The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • enter image description here

    Hey, man, at least it's not Jesse X Reuben! [goes back to writing Rhoaderbot fan fiction]

  • TRAITOR!!!

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    So did the prequels :P And I'm shocked that people hate THOSE but liked THIS Traitors...

  • "I can get anything I want..."

    That doesn't sound like a rape threat to me...

    I don't even get it. Didn't he like threaten to rape her? "I can take anything I want..."

  • Ooops, it was "I can take anything I want..."

    And when I heard that, I took it that it was a veiled threat referring to her virginity. Then he does the weird force thing.

    papai46 posted: »

    "I can get anything I want..." That doesn't sound like a rape threat to me...

  • Everybody watch iZombie now! The freaking show is awesome man. Just finished watching the first season on netflix and I was surprised how good it was. Might just beat The Flash as my favorite show on the cw. Hard to believe how good a channel cw is these days. I remember when it used to just be a channel for teenage girls. Not that that is a bad thing. I'm just saying it has a bigger fanbase now.

  • I know it's a bit late, but happy 3 year anniversary @OzzyUK

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator
    edited January 2016

    Three years has gone quick :P

    Just out of interest i decided to go and find my first post on the forum and after a bit of searching i found it in this thread (closed to prevent bumping) dated January 6th 2013.

    enter image description here

    Edit: Doing a few extra searched on the internet archive website i found an even earlier post dated January 4th which you can see here archived in it's original format.

    enter image description here

    I know it's a bit late, but happy 3 year anniversary @OzzyUK

  • edited January 2016

    Blind man beats Zelda after 2 years of trying. This is beyond fucking awesome. Huge props to this guy I hope he keeps on playing and enjoying Zelda games.

    enter link description here

  • So, what's everyone got planned for 2016? I'm thinking of trying the One Punch Man workout, I've seen a few people online try it and they've had good results. Also probably going to start college.

  • y math homework when holidays whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :__:

  • I like turtles

  • edited January 2016

    I liked star wars vii

    also emo kylo ren twitter is funny

  • First of all, that's what the forums used to look like? Secondly, I want that shirt.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    Three years has gone quick :P Just out of interest i decided to go and find my first post on the forum and after a bit of searching i fou

  • Fucking finally<3 -41 degrees (celcius), been waiting for this. This is what winter is supposed to be.

  • I'm finally getting snow where I'm at, we usually gets ton but this is the first of the season.

    finlander posted: »

    Fucking finally<3 -41 degrees (celcius), been waiting for this. This is what winter is supposed to be.

  • No wonder the Soviets couldn't win the Winter War, you guys are fucking crazy.

    finlander posted: »

    Fucking finally<3 -41 degrees (celcius), been waiting for this. This is what winter is supposed to be.

  • Where I currently am, it's like 27 degrees Fahrenheit (about -2 degrees Celsius), and this has been the coldest day so far. What's worse is that on Christmas, it was like 60-70 degrees Fahrenheit, that's not normal.

    finlander posted: »

    Fucking finally<3 -41 degrees (celcius), been waiting for this. This is what winter is supposed to be.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Yeah, the forum did look like that :P

    I designed the shirt on zazzle with this shirt

    This is the "D" i used for the shirt if you want to make your own but i can't find the blood i used before.

    enter image description here

    First of all, that's what the forums used to look like? Secondly, I want that shirt.

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited January 2016

    Some protestors in Ferguson fight the cops and loot stores : "Muh private property is under attack by thugs! Call in the national guard!"

    Armed protestors in Oregon loot the commons, trespass on a government building and threaten to kill Feds? "They're patriots! Maybe if we ignore them, they'll stop..."

  • Dafuq? People outside of Finland know about winter war? They don't teach that in schools in most of the world, from what I've heard :-d

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    No wonder the Soviets couldn't win the Winter War, you guys are fucking crazy.

  • At least you got some, some folks don't get it at all :-P

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    I'm finally getting snow where I'm at, we usually gets ton but this is the first of the season.

  • I would probably wear a t-shirt if it was just -2 degrees :-D

    Where I currently am, it's like 27 degrees Fahrenheit (about -2 degrees Celsius), and this has been the coldest day so far. What's worse is that on Christmas, it was like 60-70 degrees Fahrenheit, that's not normal.

  • I got a tl;dr version in college, but I mainly looked it up on my own. It was absolutely brutal for both sides.

    finlander posted: »

    Dafuq? People outside of Finland know about winter war? They don't teach that in schools in most of the world, from what I've heard :-d

  • Good to know it's taught somewhere outside of our borders :-P

    To us it is something we can always be proud of. We held our own, even when the enemy was overpowered. You don't come to the North without asking, as my grand father used to say.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    I got a tl;dr version in college, but I mainly looked it up on my own. It was absolutely brutal for both sides.

