The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited January 2016


    Everyone's changing their avatars, I don't recognize anyone anymore. enter link description here

  • [removed]

  • edited January 2016

    You have only to change your own gravatar now. Surrender to the unrelenting urge!

    Everyone's changing their avatars, I don't recognize anyone anymore. enter link description here

  • Never, I'm perfectly happy with my current avatar. It's Rhys and Sasha wearing Metallica clothing, why would I ever want to change that?

    You have only to change your own gravatar now. Surrender to the unrelenting urge!

  • edited January 2016

    I watched it. This episode man... Penny's death and Ruby and everybody else's reaction to it was just heart breaking. This episode marks the first time where we've seen Ozpin not look calm and collected.

    enter image description here

    I feel like after Penny's death, we might see Ruby's more depressed side. At least for a while I 've assumed she has one, based on the lyrics of Red Like Roses Part 2 (this might not make much sense since I'm typing this late at night).

    I feel like another important character won't die next episode, though there could still be a lot of death. I feel like killing off another important character is something they'd save for episode 12... to make the wait for Volume 4 more unbearable

  • This episode marks the first time where we've seen Ozpin not look calm and collected.

    Yeah, it was honestly really surprising. It looked like absolute fear on his face.

    I feel like after Penny's death, we might see Ruby's more depressed side.

    Yeah, Ruby hasn't really lost anyone in the series so far. She lost her mother when she was young, but I'm sure Ruby didn't watch her mother die, similar to how she watched the life drain from Penny's eyes. (Or at least, the Artificial Intelligence drain from her eyes.) I'm very interested to see how she'll act, how she'll fight, and more importantly, how her relationship with Pyrrha will be after this episode.

    I feel like another important character won't die next episode, though there could still be a lot of death. I feel like killing off another important character is something they'd save for episode 12... to make the wait for Volume 4 more unbearable

    Yeah, from what I've heard there may be no more news for Season 4 until very late this year, and that's simply rumored. But if they kill off anyone in the coming episodes, I feel it'll be Ozpin, Ironwood, Neo and maybe Mercury. Adam, Emerald, Roman and Cinder all have a pass, since they're way more important to the story than Merc and Neo are. If anything, Pyrrha will be badly hurt, Ruby will be severely injured (maybe to the point of a coma) after perhaps fighting against Cinder, Amber will probably be killed after Cinder takes the power of the fall maiden, which she clearly will, and the rest of the teams will just do stuff and kill things.

    Honestly, when they said the show was getting darker, I thought it might just touch the topics of death or look deeper into the past. This shit is fucking way darker than I thought. However, this episode honestly did go exactly how I expected it to except for one thing in the episode, so yeah, the next 3 are gonna be the coolest, yet most heartbreaking things I've ever seen. There's no hope for saving Vale and Beacon anymore, they might have to abandon it and escape to a safe haven or set up camp in the forest. And I JUST realized how similar that sounds to the third season of the new TMNT show. Leader in a coma, they have to leave their home behind, safe haven in the woods. All that's missing is me talking about how they train. XD

    And I only ask for one thing since all of this depressing shit is happening. WhiteRose and/or Arkos NEED to be confirmed by the end of the season, or I will pop a mother fucking blood vessel.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    I watched it. This episode man... Penny's death and Ruby and everybody else's reaction to it was just heart breaking. This episode marks the

  • Yep, when Ozpin looks terrified, you know shit is really bad.

    Nah, I don't think she witnessed Summer's death either. At least based on this "I wasn't dreaming when they told me you were gone
    I was wide awake and feeling that they had to be wrong"
    , from RLR P2. Actually witnessing the death of someone close to her will probably affect her in a different. RLR P2 is an interesting song imo. It makes Ruby seem like she's far more depressed than what we've seen before this Volume (because she's probably gonna be before this one ends). With lyrics like "to have you in my life was all i ever wanted but now without you I'm a soul forever haunted" and "it's your blood that's red like roses. And no matter what I do nothing ever takes the place of you"

    If Ozpin kicks the bucket this season, it'd probably be in a pretty epic fight. Seriously, we better see what his fighting style is before he dies. Ironwood's death would probably lead to some conflict within Atlas' army, so I could see it happen. Neo seems like the more expendable one out of Cinder's team tbh, so could probably kick the bucket. Mercury I'm not so sure. I could see him surviving for a while longer. I don't think they'll have the chance to transfer Amber's remaining power to Pyrrha, and Cinder may already know her location. Maybe that's where she's headed while all hell breaks loose. I could see Pyrrha get badly injured but saved by Jaune and whatever the fuck his semblance is. It's a situation that could be used to reveal it tbh. :P

    I expected the series to get darker at some point, partly due to the lyrics of some of songs, but I didn't expect for it to go down like this. Maybe it was kinda good that I didn't keep up with the RT news, since it was a real surprise for me? And it's only going to get worse from here, isn't it? Gotta say though, this has been my favourite volume so far. It reminds of how I expected Xenoblade X to be darker than the original, based on impressions of the japanese version, but nowhere near as dark as some of the side quests can get.

    Beacon and Vale are pretty much fucked thanks to Cider, the White Fang and the Grimm. Ozpin's wish of his students not having to fight in a war is dead, with all that's happening. Maybe they'll have to escape to another kingdom. It'd be cool to see one of the other kingdoms.

    Out of the two ships, I feel that Arkos would be the one with the higher chances of happening this volume. Either would probably make me cry tear of joy. Unless one of them dies right after it became canon... fuck that. We need something to make us happy, Rooster Teeth. >_>

    This episode marks the first time where we've seen Ozpin not look calm and collected. Yeah, it was honestly really surprising. It lo

  • GG Pittsburgh.

