Forum of Thrones: An Interactive Story



  • Yeah but that sentece itself makes me think that maybe she has confused feelings for Davith or maybe shes bi even she isn't aware of the fact.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    It was implied in her very first POV chapter. And then Liquid implied it further when @InGen_Nate_Kenny suggested she'd fall in love with Le

  • Leonard with who?

    Leold. Someone guess that.

  • I took it as her being a bit awkward as she's never had to deal with a friend of the opposite gender having those sort of feelings towards her and didn't know how to cope with the situation. Honestly I just really dislike when characters suddenly realize they're attracted to a certain gender. Plus it sounds like way too much of a soap opera.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Yeah but that sentece itself makes me think that maybe she has confused feelings for Davith or maybe shes bi even she isn't aware of the fact.

  • Honestly think it would be more soap if Davith was the only one having feelings and she would have to explain it, and he would be hurt and it would just be......awkward. But Honestly i just want to give that ship some hope since i know a few guys that want it.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I took it as her being a bit awkward as she's never had to deal with a friend of the opposite gender having those sort of feelings towards h

  • I don't see any character named 'who'...

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Leonard with who?

  • Its 'Who?' not Who

    I don't see any character named 'who'...

  • I know. :)

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Its 'Who?' not Who

  • Yeah :). But really i can't guess. Tell me.

    I know.

  • Leonard and Noelle Mield is all I can come up with :D

    Leold. Someone guess that.

  • Nope.

    Leonard and Noelle Mield is all I can come up with

  • edited December 2015

    This can only be Leonard and Gold. I ship it. By the way, while we're at it, how do you feel about Jennard, the OTP?

    Leold. Someone guess that.

  • [Choose Irving as the lookout]

    [Leave the ship with Himani]

    Maya “I don't like this, Ambassador”, Aldrik mumbled as he glanced down the dark alleyway, always a hand on the hilt of his sword. His wo

  • Leonard and Gold

    How did I not get that.... I feel like an idiot :D

    This can only be Leonard and Gold. I ship it. By the way, while we're at it, how do you feel about Jennard, the OTP?

  • "We understand how dangerous a mask can be. We all become what we pretend to be." -
    Patrick Rothfuss, The Name of the Wind (The Kingkiller Chronicle, #1)

    "We all wear masks, and the time comes when we cannot remove them without removing some of our own skin." -
    André Berthiaume

    "A mask is not to disguise who you are but to show who you really are." -
    Chloe Thurlow, Sophie's Secret: Forbidden Fruit in the Garden of Pleasure

    Everyone wears a mask, what mask do you wear today?

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Nice user pic Ualex

  • Finally. Someone got it.

    Jennard? No, no, NO! Why?

    • She's not attractive.
    • She's not rich.
    • She's not noble.

    This can only be Leonard and Gold. I ship it. By the way, while we're at it, how do you feel about Jennard, the OTP?

  • [Choose Irving as the lookout]

    [Leave the ship with Himani]

    [Choose Irving as the lookout] Well Irving has experience with these kind of things. Besides Aldrik and his wolf are going to be dead giveaw

  • By the way, can someone remind me of how long will Ellena will stay abroad the ship until it makes way to Raylansfair? I don't remember exactly how long she has been in Oldtown since she arrived.

    The ship needs roughly a week to Raylansfair, but the problem is that they currently can't leave. Mullendore learned about Terroma's involvement in the death of his men at the end of Chapter 2, so Ellena's storyline in Chapter 3 revealed that the ship is currently forbidden to leave. That's why Talea spends a majority of the time talking to the harbourmaster at the moment. She is in Oldtown since the very beginning of the Oldtown storyline, which has been roughly three weeks ago. Originally, the captain has planned to continue the ships voyage over a week ago, but Mullendore's involvement kinda destroyed these plans.

    [Choose Irving as the lookout] Well Irving has experience with these kind of things. Besides Aldrik and his wolf are going to be dead giveaw

  • What about Wolfenna or Jreep?

    This can only be Leonard and Gold. I ship it. By the way, while we're at it, how do you feel about Jennard, the OTP?

