Who's your favourite Robin? (Robin general discussion)
- Dick Grayson- A member of the Flying Graysons that later became Bruce Waynes ward after a tragic event with his family and soon becoming Robin forming the very first dynamic duo. He later became Nightwing after a falling out with Batman.
- Jason Todd- A street orphan with a lot of anger in him that Batman caught attempting to steal the tires from the Batmobile. Jason would later die at the hands of the Joker but was revived by the lazuras pit then becoming the Red Hood and a sort of Anti-Hero to Batman. They share the same goal in cleaning up the streets of Gotham but will forevor be at odds because of Jason's willingness to kill.
- Tim Drake- By far the smartest Robin. Tim believed that Batman was suffering psychologically due to the lack of a Robin and felt that a new Robin was needed. Tim showed impressive detective skills and managed to figure out Batman and the original Robin's true identitys. Tim would at a later time would become Red Robin.
- Damian Wayne- The Son of Batman himself. Damian was raised by Ra's, Al, Ghul and his mother Talia Al, Ghul while training in the League of Assassins. Damian had a hard time going by Batman's 'no kill' rule due to his ubringing and aggressive nature. (I would talk about Damiens death but I'm not caught up on how it happened)
I'm a huge Robin fan! I love them all. Tim Drakes my favourite with Jason Todd as a close second.
So who's your favourite Robin? And feel free to discuss anything Robin.
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It is a tough choice, I like Dick, Jason and Tim for different reasons, like the ones you mentioned. But when it comes down to it, I find Jason Todd the most interesting because he is the most flawed and darkest of the Robins.
I do find Jason the most interesting as well. He may not be my favourite (he's close) but he's definitely the most interesting.
I think Jason Todd.
Edit: No not Jason, it has be Tim Drake.
Missing one Robin, the girl (actually two girls if we count Carrie from DKR), expect someone to scream misogyny in a few comments.Regardless, Tim Drake. Batman itself has stated that he´s the one that compensates his skills the better and the better legit future Batman. He´s clever, a quick thinker, good at fighting, has patience , but most importantly is the only Robin that can actually be called a detective in his approach to everything.
Dick was good solving Riddler´s stuff because he liked the challenge, but he was never exceptionally clever, and while Grayson is deff the most skilled fighter of all Robins he never exceed Batman on any other field rather than being able to make more backflicks in the air while fighting.
Jason... well he sucked as Robin, most people only know the character because of Death in the Family and how important it was for Batman and the comic industry, but I doubt more than 3 people in the entire forum as ever read a story with him as Robin. He was cocky, selfish, violent, disrespectful and ignored Batman´s orders every chance he has. He´s only interesting as a character when he turned into the Red Hood, which is a fun story arc and all but not as good as most people believe it to be. Regardless, as Robin he was terrible.
And Stephanie Brow sucks, not just as Robin, but as a character and human being. Seriously, worst Batfamily member EVER.
The only version of Damien Wayne I really know is the one from Injustice, but honestly I feel like that one was the best. He had such an interesting story going, even if he was a dick.
Dick Grayson
Damien is a brat and a snob. That makes him my least favorite Robin. Jason Todd may have been disobedient, but he never went about being a dick to the rest of the Bat family. Speaking of which, Dick Grayson is my favorite.
You know I did like that version of Damien Wayne. He was a jerk but atleast he wasn't acting like an entitled snob.
This is a off-topic, but I am on a roleplaying tabletop campaign that is based in Gotham and me and the players are playing superheroes. One of the player's character is a protege of Nightwing. But I hope that our GM will use Jason Todd.
And in our story, Batman and Tim Drake are killed by Two Face.
Sounds pretty cool and interesting. How'd you end up interested in tabletop?
I have always been interested in tabletop, I just didn't have the time or knowledge where I could play it back then.
