It sounds like you enjoyed meeting her, i also met Melissa at Walker Stalker Con Atlanta in 2014 and i agree that she was really nice to talk to. I don't know how busy is was in New Jersey but in Atlanta Melissa's autograph table was very close to Norman Reedus's which made it difficult to talk to her at times due to the screaming fan girls :P
I got to go to Walker Stalker Con today in New Jersey and I got to meet Melissa Hutchison, it was awesome and she was so nice. I got a coupl… moree of pictures with her, she signed my Clementine hat (and I finally learned what the D is supposed to mean, apparently it's to some Japanese baseball team based on what she said), and we talked about Season 1 and 2 a bit as well as Season 3.
Luckily her and Norman were at completely opposite sides of the convention. In fact, I was like the first person on her line when she first showed up, there wasn't even anyone lined up at her table when I got there. When I was done she had a huge line of people waiting to see her though.
It sounds like you enjoyed meeting her, i also met Melissa at Walker Stalker Con Atlanta in 2014 and i agree that she was really nice to tal… morek to. I don't know how busy is was in New Jersey but in Atlanta Melissa's autograph table was very close to Norman Reedus's which made it difficult to talk to her at times due to the screaming fan girls :P
The combat system is just not for me. Sure it looks cool, but I've always thought that gameplay is infinitely more important that graphics.… more This action/rpg combat system is the main reason I haven't played a FF game in a decade. At least I can still play the original FF7.
I got to go to Walker Stalker Con today in New Jersey and I got to meet Melissa Hutchison, it was awesome and she was so nice. I got a coupl… moree of pictures with her, she signed my Clementine hat (and I finally learned what the D is supposed to mean, apparently it's to some Japanese baseball team based on what she said), and we talked about Season 1 and 2 a bit as well as Season 3.
** "All fans should be outraged by what Disney is doing and they should all be demanding for them to stop before they end up killing the franchise. "
Wow, just wow....this is probably the most arrogant saying I've ever read. This is coming from an angry Star Wars EU fanboy who primarily rants on how Disney is a horrible company that's ruining Star Wars, killing the franchise, and churning out nothing but rubbish. He's also apparently dead serious about not seeing Episode 7 and he's boycotting Disney for ruining the EU.
I don't even....I've seen a lot of this crap in the Star Wars fandom and it's's an awful divide between fanbases and it's just a complete mess.
I honestly don't know if I really want to be a Star Wars fan anymore.
Yesterday was my birthday, but today it's Finland's independence day, 98 years of freedom, thanks to our veterans.
Instead of putting our national anthem here, I'll let you hear something else that had a huge part of our country becoming independent. You'll also see some of our nature in the video. Yes, we have shitloads of forests and lakes. And I love it.
I'm actually more intrigued now than I was before. I was never really interested in the whole 'turn-based' style and wasn't really... well... BORN when this game was released. I've never played it and maybe I'll give it a go (right after FF15)
I find it hilarious that there are so many more Rhyiona shippers than Rhysha shippers, but Telltale seems to support Rhysha so much more than Rhyiona :P
Eh, if I remember in game with the choices a lot more people picked the option to ship Rhys and Sasha, but on the forums I'd say the Rhyionas are definitely the majority.
I find it hilarious that there are so many more Rhyiona shippers than Rhysha shippers, but Telltale seems to support Rhysha so much more than Rhyiona :P
Me too, it's still not cancelled according to Ubisoft so it might happen, maybe, just hoping, if Ubisoft released it and it was good I would stop hating them forever because I don't really care about any of their other franchises anymore so they can fuck them up as much as they like now.
Eh... It's understandable, I mean I don't support it nor do I care about what's cannon and what isn't so long as the stuff I like still exists and is available, but do keep in mind they did cancel all the ongoing series of EU comics, books and games and a few of them didn't get proper endings which is a bit of a dick move considering they do have the rights to EU stuff and even if it's no longer canon they could finish the stories to satisfy fans of that universe, and in his defence the whole 1 Star Wars Movie per year thing that Disney wants to do does seem rather excessive.
