be mean if im wrong lol) but I think that's the reason why they didn't kill Judith so I doubt they will do it in the show.

  • edited November 2015

    I kept thinking to myself, "Okay if she doesn't take hold of Carls hand then that thing (Comic readers'll know) won't happen".

    And then she does and I'm like, "Yoooooo..."

    And then Sam goes nuts and I'm like, "YOOOOOOOO!!!"

    And then it ends there and I'm like, "NOOOOOO!!!!!"

    Then I see the prologue and all is well again :)

    All the comic readers will probably know what happens next, at least for Ricks side of the story. The wait is gonna be excruciating.

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