Definitely Dick Grayson (pre-New 52, of course). I really get a kick out of his personality; gotta love the cheerful, easy-going, somewhat cocky types lol. He's been my favorite Bat Family member for as long as I've been reading the comics, which is quite a while lol. His origin story has always appealed to me - him having grown up in the circus as an acrobat is a very realistic explanation as to why he has no trouble physically keeping up with Bruce and outmaneuvering criminals once he dons the Robin mantle, despite him only being a child. It was a little hard for me to believe that the other Robins were able to kick grown men's asses so quickly after putting on the mask, when they had next to no serious physical training prior to becoming Robin. Save for Damian, I suppose. But I think that hurts Damian's character more than anything, because he is just way too OP to begin with, imo. Seriously, Dick is the most proficient fighter and arguably works the best with Bruce, Jason is the arrogant anti-hero type and is the one constantly challenging Bruce, Tim is extremely intelligent and is the best detective, and Damian...is pretty much just an unoriginal mash up of those characteristics. And he's Bruce's biological son. Oh, and he was also raised by the LoA, so he's psychotic and stronger than nearly everyone. Damian honestly sounds like he walked out of a poorly written fanfic. Not a fan of Damian, he's my least favorite Robin, hands down. I kind of wish he stayed dead.:/
..Anyway, back to Dick, I also like that his origin parallels Bruce's origin - both were children when their parents were unjustly murdered by criminals who more or less got away with it, the only difference is the ways in which they dealt with their parents' deaths. Bruce sacrifices his optimism and chooses to seek revenge, whereas Dick strives to hold on to his idealism and chooses to seek justice. This largely being because Bruce saved Dick from becoming like him, which likely would have happened if Bruce didn't step in after Dick's parents were killed. In addition to that, you can say that Dick also saved Bruce, because it's unlikely that Bruce would've ever taken on a sidekick - or opened up to anyone outside of Alfred - had he never seen himself in Dick and taken him in as his ward. Pretty compelling stuff, imo.
On top of his interesting relationship with Bruce (man, I can seriously write so much about the evolution of their relationship - they go from distant guardian and ward, to a close father-son/hero-sidekick bond, then to a damaged and estranged relationship, and then back to a father-son bond, but this time with there being mutual respect between heroes. And that's just barely scratching the surface, too), I'd argue that Dick has had the most substantial character development/progression out of all of the Robins. We actually get to see him escape Bruce's shadow when he becomes leader of the Titans, we then see him outgrow the Robin mantle and come into his own as Nightwing, he later becomes a mentor to the new kids taking on the Robin mantle - by then he is highly respected by his fellow heroes - and we even see him take on the Batman mantle. My point being that Dick actually makes a name for himself outside of Batman, has his own Rogues Gallery and story arcs, and his character is still able to stand on its own without being directly connected to Bruce. I'd like to see this be done with the other Robins (particularly Tim and Jason, they tie as my second favorite Robins), but I don't think it has been done successfully just yet.
TL;DR: Dick Grayson is Best Robin because he's a very skilled and experienced fighter, has a good personality, phenomenal character development, an interesting back story, a great dynamic with not only Bruce, but also with other heroes and members of the Bat Family (mainly Tim and Barbara), and we get to see him successfully mature and grow out of being simply Batman's sidekick, all while still being relevant, as well as being able to carry a story on his own. Overall, he's just a very well-written and well-executed character; it's a damn shame to see what they've done to him in the New 52.
EDIT: Can't believe I forgot to add this, but it's definitely worth mentioning because I find it pretty hilarious: Dick is undeniably DC's ultimate ladies' man lol. Seriously, this kid has kissed and/or gotten with so many girls: two Batgirls, Starfire, Huntress, a number of girls who aren't superheroes, Supergirl, Raven, Zatanna etc., and he even has had a few, for lack of a better word, encounters with Catwoman. If getting Batman's main girl isn't an impressive feat, I don't know what is lol. And make no mistake, the length of this list isn't necessarily because he's a player; the ladies just love themselves some Dick Grayson, they simply can't resist the charm.~ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪
This one.
Tim Drake mainly due to how he became Robin (earning it). I would have said Jason Todd or Dick Grayson but it's easier to think of them as what they are now (Red Hood and Nightwing). Don't even get me started on Damian Wayne - he is just awful as Robin.
Tim Drake, because he's the one I related to the most and I loved the Chuch Dixon series. But since DC has no idea what to do with him right now it's Dick Grayson. His ongoing is so good!