But anyway that's what happens when someone decides to do a new thing by destroying the old stuff, and to be fair this is an issue the Star Wars fanbase has had for a long time since the prequels created a lot of divide too, in any case just like what you like about Star Wars and ignore what other people think of it, other people's feelings on it shouldn't affect your own.
** "All fans should be outraged by what Disney is doing and they should all be demanding for them to stop before they end up killing the fra… morenchise. "
Wow, just wow....this is probably the most arrogant saying I've ever read. This is coming from an angry Star Wars EU fanboy who primarily rants on how Disney is a horrible company that's ruining Star Wars, killing the franchise, and churning out nothing but rubbish. He's also apparently dead serious about not seeing Episode 7 and he's boycotting Disney for ruining the EU.
I don't even....I've seen a lot of this crap in the Star Wars fandom and it's's an awful divide between fanbases and it's just a complete mess.
I honestly don't know if I really want to be a Star Wars fan anymore.
I find it hilarious that there are so many more Rhyiona shippers than Rhysha shippers, but Telltale seems to support Rhysha so much more than Rhyiona :P
Again, no need to make a thread for this, blah blah blah. You know.
Okay, So I need like as many Silent Hill fans as I possibly can get on this post. In Silent Hill 2, there's a song purely made for ambiance that plays directly after some of the cutscenes, and doesn't end until you leave the room, it's very peaceful, very soothing, and it plays after a lot of the Maria or Laura scenes. The problem is, I don't know the name, but I know that it is super techno, I know exactly the theme, I know how it sounds, and it's annoying me as it's BURNING in the back of my head, but I simply don't know it. And the only possible way I can figure it out is replaying Silent Hill 2 all the way through, pinpointing the exact cutscenes where this song comes from, consulting the soundtrack afterwards, and then listening to the song. Which is something I don't have the time, nor patience for. And I'm already depressed enough, why would I want to play a game that makes me feel sad 70% of the time? So my question is this, WHAT THE FUCK IS THE NAME OF THAT SONG?
My family have lost another relative to cancer today. My aunt had passed away almost two year ago in spite of being told by the doctors that she had the cancer removed, and my Nan was alive until early in the morning, having battled her own ordeals of mental deterioration due to old age.
The year 2013 and 2015 have not been kind to us. But in the end, we have to move forward, even if 2016 plans to take another of our relatives from us.
This dude said booty is more important than water. So fucking a man in the ass is more important than basic bodily needs LMAO that is by far the gayest shit I ever heard. enter link description here
Again, no need to make a thread for this, blah blah blah. You know.
Okay, So I need like as many Silent Hill fans as I possibly can get o… moren this post. In Silent Hill 2, there's a song purely made for ambiance that plays directly after some of the cutscenes, and doesn't end until you leave the room, it's very peaceful, very soothing, and it plays after a lot of the Maria or Laura scenes. The problem is, I don't know the name, but I know that it is super techno, I know exactly the theme, I know how it sounds, and it's annoying me as it's BURNING in the back of my head, but I simply don't know it. And the only possible way I can figure it out is replaying Silent Hill 2 all the way through, pinpointing the exact cutscenes where this song comes from, consulting the soundtrack afterwards, and then listening to the song. Which is something I don't have the time, nor patience for. And I'm already depressed enough, why would I want to play a game th… [view original content]
This dude said booty is more important than water. So fucking a man in the ass is more important than basic bodily needs LMAO that is by far the gayest shit I ever heard.
enter link description here
This dude said booty is more important than water. So fucking a man in the ass is more important than basic bodily needs LMAO that is by far the gayest shit I ever heard.
enter link description here
Got a new story of my GTA Adventures! I haven't played much since my crew kinda went nowhere so there wasn't much interest. Although I did one day do some roleplaying as James Bond so it got me back into it for a bit. This story here happened yesterday.
