I think you should lock this thread now and during Michonne. It's getting kind of annoying to see this thread be bumped back up every few days, when we obviously know there's no news and there won't be for a while, and the only new comments are, "I'm getting tired of waiting," when there's obviously other things you can do or other things to comment on. It's kinda like spam to be honest.
I agree it was made super early, but another mod recommended I go ahead and make this. I typically like to start Episode 1 Waiting threads 1… more-3 months before (when we think) a game premieres, but basically, it's always a random guess with how Telltale advertises their games super close to release and we didn't know how far off. We basically figured people would want a thread, even if it was super early. That, and to be fair, most people thought the series was probably going to have premiered sometime in late 2015 or early 2016 when this thread was first made. This and the Game of Thrones: Season 2 threads are interesting as they are sequels to other titles and not an entirely new game, so on our part, we're still trying to figure out what changes (if any) we should make for sequels versus original titles.
I'm thinking of locking it during Michonne, as I think people should be taking all the general chat towards the waiting threads for the … [view original content]
Yeah, in all honesty I agree that several of the comments here are kinda spammy and essentially just bumping the thread to keep it active. In spite of that, we figured closing this thread temporarily would cause confusion, but I'm not against it entirely.
I think you should lock this thread now and during Michonne. It's getting kind of annoying to see this thread be bumped back up every few da… moreys, when we obviously know there's no news and there won't be for a while, and the only new comments are, "I'm getting tired of waiting," when there's obviously other things you can do or other things to comment on. It's kinda like spam to be honest.
Walking Dead: Season 3 Waiting Thread is "sunk" until Michonne ends
Hey guys, after seeing some other users' posts, I agreed with them that keeping this thread open alongside Michonne's waiting thread is a bit redundant. I decided to "sink" the Season 3 waiting thread until Michonne ends.
When a thread is "sunk," you can still post and upvote as usual but new replies will not move the thread to the top of the forums. Since this thread is posted on my account, I can still see new replies here, so I won't be ignoring new responses in this thread. That means other mods and I will still be around to answer questions or flag posts if needed.
When Michonne ends and we get news on Season 3, I will make this become a normal discussion instead of a sunk discussion. I'll see you guys then! - Blind Sniper
I think Telltale should try to please all fans. Maybe make it have more than one playable character that the game swaps between like game of thrones. This means they can please those who want clementine back as they have her as one of the characters but also those who want new characters as there will be new characters to play as as well.
I just hope Telltale make the game that the fans want. With all these new games being announced, everything seems a bit rushed.
Maybe make it have more than one playable character that the game swaps between like game of thrones. This means they can please those who want clementine back as they have her as one of the characters but also those who want new characters as there will be new characters to play as as well.
I actually hope that Telltale doesn't overuse the multiple characters idea just because it's popular with Thrones and Borderlands. I think Telltale should only use multiple characters when it benefits the narrative, and not just randomly.
With all these new games being announced, everything seems a bit rushed.
I wouldn't worry - even with the large quantity of games announced, most games are only in pre-production. If I had to guess, only the ones that are immediately coming out within the year or so are in the works - Minecraft Ep 5, the Michonne series, the Batman series, and maybe the Super Show. It sounds like a lot, but Telltale has more than tripled in size since Walking Dead: Season 1 so I wouldn't worry too much.
I think Telltale should try to please all fans. Maybe make it have more than one playable character that the game swaps between like game of… more thrones. This means they can please those who want clementine back as they have her as one of the characters but also those who want new characters as there will be new characters to play as as well.
I just hope Telltale make the game that the fans want. With all these new games being announced, everything seems a bit rushed.
Maybe make it have more than one playable character that the game swaps between like game of thrones. This means they can please those who w… moreant clementine back as they have her as one of the characters but also those who want new characters as there will be new characters to play as as well.
I actually hope that Telltale doesn't overuse the multiple characters idea just because it's popular with Thrones and Borderlands. I think Telltale should only use multiple characters when it benefits the narrative, and not just randomly.