Jason Todd i love his entire story arc and he is now red hood which is one of my favorite superheros
The only other versions of Damian Wayne I've seen were in Son of Batman and one episode of Batman: The Brave and the Bold. (Can't remember the title. It was like Knights of Tomorrow or something like that.)
Damian Wayne in Son of Batman was so goddamn irritating and I felt insulted that the audience was expected to sympathize with him. He's cocky, hot headed, overly impulsive, and rude. God, I was just waiting for Batman slap him upside the head. He's not just a terrible Robin. He's a terrible character all together.
I liked Damian in The Son of Batman
It's a tie. Dick Grayson/Tim Drake.
My favorite Robin is probably Jason Todd. Dick may be more agile when it comes to combat and Drake may have good detective skills, but what Jason has is a strong willpower. I especially liked how "Batman Arkham Knight" gave his character more depth and more sympathy than his original comic origin. Pre-52 Jason was nuts, but in New 52, you can't help but like the guy. And in this Arkhamverse, he's been tortured by Joker for over a FU--KING YEAR! While Batman, of course, just replaced Jason after he went missing for 6 months. They didn't show all the tortures he had to endure, but you can clearly see it was brutal, it was inhuman and after what Joker did to him, he didn't turn into Joker Jr., he was just angry at Batman. Can't really blame him though. You would've thought Batman would call Superman for help to find Jason.
Dick Grayson, OG Boy Wonder FTW!
Hell yeah! high five
Tim is the best in my opinion. he worked his ass off to become the next robin as batman did not want to make a another Jason tragedy. I also just like his personality the most. I fill he has always been the underdog of all the robins, thus he has the most to prove and he never lets you down. And out of all the robins he loves being robin the most.
Pretty much the exact same reasons I love Tim too.
These are my favorite Robins
That counts as another vote for Tim Drake

Not so fast, wasn't Dick the first Red Robin, in Kingdom Come in 1996? :P
Tim is defiantly my favorite Robin. I hope he's the one featured in the game.
Trick question, there's no such thing as a good Robin.
Well if you're pulling that card, wasn't there a comic that revealed Bruce went by the name Robin for a little bit before he became Batman?
I would say Tim Drake is the best Robin but I do think Dick Grayson was really good as Robin but he suits being Nightwing better and Jasson Todd suits being the Red Hood.
Dick Grayson. He was the original and the best story with highly skilled combat moves. I prefer him as Nightwing though so taking that into account I'll go unpopular and say I really liked Carrie Kelly in The Dark Knight Returns.
Plus, in Arkham Knight Nightwing is voiced by the hottest guy in The Walking Dead game, always a plus.
Tim Drake for me. I grew up watching Batman the animated series so he was my 1st robin.
Jason Todd (The Red Hood)
Them's fighting words.
Stephanie Brown.
(This is not a spoiler for Telltale Batman. I am not saying that she is or is not in the game. She's just my favorite canon Robin, and you forgot her in the list.)
I rather her counting to be bat-girl her run as it was awesome....Stupid Reboot.
Well... my favorite Robin would definitely be Tim Drake because of his own amazing detective skills that allowed him to deduce the identities of Batman and Nightwing all on his own.
Jason Todd wasn't much of a Robin - he became way cooler after becoming the Red Hood.
Everybody loves Dick Grayson, whom I regard as Batman's foster son and true heir to the Bat Cowl.
I also kind of do like Damian Wayne though I think he's a victim of the 'Clementine S2 effect' as in the writers make him far more over-powered than he as a young child should be, but when they focus more on his humanity Damien becomes a more sympathetic character whose just trying to becoming the best Robin in his father's eyes to have his pride and to possibly be considered the better candidate for one day taking up the mantle of the bat.
Its hard to say who my least favorite Robin is.... well I suppose that would be Jason since I dislike his Robin persona but love his anti-hero Red Hood persona.
There's really nothing not to like about Dick but he's not my favorite.
Damien could be awesome but he still isn't written that well... Tim is therefore definitely my favorite.
I like Dick Grayson best, as he knows how Batman works and goes along with it. Jason is often angry and defiant, and Tim Likes to prove Bruce wrong, but Dick, as Robin or Nightwing is pretty chill overall. I don't know too much about Damian, so I don't really have an opinion on him.