It was a calm, relaxing autumn in Los Santos. Taking a stroll in my Carla Faust persona instead, I finally finished a mission from earlier and just arrived in a new session. As always I check the notifications of any action, one guy was getting killed by multiple names, so I checked my map and saw that he was fighting four crewmates on his own in the uptown area by the auto shop. Decided to help even the odds a bit, started the ignition of my Turismo R and sped across Los Santos, and arrived in the area. Taking advantage of the crew being distracted I climbed up to the roof of the huge building, took position with my heavy sniper and set my sights on the enemy crew, checking the names to be extra certain. Soon enough I found my first target and took him down as he approached the lone fighter, two were at the auto shop and I used my RPG to take down. I heard the crew clamoring in surprise of my presence, focusing on the radar I pinpointed another and killed on the left street. The guy I was protecting died a few times in the gun fight. I noticed one down the street and began to aim until I got killed by his sniper rifle. I respawned close to them on the open street, took out my special carbine and started mowing them down. I needed to find cover so I ran up to the alley by the parking lot and auto shop, running with my adrenaline pumping, all four were chasing after me and I took cover behind a wall on the other end of the alley. I shot down 3 of them and ran up behind a building wall closer to the other. Cops got in my way so I killed them, I saw the player peak out and shot at him but he blew me up.
Soon after I spawned down into a street near the building I sniped on, two guys from auto shop were coming towards me in a alley with a wall in between. I took cover by an apartment and quickly mowed down both of them, taking cover and rolling to survive. The two guys exclaimed in shock of how I lived. I ran down across the street, as my car was near there and so was the guy I was defending getting attacked by one of the crew. I took cover as I saw one follow me. We both took cover and fired at each other whenever we popped out, soon enough we killed each other and another tried to flank me with a car but I was already dead. lol Then I spawned north of the area, one began chasing me by car down an alley of apartments, throwing bombs but I took him down quickly. I then began running back to the area when the same guy came after me, wewere both behind cover and I decided to use my grenade launcher. Only... I blew myself up. >.> The guy then drove back to his crew and I followed on foot back there, mowing down some of the crew as I plowed through the streets filled with cops. Finally I got into my car, called the guy I was defending, he got in and I tried to drive away but I crewmate killed us. I respawned some distance away, the other guy was quite a ways so I got in my car and drove! And as I drove up the street I heard explosions... A TANK WAS BEHIND ME! I drove fast with my car, turning around corners quickly and dodging the tank shells, finally I picked up my guy and I headed to my HQ underground as cops chased us since I shot my way to my car earlier. We both hid underground, safe from the crew.
The guy got out, so I did too, thinking he might like to run around a bit. Until... he blew us and my car up to smitherings! >_> With that I messaged with annoyance "mama mia -.-". The guy then asked if I like to have a pick of him.... I... what?! I knew where this was going... I replied "o_o Uhm... no thanks.", he then said "It huge." OH MY GAWD! HE REALLY WAS GONNA SEND ME A DICK PICK! NUUUUU! DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD:
I replied quickly to stop him before "it" happens! "I'M A DUDE! O_O" I just stood there so awkwardly for a few minutes. He didn't reply. Both of us just went along our business. And I went to a job to just move on from it.... Might not play this game for a bit.... (._______.)
It sounds like you enjoyed meeting her, i also met Melissa at Walker Stalker Con Atlanta in 2014 and i agree that she was really nice to talk to. I don't know how busy is was in New Jersey but in Atlanta Melissa's autograph table was very close to Norman Reedus's which made it difficult to talk to her at times due to the screaming fan girls :P
Psychonauts 2 has been announced
god is real
Luckily her and Norman were at completely opposite sides of the convention. In fact, I was like the first person on her line when she first showed up, there wasn't even anyone lined up at her table when I got there. When I was done she had a huge line of people waiting to see her though.
Oh, he's still around?
what kind of book were you reading im scared to ask
i liked ff Xiii
Very cool!
Season 3? Do tell
There's only so much she can say obviously, but she did say that Clem's story will continue.
It's actually not anything bad, it's called Pieces Of Me. It's pretty good so far.
still waiting for the release date of Beyond Good and Evil 2
Wow, that's gonna be tough to work with the six endings. Still, pretty cool news!
I keep getting annhilated by ninjas in Kefka's Tower. Someone help.
