Forum of Thrones: An Interactive Story



  • Good i look forward to see how a couple of days changed the cast. If its abything like Silicon im already guessing the suprising relationships ;).

    Well, the Silicon timeskip has been a whole month, while this one is just a week, so don't expect too much. Still, there will be some changes in how some of the characters see each other as a result of your choices in the last Chapter.

    Hey wait where did Sam's crew get a ship? Did one of their contactos get it or is it just a ship hedding for Raylandsfair which they borded as passangers?

    It has been mentioned in passing by Lucas and is actually one of the few things that happend during the timeskip which I would have liked to show instead of just telling you about it. Wulvren, the Archmaester of Magic, has kept his promise and arranged for them to leave the city by ship. It's indeed a ship that is about to head to Raylansfair either way but they still needed Wulvren's help to get on it. More of that is going to be mentioned in Samantha's first part.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Good i look forward to see how a couple of days changed the cast. If its anything like Silicon im already guessing the suprising relationshi

  • Cool. Another question ( i just keep coming up with them)

    Why start with Lucas? I mean i guess his choice would hugely impact the story but there are a lot of other people you could have started with so what appealed you to begin with him? Or was it just that it felt natural with all the POV's as a whole that he should be first.

    Good i look forward to see how a couple of days changed the cast. If its abything like Silicon im already guessing the suprising relationshi

  • edited December 2015

    Starting with Lucas was actually a somewhat spontaneous decision and it could have easily been someone else. While I was writing down the alternative choices, I was still unsure whom I would write about first. Jaron, Samantha and especially Garthon have been strong contenders as well. In the end, not only is the choice going to be important, it's also that Lucas is the PoV who hadn't had a part of his own for the longest time and I felt that giving him the first part would nicely wrap up the events of the chapter 5 finale.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Cool. Another question ( i just keep coming up with them) Why start with Lucas? I mean i guess his choice would hugely impact the story b

  • Have you decided who the next part is yet?

  • Ok cool. I think it would have been to early for Garthon unless se had a scene in which he and Torvin reflected on the attept while being excorted possibly showing how Kyra feels about the fact that two of her somewhat close friends lied to her and tried to kill the king she swore to protect basically shaming her in the eyes of others (im glad Harmund didn't get to 'punish' her for it)

    That reminds me. Who do you feel most excited for in terms of POV's in this chapter? ( Could be more than one)

    Starting with Lucas was actually a somewhat spontaneous decision and it could have easily been someone else. While I was writing down the al

  • Me too, i feel this is too easy a choice.

    DiverseGnu posted: »

    [Focus on Harris] Mullendore is the obvious choice here, something in my gut tells me that we should get rid of Harris first. Shame though, since I actually like Harris.

  • What would've happened if Jenna or Richard were dead?

    Now, thanks to InGen for requesting a short overview of important choices from the last chapters that would have caused a huge difference on

  • [Focus on Mullendore]

    Act II: Shattered and Broken Chapter III: Masquerade Lucas A jolt when through the room, waking Lucas up and causing him to slowly

  • I feel like with Lucas & Len in charge, they could actually take down Mullendore though. Harris is always on about how he wants the best for Raylansfair, and I don't think waging war against a big crime lord in Oldtown is what he considers the best move for Raylansfair.

    [Focus on Mullendore] The lesser evil is Harris, and although I hate that bastard, I hate this other jackass more. Maybe Harris will have an 'accident'. But then again, Hobert...

  • But once they take down Harris, they'd have to deal with Lord Hobert who has allied with Wilfred, Argella, and a bunch of other people who are convinced that they have a rightful claim on Raylansfair. That's way too many people for Lucas and Leonard to take on their own.

    DiverseGnu posted: »

    I feel like with Lucas & Len in charge, they could actually take down Mullendore though. Harris is always on about how he wants the best

  • Will you try to kill Leonard Storm to avoid comparison?

