Your favourite moments in the game?

Just wondering what some of your favourite moments were throughout the season. I don't mean like entire sequences, such as say, standing up to Gryff, I mean just little moments within them. Such as:
- Mira refusing Mogryn's proposal. "You will never have Ironrath. AND YOU WILL NEVER HAVE ME!"
- Gared when he lets Britt have his sword back after having been disarmed. "Take your sword, when you die, you'll know you weren't good enough!"
- Rodrik shouting "THE NORTH REMEMBERS!" before Royland, his Sentinel, swoops in to save him from those crossbowmen in Ep6. "You must survive, Rodrik. For the house. For all of us!" I just love the relationship between Rodrik and his Sentinel, be it Duncan or Royland. And this scene is so good at showing the culmination of that.
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Every moment with Gared. ^.^
But I guess if I was to be more specific, a favourite moment would be when he gets angry with Britt.
And favourite moments that aren't to do with Gared are every moment with Asher and every moment with his grin... Look, I have a lot of favourite moments but most of them lie with Gared and Asher. :P
Everytime Asher cracked a smile/grin
My love!
Let's see.....
Ethan: When he tells Ramsay to take him as hostage instead of Talia and dies for it.
Rodrik: When he comforts Talia after Ethan's death. When Talia teases him saying the dogs wouldn't stop howling last time he sang! When he won over Elaena's betrothal. When he promises Elaena that she's not alone and he is here for her. When he called Ludd's bluff and forced him to stand down at Highpoint, before taking his head two episodes later.
Mira: When she turns Lyman against Andros by being KIND and UNDERSTANDING. When she holds her own against Morgryn. When she steals the Ironwood decree from Tyrion's room.
Gared: His banter with Sylvi and his bromancing with Jon Snow- I actually told him I would rather have him by my side! When he manages to persuade the Grovers to trust him.
Asher: When he spares Bloodsong and tells the pit fighters to wake the Hell up because they are worth more than someone's entertainment.
My favourite moments in no particular order:
Every Mira scene <3333
Also my most favorite moment in the game is this:
And then later...
My precious cinnamon roll <33333333333333
Mira's death scene
We have a lot to talk about... >.>
Best episode overall was episode 4. (above moments are in no particular order)
You fuck potatoes?
R.I.P. potato fucker ;(
He will be missed </3
I won't miss him.
(?) Everyone will try to forget about that.
(?) They better remember it.
(?) But they won't though...
[?] Silence is not a valid option.
I Love when say "Iron From Ice" Every...Single...Moment.
Gared - Cutting out Cotter's heart and squeezing the blood into the fire. Disturbing, had great music, and was very uncomfortable.
Ethan - Standing up to Ramsay Snow. RAMSAY FUCKING SNOW. THIS GUY:
Asher - The ambush in Ironrath. The chaos, the cutting Ludd's face, the watching Gryff burn alive ("Shut the fuck up!"). SUCH a great scene.
Rodrik - His fight with Ludd. This is even better than Asher vs Gryff, since the tension between Rodrik and Ludd had been brewing since The Lost Lords. Ludd seemed much more intimidating and competent than Gryff, so the whole scene was far more worrying. I squealed like a little girl when Rodrik got the upper hand. As for the beheading, it was such a clean slice, really pleasing to the eye.
Who doesn't fuck potatoes?
-Gregor and Ethan's funeral
-Rodrik standing up to Gryff
-Rodrik calling Ludd's bluff at the meeting
-Asher's death
-Royland saying to Rodrik he must survive in ep6
-Mira saying to Andros ''don't be so bloody dramatic, coz I'm just getting started''
-Gared killing Britt
-Rodrik killing Gryff
My favorite moment honestly was when you could literly feel the change in Gared after cotters death.
Good point, Gared.
Killing Gryff In Rodriks version of episode 6
Maiming Gryff
Asher Beating the Shit out of that Whitehill Soldier in Asher' s version of Episode 6
Mira' s Smirk towards Lord Andros
When we got to meet Jon Snow.
The dinner sequence at Highpoint (especially of you attack them)
In no particular order: