The Vent/Help Thread



  • edited December 2015

    My best friend of 15 years is moving away in 2 weeks, and I saw her for the last time for possibly forever tonight.

    That is pretty hard to deal with, but hey, there is always skype. From my personal experience, skype is a very good way to stay in touch with friends living far away.:]

    Professors still haven't put any grades into the grade book, so I don't know what I made in all 4 of my classes.

    I know exactly how you teachers haven't posted any of my grades either, the suspense is killing me haha.:S

    But hey. I'm still alive. And I'm back, not that anyone gives a flying flip.

    I know we haven't talked in a while, (I don't seem to ever be online when you are lol) but I'm really glad you're back, and I sincerely hope that things are going well for you. You're such a sweet person, and you are always so kind to everyone, but it's very important that you remember to be kind to yourself, too! Again, I know we haven't talked much lately, but don't think that means I don't care. I'm just kind of horrible at keeping in touch with people online lol. You're one of my favorite people on the forums, and you definitely deserve happiness, Hollay, don't ever forget that.:]

    enter image description here

    Let's see where to start.... My best friend of 15 years is moving away in 2 weeks, and I saw her for the last time for possibly forever t

  • enter image description here

    I can't help but feel constantly cringey with myself, even if it's little things I just did, said,

    What's the difference between doing something cool and doing something cringy?


    When you interact and cringe the other person will instantly sense your doubt within yourself and feel arkward. You also should realize the other person wants to impress you as well they may cringe at themselves to so applying such pressure to yourself affects the atmosphere.

    I try to smile after I say something cringe or laugh and other person seems to always do the same I always make sure my body language makes the other person feel at ease if you tense up act really nervous and cringe people will generally reflect you and feel nervous and cringe no matter what you say because they are getting that message off you subconsciously that something is wrong.

    Say stuff with a smile don't pressure yourself then people will never cringe because they can't sense the doubt within you in the situation and feel the positive energy you talking with making them feel at ease and have fun.

    Anyway could go on for ages in your case I seen ur pic your cute girl add in smile and laugh whenever you feel cringe with something you did and said and all that cringe will instantly turn to adorable/cute to people

    If mean like just cringing at yourself just relax and enjoy yourself we all make mistakes and say stupid stuff sometimes accept this and laugh at the mistakes they make you human life would be so boring without cringe

    or whether when Tumblr lashed out at me for no reason,

    If tumblr is not offended at something you said something is very very wrong this not a bad thing stay educated, tumblr biggest weakness will always be reality, logic and education :P

    good luck :)

    lottii-lu posted: »

    I can't help but feel constantly cringey with myself, even if it's little things I just did, said, or whether when Tumblr lashed out at me for no reason, even though I know I didn't do shit I can't help but cringe at those times.

  • enter image description here

    Thank you and you're a smart girl I'm not worried at all you're destined for amazing things good luck :)

    You're too kind. And nah I'm sure I'm gonna have 2 A's and 2 B's, but hey, I just want to keep my GPA above a 3.0 which is where I'm at with my current grades! lol I'm glad you're doing good, that makes me happy.

  • You are correct because perception is reality meaning no matter how a statement is the situation or the circumstance by stating this it shows you believe it making it thee truth your creating a destiny for yourself within such upsetting boundarres.

    I read yesterday a lot of mental illnesses comes from negative feelings about ourselves meaning being so hard on ourselves is doing so much damage

    For me something as simple as having a family, an education, full functioning body and shelter makes me feel so lucky and happy I just looked at documentary about being paralyzed I'm so lucky to have to never have to experience that etc.

    My best achievements all started with belief in myself I find belief magically it's that dream that never quits and that fire inside that wants to prove you are something more. While negative belief stops you from ever achieving your dreams always holds you down let it go let yourself day dream again without belief in yourself success is impossible.

    I know sounds stupid but a positive attitude is the answer use all this anger and disappointment to fuel your desire to succeed

    You say your a loser but all success is born from lose to find the recipe for success I use to as young kid fail all my grades and never make my local team now I'm top of both because losing is important to build character to learn the recipe for success and learn the value of winning and gives you the hunger to succeed.

    Iife always gets better these hard moments build strength I learned my most valuable lessons at hard times, learned how to be happy and appreciate my life in my darkest and deepest depression.

