Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Thanks,Kenny! enter image description here

    Kennybadger posted: »

    Ill support ya either way dude.



    I could go on and on about how well-constructed Jack is, as a character.

    Morphias posted: »

    Oh now i feel ignorant. I cri evrytiem. Part of me wanted to just kill Jack and get it over with but at the same time deep down i felt for the guy.

  • Yea one of my favorite scenes is when/if you deny leadership of Helios. "After all the times I have tried to help you, after all we've been through, you refuse everything you've ever wanted?" Then killing Jack was just the icing to the cake.

    BWAAHHHHH THAT'S WHY HE'S SUCH A GOOD VILLAIN. AND A GOOD CHARACTER IN GENERAL. I could go on and on about how well-constructed Jack is, as a character.

  • She likes Rhyionack as much as we do ;)

    Daryace posted: »


  • edited December 2015

    A Loader Bot action figure is the only thing you'll ever need in life.

    My Mother is going to kill me if I don't tell her what I want for Christmas... Any ideas?

  • I wish there was some kind of beginning option to make Rhys less of a fanboy toward Jack. I mean, I know it helps the character development for Rhys "becoming his own person and being honorable about it" but at the same time it's kinda weird to play as this Jack-obsessed guy and then be like "ALL ABOARD THE NOPE TRAIN, JACK, YOU'RE A DICK AND I DON'T TRUST YOU."

    Morphias posted: »

    Yea one of my favorite scenes is when/if you deny leadership of Helios. "After all the times I have tried to help you, after all we've been through, you refuse everything you've ever wanted?" Then killing Jack was just the icing to the cake.

  • Jack VA.

    Morphias posted: »

    Mr.Clarke.......who is that?.....pls no kill me. ;-;

  • Oh yea its like Daemon Clarke. Oh wow how did i......not.... i dont understand how i didnt think of that.

    Mawula posted: »

    Jack VA.

  • enter image description here

    No Problem man

    Morphias posted: »


  • Yea they forced you into being a Jack fanboy which turns later into killing him. THANKS TELLTALE!

    I wish there was some kind of beginning option to make Rhys less of a fanboy toward Jack. I mean, I know it helps the character development

  • That cat is a boss. Why cant more animals be bros......

    Kennybadger posted: »

    No Problem man

  • I'll try to do what you're asking to, Green.

    I just wanted to remark that this relaxed talkative atmosphere does magic to inspiration for Rhyiona works. If it comes to "only Rhyiona discussion" it will be a pity.

    Green613 posted: »

    Oh my god guys can you please cool it with the off topic posts? There's no reason 90% of main posts on the thread should be someone saying t

  • I'm with Maw on this one. For me i think that just talking about Rhyiona would be to small of a discussion and you'd just see more of what you don't green more pointless post......just saying.

    Mawula posted: »

    I'll try to do what you're asking to, Green. I just wanted to remark that this relaxed talkative atmosphere does magic to inspiration for Rhyiona works. If it comes to "only Rhyiona discussion" it will be a pity.

  • edited December 2015

    I am really fucking sad right now. And I don't think any amount of Rhyiona will help

    enter link description here

  • Why? :\

    I am really fucking sad right now. And I don't think any amount of Rhyiona will help enter link description here

  • edited December 2015

    The fact your readers can connect with you on that kind of level is pretty amazing, and I'm not sure since I'm not a writer, but isn't that one of the joys of writing for your reader to be able to connect with you on that kind of level.

    See you solved your own problem LOL

    Well idk how much feedback you get, but in this type of setting you get more in depth feed back....also we tend to talk quite a bit so you can get a more in depth view into my feedback.

    It kind of sucks, being a writer. I mean, you can read your own work, but it doesn't have the same emotional effect that it does on other pe

  • I agree completely, before I was just like "oh he's obviously the bad guy", then as I read more and more about him, the more I realized how deep and complex the character was.

    BWAAHHHHH THAT'S WHY HE'S SUCH A GOOD VILLAIN. AND A GOOD CHARACTER IN GENERAL. I could go on and on about how well-constructed Jack is, as a character.

  • cause of the shooting. And no I'm not trying to be one of those trying to personally sad because of the tragedy, I'm depressed because this happens so often, and nothing changes after any of these and you know we're gonna have at least 20 more before the year ends. We're numb to this, as society.

    In the words of Phillip van Cleave: "Whoop de doo"

    Morphias posted: »


  • I'm almost sure it's gonna be awesome

    Morphias posted: »

    That cat is a boss. Why cant more animals be bros......

  • edited December 2015

    Which helps you see how far Rhys has grown as a person. From a guy wanting to be Jack to a good person and leader of Atlas.

    Morphias posted: »

    Yea they forced you into being a Jack fanboy which turns later into killing him. THANKS TELLTALE!

  • Its now my life mission you make the BRO PET FORCE

    Morphias posted: »

    That cat is a boss. Why cant more animals be bros......

  • Well,Bro. Its not much but you gotta have hope we will get through dark times to see better days. There will be a time where this is all over so just hang in there. Time heals all wounds.

    cause of the shooting. And no I'm not trying to be one of those trying to personally sad because of the tragedy, I'm depressed because this

  • I shall bring forth the most powerful Bro Pet Force!

    Kennybadger posted: »

    Its now my life mission you make the BRO PET FORCE

  • Well, and granted, "admiring his work" doesn't mean you trust him. Or think he's a good person. I think Rhys knows Jack is an asshole, and, hey, Rhys backstabbed his way up the corporate ladder, too.

    I think the dynamic they were going for was more of "now that I have this guy in my head.....I realize I was wrong. Hyperion sucks, Jack sucks, I don't want any of it."

