The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Wow, grade-A reactionary right there. What's sad is that your friend's parents probably made him that way.

    Don't know, dude also advocated for the killing of Islamic civilians because of a fucking movie. I swear, as soon as he said "it's no mercy,

  • What? How come?

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Well....I've been called a racist, a homophobe, and basically Donald Trump Jr when I'm nowhere near that level lol

  • Took this photo in my school this morning.

    Just wanted to share cause it looks so pretty c:

    enter image description here

  • No, they should have taken the goat herders back to the heli and then released them. Win win.

    Don't know, dude also advocated for the killing of Islamic civilians because of a fucking movie. I swear, as soon as he said "it's no mercy,

  • Like when Ellie runs away right through a bandit camp? I was a bit confused there.

    J-Master posted: »

    I was a little disappointed in the game myself. Its goals in trying to be realistic and believable is appreciated and works when it wants to

  • We have to herd the herders before they herd us.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    No, they should have taken the goat herders back to the heli and then released them. Win win.

  • Goat analogy. I like it.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    We have to herd the herders before they herd us.

  • edited January 2016

    Very beautiful. It reminds me of where I live except maybe with more snow.

    Took this photo in my school this morning. Just wanted to share cause it looks so pretty c:

  • My state struck down the death penalty yesterday (at least temporarily). That's pretty neat.

  • That's a good thing to hear :)

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    My state struck down the death penalty yesterday (at least temporarily). That's pretty neat.

  • I second this, beautiful picture is the least you can say.

    StarKing789 posted: »

    Very beautiful. It reminds me of where I live except maybe with more snow.

  • Holy shit, there's a UFO right there.

    Took this photo in my school this morning. Just wanted to share cause it looks so pretty c:

  • edited January 2016

    Ricky was amazing at the golden globes

    enter link description here

    I made a post about that Jen quote here so my fav moment when he said it to Lawrence

    enter link description here

    enter link description here)

  • I think it was Sole Survivor.

    Yep, clearly deluded. Also, what movie is this that we speak of?

  • Propaganda is strongest on children so I wouldn't be surprised.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Wow, grade-A reactionary right there. What's sad is that your friend's parents probably made him that way.

  • You'd be surprised about how many people hate him for trying to "Change American Values". My one friend said that he would pay for me to move to Europe if I love it so much (Democratic Socialist European Nations).

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Today I learned poor people don't deserve to go to college. Holy fuck, what an ignorant turd. I have my own problems with Bernie's colle

  • Sadly so, tried to educate the people, didn't work.

    He deleted the post this morning, that's how bad we destroyed him.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Silly me, I thought communism was a moneyless, classless And ultimately stateless society in which workers own the means of production. But

  • Warren from Life is Strange is on this list. Who'd have thought that? Huh, not me.

    enter link description here

  • A small victory, but a victory nonetheless.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    My state struck down the death penalty yesterday (at least temporarily). That's pretty neat.

  • edited January 2016

    Fun fact: there has NEVER actually been a communist nation.

  • Ah, snobbish elitism, the great American value!

    You'd be surprised about how many people hate him for trying to "Change American Values". My one friend said that he would pay for me to move to Europe if I love it so much (Democratic Socialist European Nations).

  • edited January 2016

    Are you speaking from experience? My social studies teacher made it very clear that Communism and Socialism were not one and the same before we even moved on to properly discussing Socialism.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Silly me, I thought communism was a moneyless, classless And ultimately stateless society in which workers own the means of production. But


    Duke Nukem is so bad ass!

    From devil may cry I'll take Dante... thank!

    Also have to mention him, his hand push me hard

    Jackie Estacado such a goodies, such a badass

    Warren from Life is Strange is on this list. Who'd have thought that? Huh, not me. enter link description here

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited January 2016

    Yes, I'm pretty much speaking from experience. I went to a very conservative school. To my social studies teacher, the only kind of socialism was Marxism-Leninism.

    Are you speaking from experience? My social studies teacher made it very clear that Communism and Socialism were not one and the same before we even moved on to properly discussing Socialism.

  • One time my mother called me a son of a bitch, so I hit her because no one talks trash about my mother, then I hit myself because no one hits my mother, she then hit me because no one hits her son and then hit herself because no one hits me, so I hit her because no one hits my mother.

  • Someone here who has eaten dog? I want to do it, planning to move to South Korea when time is right. I´ve never understood why it´s so wrong to eat dog, I mean, we eat many other kind of animals here, haven´t they been alive once and perhaps even parents? Cows and bulls for taking one example.

  • edited January 2016

    That's sad. Then again, my being Australian and your being American could be the main reason that this difference is, and rather not mainly with the matter of conservative versus liberal schools.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Yes, I'm pretty much speaking from experience. I went to a very conservative school. To my social studies teacher, the only kind of socialism was Marxism-Leninism.

  • It's amazinggg, the warm colours ^-^

    Took this photo in my school this morning. Just wanted to share cause it looks so pretty c:

  • Don't worry, it's a bird.

    Holy shit, there's a UFO right there.

  • edited January 2016

    According to the news, another celebrity has passed away this month.

    Rest in peace, Alan Rickman (1946-2016), you will be missed.

  • Great news to wake up to this morning. :p. He was just amazing in everything but I especially loved him as Hans Gruber and Severus Snape. Just heartbroken to hear. Damn cancer all to hell.

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    According to the news, another celebrity has passed away this month. Rest in peace, Alan Rickman (1946-2016), you will be missed.

  • Correct. I think the major state that got closest was China.

    Right before the Great Leap Forward most workers in China were collectivized and wage labor was all but abolished. The state completely controlled the means of production and was in the course of distributing the means of production to worker collectives on a probationary basis. Then the CCP pushed China's infrastructure past it's limits, millions of people starved and everything regressed back to state-capitalism.

    Fun fact: there has NEVER actually been a communist nation.

  • It's always weird to hear loud, booming noises in the sky without seeing anything. I would report it, but I'm sure someone else will.

  • edited January 2016

    RIP Alan Rickman, Great British actor

    enter image description here

  • The military is bombing your local police so they can invade and impose martial law. They will take your guns and throw you in the FEMA concentration camp at your local WalMart!!


    It's always weird to hear loud, booming noises in the sky without seeing anything. I would report it, but I'm sure someone else will.


    Dante pfft, Virgil all the way.

    Cool cool, your english is better btw.

    ualexen92 posted: »

    NUMBER ONE IS CULLEN! Duke Nukem is so bad ass! From devil may cry I'll take Dante... thank! Also have to mention him, his hand push me hard Jackie Estacado such a goodies, such a badass

  • Not everything is the army trying to take your freedom away, m'kay.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    The military is bombing your local police so they can invade and impose martial law. They will take your guns and throw you in the FEMA concentration camp at your local WalMart!! LIKE & SHARE IF U AGREE.

  • Dumbledore had his revenge, bitch!

    RIP Alan Rickman, Great British actor

  • Wrong. Glenn Beck told me, it has to be true.

    papai46 posted: »

    Not everything is the army trying to take your freedom away, m'kay.

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