With all these new games being announced, everything seems a bit rushed.
I wouldn't worry - even with the large quantity of games announced, most games are only in pre-production. If I had to guess, only the ones that are immediately coming out within the year or so are in the works - Minecraft Ep 5, the Michonne series, the Batman series, and maybe the Super Show. It sounds like a lot, but Telltale… [view original content]
Yeah, but that's because those stories were written to support multiple characters (and in Game of Thrones' case, it fit the source material). In Walking Dead, I think the story and drama would be more intimate if Telltale focused on one survivor as the playable character, and I'd hope they don't wear out the novelty of playing as more than one character. That is what I was getting at in my first post. I'm fine with multiple characters in a game when the source material and/or story from Telltale support it.
I think Telltale should only use multiple characters when it benefits the narrative, and not just randomly.
Would you say using mult… moreiple characters benefited the narrative well in GoT and Borderlands? I'm asking as someone not too familiar with those games.
I think that (and if I may, i'd like to speak for a big population of TWD fans) Telltale should remain Clementine as only playable character of season 3. There are so many walking dead fans that are keep playing it because they care about Clem. If Clem would die in season 3 and you would play as another character, I would stop playing immediately because Clem is the biggest reason why I want to play it. You play it because you want to know the faith of the girl you care about so much...
They currently are trying to figure out who the protagonist is
WHAT?! CLEM is the protagonist. I will be severely disappointed if we don't get to first-person continue Clem's story. Lee was a great character and all, but both of these seasons have made me come to be very attached to Clem and I very much enjoyed playing her as a character. With an ending like the one in season 2, it would be straight punishment not to give us MORE CLEM in season 3. It's all I care about. She can continue to grow and become even more competent, and after all we've been through with her... She should be the main focus. She is the reason I love this game series. Clem is everything.
Ok, but at the end of Season 2 Clem's story has, like, five different possible endings. I don't think they're going to build five different scenarios just for the beginning of the game. That's not how Telltale works.
They currently are trying to figure out who the protagonist is
WHAT?! CLEM is the protagonist. I will be severely disappointed if we… more don't get to first-person continue Clem's story. Lee was a great character and all, but both of these seasons have made me come to be very attached to Clem and I very much enjoyed playing her as a character. With an ending like the one in season 2, it would be straight punishment not to give us MORE CLEM in season 3. It's all I care about. She can continue to grow and become even more competent, and after all we've been through with her... She should be the main focus. She is the reason I love this game series. Clem is everything.
Maybe thats what they are doing coz they are taking longer. and if they didn't resume clem story most of the fans and i will be extremely disappointed. there is no point in starting a whole new story just yet coz they can still do many things with clem story. although season 2 have 5 endings (7 in detail ) i think none ending has the true finishing touch to it that clem's story deserves. Peace.
Ok, but at the end of Season 2 Clem's story has, like, five different possible endings. I don't think they're going to build five different scenarios just for the beginning of the game. That's not how Telltale works.
I pick to leave Wellington with Kenny because I mean it's Kenny ( and if you ever watched South Park you don't kill Kenny unless your a basterd) anywho I just love the game season 1 and 2 and I am just so on the edge of my seat while playing it , I mean never have I played a game that makes my jaw dope so much . I hope season 3 is the same way, can't wait
Thread: Season 3!! Ugh I can't wait!
I pick to leave Wellington with Kenny because I mean it's Kenny ( and if you ever watched South Pa… morerk you don't kill Kenny unless your a basterd) anywho I just love the game season 1 and 2 and I am just so on the edge of my seat while playing it , I mean never have I played a game that makes my jaw dope so much . I hope season 3 is the same way, can't wait
Telltale tries to release their games across as many platforms as they can. Seasons 1 and 2 are already on iOS, so Season 3 and Michonne are also most likely coming on iOS as well.