    You are amazing and a winner you must believe this and fight for this everyday and it will come true be your biggest fan enjoy life bro

    enter image description here

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    I don't have much to say, but all I have to say is life f***ing suck doesn't it? Seriously I hate it man and I'm not good at anything and am

  • wait what happened are you ok bro?

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Thanks guys

  • edited December 2015

    Yeah, not much- for the past week I've been feeling kinda shitty for no real reason and I don't know why.

    I've tried taking a run, tried playing video games, tried doing a bunch of stuff but I still just feel like I have a shitty attitude and I'm not really a "talking about my feelings guy" if you get that and a bunch of people I know complain about their problems all the time but I guess I just act like I'm fine...It's not as bad anymore but I kept either feeling pissed off, kind of depressed, or just tired and I didn't know why. I'll probably feel 100% after Christmas

    Markd4547 posted: »

    wait what happened are you ok bro?

  • I know the feel great to know instead of getting more depressed and hiding from this your trying to do different activities to find the answer to make you feel better this is awesome. I sometimes get down like this but your mentality is great and you already said you will feel 100% after Christmas so keep the aims positive you can already see the light at the end of the tunnel. Endure till the next happy moments your a smart and funny guy no doubt you will find the answer soon :)

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Yeah, not much- for the past week I've been feeling kinda shitty for no real reason and I don't know why. I've tried taking a run, tried

  • Yeah, we have skype. But it's just... kinda too hard to talk to her anymore already. She's not even gone and she is kinda shut down from our friend group, like I invited her to a party I'm having with family on a night she said she would be doing nothing and she said she couldn't come... Yeah, sure. :<

    LOL But it's ridiculous! I mean one of the classes was a historical research class, and the hardest class for anyone taking my major and the professor hasn't put a single grade in all semester. He's a great guy, but kinda behind on the technological times... :O But I'm glad to know I'm not alone.

    I know we haven't talked in a while, (I don't seem to ever be online when you are lol) but I'm really glad you're back, and I sincerely hope that things are going well for you. You're such a sweet person, and you are always so kind to everyone, but it's very important that you remember to be kind to yourself, too! Again, I know we haven't talked much lately, but don't think that means I don't care. I'm just kind of horrible at keeping in touch with people online lol. You're one of my favorite people on the forums, and you definitely deserve happiness, Hollay, don't ever forget that.:]

    Internet friendships and connections can be so fickle... I just know anyone one of us could suddenly drop off from this place one day and we might never get to talk to them ever again. I just don't want to have that happen anymore, too many people have left and are leaving in my life and it's just sad to know we don't get to have them with us forever... :< It's getting to the point where it's easier to shut down than it is to try and care anymore.

    But I care a lot about everyone here, I just know I'm not very well liked around here, considering who and what I am. I'm glad to know at least someone thinks I'm nice, I know I'm not always easy to talk with, but I care about the peeps in this community.

    And you're too kind. ;A; Thanks so much Tinni.

    enter image description here

    Tinni posted: »

    My best friend of 15 years is moving away in 2 weeks, and I saw her for the last time for possibly forever tonight. That is pretty h

  • edited December 2015

    Yeah, we have skype. But it's just... kinda too hard to talk to her anymore already. She's not even gone and she is kinda shut down from our friend group, like I invited her to a party I'm having with family on a night she said she would be doing nothing and she said she couldn't come... Yeah, sure. :<

    It sounds to me that she is so focused on entering a new chapter in her life, that she is forgetting to think about how her actions and decisions are affecting others. It's likely she's doing this without knowing, people often act like that for reasons having everything to do with themselves and nothing to do with other people. Still, it is a bit insensitive and thoughtless of her, considering you guys have been friends for so long. I hope you guys can sort things out, but if it turns out that she is deliberately cutting much as it hurts, it's best for you to move on and focus on where you want to be in life. Remember the good times you had together fondly, but try not to dwell on the negative, wondering what you did wrong to cause her to act like this. It very well may have nothing to do with you, and she's just too caught up in her own life. Personally, the way I think about it whenever a friend and I are drifting apart, is that you never truly lose friends, you just learn who your real friends are.