    Qoulette: Q names makes me think of Asshai and Qaith. So I'm sure she has something to do with the lands in Essos. Exotic, probably a weirdo

  • edited December 2015

    Have you managed to find Leonard Storm among your insanely long sheet list yet?

    I can't find his name up there now but I know I saw it. Damn it, you are right! I don't know why he isn't in the waiting list, becau

  • [Focus on Mullendore]

    Act II: Shattered and Broken Chapter III: Masquerade Lucas A jolt when through the room, waking Lucas up and causing him to slowly

  • [Focus on Mullendore]

    Act II: Shattered and Broken Chapter III: Masquerade Lucas A jolt when through the room, waking Lucas up and causing him to slowly

  • Hard question... there are many PoV's whose storyline in this chapter I look forward to write. At times, I am surprised how much fun I have while writing some storylines, for example Drent in Chapter 5, so I am sure there will be some surprisingly fun storylines in this chapter as well. I think the ones I look forward for the most in this chapter are Raenna and Jaron, but in a certain way I am excited for every PoV.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Ok cool. I think it would have been to early for Garthon unless se had a scene in which he and Torvin reflected on the attept while being ex

  • Not yet, although I will start writing the next part later today. I am sure it won't be Samantha, Drent or one of the new PoV's, but other than that, it could be anyone. I think Jaron is the most likely choice, but maybe I spontaneously feel like writing for a different PoV.

    xSensus posted: »

    Have you decided who the next part is yet?

  • Things would have been way darker. I already mentioned it before, killing them off without thinking about the consequences can and will have devastating consequences for characters you like, but after this chapter, I can go into more detail. In later chapters, I will go into even more detail, but I can already reveal, none of these details are pretty.

    In Chapter 4's 'What if', I already mentioned what Richard would have done if Jenna would have died. Basically, his storyline would have been similar to the storyline you would have gotten if you would have chosen Philip's plan. Absolutely hellbent on vengeance, Richard would have tried to hunt Wolfius down. He would have failed, since he would have been far too angry to think straight and depending on a choice, Urid, Lyria or both could have died. If Jenna would have died, you would have also lost your chance to learn about Septon Corbin's involvement with Butterfly. This in turn would give Corbin an opportunity to continue his schemes in Raylansfair and would have given Mullendore a significant advantage, since Harris, Lucas and Leonard would have all thought of Corbin as a trustworthy person. Eventually, his involvement with Butterfly would have been revealed in a later chapter, but additional characters would have died and Mullendore would have been way closer to victory.

    If Richard would have died, not so much would have changed in Chapter 5. His storyline in this chapter wouldn't have happened, naturally. This would have been beneficial for Clayton, who would have had way more time to execute the next step in his plan. In turn, Chapter 6 would have had additional deaths at the hands of Clayton, deaths which I can't spoil for now of course. Let me just assure you, they would have been characters you would have missed and I will give you some names at the end of this chapter. In addition, Jenna would have been utterly devastated, leading to her making some irrational choices a bit later in the story, although she would have been less focussed on vengeance and her Chapter 5 storyline would have been basically the same.

    Bounden posted: »

    What would've happened if Jenna or Richard were dead?

  • Yeah, I found him after InGen mentioned him and I immediately forgot to put him into the list again. Thanks for reminding me once more, he's in the list now :D

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Have you managed to find Leonard Storm among your insanely long sheet list yet?

  • [Focus on Mullendore] Great start to the chapter. However, I think Davith is connected to Butterfly in some way, I just don't trust him. Mullendore should be our primary focus, try to foil his plans while we still can. Harris may be a douchebag, but his intentions are well and I don't think its strategic to remove him from the acting lord position.

    Act II: Shattered and Broken Chapter III: Masquerade Lucas A jolt when through the room, waking Lucas up and causing him to slowly

  • Cool, i look forward to them :).

    Hard question... there are many PoV's whose storyline in this chapter I look forward to write. At times, I am surprised how much fun I have

  • Thats good :). I hope you never have that problem again. It would be really sad if a char was accidentally deleted.