  • Well tbh for good or bad i don't wear 'masks'. I am almost compleatly open with people to the point in which ive gotten into trouble for it. The only exeption being when i have to keep quite for the good of others whether its not saying something that would start a fight between people or not spoiling something so others can enjoy it.

    But cool quotes though.

    ualexen92 posted: »

    "We understand how dangerous a mask can be. We all become what we pretend to be." - Patrick Rothfuss, The Name of the Wind (The Kingkiller

  • edited December 2015

    That would still be a better love story than Twilight.

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    What about Wolfenna or Jreep?

  • Which one?

    That would still be a better love story than Twilight.

  • This comment just made me laugh. I couldn't help it.

    That would still be a better love story than Twilight.

  • Who is Gold? Did I miss something?

    This can only be Leonard and Gold. I ship it. By the way, while we're at it, how do you feel about Jennard, the OTP?

  • I assume that he's talking about gold as in the currency.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Who is Gold? Did I miss something?

  • edited December 2015

    Gold is not a person, but a mineral and the coins in this story consist of it. Because of this, it is quite possibly Leonard's one true love :D

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Who is Gold? Did I miss something?

  • Ahh! XD I feel stupid now.

    Gold is not a person, but a mineral and the coins in this story consist of it. Because of this, it is quite possibly Leonard's one true love

  • Indeed. Sadly, Leonard hasn't seen too much, so we can't see one of his more prevalent tastes.

    Gold is not a person, but a mineral and the coins in this story consist of it. Because of this, it is quite possibly Leonard's one true love

  • [choose irving as lookout]
    [leave the ship with himani]

    Maya “I don't like this, Ambassador”, Aldrik mumbled as he glanced down the dark alleyway, always a hand on the hilt of his sword. His wo

  • Wow the voting is still open?

  • Yes it is. Writing the next part takes me a bit longer than usual, so I keep the voting open until I am sure that I can finish the part the same day I close it. I plan to close it later today though, if I make enough progress with writing :)

    Xemnes posted: »

    Wow the voting is still open?

  • edited December 2015

    Ok i got another of my questions. Is there any character you guys don't care about at all? Im not talking hate. I mean have no attachement to what so ever. That if he/she were to die you feel it would'nt affect you at all.

  • Harpy or Jaron, the only thing I care about is if they die what affect it could happen on characters I like.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Ok i got another of my questions. Is there any character you guys don't care about at all? Im not talking hate. I mean have no attachement to what so ever. That if he/she were to die you feel it would'nt affect you at all.

  • Davith.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Ok i got another of my questions. Is there any character you guys don't care about at all? Im not talking hate. I mean have no attachement to what so ever. That if he/she were to die you feel it would'nt affect you at all.

  • Who's part it will be next?

    Yes it is. Writing the next part takes me a bit longer than usual, so I keep the voting open until I am sure that I can finish the part the same day I close it. I plan to close it later today though, if I make enough progress with writing

  • Samantha. I don't hate her but I don't think I would be that upset if she happened to die. She's pretty much the only one from the major characters. Of course there are some that I have negative feelings towards, but apparently your question wasn't about those :p

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Ok i got another of my questions. Is there any character you guys don't care about at all? Im not talking hate. I mean have no attachement to what so ever. That if he/she were to die you feel it would'nt affect you at all.

  • Well if you want to mention them, then by all means :)

    Samantha. I don't hate her but I don't think I would be that upset if she happened to die. She's pretty much the only one from the major cha

  • [Choose Irving as the lookout]

    [Leave the ship with Himani]

    Maya “I don't like this, Ambassador”, Aldrik mumbled as he glanced down the dark alleyway, always a hand on the hilt of his sword. His wo

  • edited December 2015

    It's going to be a John part, although it will most likely come out tomorrow, unless I somehow manage to finish it today, which seems to be unlikely at the moment. The voting seems to be clear either way, so I don't think it is that necessary to properly close it as I usually do.

    Mathea posted: »

    Who's part it will be next?

  • Raenna, I like her cause and what she's fighting for but she seems annoying.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Ok i got another of my questions. Is there any character you guys don't care about at all? Im not talking hate. I mean have no attachement to what so ever. That if he/she were to die you feel it would'nt affect you at all.

  • When does the next chapter appear

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