    LOL But it's ridiculous! I mean one of the classes was a historical research class, and the hardest class for anyone taking my major and the professor hasn't put a single grade in all semester. He's a great guy, but kinda behind on the technological times... :O But I'm glad to know I'm not alone.

    ikr?? I mean, I emailed all my teachers almost 2 weeks ago asking when they're going to post grades online, and they told me that they would be posted very soon. It's nearly Christmas..what the hell is their definition of "soon"?? D:

    Internet friendships and connections can be so fickle... I just know anyone one of us could suddenly drop off from this place one day and we might never get to talk to them ever again. I just don't want to have that happen anymore, too many people have left and are leaving in my life and it's just sad to know we don't get to have them with us forever... :< It's getting to the point where it's easier to shut down than it is to try and care anymore.

    Agreed, it is sad that people aren't always meant to stay in your life forever, but that's just how it goes sometimes. I'm not sure if it will ever get easier. And I know it's incredibly cheesy to say, but they may not be able to stay in your life forever, but they can stay in your heart forever. Really corny, but I wholeheartedly believe that is true. A friendship ending, whether it be online or offline, can hurt quite a lot, but it is so very important that we don't let it bring us down, nor let it slow us down in moving forward in our own lives. Try not to let it make you jaded or cynical about people in general, because there are billions of people out there, our bad experiences with people don't account for the whole population, and chances are, there are lots of people who understand exactly how you feel. Also, I can tell you have a really good heart, specifically because you care so much. And I can see why it seems easier to just not care anymore, but do you know just how rare it is for people to stay optimistic and kindhearted in spite of the shitty things that have happened in life? Pretty damn rare, and people who are capable of that are extremely strong and admirable, and I just know that is who you are deep down, Hollay. Trust me, I've got a sixth sense about this kind of stuff.:]

    But I care a lot about everyone here, I just know I'm not very well liked around here, considering who and what I am. I'm glad to know at least someone thinks I'm nice, I know I'm not always easy to talk with, but I care about the peeps in this community.

    enter image description here

    I hope you don't mind my saying so, but I think you're way too hard on yourself sometimes. Lots of people like you on here, I don't see why anyone wouldn't like you. You're not a troll, you're not rude, cruel, or mean. You don't get into heated debates often, (unlike me lol) in fact, you're one of the nicest people here. And if there are people who are mean to you on here, don't take it personally. People who are deliberately cruel to others (especially online) without provocation tend to be very insecure with themselves, and only want to make other people feel as badly as they do. Don't even give them the satisfaction, they aren't worth your time. (Personally, I've started to take it as a compliment if someone takes the time out of their day to send me a hateful comment lol.)

    And you're too kind. ;A; Thanks so much Tinni.

    Aw shucks, you're the one who is too kind! And no problem, it's been so long since we've last talked, I've missed talking with ya! (As you can see from this really long post lol) My visits on here tend to be kind of sporadic lately, but if you ever want to talk some more, just hit me up in PM.:] And just in case we go long periods of time without talking again, let it be known that regardless of how often we talk, you will always be my friend.<3

    enter image description here

    (EDIT: typos~:P)

    Yeah, we have skype. But it's just... kinda too hard to talk to her anymore already. She's not even gone and she is kinda shut down from our

  • Just speculating here. If the last few times you've been with your friend, you've spent the whole time going into what a bad idea her decision is, that could be the reason why she's not too excited about seeing you again. If that's the case, and you get another chance, promise that you'll wish her the best no matter what happens, and you just want to make the most of your little time remaining to tear up the town one last time!

    I've also been planning to disappear from this place for a while, as Telltale stopped making the kinds of games that attracted me here. So far, I haven't been able to follow through. Too much interesting stuff going on.

    Yeah, we have skype. But it's just... kinda too hard to talk to her anymore already. She's not even gone and she is kinda shut down from our

  • enter image description here

    Lots of paragraphs full of intelligent advice and such kind genuine words, Hollay and Tinni are just amazing people since I knew them here always I can't remember any bad moments involving either person, On a side note I always loved reading tinni comments always a intelligent, thought provoking and kind responses always sticks up for her opinions too the longer the posts the better for me great reads

    I never really get a chance to say this to tinni but big fan keep being awesome XD and Hollay same keep being awesome of course we all adore you here :P

    Tinni posted: »

    Yeah, we have skype. But it's just... kinda too hard to talk to her anymore already. She's not even gone and she is kinda shut down from our

  • edited December 2015

    I've also been planning to disappear from this place for a while, as Telltale stopped making the kinds of games that attracted me here. So far, I haven't been able to follow through. Too much interesting stuff going on.

