POVs for season 2



  • I really want to play as Torrhen Whitehill

  • Season 1 was little more than the fall of house forrester. Even deciding between Rodrik and Asher was a false choice, the house falls regardless. Even if you kill Ludd and win via the terms of the Bolton you have no house or lands rendering it moot, they certainly won't try to back you up.

    I don't think we will revisit anyone except the white hills and possibly Gared. The rest will be a new cast focusing on different intrigues that come about from the end of last season of the show to the next season. Minor interactions with Ramsey as the whitehill eldest, helping/harming Sansa Stark, that sort of thing.

    1. Gared
    2. Mira/Talia
    3. Ryon
    4. Usher/Rodrik
    5. ?
    1. Asher/Rodrick
    2. Mira/Tom
    3. Beskha
    4. Gared
    5. Malcom
  • The thing is male/female Jesse have basically the same personality. Rodrik and Asher however are very different people and have different backstories, and reacts differently to situations.

    They did male/female Jesse playable character in Minecraft. Rodrik/Asher can be the same.

  • USHER xd the best one I have seen

    Viperus777 posted: »

    * Gared * Mira/Talia * Ryon * Usher/Rodrik * ?

  • edited November 2015
    1. Rodrik Forrester / Asher Forrester
    2. Gared Tuttle
    3. Beskha
    4. Malcolm Branfield
    5. New character, possibly for King's Landing or new location

    P.S. Torrhen Whitehill as POV? C'mon, I'd rather see the Whitehills bleed.

  • Talia, Malcolm, Gared, Beskha.

    Don't think we'll get 5 as Ethan was just a red herring.

  • BESKHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Gared and Malcolm would be good too.

  • Gared, Asher/Rodrik(maybe), Ryon... Talia?

  • I'm betting on Beshka/Ryon , Gared/Twins, Rodrick/Asher( but not expecting to see them survive this season ) , Mira ( if u got her survive ) and hoping for a new House to join .

    also want to see Jon Snow, Tyrion, Cersei back to the game and add some new ones like Jaime, Greyjoys , Red Viper and maybe Arya

    • Asher/Rodrik
    • Gared
    • Beskha
    • New Kings Landing POV
  • edited December 2015

    I would like to have Talia as a playable protagonist, but I'd hope that TTG would handle it with care. By that, I mean not make her like Ayra Stark or like Season 2 Clementine, which is something that others have mentioned in the past. And if there's one thing I'd like to have Talia accomplish, it's to do something major that would lead to Ramsay's death (hopefully in the upcoming season 6), which would lead her to indirectly killing him and avenging her twin brother, Ethan and Arthur Glenmore.

    And about Malcolm. What I'm really curious is what mission Danereys has planned for him, and if maybe he'll be present when Tyrion arrives to Meereen.

    1. Torrhen Whitehill

    2. Gared Tuttle

    3. Talia Forrester

  • Why would anyone want to play as Talia in Season 2? Making her playable means we're not going to play as Lord Forrester + what she can do? Go full Arya / Clementine? Please, no!

    • Torrhen (in Winterfell)
    • Talia (possibly journeying south, maybe to the Riverlands?)
    • Malcolm (in Meereen)
    • Beskha (not sure since her plotline would be very similar to Talia's if she was just journeying around)
  • Malcolm - at Essos, I'm asuming Beska will take Ryon to him.

    Asher - Nearby Ironrath, with Talia, Royland and Gwyn.

    Mira - It might not happen but I'd really like to see Mira's alternate scenes.

    Gared - Marching south with an army of brainwashed wildlings.

    Gwyn - Where ever the Whitehills are dealing with Torrhen/Ludd.

  • Beska- with Ryon replacing Mira's missing role.
    Asher/Rodrik- As Lord.
    Talia- If Rodrik/Asher die
    Malcolm- In Essos replacing Asher's Part. Possibly.
    Gared- Obviously.
    And Maybe Hopefully a Whitehill (Gwyn? Torrhen? Ludd/Gryff?) at Ironrath Lording it up.

  • As others have already pointed it out, Torrhen would be a very welcome choice that would give us the other side of the Forrester/Whitehill conflict and their perspective.

  • They can just slightly vary the dialogue once in a while. They can get away more or less samifying the two characters as their endings in S1 are identical

    DiverseGnu posted: »

    The thing is male/female Jesse have basically the same personality. Rodrik and Asher however are very different people and have different backstories, and reacts differently to situations.

  • Why do so many people want to play as a Whitehill? You can read a fanfic or whatever but a POW in the game? No thanks please, I would make every decision as a Whitehill intentionally wrong so I could see them fall. Exterminating that scum.

  • edited December 2015

    Just because Gryff and Ludd are scum, doesn't mean Torrhen would be.

    I, for one, would like to play as Gwyn or Torrhen (or maybe even Ebbert in King's Landing). See the other side of the Forrester/Whitehill conflict.

    Granted, if they had us play Gryff/Ludd, then yeah, I would intentionally fail everything to see them fall...lol

    Why do so many people want to play as a Whitehill? You can read a fanfic or whatever but a POW in the game? No thanks please, I would make every decision as a Whitehill intentionally wrong so I could see them fall. Exterminating that scum.

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