'Start to Finish' Mid-Season Finale Episode Discussion



  • Iunno about anyone else, but is anyone else getting sick of Carol?

  • Epilogue

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    The prologue should have BEEN the ending...

  • judith is pretty big now, toddler not a baby, harder to crush

    What worries me is Judith. What if he lands on her after getting shot???? Wow, that'd be how Judith (AKA Judy) died in the comics ac

  • gotta hate on Sam. but gotta remember how fucked up Carol made him! that drawing at the beginning

  • Not at that moment. If she did, I imagine Morgan would've taken it when she hit her head.

    doesn't carol have a holstered pistol?

  • No, I love Carol, best character in the show.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Iunno about anyone else, but is anyone else getting sick of Carol?

  • Im starting to get really sick of her, like how dumb is she honestly.

    There's a huge heard in the walls and she decides that its more important to kill the guy who's tied up.

    No, I love Carol, best character in the show.

  • If they go the comic route with Jessie:

    Like seriously I will throw a fit

  • I think they'll keep her alive to replace Andrea since she's no longer in the show. (I don't want her to die either, she's my favorite alexandrian).

    If they go the comic route with Jessie:

  • With that said, I'd still like "the scene" to still be there, with someone else of course (Lookin' at you, Ron), but still there!

  • edited November 2015

    I re-watched the scene and maybe Gabriel will be the one that gets devoured since he wasn't with them in the comics. Regardless I think Sam and Ron will bite the dust for sure.

    With that said, I'd still like "the scene" to still be there, with someone else of course (Lookin' at you, Ron), but still there!

  • Guys I think many of you have actually missed the episode ending after the credits. Go see it, you won't regret it...

  • Well to be fair, Carol never saw how well Morgan handles himself :p

    Deltino posted: »

    I don't want to sound like I'm victim blaming or anything, but Carol was pretty much asking for Morgan to kick- excuse me, redirect-- her as

  • I think it's due to him letting the Wolves Leader live which led to Carol and Morgan fighting, Denise getting captured and Eugene, Rosita and Tara being unarmed. I don't hate Morgan for what happened, not fully, but I hate the Wolves Leader.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I seriously do not understand the Morgan hate.

  • Well considering he could be fairly lethal, he waited at the right time to make a run for it and now has Denise hostage.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Im starting to get really sick of her, like how dumb is she honestly. There's a huge heard in the walls and she decides that its more important to kill the guy who's tied up.

  • I mean, that guy who was tied up did break free, sneak attack Morgan, and take the doctor hostage. He also very easily could have killed all three of them before Tara, Eugene, and Rosita showed up.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Im starting to get really sick of her, like how dumb is she honestly. There's a huge heard in the walls and she decides that its more important to kill the guy who's tied up.

  • Anything can suffocate if enough pressure is put on it. Judith may be a toddler, but she's still little. Imagine a teenage boy who is now bleeding out landing on top of this baby, and crushing it between him and the concrete. Whether the impact of the concrete kills her or not, Carl lying on her will. And even if Rick's first instinct is to pick Carl up instantly, and even if Judith is still alive, you know for a fact that the second he lifts Carl up, she's gonna cry and there will be about 40 walkers on her at once.

    judith is pretty big now, toddler not a baby, harder to crush

  • "I'll kill you to kill him because I don't want anyone else to die!" #Carol Logic

  • edited November 2015


    It's happening guys!!

    "Your property now belongs to negan"

  • edited November 2015

    You're not the only one. I hate her too.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Iunno about anyone else, but is anyone else getting sick of Carol?

  • It is going to be very awkward when Carol and Morgan wake up

  • Good first half except the morgan and mid season finale.

  • Haven't read the comics but I get the feeling this 'Negan' guy is about to make shit go down ^-^

  • Shit, brains, entrails, dicks, etc. whatever nasty thing you can think of is 90% sure to happen.

    Haven't read the comics but I get the feeling this 'Negan' guy is about to make shit go down ^-^

  • Lets just say he is the best antagonist the walking dead has ever had..............in every way.

    Haven't read the comics but I get the feeling this 'Negan' guy is about to make shit go down ^-^

  • edited December 2015

    Guys i think they made the mid season finale 'boring' to kill the expectancy that it's the most action packed in any season.

    Likewise as most of us know the finale will include.......very memorable scenes that if done right will go down in tv history as some of the best made in this century. Killing the thought that finales barely have action.

  • Carol is the only logical one I don't know what you're talking about.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Im starting to get really sick of her, like how dumb is she honestly. There's a huge heard in the walls and she decides that its more important to kill the guy who's tied up.

  • Because he shouldn't have kept that wolf member alive.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I seriously do not understand the Morgan hate.

  • Yeah, but he only escape because Carol ran down there and was fighting Morgan, if she wasnt doing that, he wouldnt have been able to escape.

    Rock114 posted: »

    I mean, that guy who was tied up did break free, sneak attack Morgan, and take the doctor hostage. He also very easily could have killed all three of them before Tara, Eugene, and Rosita showed up.

  • Yeah worked out great

    Black-Op1 posted: »

    In a close quarters fight: Morgan 100%. Philosophy: I'm 50/50. But in regards to the Wolf I'm with Morgan. He's hog tied and sick. He's not going anywhere. Give Morgan a chance to do his thing, see if it works.

  • edited December 2015


  • edited December 2015

    Negan is bringing Kenny's S2 crowbar moment to the big screen ;) In all it's glory, hopefully. You guys know Lucille right

  • Some of us but be carefull some of these guys and gals never read the comic.

    Negan is bringing Kenny's S2 crowbar moment to the big screen In all it's glory, hopefully. You guys know Lucille right

  • I'm with you. Both Carol and Rick have been irritating the shit out of me since they arrived in Alexandria. Most people want to blame Morgan for the Wolf escaping but he had that guy on complete lock down before Carol made the "smart" decision to push the issue at the worst possible time. Morgan even flat out told her that they could settle their issues after the herd was dealt with. But that's Carol for you. She makes a decision and fuck what anyone else has to say about it.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Iunno about anyone else, but is anyone else getting sick of Carol?

  • Season 2 was the best IMO

    Vaxij posted: »

    I agree. It was very slow, but the episodes "Pretty Much Dead Already", "18 Miles Out", "Judge, Jury, Executioner", "Better Angels", "Beside

  • The midseason season premiere should have the missing comic books scenes i am waiting for ... Can't wait tho.

  • Did anyone else notice that Eugene was the one who said "Help" into the radio?

  • I've seen a lot of people say this episode was boring and lame, but trust me, it's the calm before the storm.

    Negan's gonna fuck shit up soon enough.

  • im so conflicted with this. i want to see this scene on the show, but i dont want jessie to die lol. i want jessie to replace that andrea spot the idiots left open. most people are saying, "well michone is there" but michone is suppose to be with Ezekiel, when he is introduced. so idk who they can put there that will make sense. but i also want to see that because if done right, that could potentially be one of the most shocking (well,not so much for comic readers) scene in the show and really could be one of the best in TV (if followed but carl's.. thing). i think deana could've worked out, Rick was starting to like deana and it would've been hard for him to do it. but i guess it wouldnt make too much sense since deanna was actually starting to understand how things are suppose to be... idk i liked jessie on the comics and i like her a bit more here too. conflicted really lol i just hope what they do they do it right

    If they go the comic route with Jessie:

  • Well yeah. I mean they made that clear didnt they

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Did anyone else notice that Eugene was the one who said "Help" into the radio?

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