    enter image description here

    I hope you don't leave you always remind me of Yoda because I never see you post much but whenever I see you post you always post the most intelligent advice or smart observation. Like each post is a bit of much needed piece of wisdom and advice wherever it's needed, When there is a disturbance in the force/forum WarpSpeed always appears

    This all sounds insane I will now stop XD

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Just speculating here. If the last few times you've been with your friend, you've spent the whole time going into what a bad idea her decis

  • edited December 2015

    On a side note I always loved reading tinni comments always a intelligent, thought provoking and kind responses always sticks up for her opinions too the longer the posts the better for me great reads

    I never really get a chance to say this to tinni but big fan keep being awesome XD

    enter image description here

    Oh wow, I don't know what else I can say other than thank you so much for the compliments.:] And good to know that someone likes my essay posts haha.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Lots of paragraphs full of intelligent advice and such kind genuine words, Hollay and Tinni are just amazing people since I knew them here a

  • I always enjoy your essay posts too. You're one of the few people that actually goes so far in depth with their replies and I like that.

    Tinni posted: »

    On a side note I always loved reading tinni comments always a intelligent, thought provoking and kind responses always sticks up for her opi

  • Thank you so much, though I think my essay posts veer towards incessant rambling more often than not lol. Nevertheless, I'm always glad to hear that people enjoy reading them.:]

    I always enjoy your essay posts too. You're one of the few people that actually goes so far in depth with their replies and I like that.

  • Well, nice to know that someone would miss me! You're one of the interesting ones, by the way. :)

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I've also been planning to disappear from this place for a while, as Telltale stopped making the kinds of games that attracted me here. So f

  • Christmas Eve, probably the worst day of the year for your oven to explode.

  • Aww I feel ya. Our microwave is broken and our sink is leaking. Not a good Christmas Eve for my dad since he is the one who has to fix it. :P

    Christmas Eve, probably the worst day of the year for your oven to explode.

  • I hope no injuries occurred! :<

    Christmas Eve, probably the worst day of the year for your oven to explode.

  • Aw unlucky, it's typical that everything has to break at Christmas. Love the username by the way :)

    Aww I feel ya. Our microwave is broken and our sink is leaking. Not a good Christmas Eve for my dad since he is the one who has to fix it. :P

  • Thank you, wasn't too bad just a loud bang and a lot of smoke.

    I hope no injuries occurred! :<

  • So I get a PS4, I was so hype for it. My verification E-Mail will not send, though. I guess Lizard Squad (a team of hackers) are attacking PSN and Xbox Live all Christmas to encourage families to get together and whatnot. I don't fully disagree with what they're doing, but it's not right because most of the time for me I bond my best while I game with my family members (mostly my cousins) so now I have nothing to do until my family comes over for Christmas dinner...

  • Steam down to I want to buy something so annoying choosing Christmas is just evil and they keep doing it I hope they get caught and get heavy fines or prison tbh

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    So I get a PS4, I was so hype for it. My verification E-Mail will not send, though. I guess Lizard Squad (a team of hackers) are attacking P

  • Wow, I didn't know one F could drop a GPA so much! Of course when the course is unusually high in terms of credit hours (5) that should be expected. I went from a 3.9 to a 3.4 even with getting A+ in my other 4 courses. Stupid student advisor telling me to take the fail so I could have financial assistance next semester. I should have just taken the B- and paid for the course myself (since I plan on paying for the course myself anyways!). Ah well, hindsight is blah blah blah. I just feel so bad staring at that F on my transcript. . .

  • Nah, whenever they catch one of them they end up just offering them a job or giving them probation.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Steam down to I want to buy something so annoying choosing Christmas is just evil and they keep doing it I hope they get caught and get heavy fines or prison tbh

  • Thank you so much! And something will always break during Christmas. Lol

    Aw unlucky, it's typical that everything has to break at Christmas. Love the username by the way

  • i got this problem too a few months ago with my ps4 took 2 hours to send i wish this didnt need to be done it didnt for ps3 but it will send eventually

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    So I get a PS4, I was so hype for it. My verification E-Mail will not send, though. I guess Lizard Squad (a team of hackers) are attacking P

  • I know that must suck. :P I like how every time you get an A your GPA goes up like a point, but if you get an F your GPA drops dramatically.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Wow, I didn't know one F could drop a GPA so much! Of course when the course is unusually high in terms of credit hours (5) that should be e

  • My city has officially declared war on the poor

    The situation was always bad. We have a big homeless and drug problem here and both the local gov and county refuse to provide any services.