  • :((((

    GG Pittsburgh.

  • When you're the mayor in a game with 13 arsonists.

    enter image description here

  • enter image description here

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    You're too late Luke, I died.

  • Bernie rocked the house tonight!

  • edited January 2016

    God that was painful to watch for me LOL

    Meh, I wouldn't say he "rocked the house", they seemed biased against Bernie ....Found it funny that Hillary was bitching about how the Michigan Governor or whatever refused aid and didn't care about the people.....

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Bernie rocked the house tonight!

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited January 2016

    Ok, well he held his own way better than most people expected. He Was attacked pretty hard on guns and held his own. He really set the tone of the healthcare / Wall Street part and he didn't fuck up on foreign policy. I'm very pleased.

    Why was it cringey to you? I only had a few cringe moments.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    God that was painful to watch for me LOL Meh, I wouldn't say he "rocked the house", they seemed biased against Bernie ....Found it funny

  • Ok, well he held his own way better than most people expected. He Was attacked pretty hard on guns and held his own. He really set the tone of the healthcare / Wall Street part and he didn't fuck up on foreign policy. I'm very pleased.

    True, I was worried he would fall apart or something- I hope he can keep together.

    Why was it cringey to you? I only had a few cringe moments.

    You KNOW I don't consider myself a liberal and that Hillary annoys the shit out of me....Nearly every time Hillary opens her mouth and starts blabbering away I cringe.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Ok, well he held his own way better than most people expected. He Was attacked pretty hard on guns and held his own. He really set the ton

  • I'd seriously give my soul, have of my organs, my left leg, and my sanity to play this game again.

    Or you can just buy it.

    ...For another console.

    I'd seriously give my soul, have of my organs, my left leg, and my sanity to play this game again. I remember playing it when I was really y

  • I'm no longer Tobi, I am Luke. o)_(o

    enter image description here

    I'm no longer Tobi, I am Luke. o)_(o For now. xD

  • Do you want me to rebel Blind? Because I will >.>

  • Why do you seem to like Bernie then?

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Ok, well he held his own way better than most people expected. He Was attacked pretty hard on guns and held his own. He really set the tone

  • edited January 2016

    I don't lol-I just want to see him take out Hillary, haven't we had a chat something like this before?

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Why do you seem to like Bernie then?

  • It's not available for other consoles. It was a PS2 exclusive. Yes, there were HD re-releases, but I'm not going to buy a PS3 purely for one game that could be a failed attempt at a remaster.

    I'd seriously give my soul, have of my organs, my left leg, and my sanity to play this game again. Or you can just buy it. ...For another console.

  • All great ideas on how the rest of the season should go, and I agree. RLR P2 is absolutely an interesting song and really makes me think deeper about Ruby's character. I only started actually listening to the music from RWBY after finishing Season 2, but the songs are still awesome all the same. Red Like Roses: Part 2 and Caffine are probably my favorites.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Yep, when Ozpin looks terrified, you know shit is really bad. Nah, I don't think she witnessed Summer's death either. At least based on t

  • If my avatar wasn't already a colorful and happy Life is Strange picture that I adore very much, I'd take that frozen Luke avatar in a heartbeat. That just seems funny to me.

  • I'm Omid.

    Everyone's changing their avatars, I don't recognize anyone anymore. enter link description here

  • Yeah, I watched it too. I'm a Bernie supporter all the way

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Bernie rocked the house tonight!

  • edited January 2016

    enter link description here

    enter link description here


  • cuz hes an fagit

    Duck_Hunt posted: »

    enter link description here enter link description here I LOVE MATTYS FALLOUT VIDEOS WHY DOES HE HATE EPISODIC GAMES?!

  • damn it, it worked

    late, but it worked

    ualexen92 posted: »

    I prepare the ritual... The great big wolf I call upon you in this post, rise and shine...

  • rekt #thuglife

    ZapThroat posted: »

    cuz hes an fagit


    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    damn it, it worked late, but it worked

  • Yes he's criticizing episodic releases, but to be fair, he's not necessarily criticizing Telltale's use of episodic releases. He even says that some things are an exception and is mainly pointing out how the next Hitman game is episodic.

    Duck_Hunt posted: »

    enter link description here enter link description here I LOVE MATTYS FALLOUT VIDEOS WHY DOES HE HATE EPISODIC GAMES?!

  • He doesn't hate episodic game... he rather want a full release game instead of a episodic one. SAME SHIT ACTUALLY!

    Duck_Hunt posted: »

    enter link description here enter link description here I LOVE MATTYS FALLOUT VIDEOS WHY DOES HE HATE EPISODIC GAMES?!

  • enter image description here

    A Zinnia being grown on the ISS seeing the sun for the first time

  • You know, it kind of grinds my gears a little bit nowadays a good villain has to be an unstoppable perfect mastermind that only fails at the one time the plot needs to have the hero win. Look I like my villains to be mysterious and a force to be reckoned with but I don't really like my villains if there are no layers to them that make them interesting and just look cool and do badass things and nothing else. People criticize Wilson Fisk and Kylo Ren for being "too human" and make mistakes even though they both show that they're not incapable of doing powerful and horrible things to people and I don't see how "humanization" is a criticism for a villain some of the better villains out there are the ones that feel like real people and have more things going on with them.

  • Maybe next year.

    BigBlindMax posted: »


  • I don't recognize anyone anymore. What's next??? YOUR USERNAMES???

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