Telltale tries to release their games across as many platforms as they can. Seasons 1 and 2 are already on iOS, so Season 3 and Michonne are also most likely coming on iOS as well.
Good news - Season 3 of Walking Dead has been confirmed by Telltale! Telltale will share more information on Season 3 when their upcoming three Episode Michonne series ends (the first Episode of Michonne premieres next month and will have a quicker schedule).
I'm worried about season 3, if we can't have Sean Vanaman and the rest of the season 1 crew working on season 3 then it's probably going to be underwhelming as season 2.
I think some of the reasoning might have just been from Telltale trying to release a Season 2 so quickly after Season 1. Outside of Sean Vannaman, lots of the Season 1 designers and writers remained from Season 2. Alongside them taking more time on Season 3, I also think it will help if they create a story with an overall concrete goal like Season 1, instead of having the story go in random directions in Season 2.
I'm worried about season 3, if we can't have Sean Vanaman and the rest of the season 1 crew working on season 3 then it's probably going to be underwhelming as season 2.
I keep forgetting that they are making season 3 of the walking dead, with all of the other announcements and games coming up.I loved both s1 and s2 of the walking dead, and am confident that Telltale will knock it out of the ball park with season 3.
I also think it will help if they create a story with an overall concrete goal like Season 1, instead of having the story go in random directions in Season 2.
I 100% agree with you on that! But when I look on the walking dead wiki none of the writers of the episodes from season 1 has worked on season 2.
I think some of the reasoning might have just been from Telltale trying to release a Season 2 so quickly after Season 1. Outside of Sean Van… morenaman, lots of the Season 1 designers and writers remained from Season 2. Alongside them taking more time on Season 3, I also think it will help if they create a story with an overall concrete goal like Season 1, instead of having the story go in random directions in Season 2.
Mark Darin wrote Season 1 Episode 2, and also worked on Season 2 as a designer, so I was in part wrong. Some of the other old directors/designers from Season 1 also returned for Season 2, like Dennis Lenart.
I also think it will help if they create a story with an overall concrete goal like Season 1, instead of having the story go in random direc… moretions in Season 2.
I 100% agree with you on that! But when I look on the walking dead wiki none of the writers of the episodes from season 1 has worked on season 2.
Pls make the walking dead season 3.
Good news - Season 3 of Walking Dead has been confirmed by Telltale! Telltale will share more in… moreformation on Season 3 when their upcoming three Episode Michonne series ends (the first Episode of Michonne premieres next month and will have a quicker schedule).
No way guys, Clem's story the most important. We wanna see her in Sesson 3.
We've lot of theories about Clem. Like Lilly, Glenn, Molly, Christa, Kenny or Jane etc.
That's your opinion, but not one that everyone shares. Playing as Clem was weird, and not in a good way. Her opinion was valued way too much for an eleven year old girl, everyone did what she said like some mindless drone. Clementine was ruined by Season 2, if she returns for Season 3, it will ruin her even more.
And this is comic series Michonne. The game is canon to the comics, so Michonne and Clementine are in the same universe.
No way guys, Clem's story the most important. We wanna see her in Sesson 3.
We've lot of theories about Clem. Like Lilly, Glenn, Molly, Chr… moreista, Kenny or Jane etc.
Do you need pic for Clem (14 yrs old)?
Ben Kutcher - www.benkucher.com
Clementine was ruined by Season 2, if she returns for Season 3, it will ruin her even more
Jesus. How to played? Clem is/was very strong like Lee.
“You’re strong, Clem. You…you can do anything.”
“But I’m little…”
“Doesn’t mean nothing”
Anyway that AIN'T JUST MY OPTION. Millions of people waiting for the little girl's story. This company Telltale will fail. Financial terms. Why? For anyone not need for the money, and they'll picked as non-steam. Another, the graphics did't change anything. HD? Effects? Nothing. It's so sad. I hope so Kirkman figure out something about Clem.
