There's nothing to add, I did say 'meh' after all.
Well if you insist, I'm beginning to wonder why there hasn't been any yaoi fanart (unlike Tweek x Craig from South Park) - I'm half certain both Gared x Josera and Asher x 167 have a predominately female fanbase, but still no real fan art for wither aside from second class photoshops (not that I don't find them hilarious, but in this state they'll remain little more than a joke rather than something to be taken seriously).
There's nothing to add, I did say 'meh' after all.
Well if you insist, I'm beginning to wonder why there hasn't been any yaoi fanart (unl… moreike Tweek x Craig from South Park) - I'm half certain both Gared x Josera and Asher x 167 have a predominately female fanbase, but still no real fan art for wither aside from second class photoshops (not that I don't find them hilarious, but in this state they'll remain little more than a joke rather than something to be taken seriously).
There's nothing to add, I did say 'meh' after all.
Well if you insist, I'm beginning to wonder why there hasn't been any yaoi fanart (unl… moreike Tweek x Craig from South Park) - I'm half certain both Gared x Josera and Asher x 167 have a predominately female fanbase, but still no real fan art for wither aside from second class photoshops (not that I don't find them hilarious, but in this state they'll remain little more than a joke rather than something to be taken seriously).
There's nothing to add, I did say 'meh' after all.
Well if you insist, I'm beginning to wonder why there hasn't been any yaoi fanart (unl… moreike Tweek x Craig from South Park) - I'm half certain both Gared x Josera and Asher x 167 have a predominately female fanbase, but still no real fan art for wither aside from second class photoshops (not that I don't find them hilarious, but in this state they'll remain little more than a joke rather than something to be taken seriously).
I just made myself look like an idiot.
XD no you didn't ^_^
I would really appreciate some fanart from you
I just realised that this thread hasn't had nearly as much love as it should have!
I- Is that good enough? P- Plea- Please stop holding that gun to my head... Ok! I'll continue...
I mean I'm still unsure on whether I ship it but I gotta support it for scientific purposes...
Does that sound ok? Real-
You saved the thread! xD
This fanart is saying
"Suck it Gared x Elsera shippers!"
Dayum, that's hawt af tbh ;3
Just a regular day in the North Grove
now these shipping threads are officially a running gag....
They're AnOfficialRunningGag..... Maybe.
OTP, seeing as Jon decided to be a little rude.
there is now, fite me.
◕ ‿ ◕
fites u
Meh... not as popular as Asher x Random Forrester Soldier 167.
There's nothing to add, I did say 'meh' after all.
Well if you insist, I'm beginning to wonder why there hasn't been any yaoi fanart (unlike Tweek x Craig from South Park) - I'm half certain both Gared x Josera and Asher x 167 have a predominately female fanbase, but still no real fan art for wither aside from second class photoshops (not that I don't find them hilarious, but in this state they'll remain little more than a joke rather than something to be taken seriously).
You know the so called "second class photoshops" are also considered real art.
The definition of art:
the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination.
Why do they have to be hand-drawn to actually be considered real fanart?
Thanks for being proud of our art mother.
I love you
Love ya too

I would intrude your anus.....
In a good way of course.
I'm sorry.
I'm your mother!
I thought we were Forrester not Lannister! xD
We're none of those we're Asssoldier. You see what I'm getting at?
I can see where we get the Ass from.
Still no butt sex with your mother.
Do that with your brother. xD @Wolfenus54
Ugh fine but he's already getting too loose.
Mother.... ;-;
No, please... ;_;