  • Funny enough, I'm taught that socialism isn't too good for the free market in my business class.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Ah, there's what I needed to hear then. Truly, all I want is a free market in America. All the bad mouthing of anything that isn't "American

  • Bruh, do you really think not using the AC will help in making you stronger?

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    So, what's everyone got planned for 2016? I'm thinking of trying the One Punch Man workout, I've seen a few people online try it and they've had good results. Also probably going to start college.

  • I think I have found my favorite channel in all of youtube. Look at this quality content.

    enter link description here

  • hub page&amp;utm_medium=IGN (front%20page)&utm_content=20&utm_campaign=Blogroll


    I know there are some fans here so

  • Imagine if there was an option in The Walking Dead to make blood purple :P

    I'm sure you aren't. I don't though, I love blood in games. In fact, all of the Silent Hill games and the original 3 resident evil games give you an option to turn blood off or make it a different color, I also do black or purple

  • I can't believe I forgot.

    Happy 3 years Oz!

    I know it's a bit late, but happy 3 year anniversary @OzzyUK

  • That'd make things 10 times more fun for me. XD

    CosmicSouls posted: »

    Imagine if there was an option in The Walking Dead to make blood purple :P

  • I just realized that in two days, it'll be my two-year anniversary on this forum :)

  • You use "some" very nicely.

    Still, both things should be treated the same.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Some protestors in Ferguson fight the cops and loot stores : "Muh private property is under attack by thugs! Call in the national guard!"

  • You use "some" very nicely.

    I stand by my tactical 'some'. Only some Ferguson protestors were involved with violent clashes and even fewer looted. I'm mocking the narrative put forward by the media.

    Still, both things should be treated the same.

    Ah, but you see. They won't. One group is politically powerless. The other group is armed to the teeth, has the support of evangelical right-wing groups and is riding a wave of anti-environment, Tea Party bullshit.

    You use "some" very nicely. Still, both things should be treated the same.

  • They won't. One group is politically powerless. The other group is armed to the teeth, has the support of evangelical right-wing groups and is riding a wave of anti-environment, Tea Party bullshit.

    Oh, I know they won't. This guy at my high school is so right wing...I can't even come up with a good comparison. He supports their actions fully because they're fighting against the seizure of farm land.

    Me on the other hand, I think they're a bunch of armed nut jobs.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    You use "some" very nicely. I stand by my tactical 'some'. Only some Ferguson protestors were involved with violent clashes and eve

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited January 2016

    The whole situation is funny to me because I don't really support either side. I just hope it doesn't end in a siege.

    They won't. One group is politically powerless. The other group is armed to the teeth, has the support of evangelical right-wing groups and

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited January 2016

    enter link description here

    Has anyone seen this Trump advertisement

    I don't know how anyone saw this and decided 'yep it's good, put it on TV'

    How was anyone able to take this seriously

    How did the narrator not die laughing while reading this shit

  • I just beat Octodad: Deadliest Catch after getting on sale during the Steam Holiday sale. The game's a little short, but it's extremely hilarious.

  • enter image description here

    I've seen it very awesome this show is encouraging people to get active and fit I'll have to check it out

    I'm a qualified fitness instructor I can do a hundred push ups and press ups I just warn you it takes months of complete dedication to even reach the level of that work out set your target at 20 press ups and push ups then every week up it by 10 press ups and push ups.

    This is a solid work out but you need different workouts as well that's something called adaptation/adaptabailty means your body adapts to your work out after a 3-4 week period so you no longer get the full benefits of the work out so even this workout after that mark must be improved. Squats, running are simple enough you set the pace.

    Just from experience just make sure you have other work outs to or you will get bored of the same routine and unmotivated it won't last long.

    If your doing this at home I recommend berpees and the plank as well they work out all muscle groups

    enter link description here

    enter image description here

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    So, what's everyone got planned for 2016? I'm thinking of trying the One Punch Man workout, I've seen a few people online try it and they've had good results. Also probably going to start college.

  • edited January 2016

    Is the running 10 kilometers every day part of this serious..? If so, that just seems extremely excessive. Unless someone is training for competition, I honestly don't see the merit in distance training.. let alone the merit of running 10 kilometers every single day (which the vast majority of people would not be able to do). All in all it just seems like a really weird workout to follow, with everything else out there that someone could be doing.

    I'm a qualified fitness instructor I can do a hundred push ups and press ups

    Just out of pure curiosity, do you mean one hundred push ups in a row without stopping? If so, I'm impressed. I attempted reaching that number this past summer, but I couldn't get there. Definitely a little goal of mine, though.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I've seen it very awesome this show is encouraging people to get active and fit I'll have to check it out I'm a qualified fitness instruc

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