Borderlands Joke Thread



  • Don't look at me like that,I did nothing -_-

    Blame Saltlick!

    Idk I had a beautiful dram of a thread where people could create and/or share Borderlands themed jokes. And you guys crushed it into dust. I hope you're happy.

  • But I don't want to have to police that. Making fun of shipping is hilarious to me but people need to ease up and learn to not make everything a fight.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Well next time let's just not bring each others ships up and hopefully it won't turn into another "my ships better than yours".

  • Exactly, I hate to say this but it's getting close to Tumblr and Rhack. Because if you even mention Rhack in a post saying a negative thing about the ship they literary attack you for it.

    But I don't want to have to police that. Making fun of shipping is hilarious to me but people need to ease up and learn to not make everything a fight.

  • A Rhyiona, a Rhyshan, and a Rhack walk into a bar and talk about nothing but the weather.


    lottii-lu posted: »

    Exactly, I hate to say this but it's getting close to Tumblr and Rhack. Because if you even mention Rhack in a post saying a negative thing about the ship they literary attack you for it.

  • edited January 2016


    What about this one; A Rhysha shipper and Rhyiona shipper make fun of each others ships but don't take it seriously. LMAO!

    A Rhyiona, a Rhyshan, and a Rhack walk into a bar and talk about nothing but the weather. (LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL)

  • edited January 2016

    Gosh, I can't believe what I see. I agree with Lotti.
    I understand joking, but....this? Guys, live and let live, there's a thin line between being a fan/shipper and getting way too far and being obsessive about something too much, they're just fictional characters, okai?

  • But Loaderbot is yellow and he is a robot

    Wow theory debunked.

    Duck_Hunt posted: »

    why is claptrap orange because hes a robot idk

  • I looked on the TFTB forum again... Not sure what I was expecting.


    Here's one of Salvador's paintings, that's cool.

    enter image description here

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    Duck_Hunt posted: »

    why is claptrap orange because hes a robot idk


    enter image description here

    A Rhyiona, a Rhyshan, and a Rhack walk into a bar and talk about nothing but the weather. (LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL)

  • Seems like the drama ended?

  • wtf incest

    How does Moxxi get around? She rides her Scooter (hahahaha....oh.....ewww)

  • if no one wanted to give their comment about the shipping "wars" (lmaoo) then everyone would have gotten over it

    PannaMoxxi posted: »

    Gosh, I can't believe what I see. I agree with Lotti. I understand joking, but....this? Guys, live and let live, there's a thin line betwe

  • TBH i like the ship wars IF noone takes it too serious ...

    And when someone do you can tease him/her for fun

    PannaMoxxi posted: »

    Gosh, I can't believe what I see. I agree with Lotti. I understand joking, but....this? Guys, live and let live, there's a thin line betwe

  • That's what I'm talking about! It's all about feeling the difference between fictional characters and real life. We can joke and stuff, but....don't cross that thin border, and it's not that difficult to do it!

    SzymeG posted: »

    TBH i like the ship wars IF noone takes it too serious ... And when someone do you can tease him/her for fun

  • edited January 2016

    Blame Saltlick!

    At least have the balls to tag me skrub :PP I wasn't the one to take a joke that even said "Dont take it personally" seriously...

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Don't look at me like that,I did nothing -_- Blame Saltlick!

  • Yes, now tell a joke now to bring purpose to this thread again :)

    PannaMoxxi posted: »

    Seems like the drama ended?

  • enter image description here

    Seriously, you're the one who started the drama..

    Happy now?

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Blame Saltlick! At least have the balls to tag me skrub :PP I wasn't the one to take a joke that even said "Dont take it personally" seriously...

  • enter image description here

    PannaMoxxi posted: »

    That's what I'm talking about! It's all about feeling the difference between fictional characters and real life. We can joke and stuff, but....don't cross that thin border, and it's not that difficult to do it!

