The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Thought I'd give away a copy of Tales from the Borderlands (the Telltale Store version), if anyone's interested in it:

  • Full Metal Alchemist and Soul Eater don't count as kiddie shows , though. It would be nice if Winry and Ed had kissed on screen at least ONCE.

    To keep a PG rating. I don't think Dragon Ball Z would be a good part of anyone's childhood if Gohan and Videl were having sex during the Buu saga. However, I'm sure the sexual desire is still there, just ignored.

  • Mexican food in an hour with the grandparents. Yipppeeeee.

  • All of the US presidential candidates are completely full of shit. All of them. On every side.

  • How so?

    All of the US presidential candidates are completely full of shit. All of them. On every side.

  • edited February 2016

    If you think that way, then that's basic politics for you.

    But I have to say...#HillaryForPrison2016 :P

    All of the US presidential candidates are completely full of shit. All of them. On every side.

  • edited February 2016

    Well for lots of different reasons depending on the individual. Some are just outright liars, some are clueless, or disconnected from reality, or just spouting off the same BS that I've been hearing from politicians my whole life that never amounts to anything, fearmongering, legalized bribery from rediculous campaign financing and lobbying. I could probably go on but I'm making myself sad. And I didn't even get into questions of morality. Or maybe I did. I don't even know anymore.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    How so?

  • I know... It's always like this.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    If you think that way, then that's basic politics for you. But I have to say...#HillaryForPrison2016 :P

  • Hey Chomp, he's gonna bring up why you should vote for Bernie just telling you ahead...

    Well for lots of different reasons depending on the individual. Some are just outright liars, some are clueless, or disconnected from reali

  • Yeah I was kinda expecting that.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Hey Chomp, he's gonna bring up why you should vote for Bernie just telling you ahead...

  • I really wanna know your opinion on framerate. Would you rather watch a movie(or film of any kind) in 24fps/30fps or in 60fps?
    Should 60fps be limited to video games only?

  • Nah, I'm not going to tell a clearly apolitical person who to vote for.

    And Salty, I'm not really a full-blown Bernie worshipper. I just really like the fact that his campaign is breaking down American taboos about socialism and social democracy. My political views are way closer to Noam Chomsky than Bernie.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Hey Chomp, he's gonna bring up why you should vote for Bernie just telling you ahead...

  • Nah, I'm not going to tell a clearly apolitical person who to vote for.

    Cool lol :)

    And Salty, I'm not really a full-blown Bernie worshipper. I just really like the fact that his campaign is breaking down American taboos about socialism and social democracy

    Kewl, I just like Bernie because I want the guy to take out Hillary and he's a candidate who acknowledges the whole billionaire-bought elections, other than that I don't really care

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Nah, I'm not going to tell a clearly apolitical person who to vote for. And Salty, I'm not really a full-blown Bernie worshipper. I just

  • edited February 2016

    So I've started playing a browser game called "Fallen London" not long ago and I'm quite enjoying it. It's a game where you build you character and choose what you'll be. It's based in a really nice setting, victorian gothic london, the lore of this world is very rich and enchanting. I'm posting this recommendation here because it has choices, the choices are based on your skill levels and all have chances of success and failure etc.

    You’re a stranger seeking your fortune in Fallen London.

    That fortune might be: riches; secrets; mastery; fame; artistic success; victory over monsters; victory over your inner demons; beating Death at chess; exploring labyrinths; winning the heart of your beloved; discovering new debaucheries.

    It might get annoying if you dislike waiting though, it's more of a game that you check in on and read a few stories every day, since it has an energy system. You can also subscribe for extra stories and double energy but it isn't needed.

    Here's the game:

    Also if you want to add me to your acquaintances by sending me a calling card here's my profile:

    There's also a full game called Sunless Sea that's based in the world of Fallen London, I recommend checking that out as well. I found out about this game through sunless sea and started playing to find out more about the lore.

  • So, I decide to check this thread out because I keep seeing it, but never bother to click on it. I look, and this has over 2300 pages...

    H- How long has this thread gone on for? I mean, I've been on these forums since February of last year, so, how did I miss this?

  • It actually just started in October, believe it or not.

    AChicken posted: »

    So, I decide to check this thread out because I keep seeing it, but never bother to click on it. I look, and this has over 2300 pages...

  • It's been here since July 2014, but it was merged with another thread and closed several times over that the day it opened is different.

    AChicken posted: »

    So, I decide to check this thread out because I keep seeing it, but never bother to click on it. I look, and this has over 2300 pages...

  • Actually, not quite. This version of the thread as you guys know it has gone on since August 2013. However, there are other versions of this thread from years past.