That's your opinion, but not one that everyone shares. Playing as Clem was weird, and not in a good way. Her opinion was valued way too muc… moreh for an eleven year old girl, everyone did what she said like some mindless drone. Clementine was ruined by Season 2, if she returns for Season 3, it will ruin her even more.
And this is comic series Michonne. The game is canon to the comics, so Michonne and Clementine are in the same universe.
I never said that it's just your opinion. It doesn't mean that I agree with your opinion. And I honestly don't know what you're on about with the graphics and Telltale failing finacially, which they won't. I didn't at all mention anything about that, so I have no idea how that relates to my comment.
Clementine was ruined by Season 2, if she returns for Season 3, it will ruin her even more
Jesus. How to played? Clem is/was very st… morerong like Lee.
“You’re strong, Clem. You…you can do anything.”
“But I’m little…”
“Doesn’t mean nothing”
Anyway that AIN'T JUST MY OPTION. Millions of people waiting for the little girl's story. This company Telltale will fail. Financial terms. Why? For anyone not need for the money, and they'll picked as non-steam. Another, the graphics did't change anything. HD? Effects? Nothing. It's so sad. I hope so Kirkman figure out something about Clem.
Ben Kutcher - www.benkutcher.com
Whatever. Graph is same like 2 years ago, but this the brilliant developers job, unlike our jobs.
We'll see this **** session 3, my little daughter cried, when she heard that Clem's "dead" by stupid comics writer & Telltale ( I read that n' my feedback is very negative), ohw by the way one suprise character ... awesome. Also whatever. I deleted today ALL Telltale games my acc, i dunno care. THESE DUMBS KILL EVERYONE LOVELY CHARACTERS. It was a good game to TT. Minecraft story? Horrible like Back to the future. I'll never come back. Lovely/nice life to everyone.
I never said that it's just your opinion. It doesn't mean that I agree with your opinion. And I honestly don't know what you're on about wit… moreh the graphics and Telltale failing finacially, which they won't. I didn't at all mention anything about that, so I have no idea how that relates to my comment.
That's your opinion, but not one that everyone shares.
Please point out to me where in this sentence you see the words 'just' or 'only'. I also didn't say 'anyone', but 'everone'. I'm usually trying to at least understand people who don't write English well to not insult anyone, but I have honestly no idea what you're saying. But it really is on you if your little daughter can just read your inbox (if that's what you said).
Little liar:
That's your opinion
Whatever. Graph is same like 2 years ago, but this the brilliant developers job, unlike our j… moreobs.
We'll see this **** session 3, my little daughter cried, when she heard that Clem's "dead" by stupid comics writer & Telltale ( I read that n' my feedback is very negative), ohw by the way one suprise character ... awesome. Also whatever. I deleted today ALL Telltale games my acc, i dunno care. THESE DUMBS KILL EVERYONE LOVELY CHARACTERS. It was a good game to TT. Minecraft story? Horrible like Back to the future. I'll never come back. Lovely/nice life to everyone.
Ben Kutcher - www.benkutcher.com
I think you should lock this thread now and during Michonne. It's getting kind of annoying to see this thread be bumped back up every few days, when we obviously know there's no news and there won't be for a while, and the only new comments are, "I'm getting tired of waiting," when there's obviously other things you can do or other things to comment on. It's kinda like spam to be honest.
Well we have those threads anyway lol, even when this thread is open.
Yeah, in all honesty I agree that several of the comments here are kinda spammy and essentially just bumping the thread to keep it active. In spite of that, we figured closing this thread temporarily would cause confusion, but I'm not against it entirely.
January 1st, 2016 Update:
Walking Dead: Season 3 Waiting Thread is "sunk" until Michonne ends
Hey guys, after seeing some other users' posts, I agreed with them that keeping this thread open alongside Michonne's waiting thread is a bit redundant. I decided to "sink" the Season 3 waiting thread until Michonne ends.