    Now, they've taken out ALL the public benches and locked the public restrooms. Our homeless are being denied both a place to sleep and the dignity of having a sanitary place to relieve themselves.

    They've camped out in front of the county building as a form of protest. The poor bastards have been reduced to sleeping on the sidewalk, pissing/shitting in public and picking fights just to get thrown in jail so they'll have a place to stay for the night. I went there yesterday and it was unimaginably bad. The place stinks of piss and shit, and the homeless there (some of whom I've worked with) just look absolutely miserable. It might be the most depressing thing I've ever seen in my life. If something doesn't change, people are going to get sick and die. It's not fair to the people who work in and around that building either, although I definitely sympathize with them less, since they're partially responsible.

    I've already written a letter to the editor demanding they set up a tent city with toilets. Other activists have started talking about radical, direct (illegal) action. We're definitely bringing this to the ACLU if the city doesn't act by Monday.

  • New Vegas is not as good as people say, it's actually pretty average. Wanted to get that off my chest for a long time.

  • I hate gaming on the pc.

  • edited January 2016

    That is disgrace

    But don't do anything illegal it plays into their hands they can lock up anyone who opposes their ideas and spin the press to call protesters savage making people no longer feel sympathy for your position on this and they can play this up as look at how violent the homeless and protestors are we are right at what we did.

    You are already on a side everyone can sympathize and agree with so in this way you have a strong case and will defining get backing from a lot of people.

    The most powerful thing you can do is keep this topic relevant create petitions, spread the news, create legal protests to be seen, post on social media and contract them through it. etc don't let them sweep this under the rug

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    My city has officially declared war on the poor The situation was always bad. We have a big homeless and drug problem here and both the

  • edited January 2016

    That's terribly sad. I hope some sort of arrangement can be made.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    My city has officially declared war on the poor The situation was always bad. We have a big homeless and drug problem here and both the

  • edited January 2016

    enter link description here

    who abuse an animal that badly wtf what must of happened to the poor dog

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited January 2016

    But don't do anything illegal it plays into their hands they can lock up anyone who opposes their ideas and spin the press to call protesters savage making people no longer feel sympathy for your position on this and they can play this up as look at how violent the homeless and protestors are we are right at what we did.

    I'm not too big on the idea, but people having discussing the possibility of helping the homeless squat or blowing up the bathroom doors. I'm arguing against it. Squatting especially is really dangerous because Florida has laws allowing people to shoot trespassers.

    You are already on a side everyone can sympathize and agree with so in this way you have a strong case and will defining get backing from a lot of people.

    Unfortunately no, this is not the case. This city, hell...the whole state. is so mean to the homeless. Even self-proclaimed "liberals" keep acting like it's all the homeless people's faults. Honestly, it feels like the only ones here who care about the homeless are me, a former homeless guy turned activist and some anarchists who run a vegan café downtown.

    most powerful thing you can do is keep this topic relevant create petitions, spread the news, create legal protests to be seen, post on social media and contract them through it. etc don't let them sweep this under the rug

    Too right. I've been putting out feelers and contacting anyone who might be interested. Trying to find a way to wake people up too.

    Thanks Mark, feels better just talking about it. I feel like this is going to be an epiphany for me somehow, I'm just not sure what kind of form it will take.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    That is disgrace But don't do anything illegal it plays into their hands they can lock up anyone who opposes their ideas and spin the pre

  • Yeah, me too. The city and county are at a pretty serious impasse over how it should be handled.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    That's terribly sad. I hope some sort of arrangement can be made.

  • looks like it found a good home. but that is heartbreaking.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    enter link description here who abuse an animal that badly wtf what must of happened to the poor dog

  • I feel pumped to start 2016 with a brand new story idea!

    The story mainly focuses the dynamic chemistry between two people with different tastes and perspectives. Likewise, the two gets together because the nearly see each other every day and the rest is history enter image description here

  • Cool. I love seeing how their different perspectives influence each other.

    I feel pumped to start 2016 with a brand new story idea! The story mainly focuses the dynamic chemistry between two people with different

  • No problem tbh I'm not the best with American politics you be much smarter and have much more refined ideas on what to do here and sounds like you're passionate enough about this and are determined to help the homeless thank you for helping those who need it don't give up the fight never give up bro :)

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    But don't do anything illegal it plays into their hands they can lock up anyone who opposes their ideas and spin the press to call protester

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