what exactly is good in this game?

So my friend played this game and became obsessed with it and its fruit character and he is now boring me with trying to make me play this game. From what I have seen this is just like interactive movie (there is no real gameplay), there are no real choices that matter, its too slow and boring (puzzles, hubs...), there are lot of inconsistencies in game story, also I dont understand what did he could saw as sad and hearthbreaking here ... So any reason why this game would be worth playing?
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This is a forum for those who love the game, complain elsewhere.
... and I am asking is there anything good in this game to make me want to play it...
Its how the story unfolds also how you interact with other charactors they will remember what you say if its good or bad they will treat you as a friend or your worst enemy
no matter how they react and behave it doesnt have any significant impact at story direction, ending is always same no matter how you interact with other characters ( i dont count splitting ending in 5 parts with last choice as having impact on story, since story wont be continued from that point)
Concerning season 1:
It's a game that's not centered on the action, and rightly so. Rather it's based on building relationships with other characters--meaningful relationships, and how those relationships can affect your choices in life-or-death situations as presented in The Walking Dead universe. It's more meaningful and philosophical I feel than your normal run-of-the-mill shooter game etc., because it deals with issues that other game formats don't often (or can't) really explore in-depth as much--family, redemption, suicide, insanity, grief, forgiveness, going to the ends of the earth to save someone you care about more than even yourself.
You're right; it is like a movie, but it's like a great movie. A movie that you can take part in, that you're a major player in, and you can affect where the story goes (more or less.) It's not always about the ending, it's about the journey too. The fact that it's not centered on action doesn't bother me, and it shouldn't hinder you from giving the game a try either--there are action sequences, but they're relevant to the story, and the actual sequences have great meaning behind them--you need to get through endless zombies to save someone you care about, you need to save your group from enemies that could kill you all, you need to defeat an enemy who has sunk to the lowest of the low and what they're revealed to be doing will leave you sick to your stomach. You don't just care about yourself surviving these action sequences, you care about your group surviving too.
Concerning season 2:
Um, that's a bit different. >.>
i started playing season 1 and stopped playing maybe after 20 minutes since its too much slow and from gameplay videos i have seen it has better story compared to season 2, if gameplay was more like season 2 and story like season 1 maybe it would be worth to play it
Ehhhh. Different strokes for different folks I guess. If I were you, I'd try not to think of this as an action game, because that's not what it's primarily focused to be. The focus is on the story, and the first 20 minutes is just going to ease you into it; there's a lot more to it than that. :shrug: But whatev, if it's not for you, it's not for you.
A lot of stuff
but it seems like the stuff me and other people like about the game are things you don't like, so the best answer is: this game probably isn't for you.
Well said
Its more a game than say beyond two souls however it really is just basically a story where you can kind of shape it how you want. I'd either watch a playthrough or watch your friend play if its not your style of game
If you are saying Season One is rubbish then you seriously need your head examined, but if you are talking about Season Two then you are right about it!
You see that big red X on the top right of your web browser? Why don't you click that and pretend this forum never existed because this series (or any game by Telltale) probably isn't for you.
... after saying all the things you've seen about the game and that it's slow and boring, inconsistencies in game story etc...
maybe i forgot something to mention XD
its rubbish because of puzzles and hubs
maybe it isnt, but we can still have ''nice'' discussion about it until i get banned (coming soon)
Nah, you should take all those things back cause this game is feckin amazing! Inconsistencies is season 2
and season 1 is too slow and boring because of puzzles, hubs...)
If you mean slow as in gameplay, then yes, you don't have the freedom to shoot walkers and go anywhere, even run. Puzzles and hubs have been features of telltale games, But the story's pacing and extremely high quality more than makes up for this if it's not exactly what you enjoy
Well my best suggestion is that it seems that you are not getting the game at all, so I don't why you ask a forum which loves this companies games. Like that's really all.
i asked out of boredom. the only good thing about game is season 2 protagonist.
Well, not entirely. Forums are for hearing different opinions and seeing what other people have to say about something - whether it's good or bad. Criticism and negative comments are fine to post here as long as they follow the Forum Guidelines.
season 2 it's good season!
From what I hear you might like Tales from the Borderlands or The Wolf Among Us more since there really are no puzzles to be seen and the stories are more fast paced.
It's fun and I like the story.
Just because there isnt "real" gameplay doesnt mean that it drops points.
Walking Dead is more like one of those games that you need to play because of the experience. Its hard to explain how itll make you feel until you play it, but it really leaves you with an experience you wont forget anytime soon
Characters and story.
I can think of one good thing that came out of season two...
Not the ending, just the moment itself was greatly satisfying.
Yes, killing them both was worth all the forced dramatic bullshit they forced upon us
Nice move, posting a spoiler to an OP who most likely hasn't even played all of the game.
They shouldn't have asked the question if they didn't want people's answers.
Now if only we could retcon AJ.
They asked what was good about the game, not "spoil me with one of many S2 possible endings that appealed to you because you hate (x) character."
Should've specified then.
thanks for suggestion, i just watched some gameplay videos of them and they both look interesting to play
well for me spoilers decide if i will watch or play something, i watched all gameplay videos of season 1 and 2 (with skipping all those hubs and puzzles parts) and it will stay on that, so that means my question is answered and this discussion is over for me.
Says the guy who hates Kenny for killing Larry in cold blood (assumed), yet it's fine in your eyes for Clem to murder Kenny even though both scenarios are exactly the same...murder. And before you say "but Kenny was a psycho and Larry wasn't", that does not matter because basically you think this end scene is fine yet it's just as bad as the one thing you were against Kenny doing to Larry in the first place!
Because he missed my last post. Here it is again:
Says the guy who hates Kenny for killing Larry in cold blood (assumed), yet it's fine in your eyes for Clem to murder Kenny even though both scenarios are exactly the same...murder. And before you say "but Kenny was a psycho and Larry wasn't", that does not matter because basically you think this end scene is fine yet it's just as bad as the one thing you were against Kenny doing to Larry in the first place!
its fine for Clem to murder anyone in cold blood, but not fine when kenny does it