    Morphias posted: »

    Yea they forced you into being a Jack fanboy which turns later into killing him. THANKS TELLTALE!

  • His outfit change even showed it. It represented his independence.

    Kennybadger posted: »

    Which helps you see how far Rhys has grown as a person. From a guy wanting to be Jack to a good person and leader of Atlas.

  • We've had 352 mass shootings in the states (3 of them in my hometown) this year (that's 336 days). We've had more mass shootings than days this year. And even I am guilty of blame. I didn't give a shit when the most recent one in my town happened just last week. Gun violence isn't something that'll go away, it's getting worse and no one is doing anything cause we've stopped caring.

    Morphias posted: »

    Well,Bro. Its not much but you gotta have hope we will get through dark times to see better days. There will be a time where this is all over so just hang in there. Time heals all wounds.

  • Exactly! Like, yes, he's a villain. He is not a good person. Period. But...he is a person. He's human (or...was human....) and he's multidimensional like we all are. He has his weaknesses, his delusions, even his redeeming qualities. He's well-rounded, but not wishy-washy, if that makes sense. He'll show moments that make you second-guess whether or not he's actually such a bad guy....but he will always end up keeping with his true colors.

    I agree completely, before I was just like "oh he's obviously the bad guy", then as I read more and more about him, the more I realized how deep and complex the character was.

  • Oh stop it but that is so sweet of you to say. Thanks for your confidence! <3 :)

    I'm almost sure it's gonna be awesome

  • Guns must be prohibited. It is like this here, and I never even heard a shooting in my whole life.

    We've had 352 mass shootings in the states (3 of them in my hometown) this year (that's 336 days). We've had more mass shootings than days t

  • Oh, yes! I so want to read it!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Finally, that nicknaming story is done, expect it tomorrow. I had to google embarrassing nicknames for this. You're gonna get it, Rhys.

  • Hey, no need to throw yourself in front of a car here. There has been a few in my state and I didn't really care to take much notice but there is nothing i could do as one person to do anything to stop it. You just gotta keep on moving no need to dwell on the past its just gonna get you and anyone else no where it always has and it shows. All we can do is hope that the future is brighter.

    We've had 352 mass shootings in the states (3 of them in my hometown) this year (that's 336 days). We've had more mass shootings than days t

  • Well Rhys was a more kind hearted Jack. He got what he wished for and it had a really bad taste. So he wanted something else and he found it.

    Well, and granted, "admiring his work" doesn't mean you trust him. Or think he's a good person. I think Rhys knows Jack is an asshole, and,

  • Serve us well Bro Morphias salutes

    Morphias posted: »

    I shall bring forth the most powerful Bro Pet Force!

  • What do you mean, you're not a writer?! Hush, you. What about those fanfics that you're enjoying working on, huh...? ;P

    But yes, it is really nice to know that your readers are feeling the exact emotions you wanted them to. It lets you know you're doing something right.

    Depends on the story and the people reading it, honestly. I've gotten some amazing feedback on a few things I've written, but reviews like those are rare. I really do like posting my writing here. Not only are there a lot of people to share it with, I get feedback fairly quickly, and it is usually a little more in-depth, like you said. I've gotten some of the best compliments I've ever received on my writing since I joined this group.

    Kennybadger posted: »

    The fact your readers can connect with you on that kind of level is pretty amazing, and I'm not sure since I'm not a writer, but isn't that

  • edited December 2015

    I appreciate your optimism.

    enter image description here

    Morphias posted: »

    Hey, no need to throw yourself in front of a car here. There has been a few in my state and I didn't really care to take much notice but the

  • Thank you I shall make our fellow bros proud. salutes

    Kennybadger posted: »

    Serve us well Bro Morphias salutes

  • edited December 2015

    Jack is a sociopath, although a likeable one. In those moments is he telling the truth or trying to get Rhys to do what he wants.

    Exactly! Like, yes, he's a villain. He is not a good person. Period. But...he is a person. He's human (or...was human....) and he's multidim

  • No problemo a friend in need is a friend indeed. Well i gotta bounce. So just take it easy will ya. Cya everyone. :)

    I appreciate your optimism.

  • My view of Rhys is this. If you disregard the fact that he will always be an awkward nerd, then he's basically what Jack could have become if he hadn't chosen to react so badly to what life threw at him. Jack went through a lot of terrible things in his life. He retaliated. Rhys went through some pretty crappy things as well (his daughter didn't kill his wife, but...y'know), but instead of counterattacking like Jack did, he kept his morals ahead of his ideals (for the most part) and ended up not only with what he wanted, but he managed to keep his sanity intact, his friends alive, and found some sort of sense of...peace, I guess. Jack always wanted more and more and more. His ambition had become his driving force, and nothing ever truly satisfied him. Rhys, although ambitious as well, knows when to stop. He gets what he wants, and he's happy with it.

    Also, I didn't mean to turn this into an essay, BUT IT HAPPENED.

    Morphias posted: »

    Well Rhys was a more kind hearted Jack. He got what he wished for and it had a really bad taste. So he wanted something else and he found it.

  • But he's likeable because he's relatable. I worry about the people who actually like Jack for what he is. I legitimately worry about their mental health. Probably an overreaction? Sure. But Jack is not supposed to be liked. He's a bad dude. I honestly hate Jack, if he were a real person, I'd be doing everything in my power to stay away from him and maybe take him down from a safe distance. But you can't hate everything he does, because he's built so much like a real human being.

    Kennybadger posted: »

    Jack is a sociopath, although a likeable one. In those moments is he telling the truth or trying to get Rhys to do what he wants.

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