Oh my goodness what happened we're dying :v
But fear not, I have finally updated the map
@sheriffmiraforrester did I put you in the right place? If I didn't, blame @IronWoodLover
Did I forget anything?
So, um... I noticed that the Rhyshas and the Rhyionas have a Steam Group so why not us, too.
If anyone wants an invite to the Steam Group, just tell me and I'll get you invited in no time.
Also, a reason why I didn't add the link here is because you can only join with an invite.
Also, if some of you want to join the Steam Group and I don't have you on Steam, send me your profile's link via PM and I'll have you added on my friends' list and on the Steam Group in no time c:
Oh my goodness what happened we're dying :v
But fear not, I have finally updated the map
@sheriffmiraforrester did I put you in the right place? If I didn't, blame @IronWoodLover
Did I forget anything?
So, um... I noticed that the Rhyshas and the Rhyionas have a Steam Group so why not us, too.
If anyone wants an invite to the Steam Grou… morep, just tell me and I'll get you invited in no time.
Also, a reason why I didn't add the link here is because you can only join with an invite.
Also, if some of you want to join the Steam Group and I don't have you on Steam, send me your profile's link via PM and I'll have you added on my friends' list and on the Steam Group in no time c:
@MOBZIKK and @PhoenixForrester7
You have been added to the map.
We're starting to spread throughout Europe!
If you want to be added to the map reply to me or PM me and tell me your country and state/province (if your country has them)
Oh my goodness what happened we're dying :v
But fear not, I have finally updated the map
@sheriffmiraforrester did I put you in the right place? If I didn't, blame @IronWoodLover
Did I forget anything?
Assoldier has finally breached South America!
Wait until we breach the very anus of the Earth ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Happy New Year Guys!
Yes cheers to another year of assoldier.
Yeah tomorrow is the month anniversary of this thread! I'm surprised its still here tbh.
Happy New Year!
I can't wait to see how much this thread will flourish during this year, it will be amazing!
So, um... I noticed that the Rhyshas and the Rhyionas have a Steam Group so why not us, too.
If anyone wants an invite to the Steam Group, just tell me and I'll get you invited in no time.
Also, a reason why I didn't add the link here is because you can only join with an invite.
Also, if some of you want to join the Steam Group and I don't have you on Steam, send me your profile's link via PM and I'll have you added on my friends' list and on the Steam Group in no time c:
Yep, I'm from Brasil. Thanks for reminding me! :P
Happy new year guys!
http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198019565877/ Please Wolf, let me be a part of the Cool Kids' Club !
Can I add you?
For sure ! Currently making a new Asher x #167 badly made photoshop as price for my admission.
Beautiful man, wanna be on the map?
:O 'Tis an honor Ragnar ! Let me be the first Frenchman on the map
@MOBZIKK and @PhoenixForrester7
You have been added to the map.
We're starting to spread throughout Europe!
If you want to be added to the map reply to me or PM me and tell me your country and state/province (if your country has them)
The Soldier may have one line, but his heart speaks a thousand lines.
Bootyful m8, 8/8
If it helps, I'm on the east coast of Australia
I could have shown you the world.

It's KKK. ''Kool Kids Klub''
This makes me sad.
You have been added to the map. I hope I got your country right, it's very small.
ayy everything is fine, thx fam
Our enlightenment is spreading through Europe !
Has House Assoldier joined the Steam Group Ranks? If so I wanna join !
Ayy I'll add you in no time ^^
Thanks Mate!
Would you like to be on the map? if you do, tell me your country and state/province.
Well it will be fun, I'm from Romania on the West Side of it.. it's a small country anyway so you can add me wherever you wish
Is there an Assoldier steam group? If not I can make one
don't worry, wolfe already made one
Cool, I'll join it
Just jokin'.
It's 'Kewl Kids Klub', Scrubbington.
Update the map slowpoke
Fuk off.
Ight, I finally updated the map. @WeDaWest you have been added.
@OfficialSheriffMaybe Happy now pleb?
Thanks dude
Oh my gosh, I've never seen a more perfect ship xD