When a thread is "sunk," you can still post and upvote as usual but new replies will not move the thread to the top of the forums. Since this thread is posted on my account, I can still see new replies here, so I won't be ignoring new responses in this thread. That means other mods and I will still be around to answer questions or flag posts if needed.
When Michonne ends and we get news on Season 3, I will make this become a normal discussion instead of a sunk discussion. I'll see you guys then! - Blind Sniper
ohhh shit that's epic!!! ;-;
I think Telltale should try to please all fans. Maybe make it have more than one playable character that the game swaps between like game of thrones. This means they can please those who want clementine back as they have her as one of the characters but also those who want new characters as there will be new characters to play as as well.
I just hope Telltale make the game that the fans want. With all these new games being announced, everything seems a bit rushed.
I actually hope that Telltale doesn't overuse the multiple characters idea just because it's popular with Thrones and Borderlands. I think Telltale should only use multiple characters when it benefits the narrative, and not just randomly.
I wouldn't worry - even with the large quantity of games announced, most games are only in pre-production. If I had to guess, only the ones that are immediately coming out within the year or so are in the works - Minecraft Ep 5, the Michonne series, the Batman series, and maybe the Super Show. It sounds like a lot, but Telltale has more than tripled in size since Walking Dead: Season 1 so I wouldn't worry too much.
Would you say using multiple characters benefited the narrative well in GoT and Borderlands? I'm asking as someone not too familiar with those games.
Yeah, but that's because those stories were written to support multiple characters (and in Game of Thrones' case, it fit the source material). In Walking Dead, I think the story and drama would be more intimate if Telltale focused on one survivor as the playable character, and I'd hope they don't wear out the novelty of playing as more than one character. That is what I was getting at in my first post. I'm fine with multiple characters in a game when the source material and/or story from Telltale support it.
I think that (and if I may, i'd like to speak for a big population of TWD fans) Telltale should remain Clementine as only playable character of season 3. There are so many walking dead fans that are keep playing it because they care about Clem. If Clem would die in season 3 and you would play as another character, I would stop playing immediately because Clem is the biggest reason why I want to play it. You play it because you want to know the faith of the girl you care about so much...
WHAT?! CLEM is the protagonist. I will be severely disappointed if we don't get to first-person continue Clem's story. Lee was a great character and all, but both of these seasons have made me come to be very attached to Clem and I very much enjoyed playing her as a character. With an ending like the one in season 2, it would be straight punishment not to give us MORE CLEM in season 3. It's all I care about. She can continue to grow and become even more competent, and after all we've been through with her... She should be the main focus. She is the reason I love this game series. Clem is everything.
Ok, but at the end of Season 2 Clem's story has, like, five different possible endings. I don't think they're going to build five different scenarios just for the beginning of the game. That's not how Telltale works.
Maybe thats what they are doing coz they are taking longer. and if they didn't resume clem story most of the fans and i will be extremely disappointed. there is no point in starting a whole new story just yet coz they can still do many things with clem story. although season 2 have 5 endings (7 in detail
) i think none ending has the true finishing touch to it that clem's story deserves. Peace.
I can't wait for Season 3!
Thread: Season 3!! Ugh I can't wait!
I pick to leave Wellington with Kenny because I mean it's Kenny ( and if you ever watched South Park you don't kill Kenny unless your a basterd) anywho I just love the game season 1 and 2 and I am just so on the edge of my seat while playing it , I mean never have I played a game that makes my jaw dope so much . I hope season 3 is the same way, can't wait
I know the feeling
Same.... Really excited about it!
In the meantime, they also have a three episode Michonne series coming next month for Walking Dead fans to have something to play while they wait.
Hope it will they make an iOS platform !
Telltale tries to release their games across as many platforms as they can. Seasons 1 and 2 are already on iOS, so Season 3 and Michonne are also most likely coming on iOS as well.
Ya I know I just beat season 2 like 5 days ago on my iOs device tought it was one of the best games I have played in a long time
Give me Release Date and month plz?