Wow, just wow....this is probably the most arrogant saying I've ever read. This is coming from an angry Star Wars EU fanboy who primarily rants on how Disney is a horrible company that's ruining Star Wars, killing the franchise, and churning out nothing but rubbish. He's also apparently dead serious about not seeing Episode 7 and he's boycotting Disney for ruining the EU.
I don't even....I've seen a lot of this crap in the Star Wars fandom and it's's an awful divide between fanbases and it's just a complete mess.
I honestly don't know if I really want to be a Star Wars fan anymore.
This guy again....
Yesterday was my birthday, but today it's Finland's independence day, 98 years of freedom, thanks to our veterans.
Instead of putting our national anthem here, I'll let you hear something else that had a huge part of our country becoming independent. You'll also see some of our nature in the video. Yes, we have shitloads of forests and lakes. And I love it.
enter link description here
I'm actually more intrigued now than I was before. I was never really interested in the whole 'turn-based' style and wasn't really... well... BORN when this game was released. I've never played it and maybe I'll give it a go (right after FF15)
I find it hilarious that there are so many more Rhyiona shippers than Rhysha shippers, but Telltale seems to support Rhysha so much more than Rhyiona :P
Eh, if I remember in game with the choices a lot more people picked the option to ship Rhys and Sasha, but on the forums I'd say the Rhyionas are definitely the majority.
My parents are playing the Wii lol
Me too, it's still not cancelled according to Ubisoft so it might happen, maybe, just hoping, if Ubisoft released it and it was good I would stop hating them forever because I don't really care about any of their other franchises anymore so they can fuck them up as much as they like now.
Eh... It's understandable, I mean I don't support it nor do I care about what's cannon and what isn't so long as the stuff I like still exists and is available, but do keep in mind they did cancel all the ongoing series of EU comics, books and games and a few of them didn't get proper endings which is a bit of a dick move considering they do have the rights to EU stuff and even if it's no longer canon they could finish the stories to satisfy fans of that universe, and in his defence the whole 1 Star Wars Movie per year thing that Disney wants to do does seem rather excessive.
But anyway that's what happens when someone decides to do a new thing by destroying the old stuff, and to be fair this is an issue the Star Wars fanbase has had for a long time since the prequels created a lot of divide too, in any case just like what you like about Star Wars and ignore what other people think of it, other people's feelings on it shouldn't affect your own.
That's only on the forums here though :P
Again, no need to make a thread for this, blah blah blah. You know.
Okay, So I need like as many Silent Hill fans as I possibly can get on this post. In Silent Hill 2, there's a song purely made for ambiance that plays directly after some of the cutscenes, and doesn't end until you leave the room, it's very peaceful, very soothing, and it plays after a lot of the Maria or Laura scenes. The problem is, I don't know the name, but I know that it is super techno, I know exactly the theme, I know how it sounds, and it's annoying me as it's BURNING in the back of my head, but I simply don't know it. And the only possible way I can figure it out is replaying Silent Hill 2 all the way through, pinpointing the exact cutscenes where this song comes from, consulting the soundtrack afterwards, and then listening to the song. Which is something I don't have the time, nor patience for. And I'm already depressed enough, why would I want to play a game that makes me feel sad 70% of the time? So my question is this, WHAT THE FUCK IS THE NAME OF THAT SONG?
I wonder why...
I made the first organized shipping thread where we rallied as a group to canonize our ship, Rhysha's didn't make a thread till a few weeks after.
There's a phrase for this... If I could only remember it...
I suppose since today is the anniversary of Pearl Harbor, here's some ole' fashioned patriotism.
But really, though. This is pretty damn beautiful.
enter link description here
My family have lost another relative to cancer today. My aunt had passed away almost two year ago in spite of being told by the doctors that she had the cancer removed, and my Nan was alive until early in the morning, having battled her own ordeals of mental deterioration due to old age.
The year 2013 and 2015 have not been kind to us. But in the end, we have to move forward, even if 2016 plans to take another of our relatives from us.
This dude said booty is more important than water. So fucking a man in the ass is more important than basic bodily needs LMAO that is by far the gayest shit I ever heard.
enter link description here
Yeah, fucking hilarious. I'm serious though, so unoriginal memes are greatly frowned upon at the moment.
My dog while listening to Snoop Doggy Dogg
Sorry trouble uploading pictures
You ever seen Boondocks? This dude shows up in a episode, and Good Lord, it's amazing.
You can eat the booty, so yes, booty is important.
"Chris, I like ya and I want ya. Now, we can either do this the easy way, or the hard way."
God that episode is hilarious.
Got a new story of my GTA Adventures! I haven't played much since my crew kinda went nowhere so there wasn't much interest. Although I did one day do some roleplaying as James Bond so it got me back into it for a bit. This story here happened yesterday.
It was a calm, relaxing autumn in Los Santos. Taking a stroll in my Carla Faust persona instead, I finally finished a mission from earlier and just arrived in a new session. As always I check the notifications of any action, one guy was getting killed by multiple names, so I checked my map and saw that he was fighting four crewmates on his own in the uptown area by the auto shop. Decided to help even the odds a bit, started the ignition of my Turismo R and sped across Los Santos, and arrived in the area. Taking advantage of the crew being distracted I climbed up to the roof of the huge building, took position with my heavy sniper and set my sights on the enemy crew, checking the names to be extra certain. Soon enough I found my first target and took him down as he approached the lone fighter, two were at the auto shop and I used my RPG to take down. I heard the crew clamoring in surprise of my presence, focusing on the radar I pinpointed another and killed on the left street. The guy I was protecting died a few times in the gun fight. I noticed one down the street and began to aim until I got killed by his sniper rifle. I respawned close to them on the open street, took out my special carbine and started mowing them down. I needed to find cover so I ran up to the alley by the parking lot and auto shop, running with my adrenaline pumping, all four were chasing after me and I took cover behind a wall on the other end of the alley. I shot down 3 of them and ran up behind a building wall closer to the other. Cops got in my way so I killed them, I saw the player peak out and shot at him but he blew me up.
Soon after I spawned down into a street near the building I sniped on, two guys from auto shop were coming towards me in a alley with a wall in between. I took cover by an apartment and quickly mowed down both of them, taking cover and rolling to survive. The two guys exclaimed in shock of how I lived. I ran down across the street, as my car was near there and so was the guy I was defending getting attacked by one of the crew. I took cover as I saw one follow me. We both took cover and fired at each other whenever we popped out, soon enough we killed each other and another tried to flank me with a car but I was already dead. lol Then I spawned north of the area, one began chasing me by car down an alley of apartments, throwing bombs but I took him down quickly. I then began running back to the area when the same guy came after me, wewere both behind cover and I decided to use my grenade launcher. Only... I blew myself up. >.> The guy then drove back to his crew and I followed on foot back there, mowing down some of the crew as I plowed through the streets filled with cops. Finally I got into my car, called the guy I was defending, he got in and I tried to drive away but I crewmate killed us. I respawned some distance away, the other guy was quite a ways so I got in my car and drove! And as I drove up the street I heard explosions... A TANK WAS BEHIND ME! I drove fast with my car, turning around corners quickly and dodging the tank shells, finally I picked up my guy and I headed to my HQ underground as cops chased us since I shot my way to my car earlier. We both hid underground, safe from the crew.
The guy got out, so I did too, thinking he might like to run around a bit. Until... he blew us and my car up to smitherings! >_> With that I messaged with annoyance "mama mia -.-". The guy then asked if I like to have a pick of him.... I... what?! I knew where this was going... I replied "o_o Uhm... no thanks.", he then said "It huge." OH MY GAWD! HE REALLY WAS GONNA SEND ME A DICK PICK! NUUUUU! DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD:
I replied quickly to stop him before "it" happens! "I'M A DUDE! O_O" I just stood there so awkwardly for a few minutes. He didn't reply. Both of us just went along our business. And I went to a job to just move on from it.... Might not play this game for a bit.... (._______.)
Excuse me as I lie down...