Ok so I know people get annoyed with ships, but I couldn't help but find myself shipping people as follows:
Rodrik-Beska: even though I do like Rodrik with Elaena, the glances Rodrik and Beska share are very emotional
Asher-Amaya (FUCK GWYN)
Mira-Morgwyn (that is, until he turns out to be a total douchebag)
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Gared and Mira (when both of them were in Ironrath)
I can't see it yet because there have been no scenes with them together yet
That is the reason. I like the idea of them together before they departed Ironrath
Lol, I do too....
I feel sorry for the Mirgryn shippers.
Andros and Lyman Lannister. (Lydros)
Asher and Forrester soldier #167
Yea I completely shipped Mirgryn. I genuinely was taken aback and surprised that he turned out to be the one after us. Before that, I was like "yes there's an option to pretend to be his lover!!" And even when he brushed us off him, I thought "ok he's just doing that to protect himself which is understandable" only to end up having him be little bitch. But then when he showed up in the cell, I thought he had a change of heart and was going to help Mira escape. Wrong again. Little bitch stayed little bitch. Definitely did not have Mira marry him
Lol some of these responses are just gold
WARNING; Big list incoming:
Now that I think of it, my list is not that big xP
It's bigger than most... XD
Hehe RodrikxArthur for that Easter egg scene at highpoint I would ship them for xp
Wait, I also forgot:
Damn, I'm such a shipping trash ;_;
You're just that one guy that just pairs everyone together and then thinks the same person could be good with everyone else too. :P
And GarJon is one of my favourite ships if not my favourite.
Yeah, I ship them cause of the Easter Egg. When I saw about it on Youtube, I was like: "FUCK IT! I FUCKING SHIP THEM! TELLTALE, MAKE IT CANON!"
And then episode 5 ruined Rodrik x Arthur ;-;
Oh god, don't remind me. Like that scene broke my heart because I loved Arthur so much and then he was so dead and oh my god the feels are back...
That happens mostly for me in GoT. In other Telltale games, not so much ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Yeah, even with what Jon said about Gared in episode 6, I will still ship them forever till both of them die.
Fair point. :P
My friend and I were so mad when he said that. We both said that the ship was dead to us... It didn't take to long before I really shipped it again and that was due to the fact I saw a gif of Jon smiling at Gared and, I just couldn't help myself.
And for the whole episode 6 thing, I'm just kinda thinking that Jon just got back found out about Gared and Frostfinger gave him some shit and then Jon vented and then immediately regretted what he said.
I actually didn't stop shipping it and started shipping it, again. I ship it once, I ship it forever. If I stop shipping it, I won't ship it for the rest of my life.
Yeah... :v I just love how Telltale ruins some of the ships, if not the most in Game of Thrones xD But in Tales... no, they ruin almost none
That's a very bold statement, I'll see in you in twenty years. Tell me if you think the same. :P (you probably will).
They just love Tales more than Thrones.
Everyone always loves Tales more. :P
Nah I'm just kidding but there definitely seems to be a pattern. Let us ship Telltale! You know what, it doesn't mater, we'll ship it anyway!
I actually should've said "I ship it once, I ship it till I forget about it and grow up" xD
Tfw I'm one of the few who loves Thrones more than Tales
Yeah, but at least they made one ship canon but not in the way we were expecting. (I fucking hate Mirgryn </3)
I love Thrones so much that after playing episode 5 of Tales I still just talked about Thrones with my friend, we barely even talked about Tales. XD
I remember a time I shipped it but I knew when I saw him in episode 6, it wasn't right then the ship was dead to me. I swore at Morgryn so much. XD
Yeah, I mostly want to talk about Thrones. Don't get me wrong, I like talking about Tales since it's my second favorite Telltale game but Thrones for me is my first priority.
I called him a two faced shit and I punched him in the prison. No regrets.
Don't forget Forrestorgy
(?) Everyone will try to forget about that.
At least Mirgryn is canon. You can't say the same about Mom
I thought it was called 'Tira'
It would be twice as long with the TFTB ships.
Well, on TFTBL I ship these:
So yeah, it would...
Didn't realize Gared was such a player.
Tira sucks. Mom is better.
Gared's gonna attract all the guys and girls
Oh yeah. And all the bacon.
I mean, who could resist that face?
Even the wights wanted Gared ;^)
I still think that 'Tira' is better than 'Mom'
Nope, Mom is love Mom is life!
EDIT: Wait what? I don't ship it! Sigh Just ignore this reply.
Yeah, I don't ship it either, Tom is out of Mira's league.