  • edited January 2016
    1. I did put a warning to be fair, but Rhysha had take it seriously :P (Guess I should have called it would end up being a debate)
    2. Thank you for having the guts to actually say it instead of whispering being me to others....

    Now can you people either tell some jokes or stop spamming this thread

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Seriously, you're the one who started the drama.. Happy now?

  • To be fair, people who react negatively to a comment are also to blame along with the person who made the poorly-thoughtout post.

    The OP may provide the fuel, but the responders ignite it.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Seriously, you're the one who started the drama.. Happy now?

  • You never cease to amaze me with your intellectualism, poultry.

    And yeah,people did overreact, that's why I put the blame on both sides.

    To be fair, people who react negatively to a comment are also to blame along with the person who made the poorly-thoughtout post. The OP may provide the fuel, but the responders ignite it.

  • Intellectualism is earned, not simply acquired young one.

    Still, don't ever be the jackass that stupidly starts shit simply because they didn't think a comment through.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    You never cease to amaze me with your intellectualism, poultry. And yeah,people did overreact, that's why I put the blame on both sides.

  • I didn't mean for it to sound like I was bashing or retaliating, I wasn't taking Saltlick's joke seriously at all and if it came off like I did, then I sincerely apologize for that. I wasn't angry or anything, I was simply just going along with it, but I'm sorry for diverting this thread.

    @Saltlick123 @MetallicaRules @GSSalvador @Wolfenus54 @bigdogg0821 @Duck_Hunt This is not a fucking shipping wars thread. You all know whe

  • edited January 2016

    I came back too but I wasn't taking it that seriously- I shouldn't have said it in the first place

    I'm sorry for the fact that this thread is literally people still over-reacting and talking about what happened when it's over and it's been a day- move on people, find your drama somewhere else, bring this thread back to its purpose and don't comment saying "Is the drama over now? or talking about whose fault you think a shipping argument was and who was a "jackass because they didn't think". I shouldn't have posted it in the first place: that's that and we don't need you people dragging this

    I didn't mean for it to sound like I was bashing or retaliating, I wasn't taking Saltlick's joke seriously at all and if it came off like I

  • edited January 2016

    What do you call it when a chocolate chip cookie lies and kills its way to the top of a mega-corporation in order to brutally murder hundreds of people, both innocent and non-innocent, all in the name of pseudo-justice that is really just some twisted hero glorification to get its hands on ancient alien treasure?




    Handsome snack.

    enter image description here

  • Why was Kroger able to capture the bandit war-boss?

    Because he was VAUGHNerable!

  • Why are Loader Bots so expensive?

    Because they're LOADED.

    enter image description here

    ...I'm sorry...I tried....

  • enter image description here

    J-Master posted: »

    Why are Loader Bots so expensive? Because they're LOADED. ...I'm sorry...I tried....

  • Handsome Jack likes HJs.

  • enter image description here

    What do you call it when a chocolate chip cookie lies and kills its way to the top of a mega-corporation in order to brutally murder hundred


    lottii-lu posted: »

    Okay you fuckers, stop it with the Rhyiona vs Rhysha no one gives a shit about which ship is better. Edit: So I read through the argument

  • Hey, that was a good joke.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Even though I'm both Rhysha and Rhyiona shipper, you almost made me post the joke about the Non-canon museum.

  • You know, I was going to post an innocent joke about Rhysha, but I get the feeling I'll have molotovs thrown at me.

    So, I'll give you this!! What did Tales From The Borderlands beat triumphantly ever?!

    The Walking Dead Game Season 2!!!!! because you can never shit on the game enough.


  • He is HJ pls

    Handsome Jack likes HJs.

  • So you say he is 'handjob'?

    Nice... xd

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    He is HJ pls

  • Yes he is <33

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    So you say he is 'handjob'? Nice... xd

  • enter image description here

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Yes he is <33

  • edited January 2016


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