Gared x Josera Thread
So you got these two handsome men. Don't lie to me, you've seen the looks they've given each other.
Perfect for eachother right?
The ship has set sail!
By Kateis
By Winter-Storms
By IronWoodLover
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Good man.
Green and Pipas what have you done
enter link description here
I ship it.
Are you happy now, Brodester?
I want more. Dance for me.
Thanks, baby
I like your clothesline.
Mr Bean is a classic
True that.
Here's something for you shippers, I'm not entirely sure if I ship it myself but here you go anyway.
It's beautiful :0
Thank you, I worked hard on it... All of ten minutes was spent on this. :P
Very good. Will there be some fanfiction?
Well, a while ago I did start writing some stuff, so maybe, it's possible. It could have some humour to it or it could be a bit more serious. I don't know right now.
I want.
Serious or humorous? This is an important step.
So do you want it in my style that I do on the Assoldier thread? Just to clarify.
It's your fanfic, do what you want.
I'll see what I can do!
I don't ship them. Come on guys this is the north ! I ship Gared and Elsera
Damn cold
Blame @Wolfenus54. he was gonna make an Elsera x Gared thread but he didn't.
Damn hot.
That crisp air, it felt so fresh, so clean. It was something Gared had missed, with so much death around, smells became conflicted but the village area only ever had a fresh smell to it. Gared felt the need to hog the stairs again BECAUSE THEY ARE HIS STAIRS HE CAN DO WHAT HE WANTS... Uh, um... He blocked the entrance but it didn't matter because it's Gared and therefore he can sit there all day if he likes. Josera was busy doing some Josera stuff (what? I don't know what he does, I don't want to come up with something either I'm too tired and too awake for that) he made his way over to Gared who was still blocking the stairs.
Josera: Do you enjoy blocking the way, observing that knife...?
Gared: No, I just want to wait for the next attack. I'm keeping at the ready, I'm taking no risks.
Josera: We have constant defences, why do you need to sit here and wait?
Gared: Someone needs to keep an eye out, I wouldn't want you getting hurt.
Josera: Aww, that's cute.
Gared: It is isn't it?
Gared smiled at Josera briefly before returning to the knife, he traced the edges with his finger and gave it a longing look.
Josera: What is it with you and that knife?
He stared off into the distance, he looked empty inside, as if something had been taking out of him, crushed and burned until nothing was left.
Gared: I cut my friend open with it, it scares me a little. I have this knife by my side all the time, yet it is the thing that sliced my friend clean open.
Josera: Well, you did that.
Gared: I haven't been the same since, I think I went too far.
Josera: Even though I don't think it was right, it was your judgement. In the end you did what you had to, what you thought you needed to, to protect The North Grove. That is your mission and you have only honoured that.
Gared: Aye.
Gared smiled once more, his eyes suddenly had some life to them again. Josera was allowing him to be him even when he did the unspeakable.
Keep doing this
@Kateis I accidentally didn't reply.
Well done! XD You did it!
But anyway, I think I will. I just have to decide where it is going to go. :P
What have I done wrong?
He might. He better not, the prick.
Honestly this thread has made me hope someone will make a Gared x Elsera thread XD I'm happy for you guys though.