    This current format/version of the site launched around Fall 2013 (shortly before Wolf Among Us and Walking Dead: Season 2 premiered), there were other, older versions of this thread. However, before Telltale moved to this current version of the site with new forum software around Fall 2013, older moderators had to split up the older threads into several smaller threads so they would not cause issues on the new forum when Telltale made the switch. However, that is not a problem with the current forums, which is why we have this one big thread.

    Some people think this thread only became popular around Walking Dead: Season 2, but it was actually used pretty often back during the time on the old version of the forums in the years before Walking Dead as well, before the old crowd left.

    It actually just started in October, believe it or not.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited February 2016

    It's been here for a couple years even before July 2014. This current version has been around since August 2013, but older versions of this thread existed before and those were used a lot by the older Telltale fans prior when the site changed in August 2013. A lot of people think this thread was only ever used a lot when it was merged, but it was used a lot by the older crowd of Telltale fans prior to Walking Dead: Seasons 1/2 and Wolf Among Us launched.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    It's been here since July 2014, but it was merged with another thread and closed several times over that the day it opened is different.

  • Honestly, it doesn't matter. If it's a captivating story that draws you in, it would work even if it were only 5 fps.

    The exception would be if you have one of those movies that doesn't attempt to have a story, just show off special effects. Then you would want the highest fps you could get. And I probably wouldn't want to watch it.

    I really wanna know your opinion on framerate. Would you rather watch a movie(or film of any kind) in 24fps/30fps or in 60fps? Should 60fps be limited to video games only?

  • AChicken posted: »

    So, I decide to check this thread out because I keep seeing it, but never bother to click on it. I look, and this has over 2300 pages...

  • edited February 2016

    Poor Yang, she's been getting screwed over this volume. At least Bumblebee is confirmed... unless they didn't mean it as a romantic type of love, and used the L word as bait for shippers. Well, in Volume 4 we'll have Venom Punished Yang, once she gets a robotic arm... and a ponytail, eyepatch and shrapnel horn.

    I can't believe this is how Roman gets killed off. I bet Neo will be pissed. Who knows, maybe Roman really is good at surviving. I mean, we don't know how a Grimm's digestive system works.

    And Cinder now has all of the Fall maiden's powers. Well shit. At least Pyrrha is still alive. I'm curious to know who "she" is. Probably the woman Ozpin was talking to at the start of volume 1?

  • I have been so completely absorbed in XCOM that I forgot about everything else. :DDD Hello again, internet!

  • Anti Zionism =/= anti-semitism.

    enter image description here

  • You talkin shit in here, buddy?

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Nah, I'm not going to tell a clearly apolitical person who to vote for. And Salty, I'm not really a full-blown Bernie worshipper. I just

  • NO.

    Panthers plz

  • Captain America: Civil War had a trailer during the Super Bowl, and it was pretty amazing. You also get to see more of the characters that weren't in the first trailer.

    Captain America: Civil War Super Bowl Commercial

  • edited February 2016

    Crushed at one point, yep. Currently? In 2016? No. And this is this year's superbowl, not a decade ago.

    If you look at album sales, Metallica crushes Coldplay. While Beyonce has sold more overall, Metallica is the best selling band of the Sound

  • At the moment, I agree. Block, you bastards!


  • I liked the Jason Bourne trailer.

    Captain America: Civil War had a trailer during the Super Bowl, and it was pretty amazing. You also get to see more of the characters that weren't in the first trailer. Captain America: Civil War Super Bowl Commercial

  • Currently? In 2016? No.

    Bullshit. Metallica still sells more records, still sells out stadiums and festivals all over the world, and continues to be one of the highest grossing acts in the world. Coldplay's last album (A Head Full of Dreams) debuted at Number 2 and has sold 358,000 copies in the US in 2 months. Metallica's last album (Death Magnetic) debuted at Number 1 in 34 countries and sold 498,000 copies in 3 days in the US when it was released and is currently double platinum. Even when you compare it to the album Coldplay released that same year (Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends), when Coldplay was at what was probably their height and Metallica was at almost 30 years old, Death still sold more when it was released.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Crushed at one point, yep. Currently? In 2016? No. And this is this year's superbowl, not a decade ago.

  • edited February 2016

    Death Magnetic was released EIGHT years ago, though.

    In 2016 are Metallica consistently selling more records than Coldplay? Considering this is the 2016 superbowl, not the 2008/9.

    And of Beyonce?

    Currently? In 2016? No. Bullshit. Metallica still sells more records, still sells out stadiums and festivals all over the world, and

  • Blow me.

    @RockMySocks @Kracmos @Brodester08 Hail Satannnnnnn

  • our one true lord and saviour

    @RockMySocks @Kracmos @Brodester08 Hail Satannnnnnn

  • Still owes me some blue stuff

    RockMySocks posted: »

    our one true lord and saviour

  • Anytime bby

    Brodester08 posted: »

    Blow me.

  • You're grounded

    Brodester08 posted: »

    Blow me.

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