    Yeah, I found him after InGen mentioned him and I immediately forgot to put him into the list again. Thanks for reminding me once more, he's in the list now

  • But all these people are better equipped to deal with Butterfly.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    But once they take down Harris, they'd have to deal with Lord Hobert who has allied with Wilfred, Argella, and a bunch of other people who a

  • [Focus on Mullendore]

    Act II: Shattered and Broken Chapter III: Masquerade Lucas A jolt when through the room, waking Lucas up and causing him to slowly

  • [Focus Mullendore] Makes much more sense. Lucas is a super badass now.

    Act II: Shattered and Broken Chapter III: Masquerade Lucas A jolt when through the room, waking Lucas up and causing him to slowly

  • A crippled, depressed badass

    Xemnes posted: »

    [Focus Mullendore] Makes much more sense. Lucas is a super badass now.

  • Just like in the game ;)

    Bounden posted: »

    A crippled, depressed badass

  • .......Ingen

    Qoulette: Q names makes me think of Asshai and Qaith. So I'm sure she has something to do with the lands in Essos. Exotic, probably a weirdo

  • edited December 2015

    my rodrik gets his revenge^^ I root for Lucas now. I liked the wounded soldier storyline

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Just like in the game

  • Out of pure spite, yes.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Will you try to kill Leonard Storm to avoid comparison?

  • Yeah but Lucas isn't Rodrick. I'm preatty sure he can't take down about 16 soldiers, a well trained lord (or future lord) and one northern beseker all right after the other

    Xemnes posted: »

    my rodrik gets his revenge^^ I root for Lucas now. I liked the wounded soldier storyline

  • edited December 2015

    This guys is screwed then. If hes anything like Leonard then im basically calling him Leonard 2 and i bet in your eyes he would be a low class imitation. And if he sucks then hes damaging Leonards name and legacy by getting confused for him. I can imagine how insane scenes would go if he befriended Sam's crew at some point.

    Lucas: Hey Sam how's Leonard?

    Samantha: Hes over there talking to that guard.

    Lucas: No the OTHER Leonard. You know the only other person in the known world that has that name.

    Samantha: Oh......right.....theres two of them........

    Out of pure spite, yes.

  • Poor Cass, still with zero votes :(

    AgentZ46 posted: »


  • Hey liquid which of the 'unknowns' fates will be revealed this chapter?

  • I'm afraid I can't answer this question, since it might spoil parts of the story. The Unknown-list will be slightly shorter at the end of this chapter, but that's all I can say without spoiling anything.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Hey liquid which of the 'unknowns' fates will be revealed this chapter?

  • [Focus on Harris]

    I actually think this choice is better...but i cannot argument it clearly. It's just the woman intuition. :-D Mullendore choice seems to be too easy and obvious.

    Act II: Shattered and Broken Chapter III: Masquerade Lucas A jolt when through the room, waking Lucas up and causing him to slowly

  • Ok then.

    I'm afraid I can't answer this question, since it might spoil parts of the story. The Unknown-list will be slightly shorter at the end of this chapter, but that's all I can say without spoiling anything.

  • edited December 2015

    You know i suddenly got the urge to COUNT the unintroduced characters......i regret it horribly. My head still hurts. I stopped at 173 with Symond Bronwell (whose parents REALLY wanted a unique name). Even hillarious names or awesome refrence names like Montoya the Duelist (props if you get that one) could help me last to the end.

  • You got my reference Bro XD...Thanks

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    You know i suddenly got the urge to COUNT the unintroduced characters......i regret it horribly. My head still hurts. I stopped at 173 with

  • edited December 2015

    No problem i love that movie. Thought i have to say i don't see Tyrone Rugen anywhere, making me worried for Montoyas purpase.

    husmusen posted: »

    You got my reference Bro XD...Thanks

  • [Focus on Mullendore]

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