Check back for more info after Michonne ends!
Thread: The walking dead season 3
Pls make the walking dead season 3.
Good news - Season 3 of Walking Dead has been confirmed by Telltale! Telltale will share more information on Season 3 when their upcoming three Episode Michonne series ends (the first Episode of Michonne premieres next month and will have a quicker schedule).
I'm worried about season 3, if we can't have Sean Vanaman and the rest of the season 1 crew working on season 3 then it's probably going to be underwhelming as season 2.
I think some of the reasoning might have just been from Telltale trying to release a Season 2 so quickly after Season 1. Outside of Sean Vannaman, lots of the Season 1 designers and writers remained from Season 2. Alongside them taking more time on Season 3, I also think it will help if they create a story with an overall concrete goal like Season 1, instead of having the story go in random directions in Season 2.
I keep forgetting that they are making season 3 of the walking dead, with all of the other announcements and games coming up.I loved both s1 and s2 of the walking dead, and am confident that Telltale will knock it out of the ball park with season 3.
I also think it will help if they create a story with an overall concrete goal like Season 1, instead of having the story go in random directions in Season 2.
I 100% agree with you on that! But when I look on the walking dead wiki none of the writers of the episodes from season 1 has worked on season 2.
Mark Darin wrote Season 1 Episode 2, and also worked on Season 2 as a designer, so I was in part wrong. Some of the other old directors/designers from Season 1 also returned for Season 2, like Dennis Lenart.
Next year, probably. :P
No way guys, Clem's story the most important. We wanna see her in Sesson 3.
We've lot of theories about Clem. Like Lilly, Glenn, Molly, Christa, Kenny or Jane etc.
Do you need pic for Clem (14 yrs old)?
Ben Kutcher - www.benkucher.com
That's your opinion, but not one that everyone shares. Playing as Clem was weird, and not in a good way. Her opinion was valued way too much for an eleven year old girl, everyone did what she said like some mindless drone. Clementine was ruined by Season 2, if she returns for Season 3, it will ruin her even more.
And this is comic series Michonne. The game is canon to the comics, so Michonne and Clementine are in the same universe.
Jesus. How to played? Clem is/was very strong like Lee.
“You’re strong, Clem. You…you can do anything.”
“But I’m little…”
“Doesn’t mean nothing”
Anyway that AIN'T JUST MY OPTION. Millions of people waiting for the little girl's story. This company Telltale will fail. Financial terms. Why? For anyone not need for the money, and they'll picked as non-steam. Another, the graphics did't change anything. HD? Effects? Nothing. It's so sad. I hope so Kirkman figure out something about Clem.
Ben Kutcher - www.benkutcher.com
I never said that it's just your opinion. It doesn't mean that I agree with your opinion. And I honestly don't know what you're on about with the graphics and Telltale failing finacially, which they won't. I didn't at all mention anything about that, so I have no idea how that relates to my comment.
Little liar:
Whatever. Graph is same like 2 years ago, but this the brilliant developers job, unlike our jobs.
We'll see this **** session 3, my little daughter cried, when she heard that Clem's "dead" by stupid comics writer & Telltale ( I read that n' my feedback is very negative), ohw by the way one suprise character ... awesome. Also whatever. I deleted today ALL Telltale games my acc, i dunno care. THESE DUMBS KILL EVERYONE LOVELY CHARACTERS. It was a good game to TT. Minecraft story? Horrible like Back to the future. I'll never come back. Lovely/nice life to everyone.
Ben Kutcher - www.benkutcher.com
Please point out to me where in this sentence you see the words 'just' or 'only'. I also didn't say 'anyone', but 'everone'. I'm usually trying to at least understand people who don't write English well to not insult anyone, but I have honestly no idea what you're saying. But it really is on you if your little daughter can just read your inbox (if that's what you said).
Sorry but What do they mean of " Michonne "??!