I've been playing Telltale games since BTTF.. but I don't remember posting a comment.
I really don't know who I look like!!
I need a haircut I know
I've been playing Telltale games since BTTF.. but I don't remember posting a comment.
I really don't know who I look like!!
I need a haircut I know
Ok, I haven't given a photo on the forums before, so be gentle! Haha
(Also don't judge me for my hair I need a haircut ok)
^ My angry face when I see sexism/racism/homophobia on teh forumz.
You tell me, I have no clue. Some said that I kinda looked like that Bioshock gall
Ok, I haven't given a photo on the forums before, so be gentle! Haha
(Also don't judge me for my hair I need a haircut ok)
^ My angry face when I see sexism/racism/homophobia on teh forumz.
I'd imagine you're what Asher looked like back when he was younger (Pre-Essos).
Are your eyes green or blue? And are you a dirty blonde perhaps or a brunette?
Been told i kinda look like Drogon , now i don't know if it's true but you guys tell me...
Please don't judge the pic of me , wasn't feeling good this day..
Neither was Drogon apparently ;D
I think I look a lot like Tom from the game, he has lighter eyes.
I've been playing Telltale games since BTTF.. but I don't remember posting a comment.
I really don't know who I look like!!
I need a haircut I know
You sort of look like this dude who is with Dany during the show at times -
As far as the game, I don't think you look like anybody :P
Nice stache. Musketeeresque
wow perfect.
I didn't see this coming, but thanks bro anyway
Yea I thought about keeping it for a while
Definitely a younger Rodrik, with Gared's hair.
My 14 year old son is the spitting image of Brandon Stark if he had auburn hair.
Ygritte male version.
No idea. I don't think I look like anyone from GoT. You tell me.
Yara Greyjoy?
Cool I like Yara
Holy fucking shit.
That scar though.
You actually look a bit like Lady Forrester
loved that scene.
You look like Lynna Stark from the second picture.
Holy fuck, that's literally ASHER!
been told I look like Daenerys Targary

What do you think? > http://www.thefandomcorner.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/daenerys-targary)en.jpg
I think you look a little bit like Robb Stark
I'd imagine you're what Asher looked like back when he was younger (Pre-Essos).
Are your eyes green or blue? And are you a dirty blonde perhaps or a brunette?
I don't think they can make their mind up. They're bluey-green. :P
And the hair is light brown I suppose, borderline dirty blonde maybe?
Ahhhhh, your eyes are so cool!
Been told i kinda look like Drogon , now i don't know if it's true but you guys tell me...
Please don't judge the pic of me , wasn't feeling good this day..
Neither was Drogon apparently ;D
You're hot af man.
I guess I kind of look like Tommen? I guess? right? maybe?
I look like a younger Rodrik without the scars and the beard.
Why, hello!
Pics or it's not true